S1.L-0 r \i IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY A * ^ ' _ ? SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA; THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1936 12.00 A YEAB IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY Igum passes ? SALES TAX WITH uj tmmm \\\ a L \)\S TOMPKINS) iiy tin- Senate of the , .u'lVu'iu'C rcpoi't, leav : u'.;s out of the salt's : - :m 'I" I lie appropri il.c Senate on, ;i II three j ,> ? u; (>ne thing in the , v ? ::tijt in nnient of the ' * ? \ . :t n?( that is liquor, f -i.-ii v roiiimiltee No. -. \ :?? live, gave a fa , : i louse substitute - ...nor lontrol bill, and }V> in: I.i\. ;i: j. ?;|V lit ?' ')V .1 J 'l i'11' ' I ' t|l(- Sc ??!. !?' ??:? i i" < >ii the matters o at jmlil Hi, hi is. the Senate hope to ;i;:' ! I.i. T ? t rOllllties liepeS yii !. I'm i r.-iire. li is doubtful i v |? |, i i'v ll"i>e "u.-.M concur in ? ,i-v .-it'll :'!l" That the vot i!. Mire in the Senate ? :i?' is certain. If the ? i.po-nl of Senators i ('!iil?e, Kamsey of I I!: ? vimim; of Swain, ? ti?!ay " M i l-1"' W.v. J(l!ll!>t,'t. >'! *Tf ui^vH ^ .?, Mrl'"?-ell. and Oibbs of Bhnti'H i*' ??" 1 ? Yiiutv all et ^ iuMii have stood sol :?? measure, hoWs to ii< gnus il" v"'1' w t!if *?''? However, if one of fV ???natiH's should shift his ncw'rioH riif result would would be a and the d ut v would fall njv.n Lieu:. nan: ilmeruor Graham to brrak the tie. In tit.-* approjiriations bill passed the tivirhiT- got their incmise of pay of 20 per m ut aih?ve the present sal an -cheduli' for the first year of the bieiiiunin ami '2"> ]????* eeut for the see ojiiI vtflr. Many xnators. .however,1 I expr?-s die oaiiron that the purport* cd itserea-e i> !:>?: worth the paper that it i" written on. asserting that there i? not -ntrieiciit provision for nvi-nue to meet it. It' the liquor bill, passes, this will lie one of the bie: I argument* of 'ho wots, that the rev enue from the liquor is necessary to meet the inerea>e in the appropria tions for the school* and to pay the increase in the vie- of the teaeh ei's. thus maneuvering 'he school peo ple and tlie teacher* into a rather un-l enviable position. There have Ik-ci: repeated attacks I up* >n the -chn,,! machinery act, from 1 all quarter- in : l?. . and the principals iit turn ft"""it n-t< i,i i-t i?_j: t?|?? teachers. The hill provides that the school teaclh-r-s he h,,t r' i|iiired to attend sU!iinier -.-hintl : h: s year or next in order to - ? -n-j r certificates ; but ' at tuc rci'tii Jin- autoniatic A n : e\vi i| !,. .,(.j ()j- j]1(; (;on_ t'llll V. Town Election To Be Held Next Tuesday Syiva ji uiiicipal flection will In-Ill tu x; Tiit ? ?!;i v. Democrats and ,? entered complete tifk'.-N fur i||,. ,-i, i-iion, ami workers both jKtvic- l.nvc been bending J tinir tffuis i-j t ting voters regis. t'Tci! atiii ring for the contest. flu- iK ir.ti:-; ;i: - renominated Mayoi ' ? t. Hui-1i:ui;!'i and the hoard of al 'I'lmtMi cmi-i ?{? J. 0. Allison, V I.. liriuUtaft'. |)r. (J rover Wilkes, *"*? ^ ? A lli ,ii ;i ) 1 1 { Krm-st Wilson. t icket is, for mayor, '? '? (inii'iif, lot* aldennen, Paul (' w llcusley. J. V. Hall, ^illanl Coward and Velt Wilson. riii' | 'ill : will open at- sunrise ?nd :it >u>i-i t. " 1 '? li .nis is regitrtrar and S. 1. Moiiii-;i], an,j 7)?n Tompkins judgea 1,1 'In- el,-, ti,,n entertainment to be at COLORED SCHOOL MONDAY T1" ''let- Chili of the Allen High Muml \slifvillo will give ft variety ;t! tV Colored Consolidated Mum! M?i?iav, May 6th *at 8 P. M. I he | >1 ti^ratii will consist of negro ?"i'ii'.'i u;il secular solos and sextet Mitn.i", ,, tlll,i oiu'iaet folk pl&y> ' Tin- Ilt.wl of the Wolf." I In- c,i,.,. ciui, consists of thirty On,, hour and a half of high ? <|ss I'ntcrtaininent will be given by s wt'll-t mined group for a small "'hnission f,r. niusicnl director is Isabelle R. Jon*. I 40 YEARS AGO Tuckaseige Democrat, May 2, 1890 i. ' t Mr. Thos. WHlson, of Big Ridge, was here. Sunday. Mr. W. E. Norton anil little soil were in town yesterday. Mr. G. S. Ferguson ret onwd to Wavnesville yesterday.' Mr. C. S. Fuilbrighft, of Alexander's came over Monday to visit relatives here. < ^ Col. A. T. Davidson, of Asheville, tended Court at Webster part of iliLs week. Mr. Jno. T. Wike and daughter, of biast La Porte, were here Tuesday, ^hopping. Hon. W. T. Crawford eame over ,;i terdav enroute to Webster, and ivti.