Ijr V T. G. Graduates ? f i 9 ** ' ' ? I $mcty-Two Candidates ; ..'nSI! ;i I : i { Voting ,, .. hi ;ii.' ;:*-;nlu:il intr c!a:-s ,1,. ,;. i Teachers Col i.i ;i:nl 1 1 1 mi;;;; I i ;|, - 1 : : l \ Mini lu'eg. Thirl V v ill :r? ??- :m* I fi I I V-Al i lit' t.i; iomas were a ; : ; I'- I it It\\ II, III ( ||| .I..Vj?';i?n' Weaver, . . i!,. i. . > .I'll In li uli l;oii An an Is \\ ;.||| . \ i .. > \ fv;>, ;i 1 1 1 1 Mis-; . j^.iu ; . i a' i ? i'l'i as t lit' hes| Wi-^ llal I ic Siler ? .. !. v ? !i. "iJ'iiHi ; Miss ( ".uo A fr, ,. r. i i'Ii! :?>( \v i 1 1 1 1 1 ? i-. j{ f! , V? . irnvon, urali-rical ttjSMT. y') ?' - ? v a* ili-l verril v l>r. I-' re. | J.' . i\: u a ;iat:\ e i f | hi iii";i!?' C'liiioiis a> . V !'<?!' I t'll t Vt'iM'l' ;i ! v . |). ?? <????. UC1V ; ; ?? i..;? i Alien, Katherinc .. i I ? Parneii, Mamie j;.n ?.".:.iilv > Fli>-.aheth ?? 1 ; :0 ?t* J ? li* X, ? lillt ! on Brown. ;| ii I>!'I?\VH, .IcS-Nll li ; it (iarr.son Brown, :. . | \ -.'II. Susie KaillklU'l Margaret Burcin ':i 'i t 1 ?L> ii'e, ^ iolet .lane \\ : ,.i V I Ml.*. Mihlml Hal' ;,.Xi ii t'i.ninii Freeman. . j,;: ' ? i-: !.. M lllon I I a User, ? Ill ,i i Mm, Thclma Cor , i_,, N.uaii Kleanor Liiner i-.-l Met r.-u'kru, Virginia llfe:r I"'!"i'a Anna Morri ..Kiii- Mulii-: .'s Parker, Kilna Pat jK,Wii:ia:ii I 1 1 i^ueen, Robert (Jsv ]?'. I v.;m'i 1 Marshall Wattci Mi., IffiiiC -T> -? ! >:. me Weaver, Rachel In- va Wi!!i;i!i!-. I.aev liastotl Ynilii" * O Ja.M- uitu H.'eived the Normal Moil u.-Viiit- were ? Kuth Isabell? kAlIen. Sailie VJ. ?$*??& ?iiles l?o\vi;:;i?j. l.ii'.-v Oft be Br; idlTHr Mi. tic Marie P>."> ? : . ? I ? ? ! I , (iladys Lily Jrvk. Sirl.a i . P' V'ini, Frunkic !?:;? . .. A: :, ('ahe, Raehel (one, iMiii; ? i "'Wan. Manjan'l tvi-lyi; *uM li .Jiilin>U>ti tVaAl..: 11 . . n .. ji.-i;/, P.erlie Alnia 1 >ii. - , . Pave Dnekelt, 1 ? '? 11. n-. ;? ,'-f, Mary lie". " ?" . )? " i <;i.'r Frei'inan, v''?K. " i- ". ?, Oic.a W right '?"'?'P::.' : ' ; : :> :'a < iiVCtl, WllUil V'ifr,;r ? \;.':njr Ilensdii, Wi! ' ?' . I'- :a Ilianehe Hoi llnrst, Jan.o ? l.urJe Kiitiscv, v,,:?i?a;.riek, Pauline . .. !.,-v !i ?:.(?(. p.. Lcath '""??! i [ ,< ive ('har r , '' " ? : 1 . Lave,, .lames v- ' 'a TippHt McCoy, l.::< P'liierla Me i . >. ! Mar! in. Avis ? ?' > i ?' !:en Merlforl A'ayc;.' ( ieit nnle ' i : lie Xieliolson, '' ?* ?? 1>,'?> \\ iilhv Norton. * ' s' ' -'s. -h ->ie Frances ;i Haiii!>toii Smith, V I'i.hv 1.. ui>e Strainc, I'-rrell. Blanche u. 1 ' ? Pi?u Wells, ' ? ' I, 'ay VoUll'^. .. I CVLL0WKF.2 SCHOOL CLOSES I Kleinenj'.ary S<-h<w>U I v. i /, .,;,rt ol- the county S i o- ?????ites as a training i- ? ? ? '.i. n with Western ! ; " l:! t - ( olll'^c, held i's ? CM "-'SI'S last Friday I .Ml! "T;i>hl;itc(| JI cl.ISS tit -- " i<> the liiu.li -ohool. I . v ' , l"? > !"i I pronounced the In!'- '.viit*; i lie processioiv ir- i f | ilf i 1 1 s, delivered t h?* . ::?! \) v. I'. Ili'i* illi'l ^!rs. " !\ 'ineinher Now I hy "J'-' .lit- iti-> wcri; presented l?y . ' ! c. !i. vie. ( |?;-? sc-iicil tlie awards In I "r inipi oveineiU in linn<l . >' -.ma Stevens, of the fourth ' ; ? rlitl''- .1 \ she. of the lil'th, Mary "'! l'r. -m!i of tl:e sixth, Riehard ? < eni], us-adc, wore hon I'oi" |m i;1 ??(?.