, "1 ?AY, SEPT. 19, 1935. 12.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY breathing Spell" Produces Swift Encouraging Effect ?***??? *1?- 18~Plvsifc,lt .,?* pivmise of a "breathing ^?forW^- with its immedi Spt f IV, Hit, *11 ovi r the f-T is' Ikhuv subjected to more *"U!ui*'n?ti?v by ,K>litici?ns of lUl W!!L ?nd varieties than any other F?, document uvai the Pivsideui * HrtJi-inp to a letter of inquiry ! |.n-V. I h?w :.?>!, 1m??1 a SreA! tri)l" ^ ' r cli:iin. tin' I'lvsidont said, ^XiiruT that- the Administration its .ffort-s at roform, 1,1 ?,U"k'J I" nmrentrat# ',s X, ,m nf.'v^y- Naturally, the sup gu> i(. . t)( ,|u. Adintnist ration hail n <ta!**!??iaiilikt* utterance, thh while i<s apponeuts look ni>on it as a ]?cce ?'f l?*?'?tit*nl strategy hVar<l1<'s> of how cue views the Pre* jj^iial ilivlara-titiU. it certainly has JJaiilitf.! diseu^on . f future politi !,J .vents. ?s|'?erial'j .if the eami*ai?a of , , , , . There i> r.o do.ibt that the Adnutt [.ir.i'ii'ti alv tr>'iu- trt ('?1,so|:" jjr,. ihcir podti'Ki. partien'arly in tin ?f Federal tinamv. Very CHNI aKonUaii is being {riven to flic ji;i, looking t >wi.rd balancing th ? within a reasonable time, nn I ;:)!> 2r.i1lr.al tainting off of reli >f ex urmiintM's. N'.?w that Congress itselt' is had a brief " bfleathirtg spell'-'. consider?; ioi: of issues th; V -v; ? (i,< it ei at the next session indi ,mv ilmi hriii ;iitcr the Federal i leom ?* , ; ,x'M"!iV:uve; ii.to balance is go i ? | i ?')!? ,|H'.:e a ,'''b. y l?,.:i!.vr.t!s ,i;,1 llcpablienns ;?!ik= s. , in 1 Im ?pecsentalives, are i?: 'i :i!:* in! a'.'iVfauot that the bona Ui'! '"l exacted at the next session r ,yhyi>'\ v. ill not be tile IV.tmn i !!.v,v!:ii h provides f??r an isr-ue :>f I jtnv'jtiifk curreney with vh.ih t ? | ay ntf '.he veterans' e'jiims. bit' marc 'ike tie* \ inson hill, calli.i." ior ?! i'C 'l is-u?- t>f ah.ive iV. : i :i-.Min>r that sum to tlu> rob :al i-\j? ndi; mes. M ?? lumbers of both house* ami pi ii i;i:i ; if lir.'ies believe that t f* r y; . -nmi):i v. :'l >ee the passaye o' F::i' i i -l.eto!;.' fsjrni aiartya^e re !., i V:J. 'i hi- m. a are <v;irries an ?I ,?f - I IIIHl,000,ft0rt,to b let ?(> i!i~t r?-s,-e?I fara:ei"s to take c*. i-;ii itfaie ? ;.l iliawle mortpai;e (ii'iiiv. mnl-r this p'ari wouhi I.r't* -)S Vi Jil* I'l Wliil'il to r(f|li'V th'' i' .which wou'd bear only l'*'? per i M i.>n>-t. <iaee the nmonv.t pro t> M i! V ii ? 1 rinted would takM J % , ;? ''Oily nfioiif oi?e fourth of sue: ?:??!' "he f?'elinsf is expressed tln? ]?!;; i were i;t operation; : ,i a: | .Miiaiiiiuir thre< ;! i. i':? ;-ii s would be ir e -* :?*?*?* ;-i,.l ? Jf- I i??vi?n' W<'i'h ! l :??>{ f?. ; !': ;? ?:.( ;tSer den* ( l! 1 \j-t . -,-i il. ?' ? i - il|' :!i' Coirrre^ ii*.'.1' > ' i'<, t li;. v|.' . :.i t'. -li-.i-r in ! "h tli;. iv 1'iesideiit nnsv <* v i lee he had no f'l?r;h>' ' '1 i-'i. 'I I "* '??!!??? ? : .. *1 * ' will i?ive a'i oj -v 1 1 -H- 1 ,,".- 1 i?i . j-i iin?a- ur ? ' I . ? ? !:!-/?'iv ' .!!,{.? J .M.rj; o;>' in pr.*> ??!:<??? N '' a:. ;? ? hat the 14 Volli'.jr He ' tiv;!!. , ' piny a hi; part. ?In' ;'1' -ti; ;tTi! of the Veej>?; I!'' ... ? ? j i i . ?ie.?i!* is in the pai ( 1 l." 1 . mr?v li" ih ?closed i'l the la ? j f \bU ieo ?