Tyeak in advance in the county .{. SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MAY 30, 1935. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY Sentenced To Penetentiary Appeals To Supreme Court , |- I'M, !. of N\ cbster, t ( Mllill V Si'h.'o! tC'.-U'luM-, ' ! M-'l it" UOt l''"1 than I ' i luiii thirty months at : i in* S.U!.' !??'? *?? :!i ?(V .Hw-e l??' su " rUOI'Hin.^ ' . , , , ; It ; ol perjury. in i!i;r,"ir>'s had . , j:,. aUt'p'd that I , \i .'v Tui p.ii. ami kidnaped liiin ami ;llili?'> ami ' '' t i il "! .ln-f 1 aa i- ? ' v .. , , ,.i:u v tor Kliiue | \ .M ' " ? ? ?' lilt' VCI'llll'', aflidavit ot iiad not li.iil a I nit I . 1((. ;?-t swear falsch ; ( ol' t lu county is t'.i.-tions our i"??r ? .'i*'! ??*' _ . , ? % ior Khinehart, and - Yavd : ! lint In* did not ... thai when the \[ . P. t'o\v.iu to calf , ' , X. it appointed a rticiV. I'u' a,u^ 7,- 1 - it ;i!! v ;i! jurors fiilli'fi were ' , Iv' ttritart. Ilial tin' wilt , , ^ p. :? i nitre ot tli?' wilt' ?? ^ inror; that M. D. , " ?'* 1:1 !l"' * .ot lit;1: it' gifeii a new the evidence of , o coiTolximte in ' -. :?>> ^ . i; ; nulled the motion ?lu; ? ; - apparent to the ;::i\vinii of the jury ? ;c the court had no s\ I.,; that jurors called v Mv. Co-v:;-. :iad 'been objected to ;;Wl>rtwf'v;. 'n."and that there was it >i}t'fii'i'tt: lat-rit in the contentions i nvtirat switiil aside the verdict. Li: Air; appealed to the supreme inn, and apparatiee hond was set : nooi). Prayer for judgment in the !?e in which Kliiueliart was convict 1 at tar term "t' n?urt of injuring n> automobile h .'ames A. Tuipin nth air axe. wjk eoutintKHl pending nal disposition '?!" the perjury case. Ihiiiehart iiu?vet! f lunch the same < that :!?!? rr.. ?-tl a; ?!. i?:'"Vni - iiiit Khinehart "I """.(lif ' arrant for the n?M nt a.,- Tui^iins tJiat f h.1.1 With-,: ?? story of kid ippia^a:.-! ? ,tm,.,it. The Tur a< ftlt li v..i - n|| ;iw, stand and de "l "li' viiry, a:;il ciich produced ? .)..?? iv liti/i-iis ot' .Jackson and l?'i :iii ::.*rt 'look the stand ? r':i',atc ; I'. I.yi|;>, reckless driving.! I1 "1!! ..-.I, 1- ' "I'l-niuiu-i-f, violating liquor I ? -",-]Miulc?l on jmyiuputJ r II. i !;i '.v, resisting an office's | lly:,v. violating autoijaohilp I ''"tiiinui il. 1 :,di I ar!;, violating prohibition ? '"I ' !:> v ? mi tin* roads, an ?d -*t- ?, vi'i i| nil h ?*l behav : Mit, . of 12 months, sus-| ' mi good behavior. , vomiting tlu> prohi !"i with 12 months f1, ; " I. -n-j ? nded mi tj?>txl hehav 1 : ! v r:,rv violating 'ho lew., !)() days plus 12 "''"?K ill latter suspended for lour ' ' ?' behavior. \ i!tf_: ru 1' raijy, violating prohibi 1 ,w . 1?l days with an eight ?> .'?lit ( i suspended for tour J' ? !J?mm1 iii liavior. ,;ly \\ violating prohibi ts . 'ft tlay> mi tin- roads. 12 '? -ii-i' nd.'d for 5 years on "'1 behavior. 1'sirris and Kstes Myers, lar j11.1 fliii-ki'iK. Oroon got not less - years in Stat*' prison, while mi-, drew IK months. ^ Csviiu, iin,i Fred firasty, lar ?<; recti,., ?<>t i,.ss than 4 nor years. (Jrastv g*?t 8 ?'d>- mi the poails, suspended for 4 " "n "??"l behavior. hu-k 1 leaver, resisting an officer, months. 40 YEARS AGO Tuckaseige Democrat, May 30, 1895 Mr. J. 11. Cat hey, of Brvtam City, was ho re this morning. (ion. K. It. Hampton spent a few days at. home this week. Miss Mamie Stedman returned from a visit to friends in the South Wed nesday. Mr. E. A. Wolff is out this week, engaged in temporary serviee with the I". S. Geological survey. Dr. .J. H. Wolff went up to Canuda Monday, on a fishing trip, with a par ly, composed of gentlemen from Dills lioro and Webster. The weather has become "good and hut" now and the farmers an* rushing tilings to make up for lost time in planting corn and killing weeds and grass. The absence of the blue birds from ?natty sections has been noticed ami now comes Mr. M. H. Morris und wauls to know what has become of the ilies. It is a remarkable fact that, al though it is almost June, there have been scarcely any house flies seen. Generally, they are present in large numbers i'ul|y two months earlier than this. Everybody ean get along very well without them, but as a mat ter of curiosity would like to know what has become of them. Died, at his home on Sunday, May 19, Thomas Leopard, aged 68 years. A hero of two wars, he was a native of South Carolina and came to this this county about 20 years ago. He was a devout member of the Method ist Episcopal Church, South, and an honest, upright citizen, living for the upbuihling of his country and - the glory of God. He leaves a numerous family and a host of friends to mourn him. ? John C. Mo:*, Glenville. Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresh nm died in Washington, Tuesday morning. One of the most notable of recent events is the erection and unveiling of a monument to the Confederal* dead in Oakwood cemetery, in the City of Chicago. The unveiling is to occur today and many prominent and distinguished Confederates are there, among them Gen. Wade Hampton, Gen. Longstreet, Gen. Gordon, Gen. Fltzhugh Lee, and others. MINISTERS MEET MONDAY The county ministerial association wifl meet Monday June 3, at 10 o'clock in the morning at the Cullo whoe Baptist church. The devotional will bo conducted by Rev. George L. (i ranger, Episcopal rector; and the principal address will be delivered by Mrs. E. L. McKee. All church workers, ministers and Sunday school teachers in the county are invited to the meeting. Bill Pierce, Leonard Coggins; manu facturing. Pierce drew 8 monhts to l>e<;in in October, and 2 years suspend ed. Coggins was sentenced to 12 months, suspended on good behavior and payment of the costs. Clvde Dobson, assrurt, 30 davs, sus ? 7 7 " { ' ponded for two years on condition ilnt ho pay Hayes Hooper $15, and pay l ho costs. (!oo. Robinson, prohibition violation 4 months and 6 months suspended for 2 years on goml behavior. Grady Birch, prohibition violation, continued. ?Manuel Nicholson, carrying conceal <'d weapons, assault, 6 months sus]>end t'd upon payment of $100 and costs. Kd Cope, old sentence ordered into effect. Loo Wilson, manslaughter, prayer for judgment continued. Ferbe Nicholson, violating automo bile laws, called and failed. Charles Passmore, seduction, con fined. Arthur Rogers, assault, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Robert McCflll, operating automo bile while intoxicated. Prayer for jud? mont continued. i Homer Rogers, Andereon McDow , ell, affray, pay costs. SEEKS TO SAVE GOOD IN NBA ; S* t.i > ' ? T I President Roosevelt has Gen. Hugh Johnson, former he.->d cf the \"K A, and other advisers* 'busily at work GRAND JURY REPORT The report of (lie "fraud jury to1 Judge Hosseau, is as follows; The records in all offices are we! I kept, systematically arranged and up to date. The court Immim* is fairlv well kept and t.hc building is in got d re pai.r We find the i'ull owing guardians have failed to nuike their reports ac cording (o law : M r.s. Mary E. Hunt er, Ray McCa l, Mrs. \\\ X. (Ward, It. B. Hyatt, and the following ad minist razors reports have not bceii turned in: J. li. (Jalloway, admini strator of Wiley Callowy, I). I). Alley, administrator of J. M. Ifigdon. We have examined the county jail and found it sanitary and in good j condition, the inmates being well car ed for and well fed. We visited the County Home and inspected the dwelling, barn and oth er buildings together with the cattle and hogs as well as the crops. Also suppJies of feed and groceries on hand, we find that the farm is in reasonably good condition and the stock in good shape. A reasonable I quantity of feed and grain on hand. There appears to be a sufficient quan tity of flour and wheat and meat, also canned goods to last the inmates quite a while. We find that certain repairs should be made to the dwelling and out bnildingc, to- wit: The barn should be painted and the concrete driveway be extended the full length of tho building. There should be a new porch on the west side of the building, on the outside of the kitchen, 14x22 feet, so as to cover the door and win dows ,?nd connect with the dairy. There should also be a glass door sub stituted for one of the windows in the main quarters of the keeper build ing on the north *idc of the building so as to give access to the porch on the north side. There are two rooms oc cupied bv inmates 011 the second floor that should have screens put over the windows. We find the roof of the home in bad condition and recom mend that it be made waterproof by such repairs as may be found neces sary. We also recommend that 011 ac count of the condi ion of some of the inmates who arc unable to walk