{ attendance, award* ? |?ve>en:ii| lor perfect attendance i 'ite !,- to I'.cu Norton, Glenn ' ' ' " r v'i?l llujrli I', attic, of the 7th *1 :? :i ie < Hooper, of the 2nd, Cc 1 ' !" >"i>l. , \ the 4th, .fanie Mid ^ Sa!!ici Norton f and Kvclvii ' '?!" til,, (i.h, Ruth Rressley of "l'1 aiul IhiWrt Crawford, of the 5th. * -V \ '* * ' \ <* i | WEEK By WEEK Life in the middle wetft is a repe tition nf the vicious circle from flood to drought and back to flood again, i lie Kaw, Republican and Missouri rivers are rampaging, with heavy loss oi life and property. Fred F. Brown came to Cullowhce It deliver the annual address., Dr. I'town, or Fred, as we prefer to call i i i tn here, is a Jackson county boy, who has gone out to be a blessing to (he world, and an inspiration to the \oung people of his native, county. A blood-red light, an awful silence,1, -?* mighty roar, and then the earth quake t hail took toll of 30,000 IjvcM k the mountains of India. Man Iris U'.'irncd much, and is wise in his own . >neeit ; but when lie is face to fac a i I h the power of the elements, lie is j a-; hel)?less as his savage ancestors. It then that lie realizes that he i? i.ut a trail worm of the dust in tin* hands of a Power that he cannot v? inprehend. Federal agents s?ay thai the brains ?it' the kidnap gangi that got $200,000 ransom for the return of the Wayer haeuser boy to his millionaire parents, nut in Taconia, was a local bootlegger, v .ho "used to furnifeli it lie family with liquor. ''Lie down with dogs and get up with fleas''. Wonder if the fun the family has had from the bootleg ger's wares was worth the weeks of anxiety over the fate of the lad, and the #200,000 they paid to get him homo ? Two French governments have fall en within a week, in attempts to keep that country on the gold standard. It but shows difficulty of any na tw# toying to. Mi a procej^aoa *11 ill** tifl'Bttr TBfefo him* s?tf alojp", is still as true economic uily;~^t>cialiy, and spiritually, as it was when the Master said it, 2000 years ago ; and it applies to coinmuni ties and nations as well as to individ uals. Customs change, but principles are eternal, hence the value of study ing from the ancifnts, both in pro fane and sacred page. Cullowhee School, now known as Western Carolina Teachers College, has had another commencement, cele brating the close of another school year. This reminds us that the people of this mountain region owe a debt of eternal gratitude to Prof. Robert L. Madison, who founded- the school, and to his successors, mho have kept it growing. This college has blessed and is blessing the lives of hundreds of people. It affords opportunity for advanced education to a host of boys aiid orirls, who would otherwise be de nied this opportunity. Ix^ng may Cui owhee continue to prosjK'r and to bless! There was much criticism of the XliA ; but when the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional, the busi ness people had the jitters, wondering how the country could work back t<> propseprity without it, and this atti ? ude was reflccfcd in the stock and cotton markets. Immediately upon an uoucement that Roosevelt would pre ':ent a plan lo salvage as much as) possible of the wreckage of the NKA. slocks, cotton and commodities sHartcd hack up again. It was a boomeeransr I ? ' * I in iflooseveljt 's favor. It- is easy (o nitici.se people wKoj are doing 'things, '?lit hard to present a better plan than fihat in use. It has been suggested that the con stitution of the United Started in order lo allow Congress more latitude than j the Supreme Court's NBA decision ! *nys it has. Far be it from us to raise a seotiona! issue at thus hour; but it is nevertheless a fact that- most of I he1 powers that the court has arro gated unto itself, and which period ically provokes storms of criticism, were assumed under guise of author ity of the 14th amendment, one of that group which was put into the constitution, during the tivigic