i lf . . Hooper, ol u.V.i "" "iiw/ies.s, tlu.s ? J iv IfT: I'll .?unl .M i.-oi Ann. i* \wtv. here, -Moinlav, . 1 1 1.1 v H ?>: * H: n II. Cat.h<>av, of . i : . \ liore, wil li M r. and ? / " ;i - >/AU. ii'i l- ? ? - i';;. and son, llar ,? ,i, \\ (vdtifsday, to ?V , * ,j ^ i ; v-l?'V. of Asheville, is > .iiH* : i nit* lu'iv, with liis \!r. ?' lv Ku-l?-v. ?x * l'Si.ti .? - i liiilifr It'll, Sunday, v , li'. an-. I t<> at lend tlu< I !>'? i ? ? ...Mt'i. Titiaiif I'niversJty x * * , tl| I- II?HI|HT. of Wjusll .. , ft, \ i-.l'iiu-1 In- lather, Mr. Lee 1 1 1 '?>] ut, at Speed * * * W'.IN lias u-turned to ? -jui'.dinii' a few day v-lrr M rs. Frank II hv ?r -> * Vi--. >s-j! i'i'w aid., of the Mereiiant <; - .1: WYo^rr, for a vi.silt to l[. toward, and * -* ' * 11.':- dti-.'-jr W . Zirkle, of Dan c:b. Trim. i? ' hi' guest of her pa ,x Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Potts, at du Hi-:. I * * * K.'-m! f-.d wards, her daughter, 1 1, ?.:>?! Ai.n, and her nephew, Mr. il'-iri- of Weavcrville, are ?%<- rt'lativi's here. 8: ui Mrs. Richard Potts anil Wa tl fondndsre, Tenn., are spend- 1 here, with -Mr. Pott's jwir asJr' ' .?:.?! Mrs. It. P. Potts. * * * C i ? JU:\ .). J. lUSu-r. of Paterson, X. J. d ilis. Fra i ; k (Jiidenrath and Mrs. JlargaM l'uttiui, of Lafayette, Ga., j 4re2Ui>t? i?t s i ia'ives here. * * * Mrs. Juhu Irwin. Mr. John Ir\vin Jr...:.! Mr. Tc:. K el ley have return - (j ?.'? i i.. , ;tUt*r a few day's) ;.i Mix T. II. Hastings. ~ * I'r. : ii<i Mr-, f. Candler are ex ftttnlto iv. urn 'ii-lny, from Washing ten, D. I'., wiici i ? : in- \ went to attend t?i w'..\vut;.M of Railway Surgeons. * W * Miv iutv. >u!livan and Mr. Koald U> ?' ;< ! - >ver, yesterday, for a 1,;i' t v.>ij iu friends here, on their 1 . ?!?-.!. Huv.sville to Greenville, i'. * -iv * i'l"?. 1'. U, llinn and Miss Martha "'?tiu, of Chirkamauga, Ga., are guests 'I'fir son and brother, Mr. P. J. fit-uu, ami M (-, llcnn, at their home Wfl'V. M r. aiiif Mr-. John l.amhert Hooper' iv? 1 yesterday, fiom their home in Akron, Ohio, tor, a vi-it to Mrs. Hoop * I'arciii >, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alii 5011! and o:ln-r relatives. * ?* * Mr-, i:. I.. MeKee, Mrs. Herbert Gib Mix. Duvi.l M. Hall, Mrs. J. A. f M r?. t 'urv Allison, Mrs. S. H yn , \ i) parker attend ' * *hi* 'li>tric! meeting of missionary v"iKi - i,*' ; I-,. Waynesville District,! S';Ui|icni Mi'ihodist Church, which lull t p.ryson City, Tuesday. ?x -x- * ?:l- t.-l Mrs. K. K. Bain, Jr. have r,,"U'i? iku, their home in Columbia, s 1 ?. ;?t : < i -.(tending the week end h,:'. 'Miii Mrs. Bain's mother, Mrs. '? W Keiner, leaving their young '"'uy-itcrs, lift;; y and Ida Ann, to 'l?ii'l Mime time here, with their ' ,:'ii'liiu?;l1(.r * * * 'f0 SHOWER BAPTIST HOSPITAL ol ficers of the Baptist Mission y here are asking for dona "? ii'H-n for the Baptist hospital, ?' ^ '-'"ii Snlem, and are requesting ?Lit donations he sent to Mrs. Charles : " ' or to Hale's. If packages :?! 1 1. tic, V. ;t is requested that 1 notify Mr. Allison, who ??h:?irinan in charge of the pro ?:UNIOR club sees paper mill I An a s[M'fiul feature, in tieu of the '? ! :>i, the Junior Club, mcct -?'