* I1. (V;ai."r.'.' \ ; - l;;|? 'u, I Ill \?'.i??nit | 1 '??ev.ijtt }?.$?, fvl'ril a ineetiiiK oi tl 1 | ' !'.M'.'iiii\e" >r<i!ine.it tee in \\ aslt |1<: S: <i*caj'ii |- 2">, lb" (| ? : '* I ?! 'net ii nee .iia>e 1 D-i-V. ' r '? - ? . r V ni'i": Kej '.''ricaM h rv' | !r" <?!'<? (Iin1.,. th?M ? "lv< ? h<-jt i?i\ oeeiishiM, Ore i^ 1 1 ti *'! ? j f.|" ( 'f'llju- Hn;?id<, Iowa | ^ t 'haii vna ti of the peuaan-i.! *? ittiiiticc iipp-i' ted nt the "f'.rivV h' lis ('unYriitli.ii |;? si e ie'i. *lh' ' -l,r is .lnh. i lliiiiti!.:on i-oi"Msel t' 'b'fih'ieim Na?i . :il femai tt'x *l?i is vurkin^ ch.-.elv with M" i'-'thr in the 'effotis to hriiev 'I i ?' t?> ihu povtv or.'iini/.iit^-n iwt'i *?> tfA liln 'f'f.eu'.al,' p:?lic<(? whi'-h wi'd HP "|H till' y< U""t r \ ic!\ Mr. SplU' - is Uivi'f t?lke?l :'.h"\it as the pvoh uWp sufct-.i.-(?r tn Mr. Kle1?ber :e t Wirniftn (.1' the Keinhlican Ni>,;oi'-' ''??iiwtte.. >s\w?- it Ims its n?'iuud i '.wtv.i- in December! Thcii" is really iu?e.,i !e ? '< ?')'ie i. ^ Publican eirehs nhout the peraw ' tVi w caMiVahite thiw> there is fornmhition of poV'eii-s D/Vnt r\ ? A - I ?" * -m i?ik nn;nin centering i'"i U J. rfu-kmson of Iowa. 40 YEARS AGO ( Tuckaseige Democrat, Sept. 19, 1895) ~ - , - . i ' Miss SallLe Love returned to school at Asheville, today. ^ Mr D L Love returned froiui court at Wavnesville, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Buclianan went over to Franklin Sunday, returning next day. Mrs. Laura Tompkins and children terminated their visit to relatives and friends here and at Webster, and n turned to Asheville, Wednesday. ~~ i Gen. E. R. Hampton, of the Inter nal Revenue service, came over from Asheville Saturday and spent Sunday ? with his family ?< Mrs. M M MeKee has coiue over t"iH>iu Webster 'to inakc Iher borne a i out; us j?nd will go to housekeeping as soon as a suitable house can he ob tained. We are glad to loam that Mr. K. S<nn"s obtaining good results in '.Killing for mica, at the Pressley min.* i>n ('uHowljec, both as to quantity an ? . quality. The meeting of 'the Jackson (\ unty 1'niou will be held with the llaplisi cburcli fflere, commencing on Fridav >f next wec^ an I iucludin^ the fifth Sunday. O Mr. Nathan Davis may now be found behii! ? 1 the counters of McKc and Cowan, ready at all times to w.ri: upon t.he customers of this j? w -n'*? ?* ? and enterprising finn. With us the weather is diy and i hot as in thr summer months. Tin fanners arc .having juwi the needed weather for fodder. lTp north tlinv was a killing fro-;t last Sunday. Mrs. .!<>>. Haiim left this week I'm Mobile, Ala., where she expects to make her home for t.he ir-; ' x t few year Mrs. Han in lias wurm friends here who regret her departure and whos? best wishes follow her. ' Mr. J. X Ashkettle, of Alexandria, Va. is here investigating the coi.di 'ions incident t > the establishment oi a large tannery. We Iiojm*. he will find everything satisfactory and see his way clear to .putting the enterprise on 1 foot. "*( 1 I ..Mr and Mrs. Wallace, of Padiicah. Ky., who have been spending several | (Please Tuni To Page Three) FARMERS TO PICNIC SAT DAY and MORROW AH farmers, their familieji^'j friends are invited to attend thf em' Picnic to be held at the Test Farm at 4i>\ ai:iauoa on. day, Sep^urmr *!?,. The rn\ .sponsored !?