JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL J ? ? Published Weekly By The ACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL CO. L.itercd as second class Blatter at Uc Post Office at Sylva, N. C. DAN TOM! "KIXS, Editor It s perfectly apparent that what Germany wants is a little Polish. (. ) Hitler evidently thinks that Ger many could raise iier Kurojx'an pro.. tajfe it she had a tew prize Poles. Reprc-entativ( 1'ryson is to be co.i pratulaLi' i.pm the tact that the o::'. a(>propria; on made tor new buid,;... construction was tha! of $!."?, Oil!) to'. Western Carolina Teachers t'c.letjc, i: his coutiiy. W in! H :1 lull* on ??>1 a c??2uiiri i !? ;k; immediate future,? I'liiM Sa 111 i- vi-;t !iu ready to spes li a lot oi mo!!--v .in k relief. Anion*., the project- In- tvill approve is new school huihiinc: i ?.;.>truct ion. There i fcreat hope that tlie \Veb>ter hip'i school can lie included ill tin- program .Advice in Raleigh is to the effect thai il probably can lie done, if the folk interested do not weary in well doiiu* The lc!k- down .Mur]?hy way are to iutve a !>:?; celebration about ;i toad or souiet liinu-. Governor Tal madire of Georgia is to In1 there That's one reason we do not plan t? he present. If HooeyLoiiir were <'Oin inu, that wou'd be an added attraction for staving awav. ' ' ( \ We are keeping jin eye peeled to ward that (ieoiiria prohibition referon di'in in an effort to see which way the wind is b'f.winir, for it is apparent that the only way Jo keep le^al sale oi Pijuor from coining to Xofth Caroli na. .-oo! er_ or 'a1. It would probably bif self-l;quidatinj& It would he a lnrc for tourists passing through to stop and stay a while, spending a little money. If Would also, and this is a hiif consideration, *r.vc our or.; folks a place t<> swiut, keeping them out <>t polhjted strean)s. It is ain ]y a Worth/while project.- a:aign, to give them aid and comfort, and to wish them God-speed in their work. ON VACCINATING DOGS We are just sitting a waiting to see the fun start, if and when the of ficers begin trying to enforce the law. recently enacted by out all-wise Gen 1l I I II that legislation of this kind is silly on the faee of jt. I ? * But, the enforcement of the law ami it is now tow, is squarely up to tb? sheriffs of the counties, their depu ties, and other police officers. Sheriff have to run for reelection, about ever two years, and it will really be.fuiun to see them chasing about over thei respective counties, trying to catch tlu children's pets, milady's poodlps, th< huntsman's prize setters and pointers, the fox-hunters' and bear-hunters hounds, the squirrel dogs, the ground hog dogs, the sheep and cattle dog.-> the plain niuts, the mongrels aud tin riests, and trying to have a dog doctor vaccinate thvm. The law is that Fid?> ISiuno, Shep, Fifi, Ching, Lead, Trail eral Assembly, requiring all dogs t< be, iniKH'ulated for rabies. The trull ! is that no serum for this purpose ha yet been perfected, and that nolxxh can be sure whether the injection wiii' do goml or harm. Kabies is so rare ii N'orth jCarolina, and every whore else?; ' Hd Uing, and Nero all must be givert ?i shot, at so much |>er shot *~st t" their owners, each and every,' 'or ho must be beheaded, chloroformed, shot it sunrise, electrocuted, gassed, o* otherwise executed under the laws oi N'orth Carolina, r - J After all. we shali probably see no such fun. for it will be considered ji'S anorh'er law, and .allowed to gy ai> that. ''Sheriffs who enforce it, and leg islators who voted "for it \vou!d hav--j a sweet time trying to be reelected, jf a serious effort of enforcement shouJ*; be made. . You can make a man's children b? vaccinated, tell him that he must end them to school, te'l him when how long, or if his wife and children "an work, frcgu'ate his crops, lis in come, his s|>ending and his mule, hi '?attle, his sheep, his hogs, md even his cats, but if you value your politi cal head, you had better let Ir.