') ^eak'in advance in the county ?I ' Journal SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SI 52-00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE OOUHTY ^Unveil Marker Sunday To Loyal Indian Braves wk.r. eriviru ?> i A ' tl?. ( .mtWonun of the Lth l ?li'1rlVt 1,1 m0m" & i &Lw?'nn in the Confederal e J .\i>ri" * ? riif l'fn r???c< (' Indians wlu> serv fjXwlli Carolina in I lit- CoritVdwatc 11 in- \ . :Ii'(J in front rt' tin f J ,v* ? - L,vil Ilousi' s: i 'fuTokee, Sunday at -Jvi'.vk. with ;.h-r<vnaU' eeremooies. j|,s f> |.. U.-Ktv." Sylvii, jwst presi iM ?'f ilu N .*:! !i < :? f??liti:i Division I"jr!i'?l IbiiJii"1'" :'u" Confederacy ti!I (K'livtT tin' I'l-iticipa! address. [ vr?*< A service will he ptftfiitnj to Bijririteh. This ,? in hv the 1". I ji{\bs ** *' 4 J j) (' only upon av.?: M War veterans : , ,ri> iiiii'.'ti of Coil I'JM " " i" Sl>!llu"s' |ji(, fs nrled -mi Hie ground fmiu.'il 1 l -'i-f of native ston:*| :U'.d ha- ? bronze tabh ,i. (J.,, hc.iii ?' Cherokee in has ami :!?? i!'-<'ri|'t.ion: >i .'t ;!.om? brave Chero (:iili:in> loyal t?? :!"? ConfedeV i,v l?iiil- I I'liunaiii led by Col. H'?. w 1 .iiva.is. K roc ted by (.he, "t tin1 CoatVderaey of - ?. I Fir-I 1 'i-' ' let. \ ? i y Indian of thj ,-:nt IV" :.i iii i liorokoes is sligiblo ::ii<ri '-i.ijt ri fit hor tho Sons or iXr.ul.i. : ~ : lit ( VitVdcraey, fo sly t *r:y 'a >!<? 'M-lied man of th u". ?! North Carolina into l or. Ii'?!f ?':u*y and volunteered for v m : vit-i : ? lu- r ai mod f.neo U. A !l>att. of Waymvsvillo. .'I w "t eroe.ting the . ?? ;i iiars a?o. and her >> ? i district have been ia ! raising money for cr-i'lioii. Tin- [intrant fort lie unveiling cere nrcirs will bo : Mrs. I'nstiH! I'lioiiias, f)istriet 0: r.flor, will |?re.i'le. . Wwinlilv Call. Hoy Scout. Bugler I:ivoMii<>i!. Kiv. IVter TliittiijxsOr Amfriw, Cherokee Male Quart eft, c*'u!e to :!?- Flag. Led |)V Mr: H'ir.- L-Vf. ' V-! Mrs. 5 Presto* Tiv:: V A '? . At,-. I-;. L McKee. iV-'Mv: M niorial. Mis. \V. i Hyaif. ?V:-' If. i la told W. Fogh: - !'?: V !.i c r<K. o! Military Sitvicc |?r?*senf ftlti' CLarli-. !?i wjtcli. Vii\> t,. _s-Hi- and Baps, led by > K. K. AM:i..v.ll.' > QUALLA Bfv. J. 1.. K.,_. r< preached at t!v tya^t el>hn\ ^inday morning; fro:;. ?W t.-xt. "And' .-.iUiiKJ down, the> utthed him /tW. The leading koujlii o! tin' ?liS'i-ou: >?? was tin* cru I'iJxioR of. I in iv . itVi Uic lii'.ui y rooperaiion o. ?'>!;i'K >mhI>m:- and parents, W" '"(? fi\ Wednesday ?* v?*i? ;ul , \\" i^,:. Friday eveiur.'^ t-y very >uci i s! ul "lie re llH - 'ptittfy-ivr. uiSfivjtm.; i". ? luntr'ila! ?aw<1 w* ^?n on itit'!'. occji^iniis. Miss ()H: "?'i won ??!!? c-,kr inr 1 mi- prelt ies,' *r''1 ;>t Uiki.'t.-i, ;> il Miss Oia I ti \\iv- -j 1 0;i\rt. '| he proC.'O'* li ? ?||| |)j. u?ot] ior nv I ?' ? n;i tl,i' lmi!tlii'<^s a*1'1 Ti \ - | l;'- '.'iinl'in ifoiiic Ihi xrtistrator* I \v;'h Mr-. .h ><ie (ordeil. oi IT : , | S ? ? -?l:i\ at ??!.?.., 1. ? ? ' r ' lu)i a coriimunitVj ? which proved to' bo J' '! Mll< ?:>. for tlv 'j'i ??;,< v., .. In* Mrs. I. fV K!"?rta W lard and Mrs. C v K! a visi'u-i! in Quafla. v :r ? , * '' ^ Harder I)t ('tdlowliiv Mr,. W. ( 'lay and I'.of ii.f ij v-'cr:' dinner ?':?! Mix .1 I,. 1 1 y j,1 f . Ili.ii ' ^Vl "I Mnr ?shoe \*n-< ? "i. I itir- i.-iv. lie was :i< |, '?> r,.?m WaV.in'r f.