L?e Itttlt ournal JUiV, SEPT. 12, 1935. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY jwress Leaves Lrrs. State And Treasury Heads Busy Si {*1 11? The two ??! the Cabinet these bs**1 s.nrKMy of State and W\ar, ^v; .'i ilit' Treasury. Mr. Mil* ? ^ i; ,,:>lt*nis to so've r ' relations with the ^ ? l'Kl ;l!,a Mr. Morgen ** "v-'rtin"'' *?**' th?? " n,0, ;or binn^m,; th.> I cr"'a ^ -.1! Government in Iiwk- 1,1 ,v;lsonable time. ?tabl!'"'fV iw^nnent is studying rl" >'..!? v iw-.auon. passed ju^t tb' n'uM'' ' . (il, Mu.l. ami tryi. J' 'l;vv ,i , ks with the Kello ^ u, .her it would pre poaa',,u j foodstuffs, ?f ???o I!,u;'< ; if aiul when hosrtili 1::"-r l> L bet ween those na {i,s "> v perhaps , ? ? *?? ^r^. , , o plats to ove W k . . \ was l\r*vfd ,.a,ehytlu- W ZJ*. fb- 15 "ot T ,Mb: ?>' '?-> v l,uI U1> by bm ! i:.;0r ?!iP,oinatl' ;t:s!i(H1.*:t{? j r * Krhaus ulcn-Minputant Mum either i f ib?'>i'' I'" "es:Ot:'n,05,i L i> iui'1'- w:;y w'tli .Japan, eon t'n? ?-? * 1 1" .iu* ?? for months, or, s !.ii,b-r J.:m! i>r?'sent?'d to Con in br.r.nvy The 1W r"i .i. iTf!i excess of spt'in' i c" ov. r ii.i-nin,' I'M- the fiscal yea1 j.., ,,,|. | :.t out 4V2 billions I'L- v), -1 |V i i for the eurron. }i-:v, :<> lii'v I. VX'(, will show a defl W..'{ V.m l.l.liiws. The Moi-sen t? au |.*.n; i-t li'it'iulcil to cut this to VSio: , tfxr 1!?7. half n billion fo' I93S. ami t'- .? have sun>lus of ha!< ?V!l:..ii ?!' "!i. lineal year 1030. Fii'tilliii ?!:' .1 th:" proorram depend 't 'iis?*. i t mj-mv /hinsrn not clearlv i-rcM-. -i-.i.-, ... . 'hem (lie result ?' '?1 i ? i ;?)?;. FeW Delll - I;'.;:: ' .Jo.l ,? . ??Ottt Mr: ^"?^'' u-'\ t u' o:i the o?hei h::':,!. tl; -iv !?i- Ii. <>.II< :nm oltlu- uvomoibt i* tin' sw* .\ ^ ??*; ( v* v tin? country t >> W-.'.i un K Uorali as till* f ji vol .0. !' ? |ui\te. The luovenwnt ?'.?HhI wi'ij ? *n,- "VfMinaf HepuUli run )v. !v t nout'li, as Mr. Horah i" t ? vf!,:y :u;.l would he 1 1*** oW ' " .tn ? i e.v i ????'( ?l President, weiv ? !,i!. ,|1'- li >1 ,iini'i;:-s that seem u ?i'' '1 io 'i"' vt-iitr: Republicans arf '? i.i ;|ii. classical S.'" e ' 1 h:> ??.lt!l-tl|M'U, ai 'l I, is individualist i? I' ? t' vi 'W. I'n-i' same qualiti*'--' :,vl|t lie a {*ood enu ?I'.lan-. ^'tiy mi ;c H is u; i 'undress an' tjoiu' juaVit (i, Hawaii ami .the ' :,i!l|?|iini-> i, i .iiDiiixl tin- ;? i ,. '.M'iHijiiiH' ir .v 'fii Vi<- ?1'ri siiluit (lamer wil' ; ! 1'" which will also iiwlwli ? i' akiT l,yi:.s ;,ii | Senator .loo Rob f\"'i. 111. .\il, n. || Mint ion leader. AlUnni-Ii i1 1 iv are no funds avail '.tr '.iie Social Security pro tl,"ii in In | ojieivtion -due to. Sena \"1 Hu,,y l.ovfj's ii'itmster, the Pros' ?> mi>. j,(> ,? "ri '"i- iHT.iom lor i| pointnient to th.' 'nitii^si,, ( \vii? Ji will administer the >l|> 11 i,:!l* Madam Secre ? I'ik'.iis i, tay In its chairman*, re i"!"'' " :"'r p'M as Secretary of wiior. TODAY and TOMORROW (By Fi'.uik Pa:?Ci;i Stoekbruigei UPLIFTER4 . . enjoyment AH my I've I Jiavc been listening to it>Jk who wore eager to do something to r Ihelp the less fortunate. These upl lifters ar?i usua'Iv uiuore interest-.] in those who live a icng way off. They get t-pasms of pity for tho down-trodden Armenians, the fanune strieken H'l.Joos ami the p!agi:e-r: i den Chinese, more of leu than they art moved to help those who live in tho Htnie town. One reason is that those 2 a r- away folk can't slam ilie door in their faces while their neighi.