-. dop alone. Dynasties, governments, and ?.jroat f>oliticians have fallen by reason of lesser infringmont U|m>ii the lilwr ties of man. APOLOGY SHOULD BE ACCEPTED The letter of lie v. Robert M. Har dee, asking for forgiveness for having said that teachers in this county have been told to vote with the, party oi lose their jobs, in which he states that he has found the statement made by him was untrue and came from misin formation, should be accepted by all parties in the spirit in which it was written. An apology and a plea foi forgiveness, coupled with a statement that the information upon which one acted was later found to be correct, should a 'wnvs be accepted. But it re minds us that one should be sure of ' 1 '> his ground, sure of the truth of his statements before he makes them, and esjxeially before he rushes into public print with them. If we all be J'eved everything that we hear about pebple, and repeated or printed those hearsays} we would keep any commun ity or county in an uproar all the time. It is really a serious matter to say or publish things of a derogatory na ture about people, officials, or organ izations: and we should alj know thereof we speak before we unloose either our tongues or our pens. /V * THE SALES TAX FIGHT , They are licking the same calf all over again, down in Kaleigh. It is interesting to see the changes that have been made in tne opinions of members of the last and the present General Assembly, after two years or operation of the tax in the-. State. < Many of the men, who hail fr^m farming counties, and who two^ea/cf ago avc re opposed to the tax, now Ta ylor it, and are strong exponents of its reenaetment. The fact that agi .cultu ral counties have greater represent# tion in the House is the explanation of the easier sailing the hill h;id there than it is finding in the Senate. - From the counties that are largely industrial, such as Guilford and Hali fax, comes the strongest opposition. Dr. Burress from High Point, and young Julian Allsbrook from Koanoko Rapids, both in the Senate, both ran on primary platforms calling for its repeal. It can't be repealed without again placing a tax on farms and homes for school support. This would meet with violent resentment from the people in moat of the counties. It would disrupt the entire State school system, and undo most of the progress that has been made in recent years in North Carolina, both in taxation reform and in equality of school taxation and school support burden. The sales tax can not and should not be repealed at this time; and there is little feah that it will be. The General Assembly might have done what it has to do, thirty days ago and adjourned then. There is really little being done except fighting the same old battle of two years ago all over again, with the addition that the liquor control people are sitting in the background hoping that a tie-up on revenue might force their desires upon the legislature, and really doing som^ kissing oil of the combatants, to thai e?^ / -"V,,V " ?> ? TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED AT STA^E COLLEGE ? - ? v; ' < Q : How much giaitfiii mjriml for a full ration tor my'dairy cow 1 A: E:u-!i an imaf'. offers ;i different problem and . jnaduaTy increased ami t.he daily milk >h?-ct care.ft II y checked. Whei 'he m Ik prod-nct.on is not ineica-.'d 'hen tluj'irraiii should l>e decr:*a.-.ed V efieck 'of bdf h increase ;iiid deciia.v )f a Fji?:JjW?l soon "V how. the- propc ?>m?u:it;.finjf profitable produci'm. ... Q: scratch feud bo -riven ^ 'idlit or twice a ?'