era, for (he purpose of coercing and harass ing the South, recently defeated in war. The legality of their adoption has always been questionable. They [ were forced into 'the constitution ai the point of the hayonef at the | throat of a prostrate people. Yet it m FOR ^ ^tVEBSTEB, RESIDENT DIBS AT HOME NEAR CLYDE News has been received of the death of Mrs. Josie Medford, 75, at her home near Clyde, Saturday night. The funeral was held at. the Clyde Baptist church Sunday at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. K. P. MoCraek en, assisted by Rev. R. C. Mace ami Rev. P. C. Hicks. Burial was in the family burial ground, on the Med l ord Farm. Mrs. Medford was, before her mar riage, Miss Josie King, aaid lived, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil King near Webster. Besides her husband, Hardy Med ford J mid one daughter, Mrs. II. H. Anderson, of Clyde; two brothers, Mjh'cus King, of Moscow, Idaho, and Charlie King, of Alaska; and five sisters: Mrs. J. H. Painter, of Cullowhee, Mrs. T. F. iLong, Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Tom Self. Los Angeles, Calif., Mis. W. I). Hill, Loonr's Wash., and Mrs. K. L. Duek ett, Seattle, Wash., survive. QUALLA By Mrs. J. K. Ten-ell Rev. C. W. Clay preached at the Methodist church, Sunday morning. Rev," Mr. Medlin, of Brvson City, conducted services ht the Baptist church, Sunday. Mrs. ,1. R. Sims of Charlotte and Mrs. D.C. Hughes and children spent the week end with Mrs. J. K. Buttle. Mrs. J. H. Hughes and Mrs. A. C. lloxle \rth Mrs. J. M. Hughes and family of Cherokee s|>ent Sunday with relatives at Sinokemont, On Sunday, June 2, the Howell re union was held at the home of Mr. K. Howell. Messrs. < Jack and Jake Battle, of Charlotte, spent the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winchester, , of Saunook, Mr. and Paul Cooper, Mr. and Mi's. D. L-Osner, Mrs. Mar- J tha Rhinehiart, Mr. Chas. Ward and j family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oxivcr, Mr. R. F. Oxncr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oarland Oxner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard "l ir i m n i t ma Miss Geneva T urpin wtas a Miss Gertrude Ferguson, Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Gibson, of Wilmot, spent Saturday with Mis. J. H. Hughes. Mrs. D. C. Hughes and Miss Mary Battle made a trip to Svlva. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. York Howell, of Le noir, are visiting ;;t. Mr. H. G. Feign son 's. Mrs. R. F. Hall visited her daughter Mrs. I/ois Snyder, at Svlva. Mrs. Polly Springer called on Miss Bonnie Anthony. Tuesday. ("O -r ? EAGLE STORES WILL OPEN Merchandise for the Kairle ;!c, lt)c| and 25c Stores, is arriving, and tl??- j management expects to have tin* shop! open wilthin ton days. The store will occupy the new build ing? just being completed by Sol. Schultuau. Mr. C. G. Berry will be in chaise of the store. BALSAM Jiy Mrs. D. T. Knight Mrs. Sara Bryson went to MeCor niick FieLd, Asheville, Saturday, to see the District KKE program. ' Miss Sallie Christy and party, from Andrews, were lie re Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Christy left, Sunday afternoon, to visit her daughter. Mrs. Roy Duncan, in (J lade Springs, Pla. Mr. William (iarringer and his sis ter, Miss Mct.ta, who spent the winter at Balsam Lodge, left Tuesday, for their home in Farmland, Ind. Mrs. Ida A. Tpson and party, from j Daytona Beach, Fin., were here, this week. In the Methodist church,, Sunday after the opening program of the Sunday School and the call to class os had been