>r> don't like to patronized. Most ftJk reseiit hav:?t? somebody eis? ? can be, but 1 .have no desire to impov? standards of i'.ny kind upon anybody who doesn 't wane to be lnit^rft-red with. There seems to be a general assiipnp lion that anyone who hasnit't one or I wo bathroom?, J'td an elec'trie refrig rator, a ?i:* or tw? a radio, a::d. an cil-burning ceulral 1 eating sysl in -? down-trodd'*ii, or at 'east Hinkr privi leged. It uev.T occurs to imost up lifters that perhaps some of the to!k ?. who haven't goi t!i<*sc t.hw;lr!? don t want them. I n>m ah for ?h" stimi'/alion of human wa lis, uy :?dvertisung >.ml ? very rthJ:* mean.*. I think it wouM be frix* it ?? very holy wanted all the* modern improvements and doo-dads badly enough t? pet out and hnstif for them. But I see the j joint of making a f'v^s ov?:r ihe ones who don i -are whether they have them or not CONTENTMENT .... with) Wit bin- two or three miles ui' my farm I eo-iM sh.tv von a do/. i e. more homes e" w-*srt burning h.i/na e? ?hough iiosl depend on stoves, chiellv ihe kitchen ranee. Many of fhoce:t paused, but out of them have come ^yuer i.ioiih of good citi zens and f*">od ue?;ld>ors, many of hem university g'M'nates. These folk would be iu.iignant if anyone toM them thev were either down-trodden ,r iitnl?-u|iri vili ged. They know better. They know that happiness does no; ^ upend upon maiet.d posessiosi-: and j 'hat cortU'iitntiid ?t?nes from within, not ftwn without AMBITION . second son Not every hoy, even in this modern e?e, ??>oksiior an ? ,sy job wiita ic of i .???!;, sKghtly stimu lated, he's got or? to a good start in XowYork. B'it L?v>tJier Francis ha> only one ambition. He wants to he a fanner, rishg at dawn to milk six cows, and d-div* islf the rest of the hard work tnat ? I'ann boy has to do from sun-up io and after "Francis wauH t > f|int high school and stay o.i il.e farm", his father told me. " T don t niind his be'ng ? farmer, hut T think he ought. to finish school. He's .00 v >t;ng to nnd.vst.'i'id the value ef cdiK-oion "Had you t.i:;>t.;;v.t of tiakiitg bin ?iver to the ^iato .if.'-icuKura? 0??I! -^e >?nn"' T suggested. "That's r/goiid idea," said Sam. "I'll do that." I'm going tv> keep an eye 011 Frank Raldasam. The1 I _?? from a rcereat'in trip ito Bry.s >n C'ly, was struck tojr s five-passenger C'uvrolet coach, ??- o|i Slate Highway ?;? ]]2 a1x>uL ijr ?*'? miles ea^.t ?;I t 'brrokec'.Sunday auwv? ing, shortly ifi?r midnight. Watkins and '}".?rge (loff, itl.e %wn most seriouftly m jnred, were msSd! iu media: r.?y io ' !t>n is Comme.ir 'y Hospital in Sylv.t, when* young Viii: kins died n^Mit limv .hours un?i ???) half latjr f id lnisjudginent ;of t'.c ror-d center. -Jf* - The ChevioKl d A wflF jy | Rogers, of M;vbl< . driver, Jimmy. '.<, In ward and Aniie I>owd!e, Smokem?'f n It's body was placwi alweird tl?e noca tr 'i t*> Rale.ga, Ins Inane, for biv'.al. The who!*' eouupany lined up a4, .'if sta^on while six ?*f his closest f ien is acted as pall-b. a *- 1 ers, bringing ine b asket from tlie un dertaker's establishment to the stali'-a All then. s'A.od j-t attention. while !.f MeOaskell, fl:-:piaii. foi the comply, conducted t bn. f ?? -tmony. Th ?: train v jiited a few minutes while taps wSij sounded iho body was being1 ]>?:? ?ed^ j' board. ' Tliad Od.irti, s?