?'I I ih - tin v nijjlit, was conducted Kv,,ll'-'-i ?!,. |, \s, tit of (he Sylva Paper ]mr>\ by Mr. S. M. Rasmu-I w'u^ explained the different phaa- 1 OS of paper making. Mrs. Walter Jones wins hostess to the elub members and for the busi ness and social meeting, the elub went to the home of Mrs. Cyrus Nicholson^ where a salad eourse was served. The date for the mooting hapj>enod to fall on the birthday anniversary of JMrs. Nicholson, ami Mrs. Jones presented her with a birthday cake, decorated with caudles, and another lovely gift. ORDINATION SERVICE AT SYLVA BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. L. 1\ Allen will be ordainel a deacon of Sylva Baptist church, on next Sunday morning. Mr. J. V. Hall aiiil Mr. John K. Jones were elected deacons at the same time Mr. Allen was elected, but both of them have served us deacons before, and hence have been ordained. The subject for the morning sermon will be "The Layman and Religion". Ail deacons, former deacons and visit 'ng deacons and ministers will sit as a body and have a part in the service. The evening subject will be " Cli ents and Grasshoppers", or "The In feriority complex" 4 4 The sacred song -ervice preceding the sermon will r.e Vi?rtl? yor while," says the pastor, 'so come and gut a blessing". JSTIS CRAWFORD TO PREACH AT BETA, ON FIFTH SUNDAY The dcacons of Scott's Creek- Bap ist church announce that Kev. Est is i "raw ford, of Belton, S. C., \v?'U preach :iere, tin1 fifth Sunday in this nionlh. Kev. Mr. Crawforl is a native ot .lie mountains' and has many friends and relatives here. I It- left this sec . i.ni in his youth, and has made a tine record as a preacher of note in South Carolina. He is pastor ol the First Bai*tist church in Bolton. The announcement from the dea cons says: "We trust and urge all the acquaintances, kinsfolk and others u> come and heiu' him. Come and let'd ( iiave a get to gether day". , Services will begjn at 11 o'clock A. M,, June 30. CHURCH WILL HOLD MEETING AT CULLOWHEE METHODIST Rev. John Church, widely known evangelist ol' the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will conduct a meeting beginning July 8 and ending July 21 at the Methodist church at CullowJiee, Mr. Church is well known in West ern North Carolina, as a consecrated evangelist. Large numbers ol' people are expected to attend the services. Services will be held each evening at 7 :30, and members of all denomi nations are invited. BETA (By William Dillard) (Continued trow page 1.) Special singing was presented at the local church, Sunday night by Mr. J. M. Itaby and assitants, of East Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Ensley, and small daughter, of Waynesville, visit ed relatives near here, last week end. Miss Annette Franklin, of W. C. T. ('. sjH'iit Monday night at the Jionie oJ Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dillard. Miss Harriett Holland loiTt Monday to spend the week with relatives in Canton. The (Jreendale Farm Tourist Home operated by Mr. T. C. Bryson, Jr., ha ; opened for liusiness and is expecting a successful season. Kev. and Mi's. G. C. Snyder and Misses Muriel Snyder and Eugenia llenson spent Sunday in Murphy and Marble, where Mr. Snyder filled an ap pointment at the Marble Baptist church. Those attending summer school from here are: Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Cooper, Mrs. W. G. Dillard, Mrs. Kob ert Fisher, and Mrs. Paul Shepherd. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contuined in a deed of tru-jt made Joseph Allison to J. C. Cannon, Trustee, dated the 16t;h day of Juno, 1934, and recorded in Book 116 at |>age 256 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Jackson County, X. C. default having been made in the pay men't of the notes thereby secured, and the holder thereof having directed t.hat the deed of tru:;t. !)