V t\ I ?!? v, i.al.t. ?f NasihvilU', visitor here. M> : ' ?>' '? ,! :i! ' j I ?.? tl ? , I '? Mi A \\". Knloe, Jr., of ,>t relatives* here ,11- ;i 1 1 1 1 Miss llelen lioiii ljiiuvdi'toH, Mr. ti ' V- * ihim'.v Itiiehnnan are t,i Mrs. Sadie Long ?! M> fl! " ! ? * h* * ' .!??{- 'v ?V* *'1, . \ : l\Vv. i?u?y* "? it'ii ? ( \\ llui-hanan. ?.a ?? * j;t? %% ft'K ^ \ , ;h?I> ami I'i* s?is?ter, | 'nils. IVtUrtUHl Oil x.-ii to liouiavillo \,i: iiirl ; : aidner and will arrive the last -?..?ml tin* week Mul ! I, .'I!" * * * ^1, \|: H. .1. TisJicr have re : . ? widding triv and ' . :iic.r friends at the li " iii-.n. ? < "iirtland Heights. -:f * 1| .. Y:.i 1 ':'??! t arrived today ,v!u "art of the Stale, 1 -?.. : -mnuicr vacation \'xr . Hi-; : jr<" !l' '' * ? x * ? , ^ | )viii Davis will ro le is m the Com >r an apiHMulicttb lu" * ?* * Mr. }'?" *'? Hinugarner and (liJtiii ?>:{K' :,:urned to their home m fovw-n"- ' after spending the | ?rtt i-:;J ir:'c. with Mr. Bumgamer'. ?|| ,i Mrs. ,). W. Bumgar lie.". . X. Ki-v. ;.::J Mr-. T. H. Wolfe, Rev. S. II ili.iiaru. Mr M. Buchanan, Mr. x i Ilii ut; (Siltsou and Mri-. T??m{?ki:> witr among those at ki'i'ii.-: 1 rift Conference of the J'rianiiv rl.arri:. :?i Waynesville, the li?Y "! 'iii v rrk. vf *r Mr. ana )!:>. I'. Askey will go t> Ti,! io l'iari:-. Tennessee, in the ai.it r>:uniing will be ac iy i In-! !* <*.>?. Mr. ltoseoc .\-v . v. r<> t ?! l? f in a Civilian < "!;?i r.. ; > !. ( v ji there ;ind who *1 < : i ? limne here. s'> ? !. .1 i'i Miss May 'i.r lirst of the Temi., where ? with their . Mrs. Ramsey :,.ifha'iMn. They ... 'i\ Ramsey. Jr. ? * . ?. A - * * give siiow eh for bride "I f ? .'. i ?i:irlimciitin?i JJ.; ; . ' ' ' ' ??!<'. ;i ret-eul M.irii'i Siiy V. i|o per, ai th. ?' . Thursday !in* of pink ' ' vo'y UM'-l ; ' i v. ( niifes' - Uie ;il tei !t;?nr v.ei-. invi'U-i. ' wln*ie a lar?v ? "? :ar.;e jluinhei ? ?i ???iit'd. * ' show 't'.i ^ ' \i . ? , . ) ? kpal in*k. " I" vitm i,' - rju-rvinjr out the col v. h'ia> af;. ? .... ' ' ? ?? ?; v i . , 11,1,1 1 ii! ? i'U , i ; ?:rve?l hv the liost ALLISON HOSTESS TO C.VTHEY CHAPTER ? t 1> A'H-ui! was hostess A o l?. i! ( . ? 1 1 ? ? v Chapter I niU'd "i'si'iH , . . (>j j,, 4 Y.ni'ederacy at hei 1 T: !;iv afternoon. Tin I'1""-' ? ' 1 1 - i In- year are Willi > - ,11 Robert H. Let. ii.1 ? .iinl Sidney La.iiei. V tfiee- in-.- Inst week. Mrs ,;' Av'-:i Ui'. s who was leader lot' '''? <w1ei \>:<s assisted by Mi* J' \\i i..i ;Ui,| Mrs. (Ilia lies L. AW, i. , a. presentation, of tlw; I'l^riim l)>irn.u tin-, business sess.on it w.i -? i? donate a sum of money flection oi a monument to the ( I't-rokif Indians who fought in th" l? nveeit the States, which will " I' ?< 'i near the t.'ouiwil House, ai ' li'-ni'ure. \t ji,,. ,.0,|C|usion of tell i,lu 11 Mrs. Allison served her kt ::.i n e course. ^ D- 0. TO HAVE CHILDEEN'S pARTY AND CREAM, FESTIVAL "" l'?. 11. ("at hey chapter, United '^"?duers ,,t the Confederacy witl a chililreii 's ]?ai*ty and ice cream '' "vat. next Tuesday from four tfl '' !|1 ' lie evening, at the home of Dun Tompkius. Aa adau.ssiou fee of 10 eeats will be charged, and th&e' /toll l^fflmes and stories ; and ice cream and cookies wilt he sewed at no additional charge. The children are invited to come for the games, stories, and vefresh menlts, and the grown people to drop in tV>r a saucer of cream. FISHER -FANCHER Mr. W. J. Fisher and Miss Thelma Fane her motored to Newport, Tbnn.. last Sunday, uccompani<yl by " Charles Reed and Mrs. ^ndie ti&le, and were maruievd at the home of Che bride's parents, Mr. and MrS. H. A. FaJicher, Rev. A. ;W. Thotnpson, pas tor Of the. First Methodist fihurch oi Newport, officiating. Only members of the family and close friends weft* pjseent tor the ceremony. A var ety of garden llowcrs were used in the Fancher home, making a lovely setting for the pledging of the vows that made the couple one. Immediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Fisher left for points in North Carolina. Mrs. F sher, who has been employ ed for the past several years iin the : trice of the Svlva Paporb'oard Coin any, was. educated at Wesleyan Col lege. Athens, Tennessee. She has made a number of friends since she as been living in