-l eolmate and lif'- j long iicqaainivSn.'1' of Watkins, a< ' ! as escort to t'.ir t?ody >on its trip J Raleigh, as ,vHI r.s the company's resentative at th>' funeral and, mriyl. TO HOLD EXAMINATION FOJt WfllTTIER OFFICE Receipt o* ip:?Ticatioiis for po^1-' master ;tt \V?.ii ti*-: will close on Se|. Umber '11. \ civ if service exam:iM-i tion will '.el I i t Waynesvlle, ai Jitter date. The com i>v .i.-?a ; :: of the r.ffie" wn-> $1100 for I !i?- fiscal year. it.-; cMers, bent r >; i 1 iiviiitr its own way. youth will ilwjfV. like that. T can't join in the ontciv thai that you'll: folks of today n i ?? v .isc than \v. w. re neither do I think they average up I'Mich better. 5 oo a?.rree, though, tha yi-Hth is eh,tii<:iiiq iho world. T.hat, rl?.o, is whai juath has always done. We did t out selves. "The only service tJie young: can render t.? ?V' >?M ne in the next tew' days, in *,h< >oino :;>~t recently known a? th(! SUji.iork l"i?. Mr. M? ly :.l licit tin* h? me wil? opi-ll jll: I l-> h ?.S I *4 s n0ee4s;?-y re pairs and ;v .* i ;-:u v.rmc Bi?.s on ;.:u- v? ti li-ci of liio biul'l:er*iiiig n cafe in ChenJiee. F h. ROG'VvS IS STORM VICTl'A Frank ij. Uosj? r;, ? native yenrs ?>!' age, lived n -on' iBe, where i.-> had been :? .i emi/oye in t.ho postal service for 2? years. Ho leaver a v -dow and a son mi Jacksonville, >ind i<::; hrotjier and ot ik oi relatives i, ;iu< eomvly. Funer-il and cremation were ii. j Jacksonville. ; .. SiU^LLA ( iiv V? j. J. I\. 'IVrnJO On Satuj.lty rt:_sr!;fc a truck, Ioadi?l; with C. C ? oy.? collided with a #vr< from near Siuon'<',h unci.' nad ear wreekaJ ] The areide it /hapjiened on highwr.v 112, at the ?j;np?r?...iid. Mrs. J. V*. Cai'icy, Misses Jennie C alt hey i;:d J'xie -a "'i.rfiin, Mr. r.nie/ 8on' Cathay and Mv. and Mrs. .J. K Terrell attended Quarterly Meeting rt rOJivet, Sunday. ;i Mr. Arthur Woi'.v, with a party etf 'l riends from Cfeerck. *, spent th** w? ? 1: end at Yoif 1>k, V;:. Mr. M. IV. KT. i/ over in yesfr, a*'. ? gregnt *ig *'?, 289.07*1: -I antes \V. Tiifis l,a- announced tha: j I e will? iKini" Iii> in w town, bring o4ii j:4ru T:^.\ lie rites fired oil t!.? iv.iob wlrieli i ??i th. fire, and tfmv Negroes \viv? sjjiM dangerously. j There is :r?t an* idle mill in Xorihj CaroHid, except two gently puivii i eii fo be equipped. Mr. T. A. Co:;, of Cullowliee, >pud :i sfiort whila lie i t thiv morning. Capfc I. W. TerrclJ. of Webster, w;<-, [ here Monday on hi? way to Waiyio* \**illo. Miss K.vr.nc Orawfoad and Mr. David Ureeu were married on Sunday. September 3. Mr. ( >. I>. Coward. visit Mr M. H. Morris. Mr. F. R. Suriniae and family, of Bairtbrid*", Ga , ire viriting Mrs. S *. Stednian at the Sj*?va House. Mrs. LaiU'a Tompkins and ehildrtto. arrived t'rw i A,s!ievilV. yesterday *o| visit th? fV.nwiv of Mr. A. M. Parle'r. Esquire I?. I.ove left y?*$terdsj\ for Morg*t#o?\ io attend a meetfcijr <>!' the I>.),irat*i-| day. H'' nis not '?reii here liefori i Springer. Mr. tind Mis. f. i!? Moore, of Wlul tier, ealfe-l ?! A?. .1. S. Biadburn's, | Sunday. Mr. and Mr.