3 cnriifl! 11.00 ADVANCE in the county SYLVA, NOETH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPT, 4, 1M6. $2.M A YEAR IN; ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY I Resident To Tell Country His Ideas About New Deal , ,, s, pii 4?1 li?* ? shod vat'iil ion. 1^ r,"::,^Vi<r m ? -?' ,Jm; ,v;" ? " " ,.i :k I In : : 5 ' V !?? i. ill 4*:i 1*1 y :i line ot u.hUt his tliivc ';1 ' '-i.;, t:i.i?iv>s in its lust ?IV ?<' S*. ? O * j j|(> |.s; ,|[" jJOOlls is 't 111' ^O" ' n J. w i! h oNl iig?' JH'li l'" ."??.?i'l'liiiilv .nil linrinp'.oy >?' ' i tu- iii?Ui-<l i ia! work v, it ihUaspcr ... v t.i . ?? ot uuTi'hambsp In will >ho\v tin I; ,"1,, n;,|.i - A?"I. with ?'? V'/' .:,u ?i : iii' rijjhl of i-olhrt v v v.l.ilr in -t hi; uual dislrnt^ ^ till IUUN *' h" . K| At-l ami rt>, uiki' t'ii i mi n??vt ,,A' * ' . . i? - ' hi'iioUt tho IVsi.j in, i'i'vv kiakin^ Ar l'\ ill' nil licsriv i.f nvilils; the a ft ,;-:V iv^ul.itii'it of puhli ii?nii':iitu->; th?' intri l .| s ' r.i ?? tv nla: ion-. Ai l :it. dollar nri'topi ^ui?K ' ?h ". -? , . !? 'ni> -antph' '-a IV"; i.u'.iV'i1 > appropriaiioi i I; is i-aifiilati'il t< ||, ,.|?[i? ill I'Vl'l'V SIM' 1 1 . ? min*li of a il spin* , ,:.i II, , Lf 'it' lilt' Hr\ i ^ aii i ? 1 1 ?' i III. ' t'llj^l I : :n r ?!i!iiiU' 1" hi . ? i In' ti: ;i i : i I rat nr ! i:i' iuluT.l am i' t a v . ?. it w ill " t*rv** :: , v.' .. o!' hi- iiiti'iiti.i' ? 'mi -i* *'t his niaiu ? ,>r.' ?i|ilit:ih!r ili-? ai . a. id t lir hitK -It' try lu- <? ?n pi'in I'ri'h1 l?? the * iiillVv I : . ; NKA pri. iciph' .-,.v iii. ln>try. For rail I ?!,. . -li point t?? I h' . : i ? I i i r. ii\\ a v pi i'.sion law i.., v .!.? ? 'In1 major iti'ins >1 \ r Vi iyli rnartrd at- t h i , . ]!i-t rinhil. Th?*r? ;i:ii -IiimI husitii'ss iv i. 11 ' i [? !..ni' ia.ir in tin- ai' \ !? ... I and hilly: hill, ship v a i' pj'i tit> n ull !.v!it ral.ty ri's >lu ? ?f war -?iip|?li?' r- IumI thioii';h i V , . :'?? -r.-sioii, ri": ?:.d:i V i'X'-ha..; 4<'s, i'" : i,f , ? I* | r;i!i por.ntiun, t h >. . V ? , ? ? i t liill, i lu' W?J! ,j. - . <:i' pioliihitii-iu . I v i v I i<n* li! ? ; | ? ? ;' ; ?iivi'i' \ \\y 7 %'V ,i--S 1 |i_* , 1*5 1 III' 1 ^ ' ' ' i ?. nt ?\\ ;f.nl -la >u;ii ? li il nut 1mi\v > ? , i.i- W'l ;>1 llil-> l"'1'' ... i !i.- (til :?!??* r;:u'i" ., I ?. pi'!; ? i. " >v ;? i 'l ? 1 ' 1 1 v< i ' ll't V it It I II!" I 1 I ? ? :i. I' " . ; i iiHii'.l b o : -. it- i-iii-t 1 i" ;i c'i ? , ivl* illi ' "'I ' ? A ? i i ? ' i : i - ; ? ? ? : v :.'.o ' ? ten: il to | -Jl ' '? "! , !. i i ? |" .1 !jf \?"' 1 ? |)rcviini . < >? 1 -i {!?!? v.'c. ( v ?'<?'?? .. will !!?>' ? '. il ; ,i' t' i |.<:t V "I 1 1 > |. i'(!|iiitircs SHU "1 '? 1 ?-,? {? v.ili carry on in .. \ '..it-- r:u :? <>l pu'i ? ? ,X ! ? ;"f 1 J f tliV 'OS. \V - i ' . '(?' i-d l ? ' .'i w- i?-a<l!i'iO i. ' ' . i'- . .i on mi. vliieli i '* \1* i i--'. : i r? ? i l/oso in!' *i,i i,<t" :)l I sort '???'I '. 1 I'lil'l XI , i ' ? . ' ? ? ? '?'! 1 ? i!-. H'liiisn'fl r,> I 1 ;;i -ii i-., m, lie J'Yil ; i "i 1 l l.i-' air-mail ! run ff \ . | {* ? " Y 1 ? v '' < ii>n!s! th hri '?i l it' mail it -li i>!' ? Vl: : ' 1 1 1! I 1i> ;r) ' 1 '! i '.i'. Tint i> lli. ? " I1" I'otr.ian litmus bill .... ,, 'u - v,'to. And t ho ni?:, r i lli", ? - -i ' . 1 .| M ? ailure is {jiviiifj "il't'f* f ?t Hot li bttiisos ^ worry about. %'p ? TODAY and TOMORROW (By bVank Parker Stoekbndge) LIBERTY has laws 1 think of no word that is so often misused and misunderstood as the word "liberty.