/ :a? Fumers Fodj and is the o?''y 1 u ? trs ?:ucetii'.1l ht Id at the imi? farm this eeavj.| is at a time when* the people ca some real faults At (he test laij The chief apculi'r will be Di Daniel of Oleuiaoi (.'.liege. A in of n?en from the Extension Dc ment of St.ue will also sf Leaders *n lii?s( ???>unty hope Jackson county will win the pri> the sinking '.oiiu.st. ; A prize ?s i>e. g offered " o g|ie county having tin- laigest ciowd ent, in *?ro?vu*iaw? vlh the uuKiiojl'f. miles traveled. It .s hoped tl;ar ||i> (ouiuity can take tin' prize for honor. Interest;1. 1 dan obl'iiu ther infona.iSo.i lrj?!i any mciaw1'' >( ? the committee euu.posed. of : Ed. Hoop ei, G K UiA.;:, ."?? . as A. O x. \ijnt; Qniett, A O Weidt'lieh, John C. Jon^Sfc Hute Snyd ?;*, vail '? unison, \\ ul n3\Pvi son, Crawt"\d 3!. ' hou, or atariji'fe ' > i i Moody NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS / AND ADVERTIS Although all efforts to !oea,t? J. . Stunper, w ho conducted our rccertf circ'uation campaign, and who left here, just before 'lie campaign closed,' pi v-u , .ably carrying with him all the ic<'?;n! ; and pi?' iically all u.O'iies thai !u: I i>c"ii coMccled during' the ennt' p:ii:rn, have so i'at proved fruit'es.-^ The .Journal wall's it distinctly under' stood that, while we did not receive the in.dioy ?!"il while to do so will be :i li-.-?iicl:?l l?;-s to the pulvSisfoor, att subscriptions sc.!d by contcB't<^U.l>n^ ai* advert isiiif* cards will be filled aS * en traded for. ' 1 :* i'.M.-t Tli-- Journal is being mailed to :.!1 ^Mibsci ibers whose names havo been turned in to us by "the contest ants. If any >nh?eriber does not re-! reive a paper tli-i , week, we will ap preciate it if lie will present his re ceipt at this of li?-e, in order thalt his name may be placed on the itftailing , liNt. All advertising cards will be hon- ! oi ed as orders a r\' placed by the hold- : ers. EPISCOPAL SERVICES Rev. Geo. Lemuel Granger, Rector. St. John's Church, Sylva. II A. M. .Moruinsr Prayer and Sermon St. David's Churrth., CulK>whee. j 4 P. M. Evening Prayer mud Sermon. ? All most cordially invited to the^?: , services RTrauk Parker Stockbiid?e) 'fDg^IBUTION . . . weak spot *U a ^a'''orTI'a pwper the .other day that several tons of i<iaon Jp^' V-'eu duurpcd into the Paeih. Ocean in order to keep the price ui rfimons up. ?'Ci? known of similar incident - # Atlantic Coast ? whole cargoes of bananas ami whole carloads of other foods dum?X'd into the bay. | It seems to nie 4 hat the greatest weakness in our .social-economic struc; tore is our system of distribution. There is no such thing as over-fTodu** tfqm so long as anybody's wards n uiain unsalisfied. I would like to ?e? statesmen and eeuo musts "jiving m'.-n thought to the problc n of getting th< things people want into the hands oi 1 those who want them, than to lnakinu j artificial attempts 'to increase th?