?jjl Introduced To Repay funds Loaned By Counties "? i ' (j:v MAN i (>.\f I'KIXS) j ! , ,,, infrotluml in l!u>| \ J'" , $ _ ) . ?'.! io ! IK' C'oilllllitii*:' U . :>? . ? t ;:<* St;?io f | - '' . 'i "i'i^ ( 'omini-sioii .... i ? :!;?.* ftuui I i?'.s rcrtiiii;' i: . i" ? ^ > I ; . . ' r.H- road ! i * 1 ' } .. 1 '?i'l Would I " ! 0 - annti;;] i?< j J ?? ' . > :ft%: Oil 4'DUn . I iji as i!ii- Slai. .1 > pay. . i: ivi-i 's 1 i?*t*lis*? i>:or vrhiciiy i il ? . .! .. i? vtl a ; ; . i i;} ? 8-:t: il'icntio;:. . jc: -tV - "? ! 1 ' '?! I, :iM per I }?: - "I a^c in t ho :?: r:,: i 1,1 s V >. ? N i ? . ? 1 ? A n* ; " ,. V ??' i> v . t" ii1!' :i i't'li'i" i i: ' <>I "V. if it I V; 1 I'll -4 till I of .1 lit Tii1 I Iii* matter. i'ii t** ? un favor : V Iii 1 to ii!t ? : V ! d:-eiK.si>M. ? . until'. ; : r ;> >\ t n'a<" C ? o'' tli V;- P 1 ?. ifn r. s ; r -' . ' ' I :ii- ? 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I'i'.teo }???! i liiisvisions re ? .. .rS J,. ? ii!" the court to 1 1 tiivi-rce decrees to t! ?? K:?i:i-e:ue Court with inn of fr.'.i Mi ll! be used iii ' i-' i'ts in towns anil fix ? I't* < V. ? . : . ; \ board-- of !? : n of 20 or more ; r, ? >erfv '!i a sclio'd i a ? two additional ? ' a. ? **!?? ??as< :inc tax from ? ?? Cf ?t . ' ? '.'"'iiii!.- 1< ibnl sras foiw elec "" -:i | b penalties. V afo!v cflass in arto 'm.: ? *'!???! re; (iiircraent that sohfi ' "ii'i" c'erli's offices. ,'t a^rieved candidatos, *lil t day;; a ft ?r ' election rc fcUlt" ai'1' aniiouucel, to file a petition P. T. A. SELECTS OFFICERS AT WEITTIER SCHOOL ? ?? -4'1 ? WhiU'er, Feb. 23.? The Whitticr l'arcut-'iVaeher Association met yes terday in the auditoriu^i of the Whillier school. Following t'he prw entation of a (Seorgo Washington program by the fifth ami sixih rude-, under direction of Miss Thel mn Moo-.ly, the following officers and ? ominittoe chairmen were selected: President, Mrs. (Slenn Stalcup; \ ice president, Mis. Hob Chiidors, ?eriMary-treasuirr, Mrs. .John Ashe, ? iciubcr:s Thelina M?;?dy: program social, Sirs. L. 11. Swam. In the futivre, meeting- of the '?!'ou|? will he held at 2:!5, every other Friday afternoon. COUNTY TOUJtliAMENT NOW Utf?E3 WAY AT CULLOWHEE '1 he' Second Annual Jackson Couii y lit rh School Basketball Tourna . ?eat -:tt\ j/'f to a flying start Mon u-na ! hriliing extra period puiie ? > l\Vieii ( tlilowluv ;fnd Sylva boys. !i!iM.. ii;*ii ! I.u^jiy esiU r -i'd victors by ;? 2*> i;. i* > s. me. The game was hard :Vr..rh? ??:?] i .teiv^tiAi? throughout.' Svlva held :: il> in ?i lead al the half, 'ihf game v as p'rrycd early to enable Sylva^o enter the Mars Hill tourna* menK The remainder of the games of the torrnaiMerd, both A and B divisions will he played Friday and Saturday, Pairings and playing times are as follows: Friday aCtorifOiyi, 3:00 P. M., Cui bwheo I> girls vs /Sylva; 4:00, Sylva li boys vs V," b tor; 5:00, Cullowhee !> boys vs i Henviile. Friday night ? 7:00, Cullowhee A riils vs Olenviile: S:00, Sylv Hi girls vs Webster; 9:00, (Henviile A boys vs Webster. Saturday afternoon ? 2:00, finals li ??;ir!s (w inner Cullowhee-Sylva vs Jlenvilie); 3:00, Finals P? boys; 4:00 ; V.i! sola! ion A girls; 5:00 OoilAdation .V boys. Saturday night, 8:00, linal A girls; 9:00, finals A beys. Coach I'niitdextcr has announced :hnt a record number of entries had. ?? i n received for the Eleventh Annual 'nvitntijw High School Tournament scheduled for March 7, 8 anl 9. An nouncement of pairings and playing time-? v. ill be announced within a few v.cek-5 ago. | (':<:li .*>ud other prizes will be a ward - ??! to 'lie best of "TV fiddlers, guitar b.tnj^ pieker*, string hawk, and dancer;, -ing tap, buck. ??!!