*' To mauiy people i! seems to mean th.nl they have a right U> do as llioy please, landless of the rights of others. I do a great deal jf motoring much of it over wide, smooth concrete highways, and I see many cxi amples of drivers who have no regard whatever Lor I he safety of others. Liberty, it seems to me is not the right to violate law or to infringe upon other peoples' liberty. Unfor tunately, we have here in America n very kirg* number of people, not all l tJiem oi! recent) foieign iiiilli or descent, whose idea is cxacth lie oppi.dte. It is, an extremely , revalent ulea among oni\ foreig.?<born , opula I i.r.i that they don't have t - ? bey any laws at all "in this land ol !ibe<ty lo which they have come, ia n.any cases, from the rigorous rcgu 'at ions of iheir n:tfive countries. REGISTRATION . . .of alien-. 'Ihere is no nation except- ours is .he w'virld tlmt permits foreigners to ?iter and move about freely withou' dent ith-.it inn eaids .and rigis! ialio> v lb the police or municipal aullioii ii-'-. 'I he<e nt her > ivat imis protect the ibeitie* ?i their own people agaim*' nfriiiu>iie;it by fo:ei?;tiers who don' . ,:derst.-rid or are not inclined to con forj'i to their laws and eii-toins, i?y keep in; ilv rlo.-est tab tin evervb idy wU.o,vs i?i; a citizen. In iuo?.t i tries- a latidli'id i- subjet'i to severe penalty i ?' lie i en!*; an apartment ???r i hotel .'ii'im !o an alien without Jlrst inspecting the foreigner's passport iiid other papers a. id immediately re tell ng the visitor to the police. I have .i strong feyling that the I oiled S'.;>tes would have nilteh U?s d' a crime problem if we kept the >iime kind ??l i>'b on every >' ranker within on.- irate s. FINGERPRINTS . . v . of all The suggestion has oft?'n lieen made, md I t hint, the idea is ".tilling ground hat evrv child ought to he linger- j printed at birth and a reeord of those] iiiiverprin . s Hied w th the proper a.u hori ties for possible future identitl j -at ion:. I .-annol see wliene it would lie an infringement upon ind;vidu.il libcrtv .o reijuir'- every citizen to ciir I "y with him at all limes some identi licafioii, either a card with his lluger ?oints Mid naa-c, or an ideutiliention a'4- such as are issued to soldiers dur I ; V. c , A li .iiilc howl cjpes up from soni' I i ir.-iiln i whenever such a suvuestioi; I'". My observation is tli;it the 'inwls mt* I v ari-v from prisons o j ?ivups who hit inl? ri'sl(w| it 1 evading) slii- lit >\* , ii" hi I?ii?iv violators '-of t ls?* ! !;i\v to ;r> free., loan fmm law ahidi:r?' ili/fiH. "/ ::PLTEP . . . sfcor, rtray I li.i'if ;"tu n*:i ?? y sia . t latelv 'I' llic >inmhcr of .'!:it i;s in I lie 1'nileil ?\iate.-. who urc de:\viiu;'.ieljcf lnHiey from lit it iieipal, >ita!e or Fed'Tal ?f.ltif^. .-Nome of them, to lie : lire i.ave l:i!<t'il oi.'l llfir fil l | >? jmt.:. Oi:< I li'Mitl df recently is that of r Man and wife who have never earned ?i cent -.i tto Mn-y tame to. America .. She wits n widow wis h live children. Jje is a widower w'.lh six children. jind ! heir'joint progeny lias added anofthev half.-dozen Or si j to tlie populate n of \inerioa.. Tfjp man has heen supported hv idiariiy almost frrtu I lit* time of '?is cut i,i:r-c into this country. My any - < ? 1 1 v i I ? 1 1- test of (pia'ilioatioo for citizenship, llii? family ' nevt :? would iw,t hern allowed to' ?rcm.ain !u re. NATIONALISM . . for us too I have lit t '?