\rned home today. Mrs. W. J. Fisher and Miss Antiie libson were down from "Happy Valley'' this morning. Mr. Sheppard Hoinans, of New York, sjKMtt Monday night in Sylva the guest of M. Patten, Esq. The first strawberries were offered on the Wilmington market Thursday at 35 eents pen qo_ant. The first State convention of the Christian Endeavor Societies opened at Winston on Friday. Mr. J. S. Jarra/t, who is well remem bered here, came in from Greenville, S. C., Tuesday, to attend Court. > * 1 Dr. J. H. Knight returned from Richmond Medical College, Monday. He bad been absent several months Among those returning from Court Tuesday, we noticed Messrs. Gilmer, Smathers and Stringfield of Waynes ville, and Fry, of Bryson City. Thos. Bracken, of New York, ar rived Monday, to look after his in terests in the suit of McKenzie vs the Equitable Mfg. Co., which is be ing tried this week. Hearn-Stedman : The prettiest cere mony ever witnessed in Ashburn was that at the Methodist church Wed nesday evening which made Mr. Francis E. Heam and Miss Sallie Stedman one. At 8 o'clock the church, which had been tastily decorated by the friends of the yorjjig couple, was thrown open to the spectator. Hardly an available seat remained unoccupied. Rich and poor, high and low, young and old, had all turned out to wit ness the first church wedding in the history of our town. The happy cou ple have the best wishes of ithe Ad vance and a host of friends who throw their old shoes after them as they sail for Port Eternity. ? Ash burn, ('Ha.) Advance. ? The Democrat begs to tender, in its own behalf and in behalf of the other friends of Miss Sallie in this neck o' the wtoods, (Continued on Page 2) Outline Program For Better Rural Housing The state advisory rural houBinc; committee of the FHA has worked r Club, sponsors of the motorcade, expressing appreciation of the cordial recopt io.i given in Sylva : ' ' We wan* to thank you for your most cordial reception of our motor cade last Saturday. | Every member of cur parly was most enthusiastic over your cordial recept'ipn, and we hope for an early completion of the water level link in our highway system, in order that we may be closer neighbors. "Will you please convey ??.r thanks to all of those in your city whfo con tributed to our most pleasant trip." T.he letter is signed by Hu*:h L. Thatcher, president ot the Chatta nooga Motor Club, and Stanley Sach man, chairman of the motorcade com mittee. Jackson Youw* People Will Organize Union The young people from the differ ent churches in Jackson county are asked to send delegations to an all day meeting of the young people of the County at Cullowhee, Sunday, May 19th. The purpose of the meeting i.i Jo form a union between the denom inations for better and closer cooper ation of the young people. All B.Y.P. U.'s and Bp worth Leagues are invited to send delegates. Miss Mildred Cowan, chairman of the Baptist Young People's work in tJils county is asking every clivch to be represented. All of the Epwtorth Leagues and other young people's or ganizations from churches in the county are expected to be represented. The county young people's union is expected to be to the young people, the same as the county Ministers Association is to the ministers. It believed that a county iyiion will stimulate the work of the B.Y.P.U. and the Epworth League in the county, that it will help to draw the young ixtetple into the church, in stead of away from t.he <*hurch. It will give the young people of the county a means of expression for the church of tomorrow in the vounc; people of today, and n county union will help train and stimulate church pride, attendance and loyalty. All delegates arc asked to bring pic nic lunches. The program will begin at 10 o'colck in the morning at the Methodist churoh in Cullowhee. Dr. H T. Hunter will ffive a brief address of welcome. Miss Mildred