?!; ? ^ A1: ^liisjib'pAids- .lHittri the b?)?i? Ti .'i . v '( r? ? **.^ " ^ > . ? . - ^ ne.'^riL'W fowl.-njuf flip rite of ni.i . x T. - \ * ? ; ?; 1 duet on. - H rds ig^gbftd wight r<* quire ^in otilr omt: j' i'jv and t.'4? s*hou!f- ;Xm?. grtfyv the afte.r, r*" ' > ? *? nooc. Birds 'tnaK^art1*- underweig^j, should ha ee ' a graS#'4'??;fl bot h mory* ing and afternoon'. IJpflYy producer* ifc.-'Jj .ii-ti^vfinire addi*. oii.m1 feed'ng of >!foyld not be given i?jp^--s birds 'i-hoTv a falling off in body Weight or a marked decreasn in production. ? ' "YO'U'^ ENJ?T Col*1 eU // "'BALD? Give Your Scdlp a Chance Japanese Oil is tki MBt of the remarkably soccusnful preparation that thousands an u.sinjr to get ria of loose dandruff, stop scalp Itch and crow strong, healthy hair on thin - and partially bald spots where hair roots are not dead. This famous antiseptic coun ter-Irritant .simulates circulation'' lrt" the scalp, hrincrff am abundant snpptjr oFftootf ~ to rtourinh and feed starved hair roots- ou of the chief causes of baldness. Get'a bottle today at any druggist. The cost is trifling, (iOc (Economy size, *$i). You fifite'litt^Ttb lose and inucn to gain. FREE, valuable hook "The Truth About tin- Hair," UliMn write to Notional Remedy Co.. 56 W. 45fh St., N. Y. J A PANES r: O'lt ?ThU adVertlfement wo? Kwttfcl* f> approved by a registered pbytlciae. ? **? ?*'* Mil* ft ? I ' till' i BLOOD-TESTED BABY*0HZ0X3 Rocks, Beds and L^fcop**^ Fanners' Federation HaJ^chej^jS^va ?? . ? S3" V? THE JOURNAL. now ijfc for 41.00 in Jackson County. All hqme print. No patent inside. * y ? . - % ^ _ ' ' ? ' ' <*> * > Look at your l^Tbgi.^fla? your subscrip^o^ ,?x pired? If so, let usj$ye your renewal so that you won't miss a copr^*^**^ FOR SALE- ? at a bargain, a six room house and 9 lots in CiiJlowhco, one-half mL'e from college. Unusually good terms. David II. Brown. Sylva. Complete Bed Jfoo n Suites $33 and $46. Mrs. J. S.-HifjuOn Jackson Hotel J" y*'.> ? \ . / y ...lu E4fcrfoiJ(6o,ara^, 267 farmers have sold l^/Wj^urKk of poultry for $1,798.97 firing the la?rt few i.> -: - C r ?- . lWA$TED -Stan ' wil?i ed/: Route ex : jterietwe preferred btlt'Tiot necessary. Di$t NCD-2l?M, Riermond, Vlu i.. .fjrf LOST-tBeiw^JtJwnial office and Lyric Theatre, Friday evening, March 39; pair of broWn kid g.'oves. please jjeUtrq. tq Journal office./;^ :>r EYE EXAMINATIONS ,.vf DR. A. C.DOWNS.^ ????--'. . - 4Eye Strain. Specialist) Will tfe at- the Massie Furniture Store fa Syltfc, oil Sat., April the 20th From 9 to 4 O'Clock fym the purpose of examining eye? awb.filting glasses. Dfc'Dnwns conieS to Sylvir 'regularly 'onto a month oh 'rejjuest foi* the" con venience of the people" of Jiaekson county and nearby sections, who may *ffeed-"tHeiP>t^ji Examined and glasses "Hltatf- ? . ? ' , ?? > ? * f j, * # i 4 ft Will pay to hive yoofr eyes~exam ifrj*d^fs you/'headache or neTvonsnes^ "mrf^ bf> caused by eye strain which can be corrected with properly fitted glasses. modern glasses fifted at reason - j'aWe'price.s .^Dbii 't forget the date. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM , .SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION V* r X* 4 V* ? ? .. ? ? xorth Carolina, JACKSON COt'XTY. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT. L. R. CRAWFORD, ADMINISTRAT OR OF THE ESTATE OF. J. M. CR A W FOR I), DECE A SED ; STEL LA CRAWFORD, IDOW OF J. "Mv ("RAW FORD, DECEASED; JOHX BARNES AND WILLIE ? -BARNm? ..v : ? VS-h - *. - .? WILLI ROBERT . CRAWFORD; CORDEI4A CRAWFORD; . DOR " ' Offa'f "fttA WFORD ; GRACE CRAWFORD; GERTRUDE' CRAW ? PiVltfr: * Wttte IOWFJlL CRAW FORDf:- *o^4jARTv NAMED BE ING. A MINOR .tfY HIS GUAR DIAN, AD. LITEM,.., ' the" es/wjndents, William Robert 'Cr^wfonl ; 'Cordefia Cra^'ftird ; "Dor^ , p^V'dhl^foi-d^Gi'^ Crawford; Ger trude Crawford; and FldWetHCraw . for.d,. by Dan K. .Moore, his Guardian, Ad. Litem, will take notice that an p.?Jtion entitled as above, has been commenced in the Sueprior Court of Jackson County, State of Xorth Car olina, to .sell the lands to make assets to pay the taxes and other indebted ness of .T. M. Crawford, deceased, and for 'the purpose of division; and ?.h? said respondents will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Jaekson County. State of North Carolina, at the Court House in Sylva, on or before the 7th day of May, 1936, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the pet- 1 ion. Done this the 9th day of April, 1936 ' ) DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk Superior Court, Jackson County, North Carolina. 4-ll-4t-wrs CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of Xorth Carolina, Department of State. To whom these presents irtay ooane ? Greeting : Whereas, It appears *to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated re The liquid test" ETftiflfcCL IkAiiiAl yuh|nJAA ? ? ? n lpiv^ do we i woctog# for many pupk This is a test that tells yen whathw the system needs a adhmik cfmnm. If you have constant sluggish ipdh or bilious attacks, and laxatives seaon to make things wecae, it would be wise to try thai: Stop all us* ?f any laxative that does not eacooniR variation from a "fixed doM" (which may be entirely too large a dose for your individual need). Use instead, a liquid laxative that you can measure and regula)|e as to dose. As necessary to repeat, take smaller dotes, less and less often, until the bowels are moving without any help at all. Doctors use liquid laxatives, and a properly prepared liquid laxative, containing natural laxative agents like senna and cascara is a ioy and a comfort; a real help in establishing regularity. Ask your doctor about this! (Doctors use liquid laxatives.) You can get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which is a most dependable liquid laxative, at any drug store. | aid file in niv said ?>; i i? vided by aw. In Testimony Win-;-. unto set niv hand ai .i . ficial seal at Rah-iirh j lay of March, 1935. STACEY \\\ it i !(U . ti,.. (SEAL w Alii Secretary of sl;, ' Kx plains t|.?; (j] .rv Treatment wr.;. M'a . , /'i; amazing I tnoney-txuk j PRICaESS IKrOSMATH -for tlio-v sv* :ii-'fr j STOMACH OH nVOIilv.,' i ULCERS. Hi, ()H Die 'tion, acid i)>sprp',Vl SOUR S'lOM.M !l ,..3 1 NESS, HEART li- kn f f,v" I STIPATION. I5AH UKLOHl SLEEPI-ESSNF-Ss OH Htin'l ACHES. DLE TO F.\(T>s ACID. | Ask (or a free copy of H'illard t \fi]}age .. | arc Authorized V^Mlard lA'ak;? j SYLVA PHARMACY UNAKA LODGE NO. 268 A Meets 2nd and l|h Mondav n'ijhts ? ? S. C. Cojjdill. \\\ M v Ben X. Queen, Secretary : Visiting Brethren '.r^ Carolina ICE CREAM - - BUTTER PASTEURIZED GRADE "A" MlLK ? < See our local representative for ..... " prices and deliveries. C. H. GREEN, Sylva Western Carolina Creamery SYLVA DIVISION ? PHONE 2003 WANTED? MINERAL SPECIMENS AND OEM STONES Sapphire ? Amethyst ? Crystals Garnet and any other specimens ASK ASKE Y ? Sylva Breed Your Mares We are pleased to announce that Mr. Garland Ashe of Speedwell, N. C., will have charge of our Stallion this se-.,"0ii and will work under the follorLj schedule:' Speedwell: April 15th to 18th incl" " Ralph Hunter's Barn, April 19t- - < 23rd inclusive. i t i Sylva Supply Company's Earn, Lo | 24th to 27th inclusive. Qualla: April 28th to May 1st incluf ' Mr. Ashe will endeavor to make ? ? above schedule about each 16 throughout the season. Those that desire to breed their mr will please remember the above ox,' Pjir Stud Fee for this year will be $ 1 0 - ' | foaling time. * Jackson County Livesfcol Association By D. M. HALL