* sym]Kithy wit.li the in tensely lu^onn.'islio spirit which ha *e>zcd tlr> people of almost all the j world in I lie past few years. T fldiik i 's (il- att iimo wo io the I'nitcdSiaii * .'re tijrhvii'insr the lines. It is Ik\o"' ? ;i ma# !? r of self-dofeJwe. We l'a\ ^!">at"i >pj>ortnnity to;jro on "lull*:' i nil **F a^ si !f-conta:ned natiiw.' th;v ahaosi a iiv other country. V."c are d? H'iident ii|H>'i the re.'t of t:,e world fe i only a few luxuries. I I have never seen vuiy IntfvSiU ph1 | that was jjcrfoot, twit it does seer { possible for Amorioa to develop :v j economic system under whwh our ?w o HIGHWAY TROOP HEADQUARTERS ARE AT SYLVA U ? . * ] ! Sylva has been selected as head- , quarter Vor District No. 1, which wifi lie patrolled by Troop C. of the North Carolina Highway Patrol The district comprises the counties id' Buncombe. : .Madison,, 1 Henderson, Transylvania Jncksion. Swain, Macon, Ofay, Chero kee, Graham and Haywood. . Stationed at Sylva are Sergeant W. \V. Stone, Troop Commander, ami Patrolmen B. B. Qniuii, Jr., and K. W. Jones. Other members of the Troop are. Corporal Nail ami Patrolman McNeifl. at Ashevide, Patrofman Piercy at P?n vard; Handier, a,t llendersoiiviile; Philfips , <d Can fo"i':> ; and Penn, a*. Marshall. . sl . (?? P T. A. HOLDS MEETING The Sylva i 'a r?r.t -Teacher Associ ation held its first meeting of the school year, 'luesdi/V afternoon, a! school budding with the new presi dent, Mr. If. Gibs'ii., presiding. The following sli.ndiug committee.' for the vear were appointed: Program: Mrs. D.tn Tompkins, F. I Watsoi, Mis II 1'. Croivell Miss Mavme Ivoiir*. Mrs Ruth (iillev Wil- ! ? i ' son. Member diip, .Mr J. I) Cowan, i Leonard Hull, M' s lui.-e (iarn.t, Mrs. Joe Deity. J. Y ilall >!!arlan.i Uillarcl Mrs. Ollie 't;nes Moore I lospMaiity, Mis-: Sue All'son, Mrs! J?din Wil.M'ii, Mrs. 1- rank Freeze, Mrs? t Jess Diliard Mis. J. G Murray Miss I'entha Canni itdiam. ^ Pulm-ify, M><s I .cab Nichols, Miss Kuth Moigan Dan Tompkins Mrs E. K Brown Mis J V. Ilall Mrs Lor. Li. 'Is Whiiley. Finance, Mrs I) M. Ilall, Mrs 'T* R. Wolfe Mrs II Gibson Mrs. Chester Scott, Mrs. Kit-hard Patrick G F M c Gowati, Mrs. Scima Broome Middleton Welfare, Airs. T. K. liced Mr< Frank B Jone* I)i. \V P. McGuire, Mis.F.N.M^Lain, Miss Mynle Henson Study Leader, M ?s. K L McKee. The -K'St meeling will lie held in the C > * evening, with the hope of affording opportunity for mure of the father-, id the school children to attend. v - ? ? r ' ) people will lie able to consume every thing tint oui mines, waters, foiests, farms and fat lories can produce and provide a market which would' Still keep us in the posit ioni of the most prospermia nation in the world. I'ntil U.e rest ol the world recov ers its economic sanity and ceases to set ii) ? stupid artificial Iwrriers to the , frcc-llmv if international trade, it 1 seems to me that America might show i how much better she can do tJie Job ( of being a completely self-contained i ration. VETERAN BAPTIST MINISTER PASSES Rev. A. C. Queen, for uiore thau half a century prominent in this county as ?; Baptist minister and citi zen, died early this mornin? at his home in Webs tel. following an illness of two weeks. The dean of the .lack son county '-'ministry, Mr. Queen had strved tli? Tuckaseigee Baptist Asso ciation as its moderator, as mission ary of Jackson cuuntv, and ui other capacities, and had served a number of the okurchcs as pastor. Ho was a son of Rev. Bonnie Quoeu, | pioneer Bapiist minister, and was I hi) rn at T uc!c'ase:?fM 75 years ago, the 15th of t iiis month. He made his home i:: 11 j por Jackson county until a few years ajjo. when he moved to Webster. Mr. Queen is survived hv his widow, Mrs. Dorcas Inuabo Queen, 1hroo| daughters, Mrs. Ma 17 .lane FToojkt, j Tuckasoigpe, Mrs. E'berl Coward, Sy!