-.. J. K. Battle, Mrs. I >. J C. Hughes, Mis. W. H. Ho\i- aw! j Mrs. Hast: i^- Sp"i>iger i?d!ed bu M: \ .) R. Mesf-. Mrs. W. I? MaHbews. Mrs. Cine!: Matthews and Mr*. Will Sprinrn ealled on Mrs. J. A. Moore, Wedne* **? Mr. and Mrs. Ui'iarr bloody s.pe feiuiay in De&wood. FOOTBALL SEASON BEGINS ATW.C.T.C Thirty nui ? eam'.dates for Western ( : (' C. Poindextcr and his avrstanr-; T)odson, Morgan j?i;d. Wo.nl, ? i | m,;. .ration for the ?f the 1035 season with i Apprentice S, at Norfolk, Va., Friday i.ighL Mc.-t of the workoucs have been dcvoUl to the fundanien tals of ?ha:\'tng, (locking, t;u-klincrT passing .?!iiii.^, and pass defens;.-. Thursday, /rid.iv and Saturday livi'Ty sciiium,T.j?'-. we; ?? l(?*d between two flicked ream?. The t "am v ill 1 e here earfy Wed nesday m.:.M!ii? t'jr Newjwrt New-. Coach Poin h-xte-* annouued that U'J would take tn*er.\ two players?. A stop over f-?v the night and a work out is schedn ed ior v hape? Hi!! Wi 1 nesday a.uk . :: id a workout at New port Ifews, Thim.iy night. Candidates stpm'tiny to date with their lwine aidrcses are: (Vntet >: -Wade McKinnev, Bak'r; vill?, (>c?i HayesviLIe, \w *ir Ti?lyy. Hpei-fi'i't J. Guards : ci Danddake, Hale gU; J ('. Ritch, C;..:dl?r; James Lin'i. Warnasvilf- ; Fov Farlow, (Juilfoni : Virgil Huuu !in-c, Lancaster, Ky. ; fToodrow (ii^oith, Culberson. Tackle*: Tteker, Cullowhre; Frank B&kk, K.nnspolis; Columbus liiiJiani. Sy! Enloe, Murp'u ? John Dwito i, Wil iot; Cliarfes D Ti - ll t, CI yd*. Ends: Iludl) TnnherKn, Swiss; Car1 Rat?Liff<% Wa\n:s*ille; Stinson iVil liams, In -1 ?:;?? Trail; Lewis Enfoe, Bryson Cilr; K. C. Burleson, Sto.-k ville; W.I Gavlord, WiilMamstoa ; Roy Bhuk-ni-nip, Cherokee; Ivan tamsey, S;.-? KsviHe: Frank Lor.'/, Hayesvifl1; No;r".i Hampton, Ruther l'ordton; il;neld Chapman, Kannap ? lis. Backs: !'inl Sehaehcr, Charlotte; Gordon Ri-ptn. Canton; Walter Thomas Svlva; Rafpli Angel, Franklin; A i v.:i Sutton, Sylv;; ; I):.vi?l Squirref, Cher okee; Lewis 0?*11p. Enka: Red Hum phries, Oaffney, S. Harold Parker, Iiayesv'lle; Craves Ledfoifd, Bai nardsville; had born n ill hoa I i ll for sine t .?'.?) roars, was v's i ing Mi' ih~ Iio.hi- of iiis sister. ;:t ('? ay, Wiheii the ?n 1 He \va* Hi*don. two daughters, Mrs. Delia Fox and Miss Dorotbv Mae Hi^dn, two ?rand<-hildren, Ed ward and l)?nnis I er Fox of fJaslon i i ;?wo si M' ;. Ruth Woodard el fiiiv, Miid Mr<. Dosha Bishop , by liev. Ernest .Jan.; -?i!i. Rev. f!i and Rev. Andy Bishop. fiin'.Mioi.r was in Zion llill eometory, ar t hr church. sf veral inon hs. Ravis Jc ^ ..vrs ship; ed six !o;ids of ?-.?! ' If f;c/ni hero Saturd:;V, ^and today Mt.-si.;. Toward; Rot^-'S end Admis sl,ij)j?'d one each. Mr. M. H. Morrs returned from t':" south Mond"y r., id has bwn otf'fhe >*+ list >.*? Wo aw gfad to however, "Iiit be is row able to bo ;i round. ? The ('auo;.s'an ? ays that nil talk cf fusion between populists and den: 1 crats came froni the latter. Tt mak"i ho difference wit'ro such a proposition ttimct from, -neh a pfan cannot bo < e eied oar in North Carolina. North . Gej-olina do noor- is believe in the pmi ciples of thor ; arty and wil! never surrender tb.'in to effect fusion wi'h any party. liesid'-^ they boliovo in consistency, sad laving denounced tin fusion of repubii- *r. and populist par tis as a dishonorable trade, they eanld not afford o practice the mum.