-'i, ,l"" ^",l'h Carolina. I ,,j' ^yiva \? ,. ' ' Qwdla. I' - ' ^',N- ?' ^1 Hugh's of :ii Mr. Oilman 1,1 s H ''-'I 'Hnorhnve rotnrn *' IWw ^ ^ r,,^at'lVM Tlonr I ? *v P. Snyder. TODAY and TOMORROW SQUIRRELS . . no motor car? The other (lay I saw a strange ob ject crossing the road in front of my cur. It <lidn t look like auiy ani'iiul ] had ever seen. As I got closer I saw it was a gray squirrel earrying :n its mouth an ear ot corn larger t in t if was. Clearing out the attic, in my farm home, I lifted some old board and found under them hundreds of corn cobs, remains of stores of food cached there through successive seasons by the rrtd squirrels. Last Sunday I idled away half a day watohing .1 tiny pine squiml gathering his winter's food from the big butternut, troo near my house. He would. run out to th6 end of each limb, liite olT the stems of the butternuts, then scramble daw;. and pick thorn u| out of. thegrassand hurry away with theihj;*a nut at a time, to some safe storage place. I -marvelled, as I a ways do at the siirgjinStinct of 'he squirrels that im p?ls them to lay Lit food for the win ter. But I also reflected that these, and other little creatures of th? wild, work a lot harder for a bare subsistence than most human.- have t ) slo. The miracle ot man's i Htflliireur*.' enables him to gain more thai! a :rere livelihood. Xo squirrel ever bought ;? motor car, or saw a movie, no mattei how thrifty he mid his tribe may b". CREDIT . - fe. Canada I shall watch with great, interest the "social credit" scheme which the new jjovertinuiiit of the Province '.'1" All>evta, Canada, promises to iuaucrn rate. As I understand it, everybody is to iKive a credit of $25 ? month, ''uamnteed bv the government. Maybe it will work. ^ At least the {dan is' gSjnftig "^tHeScb^l thronpTi fh'e British Empire. The Dean <?i Canterbury Cathedral came over from Rnglairxl the other day to help promote the idea. T,es* fantastic than our ? Aim-ride ? Townscnd Plan' V Alberta's "' win1 ?r?-dil " is another effort 1o abolisli poverjiy. Kverv experiment. Lrt- that direction will help toward J he ulti mate solution, if there is one. I doubt that any plan will work l hat does not call for productive laboi 'n exchange for "social credit" or any other sort of subsistence benefits lint some way must be found to insnro that i ? one who is willing to work shall cro hungry, otherwise our civili zation will col fa j -se. YOGIS 0 .... know one? "Whj>y\ T asked a Hindu scholar the other day, "is n Yogi* Did you ever K'iioav one"? "I have known only four authen tic Yotris, in my fifty years", replied my friend, a former Buddist pries* ''Many fakers pretend to he Yo?*u. but on I \ those who have yielded t<1' ?'?lie five disciplines are real Y(V*is*\i ? A Yo?;i, he exp'jiined, is nv win ha- rid himself, first of nil family tie-5 !??(: i *; ft].. i|i cip!i!<e. Thin h< 'imisi abandon all thought of persona' comfort, submerge all sex impulse.-, ;ee?}se ti? value money a:id property, and. la-it jvul hai'drst of all, jjive up dl sense of himself a- an individual Then and 'then oniy is he a true Yo<r' To few nvn i< it possible to ach>e\v ihflt utter selflessness, which is, after all, t'lap idea! of all relSjrioux te{iehkic. THINKING the place I " Fi'shinjr". said President Out*'?n ?4*f CoJcjate. University thrt other d*:y. '?'provides the only real opportunity I'ltfe rt-edei n man has to do r.r.al fn ? ??!.' '?k: jwdislurlMid " T a vree with him The mo if. thouvlv fiil men I have ever known hs'e ? >11 been fishermen. That is not to say however, that all anglers are thicker-1 T(?o few of us ere rc.a,;'y capable of 'hinkin?* in anv red sense. Bo! '?? 1 hose who have problem* and worrie* that seem to defy solution. T know ne better wav than the relaxation tha' "onies from a day's snlitry fishi'i? Whether one catches a fis'h or no? 