>?! c'lvg da-'vers. In alditu n, prizes, vi'! b i> given to the nvxt < rtsta'nding performers on the evening \s premium. WOLFS RETURNS ? '/?v. T *\ Wid^. pa s! or of the Kvlva ^ret '?o.-Tf ehiwcdi, who recent! v * * ? accompanied hi; family to Florida, ?"H refn: nr.! I Sv!v:i and will fill re- ?!?!.? 'r ji;v:rcliifwj appointments on ^undav. !V>r a iuv. .ifoimf; To authorize the lo?al govern merit commission to make investi gation v/h/m any unit is in default 1 lYir six v.'j.o;. to determine its fi S nancia.! condition, and negotiate with 1 ereditpnj, -.and prepare a plan of re . financing. Glemriile Finals To Be fold March 22 \ ~ ~~ """ b > Tlu? Glenville >0onsolidatel school d-istrict, -which comprises Glenville, Cadiier's, Yellow Mountain, Pine Creek, Double Springs and Pleasant Grove schools will hold its commence ment at the Glenville High school on Friday, March 22. The literary events will be held in the auditorium in the morning, be ginning at 10.-30 ; and the physical i education program' will* be held on | the campus of- the school in the al ! ternoon, from liOO1 to 2:30. The following program litis* been | arranged : Primary: Dramatization, first ;;ra?le; story telling,- second grade; readiu;:, any primary ,-ehild ; singing game, any primary. group. t?: am.nnir grades: Heading, any girl, grades 4 to < ; declamation, any bov grades 4 to 7; tolk dance, tiny grammar grade group. General: Health stunt, any group: picture poking, any group; chorus, any group. Exhiluife: Best health poster, first grade ; best healt h booklet, seconu grade: best jKMler as on poems, oi story, third grade; poster on "Jour neys in Distant Lands," fourth grade: bookleuqf free hand drawings, fifth guide ..geography note book, sixth grade; history note book, seventh grade. Physical Education Entries: First grade: Standing on head 3 seconds, No 1 or 2 (boys and girls); balance on 2 inch beam, 12 fM long. 1 to 3 (boys and girls). Second grade: Throw a hall to a person- 10 feet distance, 1 (boys and girls);* 2, do forward roll, boys, No. 1 to 3. Third grade: Girls six potato nice (5 feet ftpak, 15 feet between can ?and goal) ; dodge ball throw from any point within 25 foot circle, (girls 4) ; Standing broad jump, 13 feet, (B 1). one cart wheel (B) 1 or 2. , ,i. Fourth grade; Potato , relay race, G potatoes, 10 feet apart, 15 feet be tween can and goal; oart wheel and Standing top (B) 2;, chinning bar o limes (bovs and girls 2); shoot basketball goals in 30 ^conds (boys and girls) 3. - I Fifth grade :" "Basketball throw (bovs and girls) 2; jimp 5 feet 8 in. standing broad, boys 2; 5 feet e inches, girls 2. Sixth grade: .lump 5 ft. 10 "?? (standing broad) boys and girs each; shoot 3 out of 5 baskecba.l goals, boys and girl-, 2 each; run and vault bar, as miuiv times as siblq, boys and girls, 2 oach. Seventh grade: Jump 6 ft. 6 in., standing broad, boys 3; jump b ft. 2 in., standing hnond. girls 3; shoo, 3 goals in 25 seconds, B, shoot 3 out of 5 (9) 3 each; hand stand, still, J seconds, boys 2; chinning tor, as many times as possible, boys an girls, 3 each. P.T.A. WILL MEET TUESDAY \ The Sylva Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet at the .school next Tuesday afternoon, March 5. Officers i -will be elected for the ensuing year, after report is made by the nominat ing committee, which is composed of Mrs, Dan Tompkins, Miss Mavme Long and Mrs. F. N. McLain. I Prof. J. S. Seymour, of Western Carolina Teachers College, will speak on "hobbies." Dr. Sisk, head of the three county health unit, will bring a report or finding, of the physical examinations recently held in the schools. REV. M. A. NORMAN PASSES Rev. M. A. Norman, 81 -year-old minister