>? foreclosed, The undersigned Trusts will offer* for sale at the courthouse door in tin Town of Sylva, at twelve o'clock noon, on Thursday, July 18, 1935, and will sell to the highest bidder for casii the following described tracts of lam' in Webster Townwhip, Jackson County N. C., and fully described as follows* 1. Beginning at a white oak on the to] of a ridge, corner of No. 24 and run N 60 W 70 poles to a locust, fthen >.' 8 E. with a conditional line betweer Thomas Deitz and William Casey 5-: poles to a stake in the public road then down with said road 96 poles to a stake in -James Ashe line, then S. . 10 W. 20 '.pole? to* a p>.st oak, tlhcn W . 14 j?oIes to a white <nak, then S. 18 W. 57 poles to the beginning, containing forty acres -more or Jess. 2. Beginnnirtg at a black oak in the bank of the road N. of Cowan's house and 'the line between Casey and Joseph Allitilon and wife, and runs a south di rection with then-ad to the Irnc be tween said Casey" and Lafayetite Cowan thence an east direction with Cowan's line to a locust, corner of Cowan, Casey and Allison, north bank of the branch, thence a north direction with Allison's line to the beginning, con taining one acre more or less, includ ing all the land owned by said Casey on the east side of said road. This the 17th day of June, 1935. J. C. CAN N OX, Trusti* (i 20 4ls. ? NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE * r"> (. } ? Under and by virute of the power of sale contained in a certain deed uf trust made by J. M. Lent hei wood and wife, Mrs. J. M. Leather woo. I, to Dan K. Moore, Trustee, dated the 13-th day of February, 1020, and recorded in li?K>l; 108 at page 214. in the of Iiee of the Register of Deeds hick ;o i County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the no es thereby secured and the holder there-! of having directed that the deed of .rivt be foreclosed, the- undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the collet house d<H>r ;n the Town of Sylva, Xorth Carolina, at twelve ?>' clock Xoon on I'hursday tin* 18lh (lay of July, 11)35, and will soli to the highest bidder for cash a certain lot or parcel of land situated in Dills bom Town slip, Jackson County, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning 011 a stake on the side of the Turnpike road now Staff High way No. 285 from Dill shorn to Fiaiik lin and runs north twelve :mm1 one half poles to a stake standing 011 the brink of ihe bluff near a cherry tre stump; theiiee south 72 \Y. : ix poles! to a stake on the brink of !.he bluff,; thence south twelve and thrtv-l'our.h poles to a stake on the luink of said road; then north 72 west six |*>los !:>; the Beginning, Containing one halfi acre, being same lot conveyed to J. M. ' Leathenvood by James M. Candler, Jrj by deed dated the 26th day of Decem ber, 1918, as recorded in Book 79 at - page 288 of the Register of Deed ; office, to which reference is hereby : made. This property is sold subjrc' jo all taxes and assessments due against same. This the 17th day of .June, 19. '$5. DAN K. MOOKK, Trustee. 6 20 4ts. NOTICE TO THRESHERS The law requires s.hat all persons ( who are to operate threshing machines 1 first obtain thresher's ljcense from the I Kegister of Deeds. / Margaret Sherri.ll Roane, Kegider. NOTICE OF TAX SALE Under and by virtue of the tax' list placed in my hands for collection for the years 11)31, 1932, and 1933, by the Commissioners of Jackson County, I will offer for sale and sell, to the highest bidder for cash, 011 Monday, July I, 1935, at the Court1 House Door in the Town of Sylva, ' at 12 o'clock noon the following de- j iU.i ?i'd real estate : - larker's Creek Town&I p . P. C. Buchanan 167 acres, 1931 