'here K-v something about an?rlinfr tlr1. effectively elcars the cobwebs from t* mind. AUCTIONS ... on ihn farr T know of no better place to ..tu?' human nature than a* a country an. tion of farm or household cfoods. I attended one t'ho other day, and talk ?d with the auctioneer after the sal ' "If you want to .soil worthless junk i at High prices, or get ridiculously low INDIAN FAIR WILL j START TUESDAY " * ? ? ? \ The annual Cherokee Indian Fair will open at Cherokee, Tuesday morn ing, and record-breaking crowds arr expected to be in Attendance. expected to be in attendasce. The Indian fail's, started seiveiwl years ago, have income annual events that attract large crowds of peop'e . ftam many states. This year, it has been started, inoro : stress will be kid upon Indian crafts,' Indian lore, Indian dances and Indian;' j games tlhan ever In-fore. It is stated ] [that in addition to the Eastern Cbero kees, Oherokees and Indians of othrr ; tribes from the West will tlake part ? in games, dances ai d ceremonies. ! HERBERT HOOPER DIES j WHILE ON TRIP IN AKilON \ ? < * The body of Hertxert Hoop?r, who died sudlenly of a heart attack, in Akron, Ohio, Sunday, was brought home, for funeral and interment, tcs-j tordav. . I,) ? * Mr. Jloaper l< ft his home at . Tuckaseigee, last Thursday, on a bu>i- 1 ness trip. Surviving him are his widow, four; children, Lathn, 11, Herbert. Jr.. S. ' Billy, 5, and an infant laughter; hi> - father, K. M. Hooper. Tuckaseigee ; five brothers, (i!er?n, and Xelson (?lcn ville,, and John aid Clwirle;, Biu 1 Ridge; three sisters. Mrs. Lyda 1 Lake Toxa way, Mi's. Hosca Moses, Tuck'aseigce, anl Mrs. San\ Brysor. , (Jlenville. Funeral serviws will be conducted ! this afternoon at two o'clock hv Rev. j John Yonngblood, at the Wesleyan j Methodist church at Tuckaseigee. METHODIST WOMEN OF DISTRICT MEETING HERE Friday will be a day of study, con- 1 ducted by Mrs. C. N. Cfaurk, Confer1 J erie.e Superintendent "of fyttiSy, Western North Carolina Confference. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The District Secretary, Mrs. F. F 1 Branson, will also be present. The session will begin at 10:30 to- : morrow morning, with the devotional j conducted bv Mrs. S. H. Hilliard. Tho : I presidents and / superintendents of: study of all missionary societies ir | the Waynesville district are exacted to he present. prices for valuable things, put them up at auction", .he said. "You can sell anything at auction at sonic price". I had to aerree with him when I saw a cracked water-pitclw'r sell for $3 because folks thought it was an antique, while an almost new bed, .springs and ur at tress fetched only $3. One thing, though, stood out. Coun try folks still have money to sjwd j for what they want to buy. POLITICAL GOSSIP STIRS CAPITAL Washington, S*pt. 25? Washing' 011 is haviag ite owa "breathing a pall". With Coiigress out of the way am*] most h^fli afdciajs. off en vara nobs, there is time for those wko do the r^ai work of the Qovemmieivt to take a long breath, and for souvewliai m?rf earefid examination- of the git union, on the part of political and crlAer oh servers. * Personalities im h*iug appraise"! in t!lie light of pa-t perfonnauc.1* a?.i! ^present activities. There is ;i real 'personal row on beiwcen Secretary Harold Ickes, ne^d of P., W. A., ant! Harry Hopkins, Works Proj^as* Ad ministrator. More or less publicly, Ickes accuses Hopkins of wasteful haste in the apeudiug of relief flint's, while Hopkins charges leke* with: impeding relief by itn-int iu?sf UuH all j projects far which the :jVMM,000,0()b works relief fun/1 is sjtent, shall be ol pennanent Value, lakes seems lo l>" losing groitwl. j.A? y?it not caangh pr?).je?4* have ; tyfen presented to reach the goil an- I nomwad last Spring, *hut of puttnig ,3y2 mililion uuem-plbyed t* wwk by Novemher 1. Hepki*s is ? 1 ?* t>er ; h i m ?*<; to jhrt aien to work, so the ?ntla?Jc 1 for something like a rendition < f *le* G. W. A., hundred* of tkon4ni*bi paid for work, of whieh some think* unnecessary work. Rexford Guy Tugwell. who w?j* rf?