Gowan will introduce the delegates and delegations. Rev. Robt. M. Har dee will preach at the eleven o'clock hour Picnic lunch will be served at twelve on the campus of Western Car olirta Teachers College. A short afternoon session will be heM, with voCal music, and an orianiz ation will be perfected. U. D. 0. CONTEST THURSDAY Eleven boys and girls will contest for the Gertrude Dills McKee medal offered by the B. H. Catfiey Chapter, U.D.C., at the school auditorium Thursday evening of next week. Mfosic will be given by the Chil dren's Chapter, under direction of Mrs. J. L. Dillard. The contestants and their selections Harriett Holland. "Rattlm' Joe's Prayer"; Annie Ruth McLaughlin, "Maud ' Mailer"; Helen Queen. "Paul Revere 's Rdde"; Wild* Moore, "The Soul of the Violin"; I>?rothy Patton, "Being Beautiful"; Susie Ben Tatham, "The Blind Man"; Maggie Dillard, "Sellin' the Farm"; Jannette Dillard, "Bk,d's FVury Tale"; OUie Hall, "Lasea"; Harold Cook, "Soldier's Reprieve"; and. Claywell Hyde, "The N m South. Chamber Of Commerce Urges Completion Of 106; Resolutions Are Adopted Queen Of The May Will Be Crowned Miss Edna Patton, of Murphy, a f ur-year seinor, and winner of second tj !ace in the 1933 State-wide beauty contest of the American Legion, will be crowned Queen of the May, at Western Carolina Teachers College, with elaborate ceremonies, tomorrow, Friday, afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Da vis of Charlotte will serve as maid oi honor; and the court will be compos ed of Misses Betty McFarland, oi Tryjon; Ruth Burch, Canton; Rcbsi McLawhorn, Vanceboro ; Evelyn Shields, Murphy; Margaret Coward, Cullowhee; Helen Patton, Swannanoa, Dot Higdon, ' Sylva ; Anne Barnett, Charlotte; Amyrillis Knight; Brevard, Marjorie Young, Brevard; Christine Cogging Blair, S. ('.; Catherine How ell, Burnsville; Osceola Everett, High lands; and Winifred Xicholson, Bre vard. The coronation ceremonies will be gin at 4 o'clock. Tin- folk dances will incltade rep resentations from England, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Scotland, France Germany, Ireland, Norway, and Am erica. A Held and track meet, and inter class event, will be held on the ath letic (ield, prior to the coronation, and will be directed by Coach C. C. Poin dexter. Jackson County Joins W. N. C. In Advertising Jackson county ami Sylva hav< joined in the advertising can*paigi to be conducted by the Park to Park Magazine. The huge advertising Zcp pelin trailer, covered with advertising and linest am' the east, as far as New York, carry ing advertising of Western North Carolina. Thousands of copies of t In* maga mine will be distributed to Chambers of Commerce, hotels, gas stations ami the like throughout 'the sections of the country reached. Jackson county, through the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, the Ro tary Club, and by individual sub scriptions, will have a i?ge of adver tising in the magazine, in additon to much free space. CHAMBER TO ELECT OFFICERS The Jackson Conflity Chamber of Commerce will elect officers at the next meeting, which will be held dur ing this month. A nominating rommittee composed of M. Buchanan, Sr., Dan Tompkins. S. C. Cogdill, Sol Sditdman and H. E. Mo:xteith, w* 3 appointed at the meeting Tuesday evening, to make nominations for president, vice-pres iderut, secretary', tresnrer, and nine directors, to be submitted to the ehamber at its next meeting, an to be vcted on as officials of th<> body for the ensuing year. Elementary School Will Close Friday Morning . Tomorrow tlic Syiva Elementary school will celebrate the closing ot the present term, ami a large class of boys and girls will be given certifi cates promoting them to the high school and signifying their completion of the work of the elementary school. The progrtttii for the exercises, which Itegin at 10 o'clock in the morn ing and will conclude at noon, Processional. Song to the 7th grade, by Kbe sixth grade. Salutatory, Alice Dills Weaivcr. Address, Prof. Robert L. Madison. Piano Solo, Luicilc Smith. Prophecy, Prances Wolfe. Class History, Marion Cooper. Class Poem, Paul Messer. Gifts, Richard