tax aind cost, balance - $12.71 Canada Township A. L. Owen, 126 aerea 1931 tax and ? l. balance . . $16.13 A. V. Owen, 139 acres, 1931 tax and cost, balance $13.97 Caney Fork Township J. E. Norton, 195 acres, 1932 tax aud cost $108.44 Johu Stephens, 55 acres, 1932 tax and cost, balance $19.17 Cullowhee Township John Stephens, 116 acres, 1932 tax and cost, balance $25.66 Hamburg Township J. C. Hooper, 54 acres, 1933 tax and costs, $7.49 River Township J. E. Norton, 133 acres.1932 tax and cost $9.83 P. N. Price, 377 aeres, 1932 tax and costs, $97.95 Savannah Township Mrs. J. L. Higdon, 12 aerea 1932 tax and cost, \ $5.67 Sylva Township L. A. Buchanan 1 lot, 1931 tax and cost \ $50.19 F. C. Carden 1 lot, 1932 tax and cost balance j , $12.66 J. G. McC'ure 2 lots, 1931 tax and oost balance $61.05 E. L. Wilson, 1 lot 1931 tax and coat s $65.31 TV. E. Reed, 1932 tax and cost, balance due, $18.69 Southern Railway Co., 22 81-100 iniles of railroad in Scott's Creek, Sylva, Dillsboro, Barker's Creek and Quail a Townships, Jackson County, 1933 faxes, balance tax & cost $781.05 J. J MANEY, Tax Collector Subscribe To The Journal Htrfs Newest Aid te FALSE TEETH ^ ? mmmm-rnrw m *MNI 4PM FASTEST* taUa your pUUa It. pUoe. It to a nwr arcatly ha _ a' ttUu povrfer, aw-tatt* FAST*BTH I ?" **2* ***?? R 1,111 live iwitil day Mewrity ud mmXu-L ?ASTBBTH affaefe that nonliw you ?? tt atoo ?Hwl? tm that fMl IicThwM* ? ? Ima tt- aaA to ? ? ?? ny tami No ?vastly. P? <* taaU T foolinc. Ihsum F^rnaml to ? im Hill aotMV f? ?MV nV Obtain r jL?npnK tafir ?* ?e *?? 'tor* t i bf?!ke/?v Fjplain* the marvelou* Wlllard Treatment which is bringing amazing relief Sold on irondaa money-back guaranty e. PRICELESS INFORMATION ?for those suffering from STOMACH OR DUODENAL ULCERS. POOR DIGES TION. ACID DYSPEPSIA. SOUR STOMACH. CASSI NESS, HEARTBURN. CON STIPATION. BAD BREATH. SLEEPLESSNESS OR HEAD ACHES. DUE TO EXCESS ACID. Aak for a fr? copy of WUlord's Mttsage. We arc Authorized Wlllard Dealer*. SYLVA PHARMACY THEY DON'T GET YO >>* \s o >4: JV v it** 1 STEAOY SMOKING I CHOOSE CAMELS. THEY ARE SO MHO THEY NEVER GET MY WIND! I SMOKE THE SAME MILD CIGARETTE THAT LOU GEHRIG DOES.... CAMELS. I'D WALK A MILE FOR A CAW EL ! IOU emtio, "Iron Mao of Baseball SO MILD !. ..YOU CAN SMOKE ALL YOU WANT! JB3 *" rncri icd COSTLIER TOBACCOS ! CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DINNER METHODIST CHURCH FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 21 YOU ARE INVITED i a sporting offer to motorists v>- v v '? ?'?; '?: n v% ' ? V\ \ X r .' ...V".' k- "? ' ^ '**. '? v * v ? - > ' >.. w :&:#*?./? ; .'l !???--? ? -:f3 >iv.c ^?11 . &Sra?kt?3&; L 1 J"-- V^-? ?I <V' - r- ' j ' ;v-SS>' s* V* . ? ? ^ '*??? ??> ?? IV you've been pining op Gulf pumps lately jou're post poning ? great discovery. Get re-acqnainted with Golf. Try it for 3 weeks. Give it a chance to prove itself. Yon can't lose? yon can gain. And here's why we say this... 790 car-owners recently took up our sporting offer, compared That Good Gulf with their own brand for (1) mileage (2) starting (3) pick-up (4) power (5) all-around performance. And ??? 7 out of 10 found Gulf better in one or more of the 5 ways ? many in all five. Why ? Because it's 5 good gasolines in one! Controlled refining gives it? not only 2 or 3 ? but all 5 quali ties of a perfect gas. Try That Good Gulf in your car ? beginning today! GULF REFINING CO. What's the best ward ?topping your car ? to mTh" n,?bl"xot> safest THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE

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