announced, a bird, some where in the church, commenced to sing. After classes were over and the closing service begun, the bird sang again. ST. DAVID'* CHUBCH Cullowhee, N. C. Rev. Ceorgc Lemuel Trranger, Rector Whitsunday 11 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon. V The congregation of St. John's, Svlva, will unite with St. David's for this service. was upon the 14th Amendment that the Court relied in its NUA decision ! A wrong always haunts a people anil rises "up to bedevil them. i 1 J.',E. 0HASTA1N DIES SUDDENLY 1 jTames R. Chastain, 65, well known citizen of Sylva, "was stricken with a heart attack, Sunday afternoon, while superintending the preparation of it he grave for A. M. Henson, and died a few minutes later. Mr. Cha slain had been in the employ of the town for some time, and his duties included t he care of the cemetery. Funeral services were conducted at the cemetery, Monday afternoon, bv t jev. W. C. Reed, and Rev. A. C. Queen. Mr. Chastain is survived by his widow, three daughters, Misses Mary and Pearl Chastain and Mrs. E. M. j Bishop, by his mother, Mrs. James Cbastais, one sister, Mrs. Daniel Me Call, and one brother, T. R. Chastain. j HAS BIRTHDAY DINNER AT 87. A large number of his friends and members of his family, gathered at the home of A. B. Bills, Sunday to honor this venerable eitiaen of Sylvia ?nd Jackson, county, on his eighty s^Vemth birthday, and to eat with him the boiuitiful dinner, spread by his daughters, under the mtagaificenit oaks ou his lawn. A native of this county, Mr. Dills was one of the pioneers in the founding ami building of the town of Svlva. After the dinner, remarks, honoring Mi. Dills, were made by Prof. Robert 1,..' Madison, .lohn' B. Ensley, J. R. Snyder, and Dan Tompkins. MRS. Z. V. WATSON PASSES |lrs. Z. V. Watson, wife ofjrfe^y. Watson, of Speedwell, ***** jte'c<m<foeted Mefhodist Robert M (T Z. fcaiuHjer, Dr. C. D. McRae, Wj A. Hooper, Grady Parker, M. M. Pressley, Joe Hooper, Kd. Reed, W. J R. Sherri'l, and Dr. W. P. McGiure Mrs. Watson was a daughter of the | late S. B. M. Farmer. She is survived by her husband, two brothers, W. *v Farmer and J. B. Farmer.' and by | other relatives and a. large number of friends. > BETA By William Dillard Mrs. Irene' Aberuethy and chi'dro'i i>t W.'nston-Salcm, a iv visiting Mrs. Abernothv's parents, Mr. ami Mr.-. W. V. Davis. My. flu] Keener, of Glenville. K visiting friends in Beta. -Miss Bertie Alma Dills returned from W. C. T. Tuesday, for vacation. Miss Dills was accompanied by Mis; Manic! ia Smith, who spent the niglii with her. Mrs. Roy Reed spent Thursday vis iting in Clyde. Miss DeRtta Allnuvn, ol' West Ashe ville, visited relatives in Beta, last week. Miss Elizabeth Fisher returned to her home here, Saturday, after i month's visit in Qualla. The ladies of our community met Thursday, at Mrs. G. C. Snyder's, to mend linen for the Svlva Community | Hospital. Misses Radiol Brown and Maggie Dillard, of Svlva, spent the week end in Beta. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kirkpatiriek, of Waynesville, visited relatives in Beta, this week. Mrs. W. G. Dillard spent Thursday night at the home of her parents, in Webster. Miss Mae Snyder, of Addie, visited relatives and friends here, last week end. jr ? The Home Demonstration Clubs of Beta, rAddie, WSHets, and Balsam met at the Beta School House, Wed nesday, June 5, for a sewing school. Miss Lucile Dills is spending a few days with relatives at Addie. Mr. Burger Bryson. who has been attending school at W. C. T. C., htfs returned to his home near here for vacation. COMMERCE CHAMBER MEETS BRIDAY NIGHT The Svlva Chamber of Commerce will meet tomorrow, Friday evening, in the Masonic hall. A large attend-] ance is urged by the officers. 