Dillard. Toast to Mascot, Lou Elsie Parker. Last Will and Testament, Ray Clark. Valedictory, Lneile Reed. Presentation of diplomas, Mr. F. M. Crawford. Preston Henn, Jr., is the maseot of the class. The Jackson Comity Chamber of Commerce, meeting Tuesday evening in the Masonic hail, unanimously adopted a resolution calling upon tho State Highway and Public Works Gonimijsion to construct Highway 106 at the earliest possible moment. The resolution was offered immedi ately upon a report on the situation of highway construction in the coun ty by Mr. Dan Tompkins, chairman of the chamber's highway committee, and a report by Mr. A. J. Dills, who with Mr S. C. Cogdill formed a special Committee, that went U> Aaheville last week to confer with District En gineer Walker on the subject. Perhaps never in the history of the duj,nty has there been such readv and enthusiastic response among the ]MK)ple as has been evidenced regard ing Highway 10(5, following the two articles concerning the highway sit uation that have ap]>eared in the last two issues of the Jackson County Journal. The resolution reads: Whereas, it is now apparent the State Highway and Public Works Commission will soon be in position to spend a considerable sum of money in the const ruction of highways with in the State, and, Whereas, there is a great need Cor certain highway work in Jackson -?ounty in order to provide for the expected tourist travel to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Now, therefore, be it resolved by he Jackson County Chamber of Com fierce in session duly assemble! on 'his the 30th day of April, 1035: First: That we respectfully request 'he State llighwav and Public Work* Commission to immediately construct Highway No. 10(5 and repair such ?*thf Highway 10(5 or any other highway vithin the county be left to the sound discretion of the State Highway and Public Works Commission. Third: That we urge that highway "onstitytion be. begun in Jackson county at the earliest ]>ossible nio ?ncnt. The secretary was directed to for* wiard the rcsohit ion, together with a letter of transmittal and tho minuter '>f a meeting of The Western NopUi Carolina Commit ten for t lie Develop ment of the fi'rc.i! Smoky Mountains Vational Park and Approaches There to, held at t h<* F rvemont Tnn, in Bry ?ion C?tv, on January 4 of this year. The minutes of the mteting of that committee, composed of members re}> resenti-ng the various civic bodies in 'lie Park area, say: "The various projects recommended in the resolutions which were passed it the initial meeting were carefully reviewed and reports made on their 4tat?s by {informed delegates that almost all of the objectives sobght in the Committee's original program have been attained. The only excep tions of importance are Highway 106 in the Cashier's Valley section of Jackson County and the completion of Xo. 107 from Ela to Cherokee." ? Another paragraph says: "The committee is grateful to the X C. Highway Commission for the progress which has been made on tho great majority of the projects recom mended in the resolutions adopted by the committee at its initial meeting. It. notes with regre.t, however, that no action has been taken to improve Highway Xo. 106 from Cullowhee to Cashier's Valley and supports the view of many citizens of Jackson county that this project has not re ceived the attention by the Highway Commission which its importance merits and which the efforts expend' ed bv the citizens of the county war rants. The Committee respeotfnlly requests that the Highway Commis sion devote earnest consideration to early inauguration of work on this project, and wu.Jd call to its atten tion the fact th it a former Distriet Highway Engineer stated that North Carolina would make every effort to meet South Carolina on Route 106 the. State line." Members of the Chamber of Com merce expressed themselves as feel ing decidedly more optimistic over the prospects of earlv action on this highway than has been felt for s(orae time. It is generally believed thai Chairman Wavniek is now entirely familiar with the situation here and (Continued on Page 2)