and citizen of this county is dead. Funeral and interment were held at Ochre Hill with Rev. J. T Carson and Rev. L. H. Crawford of I filiating. Interment was in the Nor man cemetery, Mr. Norman is survived by five sons, Pet, George, Ed. Dave and William Norman, by two daughters, Mr*. I.ndie Cope and Mrs. L. H. Crawford, anl by a large number of other relatives and friends. ALL DAY SINGING There will be all day singing with dinner on the grounds, at Speedwell Methodist church, the second Sunday in March. \ ? * J All singing classes in this part of the State are "i:ivit;-d to come and ' sing. Founder's Day 1 9 Be Observed By P.T. A. The Webster P.T. A. will meet Thursday, February 28th, and cele brate the 38th anniversary of the founding of the organization. The business session will In- pre s'del over by the president, at which time, Dr. .C. N. Sisk, district, health officer, will present a project on a pre-school <;liiiic for Webster. The \ birthday cake and candle lighting ceremony will he used. A historical sketch and tribute to Mrs. Alice Birney and Mrs. Phoebe Hurst will be given by Mrs. Don (Jowan of Sylva. Mrs. Dau Allison, the president, will pay tribute to Mrs. Katherine Martin. Tributes will also Ih' |>ai?i to the National Congress, the Parent-Teacher Magazine, the State association and the local association, its president and officers. Special music will be rendered by Miss Mildred Cowan, after which coffee and cake will be served, and ] an offering taken. WHITTIER P.T.A. TO HOLD TWO SOCIALS THIS WEEK Whittier, Fol>. 24. ? On Thursday evening of this week, at 7:30 o'clock, the Whittier Parent-Teacher groop will hold a social in the Whittier school. Refreshments will bo served, and a lively recreational program is planned. All grown-ups in the com munity who are interested in the school are cordially invited to attend the social Thursday. Another social event is scheduled for next Saturday, March 2, when an nil-day community "working" will be held at the school, with the grading of the school grounds as the chief undertaking. Dinner will be served on the grounds. 98 STUDENTS ON HONOR ROLL Mars Hill, Feb. 23. ? The names of 98 students out of a total of 508 enrolled at Mars Hill college the first rm^ter appear csn second honor roll released from t";e Regis trar's office recently. One f Jack son county is on this list, I !'iss Viola Breedlove. The second honor noil i-- composed of the Halm's of students \ho main tain an average of not less 'lan "C' on any subject. There were thirty-Fix runes on the first honor roll, which include.-* all students whose average ^ are not less than "B" on any su'-ject. The honor rolls are compiled Jit the end of each . semester. ,f TIME IS EXTENDED FOR FORECLOSURE FOR TAXES Representative Bryson's Bill, ex tending the time for foreclosures of 1032 taxes to October, 193a, and 1933 taxes to October, 1936, hns passed both houses and has been ratified. It applies only to Jackson county. EPISCOPAL SERVICES ? St. John's Episcopal church, Sylva Rev. George Lemuel Granger, min ister. Quinquagesima Sunday. 7 :30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Ser mon. St. David's church, Cullcvrhee. 11 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon. St. John's Episcopal church, Sylva. Lenten Announcement. March 6th, Ash Wednesday. 7:30 P. M. Litany and Penitential Office and Sermon. Discourses on the Lord's Prayer, Fridays during Lent at 7 :30 P. M., beginning Mareh 8th. All most cordially invited to these services. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET The Woman's Missionary Society of the Sylva Baptist church will meet Wednesday afternoon, March 6th, at the home of Mrs. A. W. Gayior, on College Hill. All members are urged to attend. The Davidson Fanners' Mutual Exchange did a business amounting to $46,494.55 during the past year, according to an announcement made by the secretary at the recent annual meeting. Hyde County farmers are burning off all ditch banks, plowing laird early and burning corn stalks in an effort to destroy insects ?hich dam aged the corn and soybein crops se verely last mm m. Criminal Docket Finished In Superior Court Here 40 YEARS AGO ^ . ruckaaeige Democrat, Feb. 28, 1895 Prof. W. H. H. Hughes was over ;rom Webster, Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Geer. of New York ire at the Sylva House. Miss Lula Woodfin left this week, enter school in Whitticr. Mr. W. W. Helm reached here Tues day, and went up to Collowhee. Mr. H. H. Painter, of the Southern stopped off awhile at home this week. Miss Annie Leatherwood, of Web ster, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M Buchanan. Miss Annie Gibson came down from Beta Wednesday and stayed om down. Morton put up no evidence except to his j^ood character. Leo Wilson, 19-year-old .son of Calvin Wilson, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter by a jury, in connec tion with the death of Miss Alvi Green, young girl from Green's Creek, last August. She was killed when the truck, driven by young Wilson, oc cupied by him and two other young ladies, and upon i he running board of which Miss Green and a young man were riding, side-swiped an aban doned steam shovel, on Highway 283, near the mouth of Savannah ('reek, prayer for judgment was continued until the May term of the court. Judge T. B. Finley, retired, but now an emergency judge, is presiding tiiis week, in the absence of Judge Rousseau, who is ill at his home at ; North Wilke.sboro. D. H. Clark was sentenced to servo 4 months on the roads, for violation of the prohibition laws, with an ad ditional ei'.r!n nn ihs sentence .sus pended for four years up.m good be havior. William Dorsey, young Sylva Ne gro, drew a ?? months sentence for larceny. Caesar Morrow for. a staluatory offens e, was sentenced to serve six months. A jury convicted Frank Rhinehart of injury to properly. 1'i aycr for judgment was continued until the May term of I In1 court. Maze Gray, Ben Curry, and, Lsaia.i Petty, three \ c,tnr-; Xe<;r.';:s vere tried for the lar<-*.yy of Petty wa.s found J.ot iiuiMy and ;!io other two Wcie m 11 fenced '.-' \ Clyde Frizzell for v!o!i;tii:,u tin* prohibition laws drew u 12 months .-usjH'nded sentence. Othelia McDow-ll. Anderson Me Dowell, her husband, and Fiances Dorsey, all Xegrues, were fried for an affray. Fi ?ane< s was found not guiFtv, and the oUier two were sen tenced to serve 00 da:> cacb, sus pended upon payment of the co-:* and good behavior. Ed Cope and Walter Reed, larceny. Iieed was acquitted. Cope drew a four months su-ipended sentence. John Gibson and Howard Gibson, dynamiting river, called and failed. Walter Ashe,* dynamiting river, continued. Fronk Crawford, reck Ins Iriving, ? ailed and failed. Charles Pa^more, seducti in, con tinued. Manuel Xicholson, ali: capias. L. C. Parker, abandoi-.nent, aliat capias. Alvin Cogrins, larceny, alia- capia-s. Hen rv Rich, murder, alias capias. J. L. ?Buchanan, prohibition viola tion, nol pro-. Boyd Buchanan and Daniel Press lev, trespass, f> months suspended on good behavior and payment of the costs. Joe William-, prohibition violation, nol pros. Emmett Green, prohibition viola tion, nol pros. Ben Curry, breaking and entering, not guilty. Divorces Granted Ethel Litteral from Lonzo LittcraL Vernon Massengale from Cindf Massengale. J. T. Wood from Virginia Wood,