40 YEARS AGO 'fuckaseige Democrat, June 6, 1895. Hon. C. C. Cowan i> here, this after 11 on. Mr. L. .1. Smith .spent pari of Sun ?l:>y ami Monday here. Messrs. Henry Robertsun and Law reriec Cowan, of Webster, were here, Monday. Misses Sallie and Mary Love return ed from Asheville Female College, Sat urd&y. Mr. Javaii Davis and wife, of East L? Porte, were visiting here, the first of the week. Mi's. E. K. Hampton has placed us ondcr many obligation's for a lovely bouquet of roses. Mr. S. C. Allison of Big Spring, was up Sunday. In fact, he is a pretty regular visitor to our towm. Mr, J. C. Moss left for Asheville, Mondav, to resume his work as store v 7 keeper and gauger for Uncle Sam. Mr. and Mr*. C. K. Stedman are now occupying the BiySon house, where Mrs. Stedman is teaching school 'clock P. M. Church, Cul Bishop Cheshire will eoudcct ser j v?ecs at the Episcopal C'hapol the first (Sunday in July, at? Hew)lj be at St. Dai I tvr? ? - 2 lowhea^i 11 o 'el ^$fr. j.%> Divelbiss".] Biltrnore, Sai tiN Monday, i Wvelbisa. Theilr^ Drvclbiss, came ba^f ftxm Asheville, Saturday, , ,the same day. ifo caine out /, and remain itg Mr. J. W. Prof. J. W. H. Fouts, of Franklin Mrs. 1). D. Da vies, Miss Oteli-a Da J vies, and Master' St. John Cox, < . 1* Cullowhee, took the train here. Wed nesday, for Rale-gh and Reidsvile. At Raleigh they will .attend the com meneement . exfitiscs of St. Marv's School, where Miss Daisy Davies is a student, and will then visit, Mrs. Danes' daughter, Mrs. J. W. Barkerij .?it Reidsville. .\ curtain in ;in upstairs room in the resideiis-e of Mr. W. H. 11. Hughes, at Web-ver, caught fire i.-i Saturday night and before the fi;e con Id l?e put about $7i) worth of bed ( l^thini; and wearing apparel was destroyed. 'Che house itself did not eatcli fire. This is the second narrow escape fiom burning the same house has had with in a few months. Deputy Revenue Collectors W. F.I Davis and B. F. Smith and Deputy Marshals J. B. Sherrill, J. W. Davis. W. W. Brown J. B. Coward, (J. W. MoConncll and C. B. Allison have been concerned in the capture and destruction of t<wo blockade stills thi.~ I week, one on the head of Caney Fork and the othci on Barker's Creek. Both were of the capacity of 40 gallons and together with fixtures were des troyed. Thomas A. Edison has decided u|wui " kinetophone " as the name for his latest contrivance. It is a combina tion of the kinetoseope and phono graph, and its purpose is to show sound as well as action. The new machine resembles the kinetoseope closely, with the addition of rubber tubes and ear pieces, by means of | which the voices of the j>ersons depict ed in the kinetoseope can be heard. In other words, if the kinetoseope represents the actions of a play on thf stage, the kinetophone supplies the voices of the adors, so that one may get tihe whole scene in mimic repre sentation. It is hard'y conceivable that such an invention can be any thing more than a toy. Xo useful pur pose can be subserved uy the kinei.v phonc, so far as can be judged at tho 1 present time. The reproduction of! figures, accompanied by the phono graphic imitation of voices can I hardly be of any practical utility. The kinetograph will be, we should say, a good deal like the magi'- lan-j tern, a feature at evening entertain ments of a popular kind, but limited ' to that narrow sphere. ALONZO M. HENSON FUNERAL IS HELD On Monday afternoon, AJonzo 