- 1 va, Mrs. J. A. Hawkins, Biltmore, j three son*, L. T. Queen and J. E.J Queen, Webster, A. B. Quaen, Svlva; two brothers, H. R. Queen, Svlva, O. B. Queen, Acme, Wyo., a number of urnitd-ehiidreii, great -grand children, and many other relatives and friends. Fuujv>*1 services will be conducl (d at Tuckaseigec at two o'clock to morrow, Friday afternoon, hy Rev 'i had F. Deitz and Rev. W. X. Cool?.. His brethren in fhe ministry will serve as pall bearers. Interm?i:?t will be in the church yard at Tuckascigev, witih Masonic honors. Masons from Sylva, East. LaPorte and Glenville willl participate in the servicc. BETA. (By William Dillard.) (V i Mrs. Dora Monteith Saimdcrs l*s returned to. her home in Missouri, af ter sjiending some time with Mi's. Thomas Monteith and other relatives, Mrs. Halt ie Bryson spent Thursday aiternooii with Mrs. R. R. Fisher, i*t Addie. Mrs. Theresa McGollum, of Frank lin, is spendii)? a few days with Rev. and and Mrs. T. F. Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Hooper und fami f\* spent Sunday with Mr. Kirkpat rick 's parents, at Clyde. Mrs. Ed Fisher, Mrs. Sadie OKvor, | Mrs. Dora Sailndei's, Mr. Bud Fishe> , | M?b. D. fr. Brvson and Mrs. Joe Davis : were dinner guests of Mr. #ud Mrs., Bill Davis, Tuesday Miss Helen Clayton, of Thoirtaavflle, j spending some time with to! stives here. Mr. and Mrs. Secrest and children and Miss Bessie Snyder, of Washing- ! ton, are visiting relatives and friends Jackson's Organizations Put On Excellent Show 40 YEARS AGO (Tuckwiege Democrat, Sept. 5, 1895) ! Ilich paying dirt has been diseover | eil in the Reed mine, Cabarrus county, 1 panning oat $135 a ton. This is the l.imous mine out of which the latest ,uSg?t of gold ever found was takei. just- after the war. The police census of Charlotte ha* just been finished and the city ha* j iw,853 people. Al the ivi'vpt i onl mine, in Chatham * ! ? ounty, three hundred tons a. day aiv ' being taken out. Another star, the forty-fifth, is t i [ .? :mI I d to the llatr. The new star will j represent Utah and the order for ts j Midi t ion to the national colors was i !*i;cd by Secretary o. 'I !? The star will be palced to the rigiii" the fourth row fruni the top. Tht ! ilt:- In' tlv add-hou of the star is accompanied by one change in th?' bize of the colors. Heretofore the stan dard has been six feet by five. The new ord<*r makes the regulation siz" live feet- six inches by four feot fiv inches. Utah will not attain .statehood until tho 4'h day of next July, but all llags hereafter e^i.) meted for and rs -;u>d will ??oiitahi the star heralding the adm.sjion of the Territory into the United States Gov. Carr has appointed Hon. ('has. Jl. Cooke of Franklin county to fill the vacancy caused by the death, after .several weeks of ilhie-s. of Secretary if State (.ietaviiv. (Joke. The appoint - ment is said to be an .admirable an'; in every respect. Hon. W. K. M<'Ore was over from Webster i<uj;?y. Mr. W. A. H. Selmher, of Webster. was here S:kturd;n _ ' Mr. H.M.Hoopir was in town from Olewville, Tuesday. Mrs. M. K. Balk. came today to vis !'it her siste.\ M^s. Neil Buchanan. j . Mr. J. vV. Cowan ami daughter, of Webster were shopping here Monday. Mr. .T F. Forster and little daughter left this Morning for their home in Ashoville. Mrs. Melvoe, of Webster, and Mrs. Conroy, of Pittsburg. Pa., spent a Khort while here Monday morning. Mr. 0. A. Hughes, of Fern hurst, name down Monday and spent the night her*, leaving for Abbeville next The flower show, sponsored by the Twentieth Century Club, the parade, under direction of I he Girl Scouts, various a?lil<%,ic events, under direc tion of C . Poindexler, the agricultu rsl exhibit, under direction of G. K. L&ekey, the home clubs exhibit, direct ed by Mrs. II L. Evans, the old-tini ?n^sicians contest, and the hand-craft exhibit by the Negroes, were the ehiel attractions of tin* Labor Day Cefebra lioj? ami Progiesr. Exhibition, spon ored by ihe Sylva Rotary Clif> In the agricultural exhibition wen* .xeellent general garden displays bv ?h\ F A". McLaiu Dean Bird, Tyiv !;avis, ami \\ . G. i 'illard ; truck eroj?