- 1 "profits of produce], s. ENGLAND . . . . not so slow , r r ' I' I was greatly struck by the state j meut published recently by Harry Se! fridge, the former Chicago merchant, who jnoved t? Lordon and now oper ates the largest s'.ore in tin- world. Mr t Selfridge said that I liv improvement in the system of distribution of com modities in England has nsuliod in adding to the payrolls of liriti?h rc ;bailers more people tlitm had boati thrown out of employment by the ii* 3tt3triial depression. - We are i!:rliu(<i to thi-ik tin: w i ;(a?e agtibd deial aneirter in al! busines-. | aflBaire than the English. While ?t is I true that it took a Yankee merchant to show Uiein the way, ihe quickne<> with which the British merclmn*. seized upon the bas';,. idea of !ov. prides and quick turnover through stimulative advertising suggests that Jbhn Bull Lsn^ as slow on fhe uptake a* many of us 'i-i Ahieriea have im Mr. Selfridge's theory that "the time to advertise most is not when busino*s is good but when it is bad seems to me an entirely sound one. BACKYARDS . . fertile I get very tired of hearing people say there are no wore opportunities left for the adventurous and enterpn-. ing youth of America. Thcro are more and bigger opportunities than our fathers and grandfathers ever had A young friend of mine, Da\id Gross, has just writ ten a book en tit led "Gold in Our Backyard." I wish every ambitious boy and jrirl in Amev i?-a conld read it. He }>oinlt,s out .'itenaJly hundreds of different fields in which opportunity awaits the enter prising and resource ful. The prizes that we are hunting lot arc not always or. the other side of the mountain range, but very close to home (Please Turn To Page Two) Are We Downhearted? ????? by A. B. Chapin I "Our Next President" Straw Vote Launched /? ? I ?' \ - This Newspaper Joins 2,000 Others ! In Conducting Nation -Wide P re Convention Expression Of Voters' Choice For President in 1936 Months t bn ever b? ft?r< -r this gentsririon, . . - poli'ica po. Iioiling. Even thoi.?h :h? national ct??vor> ?ions of. tin* i.i.i ( ,r po'itical p; . ii< s an -Lill <onio nine or ten months away iii/cns of the ITuiivd States, uoith. s.tnnh. east i.j J w.*?. isrc giving ???;?? . - i:mhi io ;.h" ??-.?? < nr'ook tor l'./'i when pnr* ?!< lihai . ;?.-:?liihites u;ll ???? nominated, party piatiuims drawn ml r. h.it 'Miml i , to be iiueii".'! campaigns n '???:!. To the i ;ul ti.a' She puhli.-i.ui ?>f The Journal > *'< opindo'i 'h<,t a nation-wide p:.!l will lie of-iiit< to its readoi-s, this .v.- paper b:.a ;-*rJ ? ?? t" join 2,0 H ? country papers the entire Uftited States iu eonduct'.rcr it. The tou'-fi V newspapys *. ?? operating i i ih * ?v 'duet of t'.v i*"' The 2,000 country newspapers co- 1 opera rinsr in the conduct of the po!! are ol' different political faiths, or none. Some are democratic, some re publican, sirnio independent, aiui some nonpartisan; and every attempt is being made u> conduct the p?!.' along inwiipartisaii lines. Voters a'f , not asked to su^n their names. T'h-v are asked only to ( xpre?* a pieferere ? for candidate and party; to cypress i choice that will help show the |>oUli cal leanings of v.