31. Henson, 58, well known citizen of Sylva, was laid to rest in Uie Keener cemetery, with the impressive, _vei .simple ceremony of Ancient, Free and Accepted .Masons. Mr. Henson passed away, while he slept, Saturday night, after having lieen fn ill health lor several months. A son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Wiley Henson, Mr. Henson was a native of Haywood county, but came to this county when a small boy, and was reared in Caney Fork township. Ho is Survived by his widow, mi" soil, C. H. Henson, Winter Haven. Fla., three daughters, Miss Myrtle Henson, Mrs. Bonnie Brown, and Mi>. i S. E. Roberson, by his stop-mother, Mrs. Wiley Henson, three brothers, I!. X., W. M., and J. L. Henson; and seven sisters, Mis. W. L. Hooper, Mis. Louie Clements. Mrs. S. B. Rho j danner, Mrs. J. T. Massie, Mrs. J. C. 'Clark, and Mrs. Glenn McFee. A large crowd of friends overflow ed the Sylva Methodist church for the funeral service conducted by Rev. A. C. Queen, Rev. W. (', Reed, Rev. J. (i. Murray, and Rev. T. R. Wolfe. Active pallbearers were: liiliiui'd Henson, Giady Henson, DilLard Cow - aid, B. (>. Painter, J. D. Moore an. I lvenyon Moody. Honorary pallbearers, Ransom Hooper,. Hon Cowan, Jeter Snyder, J. R. Long, Charlie Smith, ."Shaler Gilley, G. C. Turpin, 31. Bu chanan, Ji., W. E. Grindstaff, Doug las Woods, John Coward, C. A. Mil ler, Dr. A. A. Niidiols, Charlie Robin - don, Booth Price. C. L. Smith, N. M. Davison, Dr. A. S Nichols, Milas Park cr, and Dk-C- Z. Candler. ^ \ ' ?%? V" A lumberman by o<^upi(kton,sMr. Henson, who had made his home at Sylva for many years, had long been prominent in the business and polili ?ea| life of tde county^ lie ^w?^ a mem- , By hi s genial, hospiUfMcy and kind-> ly disposition, Mr. Henson had won'i'or himself :i host of friends. | CONSTRUCTING INCINERATOR The construction of an incinerator for the town, was started yesterday morning, on projxTty near the old dynamite house.. The plant wiil lie used for the dis posal of I rash and rubbish. The labor is being furnished by the PWA, iho material by the town, and construction is under supervision >\ Ben Sloan, county sanitary engineer, of the Hay wood- J aeksoi l - S wa i : i Health Unit. LOWE LtING SIS! WALK ON MAIN P. \Y. A. laborers began, Tuesday morning, lowering tin- sidewalk for i ll enCre block. ?mi Main direct, from A^en r-trcet to Kvalina streei, ihe block in wiiioli ! In* post office is lo cated. Tht* sidewalk was laid years ago, before the street was graded. It is now being lowered to the level of the street, and a retaining wall with intervening steps, for the conven ience and protection of the abutting properly. WILL LOG BEAR CREEK AREA The Jackson Log and Lumber Company will immediately begin lum bering opera! ions on the Bear Creek boundary, according to a statement by Mr. 1. II. Powell., yesterday. Mr. Powell stated that a Jarv uum ber of men will be given employment, and that the operation will take som? two years. The -log.- will '40 to the Blackwood Lumber Company. BAPTIST CHURCH TO HAVE ANNUAL ROLL CALL SUNDAY The First Baptist church hero will hold its annual business cenference and .oil call of its member? on next Sunday morning, at 1J o'clock The subject of the sermon by the pas tor, Rev. J. Cray Murray, will hi ''The Lord of the Churches." The election of three deacons will b" one of the items of business trans acted at the conference. The annual conference and roll cai! on the second Sunday in June has been a custom of this church for set era yean.

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