^ i\ Lyman Stewart and Clifton Mood ' , ixgumcs by Geo. Evans; tobacco, li\ Walter Jackson; a:'d a canning ex hibit by the T. V. A. '1 lie rlouie Demonstration Clubs of he county, Mrs. Lewis Cannon presi len't of the county council, Mr.-. Frank Jones, secretary; Mrs. Jo.* Suiton president of the Beta Club, slid Mrs. H. L. Evans Home Demon - ?'rialion Agent, put on a most cxcel i( nt canned goods and pantry ?lisp':; . There were, among others 11 ? I ? L'ereut g*ape products, 17 tomato pi duets; and a display of different products, including jellies and jam ?reserves ami canned berries from 1-! species o l wild buries. This exhibit will be earned to the State Fair, ami will doubutess attract a great deal of attention lie^ao-ie of its excellence ami ?h? wide range of variety. The 'thir teen varieties include strawberries, dewberries, blackberries and blue berries, buckberrioF, doe berries, goose berries, raspberries, huckleberries, winobemes, efderbei ries and currents, all of which grow wild in this county. COUNTY SINGING CONVENTION The Jackson county singing conven tion will be heid at East Fork Bapt-st church on the third Sunday in this Month, September 15.. All singer* are invited. morning. Mrs. J. F. Conmy left Tuesday for her home in Pittsburg, Pa. She was aecompamed by her sister, Miss Otelia Da vies Dr. Wolff makes a specialty of rais ing tine watermelons, and in spite of the raviiges of insects, has succeeded well this year. Among several fine specimens with which he has kindly remembei i'.-l our Demjocratic house hold was one 'his week which weighed 2S,/2 pounds. The Long/ Long Trail by A. B. Chapirt Our profoundest. sympathy goes out t*? those visitors to our moimltain sec tion whost? visits liavo expired awl who are now turnine their steps home wards. YYi; know what it is to enjoy the delightful climate of Western North Carolina ami then go hack to the swept ring heat of the lower al t dudes. The lnv.it seems intolerable f);ul would be unbearable but for t li?* strength miiird by a few weeks' so journ in t !?e ' la;id of the sky". Bu; having bee.1 once and tasted the de lights of our ciinu1!' , they are all the mon: anxious to come again at iht first oppor' unity. Col. Dilhrd L. Love returned h< in' Siuturdny after an absence of rn-aily three mouths. He .-bowed us a Rptci - men of zinc ore from a v?*i 11 on hi* farm at Mossy C re.k, Teim. A water :?el? ? p.'otv, Sunday even ing, giv:'!i :it the hospitable home of Mr. D. J. Allen, near town, was much enjoyed by the following ladies and gentleman: Misses Robinson and Sted mau, Mr. :>nd Mrs. Pierce Allen, Mes srs S. M. ithea, \Y. R. Sherrill, L. C Gribble, Chas and -Judson Allen and the writer, fhe melons were raised by Messrs Jud and Pierce Allen who spent souse time ir. Florida and uti lized it !?y studying the manner of raising th? luscious fruit there. There were six melons cut among them one great, forty pound fellow which would nave dome credit to the melon growers of Florida and Georjria. Everybody had all the melon they wanted, 1 )ts of futi and a nioe time generally, for which thanks are hereby tendered u> Mr. Judaon Allen, the oofmstor at the party.

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