Sylva. Mr. Fisher, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Fisher, if Beta, is assistant cash ier of the Jackson County Bank Hi A'a.s educated in the schools of the ountv and at Kings' Business Col *? ;ege, Charlotte. /-y Tf?S DILLARD AND MR. HYDE .VIN MCKEE U. D. C. MEDALS Miss Maggie Dillard and Mr. Clay ?11 Hyde were declared winners ol he fJertrude Dills McKee recitation iid declainatiou medals, by the judg >s (,f tin ciutrtrf, held in the audito niii of the Sylva elementary school. The beautiful medals, secured through the generosity of Mrs. Me lee and named for her bv the chap ter, are presented each year at com mencement season "by the B. H. 'athey Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy. There were eleven -contestants, and the winners are students at Sylva High school. Mr.. Hyde lives in a. Miss Dillard is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dillard of Sylva. nd is ;i great-grand daughter of Mr. 'athev, for whom the chapter way ? i . v a named CLUB HAS MCNEILL PROGRAM The Twentieth Century Ohib. meet ? (I i njr with Mrs. J. I). Cowan, this after noon, hea.nl a program, presented o\ Mrs. Corsey C. Buchanan, on tht N.irth Carolina i>oct, John Charles McNeill, The viee piJesidi'iit ,Mrs. David M Iliill. presided in the absence of Mis Kennit Chiipnian, who is out of town The e'ub adopted as a project th? | lienuj itication of Monteith Park, and win " also .join in the movement of N'otrty Carolina club women to beautify Highway No. A delightful stilad course was serv-| :'(l IjV Mrs. i'ltWilll. mother's day program PLANNED FOR CULLOWHEE I A sjK'eial Mother's Day prolan be-.'h planned for Sunday at tin . hi (i wl.ee Methodist church. Apprir-| priate iiitisie !.;?:> been praparcd, un der direct 'on of Mrs Charles Gullev Mrs. Thomas A. Cox. Sr. will offo All muthvi's are invited to bit present the invocation. Mrs. \\r. N. Coward j will read. Mrs. W. K. Bird will read MAN' WANTED for Rawleigh Routes hi Sylva. Write today. Rawlcigh Co., Dept. XCKy219-SB, Richmond, Va. FREE BOOK. ' . Explains the marvelous ITOIanf v Treatment which 1* bringing amazing relief. Sold OO IfOncUd money-back guarantm*. PRICELESS INF0MUT10N ? for those suffering from STOMACH OR DUODENAL lULCERS. POOR DIGES TION, ACID DYSPEPSIA. SOUR STOMACH. GAMI NES S. HEARTBURN, CON STIPATION, BAD BREATH. 8LEEPLESSNES9 OR HEAD" ACHES, DUE TO EXCESS ACID, fc [ for a frN copy of WlUard't VwMfk flh Authoriwd Wlllard Dwln SYLVA PHARMACY V 5 ? I "I HAVEN'T HAD A COLD IN FIVE YEARS" "In the old days I used to dread (Be coming of Winter. I was always fighting colds? feeling about half alive ? trying to work with my body aching and every nerve on edge. "Then a friend told me about McCoy** Cod Liver Oil Tablets with their marvetoaa vitamins A and D. I started to take them Ave years ago and I haven't had a cold since that time. "McCoy's tablets put new life In folks; build up resistance so anyone can laugh at cold germs. They make weak, skinny people strong, steady-nerved and vlgoroy& They're wonderful!" "r . Get the genuine McCoy's Cod Liver OO .Tablets from your druggist today. Dotft vute money on UnitetW A< ' ? a poem on mother. I!** Qurrie Bry son will lead the responsive reading Mrs. H. T. Hunter will make a abort talk on "Mother and the Red Rose". Mrs. David H. Brown will read 'a short poem on mother. Rev. Robt. M. Hardee will make a short talk tyg "Mother and the White Rose"; and Mrs. Prank H. Brown will pronounce the benediction. " ^ . ??" EPISCOPAL SERVICES Rev. George Lemuel Granger, Recto* (J, -*? " \ v ? Third Sunday after Easter; St John's Church, Sytva. >? 8 P. M. Evening prayer ami sermon. St. David's Church, Cultowhe* ?