about In the home that there be a wheel i chair provided for such purposes. T^e (report is* sfefned by N". C. Brown, foreman. ? n i- . maki'V plans for Congressional ac t'oii, to conserve from the devastat j . i ing Supremo Court decision, the ad-i vancement that has been made under the NBA. i SPEEDWELL WILL HAVE i HOME COMING SUNDAY j - ' y ; i S]>oodweJI will hold its annual Home' iCciuing and decoration day next Sun' day, June 2. Services will he held at the Baptist church by Rev. .T. M. Tucker, pa -inr. l'inner will he sorted on the grounds and several sinning elates will sing in the afternoon. QUALLA. By Mrs. .1. K. Torn- 1 1 * 1 Rev. J. L. Rogers preached' at I lie Baptist church Sunday morning, from the text "They came and .aw wh.'iv lie dwelt and abode w it ii Him th.ir day.'' His subject w.-ts ''The neces sity and importance if'liie churc! k) tending a day with .le n-, that they might get His viewpoint and imitate His spiirt of sympathy, forgiveness, and prayer. How Mr. Wyatt of Sunburst, preached at the evening service. By Rev. J. L. Hyatt, at hi^ home, on May 25, Miss Tressie, McIVteds was i married to Mr. E. Ii. Caston, both of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. York Howell of Le noir are visiting Tela lives. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Moody and children, of Sylva, wore Qnalla visit ors, Sunday.; Mr. Bill Reeves, of Asheville, called on Mr. J. O. Terrell, Monday. Miss Mary Emma Ferguson visited Miss Ruth Eeiguson, at Cherokee, Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Johnson visited relatives at Bryxon City last work. Little Patsv Hughes has 1k-oii sick for several days, but is slightly inK proved. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hoyle, of Cher okee, spent Sunday at Qualla. Mrs. Laura Snyder and Messrs. Chas. and Dock Snyder called at Mr. D. M. Shuler's, Sunday. Mrs. Pave Varaer, of Whittior, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Lucy She/ton. Misses Geneva Turpin and Gertrude Ferguson were guests of Miss Annie Lizzie Terrell, Sunday. Mn and Mrs. R. F. Oxiier and Mrs. Dona Davis visited relatives at Clyde. Some Qua 11a folks attended the fu at of Mr. Jess Jordan, at the Sherril! neral of Mr. Jesse Jordan, at tb? Shcr rill cemetery, Olivet, Friday. I - Highway Almost Built To North Carolina Line AD VIBES CONGRESS TO QUIT j OWEN D. YOUNG Mr. Young industrial and |?olitical leader, sees good times ahoad; hut ail vises Congress to adjourn. CLOTHING SCHOOL NEXT MONTH Mi ss Willia Hunter, extension clothing specialist, Raleigh, will con iiict a clothing school for the home | demolish at ion clubs of Jackson coun ty, the hist week in .June. Mrs. II. L. Kvans, home demonstrator, has an nounced. The eour.-e will inc utle Uie u'se of patterns, cutting and lilting different kinds or wearing apparel, and other information essential to clothes-mak All women in the eLuniy ami all ?HI Ciub girls are invited to the meetings. The following schedule will lie on ..erved: Syiva club, Monday morning, June 3, 8:30 at the elementary school auditorium; Lovedalc elub, Monday afternoon, June 3, at the home of Mi's Davis Parker; QualJa-Whittier club, Tuesday morning, June 4, at Quulla school; Cullowhee-Speedwell club, I Tuesday afternoon 2 o'clock at the I Home of Mrs. Ijee Hooper; Beta, Ad die, Willits and Balsam clubs, \\ ed ' nesday m< riling, June 5, 8:30, at Beta is-.j . ol; ( ! reen 's. Civek, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock at Savanna:1, church; Webster club, Thursday morn ing, June 6, 8:30, :? t Webster school: Glenville and Cashiers clubs, Thui> day afternoon, June (5, at Glenvil.'* school; John's Creek, Friday morning at 8:30. at John's Creek school. VETERAN TfiAINMAN DIES Funeral services for Capt. ,L E. Perry, veteran conductor, were held yesterday afternot.n, in Waynesville. A native of Oconee county, S. C. [('apt. Perry, was well known in West ern Xorth Carol im a, having come here many years ago. He was 72 years of age, and suffered a stroke at Addic a few days ago. He was a! one line chief of police in Ashcvide,. Among the activc pall beaivrs were Frank Winkler and Arthur Cowan >f Sylva. SINGING AT TUCKASEIGEE An old time Christian Harmony sing ing will be held at Tuekaseigce ii.ip tist church , Sunday June 0, it has licen announced by the commit tee coin |M>scd of W. M. Fowler D. ld singers in and out of the county wiP be there, and everybody is invited t<> bring lunch and spend the day. i THREE IN HOSPITAL AFTER CRASH IN WHICH ONE DIES Miss Billy Bird, -uffciinir a broken jaw Tumor ^ian^M-rrv, a frac.i ured tliiq-Ji, and .Mrs. Robert Smart, from shock, were btr.ujrh: to ; lie ('. -J. Har ris Community hospital, la' engine clear out. It was found 20 feet (from the automobile. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sylva, N. C. Rev. George Lemuel Granger. Hector Sunday After Ascension 11 A. M., Morning prayer and ad dress by Dr. M. S. Brown of Ashevillc The Wade Hampton Memorial High "."ay, which i- I !??? South Carolina : (wit iuuai ion of Highway !?')(?. has bc.-u irraded lor ii.- cntit.- length in Sou'.-i [Carolina, anda mi !?? in Xojili Civ I j lina, ami crushed rock surfacing ha: ; been completed !i. within a mile j the North Carolina line, aco ulii.^ to reliable rejWrts c**:ni|iir to us troui Cashier's Yal ey. The wcik has been anil is beinu done' by Civilian serva ; ion Corj's Workers, from Caita"=> Wade Hampton. v'hlc!i \v:is c-.:;ibii>h ?d tor that e<|M"*ia I purpose through lie efforts ? ?| Senator Smith of South Carolina. The road, which i'olhtw> to a lii'eat ?x.tMt the historic Sloan's Turnpike, -ver which the South Carolinians i-aine to he mountains, a century or more ago to return ami spread the fame of North Carolina mountains :>s ideal for vacationing, and over which Wade Hampton drove from Cashier's Valley '<> accent the nomi nation as "Oyeiiior and to lead the iiirht for the redemption of Socth Car j olinn from Negro and Carpetbag rule. 1: is one of the most magnificent cenic drives in all the country. The statement of Chairman Way nick of the State Highway and Pub lic Works Commission, published last veek, is taken to mean that North Carolina will have, under the new program, a connection at the State ne with the work that has been done, again providing a highway from 'he western mountain country to the :?'aboard, over the natural route, and over the territory through which the ?rrandfathers of the present genera tion drove to market in Augusta, Sa vannah and Charleston. BALSAM By Mrs. 1). T. Knight . Mr. George Knight accepted an invitation from the WayiH>.svill?* Chamber of Coin me we and enjoyed meeting with tliein Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Thornc, of Sf Petersburg, Fla. have arrived and arc occupying their summer cottage in 15a Hough 1 1 i lis. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of Daytona Beach, were here last week, getting their two cottages ready to rent. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Upson and two children, of Flagler Beach are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. F. L. I'otts. Mrs. Beltie K. ,Smlth ami her laughter Mrs. Rosalie Kxoiii and >011, of Goldsh< 10, were hen- Monday. They hope to return later and sjU'iid several months here. Dr. II. B. Boice and Mr. Lee Roy Dock, (d* Orlando, Fla. arrived .Mon day. Mrs. Boice, who has heen sick nearly all winter, slopped over in Asheville where she will remain for some time. She leased the Balsam Lodge to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, of S.. Petersburg, Fi.i., who will arrive this woek to take charge. Balsam Mountain Springs Hotel is also having new septic tank built and ether improvements and will soon he open for guests. Mrs. W. S. Christy s]>ent Monday with Mrs. Mary Robinson, of Willets. CHEROKEE WINS ORATORY HONORS IN U. S. A. MEET Andy Ilornbuckle, full-Moode 1 ; herokei from the Ouaila Reservation won .second place in the national fo rensic convention of the Phi Rho Pi 'raterniiy. lie i> a student at Bacom.' -Junior college, Muskogee Okla. Tlie subject 1,1' Andy's oration was "The American Indian, Yesterday, T? day and Tomorrow.*' Before going io Bristol, Ya.. where the contest was held, he won the Okla homa stale championship and his trip to Bristol was financed by business men of Oklahoma. HOME LOANS WILL BE MADE The Federal Home Loan Admini stration has announced that it will receive applications from distressed home owners, in Asheville up to Jun? 27 DIVORCES GRANTED Inez Iligdon from John Iligdon. Bertha Sutton Gray from Walter Gray. Nola Long Jumper from Stancill Jumper. Edgar Queen from Rath Queen.