>ters throughout the ^?wintry at this tiuurf No matter \vha>t your party prefc en?e may be, wouldn't you like ??? know how your fellow citizens through i?nt the country are viewing the political situation ' As citizens an.l voters we would like to know, and that, is why this newspaper has agreed to eooperate with the 2.000 other newspapers in conducting the poll Below is Hie '??>ur Next President i'oji" ha hot which we are offering lo our .subscribers, giving them tbe chance to ? o?.-.? y.j this nation-wide poll. It- a'f-iils ymj three oh?ice<i of tlie )Kxs<sil>l<? three leading ticket.* ii. the 1935 itii'i. is your f> vil,;je t.i vote a.s ;->u |( cse and **"it h no strings at.i'tiru. V^t> are n<>t &ckfd 4?- sign y'Ku n.vu> and thus commit yourself jjoM;eall_.\ Your honest pon clusiou and r.>.oic ? J airly giv?su, i. all that is sug*?stc?: Why no*- liif. I !:?:? ballot .uid \ ote it now? Then mail it to this news j?aper.. Y-vir l>a'!o* will '.hen lit sent to N-jw YcrK where a cenlral office staff wi:l tai.ulaie the vc i?*s? ai:d give ??- sia : ind national re turns each wfcek. Publishers Autocaster News Service cl' New Vork, which serves The Jour nal and all other newspapers cooperai ing in conducting this poll, has agreed to perform the duties of a national headquarters oiu this poll. The editor of that newsfihper service has assur ed us that the most accurate tabula tion will be given the vote and thai only actual voies from participating newspaf>ers will be counted. Ilere is a eliauee for every reader of this newspaper to vote his pre convention Presidential choice ft ,*$36. Clip, vote and mail the ballot to us today. As soon as the first early returns have been received we will b? in (position to inform you when th? fhual nation-wide results may be e< peoted. Vole early anxl we can all know how the Presidential winds are blow ing. OUR NEXT PRESIDENT - POLL This newspaper is cooperating with 2000 other newspapers in making this nation-wide poll. jVOTE IN ONE BLOCK ONLY ~ Do you favor the re-election of President Roosevelt? (y?i) <??> Or, do you favor the nomination, by the Democratic party, of some Democrat other than President Roosevelt? (FIRST CHOICE) (SECOND CHOICE) (THIRD CHOICE) Do rem favor the election of a Republican? (/??) ("?) If you art in favor of a Republican, whom do you wish nominated? (FIRST CHOICE) (SECON D CHOICE) (THIRD CHOICE) > * Or, if you favor the organization of a third party, whom would you want this new party to nominate? I (FIRST CHOICE) (SECOND CHOICE) (THIRD CHOICE) Every reader of this newspaper may vote. No reader is required to sign hia name. Vote now and mail the ballot to this newspaper. IS COACHING P. T. A. PLAY NEW MARKET OPENED Mis* Nell Johnson Ironi <uhe Xation- The Syiva Feed Company has !>??* al Producing Comfpanv, of Kansm busy making alterations and installing City, Mo.t has arrived in town to npw equipment incident to opening, on ?*W " ''?n,*' lal; Saturday, a ?at market and fancy ont play, "Sky High", for the P. T. *' J jL " jrroceiy store, in connection with its Rcfcoarsalfc have already >V.?rterl, business. Mr. Jatnes Buckner will be and it promises t? k, anmsinc i?t*l- . ^ d whiA eating, mysterious, and all in all one af the best home talent play* ever vvdil tresh meats and fancy gro*

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