*> 11 A. M. Holy Communion and ser mon. All most cordially invited to Ihesa services. COUNTRY CLUB OPENS The Sylva Country Club Golf Course, under the management of Mr. C. B. Thompson, will be opened for playing, 011 Saturday of this week The course has been put in excellent condition, and local players and visit ors will enjoy the use of this popular course. EXECUTOR'S V ICE North Carolina, I Jackson County. Haviny qualified as executor ?? ; the estate of C. M. Wells, deceased, ' late of Jackson Count}, North Caro ?na, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sylva, N. C., on or before the 11th day of Apr J, 1986, or this notice will be pleaded mx bar of their recovery. All persons in- 1 debted to said estate will please intake immediate settlement to the undersigned. This the 11th day of April, 1935. FRANK H. WELLER, Execotoi of the Estate olf C. M. Wells, deceased NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE North Carolina, Jackson County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Lambert Melton and Lona Melton to Cyrus H. Nieholson, Trustee, dated the7th day of April, THE JOURNAL now 52 weeka for #1.00 in Jackson County. All home j print. No patent inside. Wanted : Pretty mineral specimens. Ask Askey. TVtvel anywhere^any day on the SOUTHERN * A Junior every y purse..,! traims ft aski 1(^1 @1 ONE WAY end ROUND TRIP COACH TICKET! .for Each Mile Traveled ROUND TRIP TICKETS? Return Limit 15 Days for Each Mile Traveled ROUND TRIP TICKETS? Return Limit 6 Months for Each Mile Traveled ONE WAY TICKETS for Each Mile Traveled ?Good in Sleeping and Parlor Can on payment of proper charge* for (pace occupied. No surcharge. Economize by leaving your Automobile at home and using the Southern Excellent Dining Car Service Be Comfortable in the Safety of Train Travel * ) c Southern Railway System * ? (3? ' ' ? 1932, and rrcorued in the office of the Roister of Deeds for Jackson County, North Coroliua, in Book No. 116 ?t Page 19, default having been made in the payment of sai<T note and indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder thereof being the assignee of {?aid deed of trust and note, having bought same for a valuable considera tion and being entitled to said money secured by said deed of trust, and said indebtedness being past due and said holder or assignee of said note and deed of 'trust having directed t hat the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, at the Court House Door in the Town of Sylva, N. C., at 12o'clock, Noon, on Saturday, the 18th day of Kay, 1935, and will sell at Public AudtAon, to the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land \ situated in Jackson C#un$y, N. C.,i and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of Vernie Smith, Claude Melton and others Beginning at a stake in road, Wood Melton and Claud Melton's corner and runs with road S. 9 E. 20 poles; S. 15 W. 8 poles; S. 15 E. 6 poles; E. 9 poles to a stake on top of ridge; thence S. 72 poles to a black gum on ridge; t hence N. 79 E. 90 poles to a stake; thence N. 45 W. / poles te a pine; thence N. 7 W. 50 poles to a stake, Claud Melton's cor ner; thence \V. 41 poles to a stake ia road on TVcst side of creek; thence with road N. 23 degrees 30' We9t 11.2 poles; thence N. 6 E. 9.3 poles; thence leaving the road N. 78 W. 51.3 poles to the beginning, containing 39 acres. This sale is made subject t? any de linquent taxes, and is for the money due on said indebtedness, interest and cost of said sale. This the 16th day of April, 1395. Cyrus H. Nicholson, Trustee. 4 25 4ts chn Laundry Specials FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 5 Quilts $1 5 Pillows $i 5 Single (h Blankets (j) JL 3 Double (h -I Blankets Dry Clean Your Winter Clothing Dry Cleaned and Sealed in Moth Proof Bag 50c per garment See Fred Henry or Phone 20 Waynesvilie Laundry ( USING Nature 9s GIFTS The Carohnas' storehotBSs off valuable minerals Wave been almost overlooked. These states have the largest variety of minerals in the nation. Approximately 300 species and sab species have been identified in the Carolinas. t?*un MMii More thorough of those products in these opportunities permits othsr n die to reep the is needed. Possibilities of utilization are almost limitless. To fail to exploit from our resources. DEVELOPMENT POSSIBILITIES INCLIDE: d Ait** > ( . y?r. EX?* ths?"-*- fcavT^:^ f?i ??? -*?) r~?. "*"W? ""fpuf Cit; %? *"-*?. - air" c r-^'trc ^ wfe 23/L^r *:?, *? ?Tc w? * ?.? -Mjissr ^CAHOLI AfAS INC. Tk., ?n?U wfcicA ' ??? ?nd . Mrie, *??? people, tii?t , l tiH! C+rolia+s "--?*. *? <-? ^rttnrn .r .1 ? "i,^ory inr - *? l"omd mnTT"" OOW *h?T C?| "OPortanc,. of the ??y kno* fco, they f*ToreJ fo*7 and n*s, and *?? assist to tU --. "iitor, Carolina f ?cpom.

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