*? " .storm center of the AdministraWoa r, '? few months ago, is a changed ute? :?. ?o longer does he often put torlh .n*w theories of Government. lii>t*vid, '*? is working very hard a I a big jo!-. 6nd those who arc watching tdose- . ly say he has 'developed into an abV administrator, as head ol the Hwjp' j Resettlement work. The question of wBo is to bead t!;C- J r? vamped Federal Rasej-ve Sy?tem, J under the new Bank Act, continually j ? ? ^"le .President's ?ehqiee h j ?iprescat Chairmen of) the Federal Reserve Board, who was j the author and sponsor of Hi* Ad- 1 ministration's banking bill. The act a? j finally adopted, however, omit tad or ; greatly modified many features whieh , Mr. Eecles regarded as vital. This wns ( due to the opposition of Senat >r Or- j ter Glass -.of Virginia. The belief is j growing that Senator Glass would ??? j strongly appose t he confirnwititm of j Mr. Eccles that the Prc#id?m may hesitate to appoint hi? head ?!' ftw? Nation 's banking sygtem. All sorts of moittyea ^aye fraea *t> fribnted for Secretary " Morgentttw '? | trip to Europe. It can b? stated with posrtivenetis th(M he hufc hot. go*t? abroad to consuls wilh Hie Bav k *f j England or to negotiate Ftfafrca. oc other gold-bloc nations far the stabilisation of f*rrener?. . fla ia simply taking a personal vacation iti Spnin. Portugal and Majorca: j (Please Tnra To Page Returns In Nation Wide Straw Vote Blowing In ;j . i 40 YEARS AGO 1 i ? ? i (Taobaaeige Democrat, Sept. 2#, 188^) . Wit* the ?u^pi *ious aeccoinpaniinent i?f iwilit-ury pomp and civic dimity, ; :vading an immense ciwd of people. i and honpml by the preaenjee of the 1 rigaitaricK of the Church and reprc -^ufcatives of foreign countries , th e\>Kon States and International Ex position in Atlanta wan formally open ??4 to the world, Wodaesday al'terimon The temperature in? Raleigh oi Thursday was 97 9- HI degrees. Tin drought, wliirh is beco:ning extreme is making streams in many eases vetv . low. The Xeuse is low, for instance. j fhot the mills have some trouble hi getting power and some cannot ran on full time. ' President* Winston, ot 1 lit# Sia'<-i University, reports 500 students en-' foiled, with 150 in the freshman cla??. ; This is the largest class in the univer- ! sity's history. ! 1 "" " s ! Tin* Xorth Carolina forestry and: mineral exhibits were ready ait tlw j e|x?ing of the Atlanta Exposition, and were* uiieurfyisJed by thn*c of any other <tat?. Col. A. B. Andrews has liitn mad' First Yiec President of the Southern Railway Company, and Mr. P. I. Welles succeed* Ca.pt. E. Bcrke'y a* Superintendent of this, the 3rd Divis ion. Mrs. L J. Smi'.h attended the (|?o IwIt meeting, Saturday. >fi?K Lela Enloe and Mr. Pre- 1 Mf>ore we?e here Friday. Hon. TT. T. Crawford wa* here t-? day on his way to Webster court. Mrs. J. A. Pecl?*r i? visit-iHg her fo'h er, Sheriff Mchtrin, at Welter. A special train passed here norning with spvii car loads of eht tla. Presiding Elder Wastg preached to ltfrga " eoMjpvjjation* bot-h Saturday arid Sunday. Mrs. t.-M. Davis jMid Master R&y wt me oat today from Awhoville to vis it relative* and i'rieads. ?TFI(mi. R. D. Gilmer, of Woyncsville, was hare for a short while yc-terdiv, on Jiis way home from eourt. ? Misses Ella and Lela Potts left to day for South Carolina, where they ?a?b have a sebool. Tbey expect to be I)oav;ii Maine way they are voting, la C alifornia, Florida, up in the X ort'b West, along the Rio Grande, in Michigan. Miune?ota, the South, and throughant tlm nation's br?>ad-basket section, the Mid Wcilern states, citi zens are casting straw ballots in the nation-wide "Our Next President Poll". Ike Jackson County Journal coop erating with some 2,000 other news papers, introduced this nationwide, prf-eoaveiition poll to afford an op jjortuiiity to voters throughout tae na tion to express ibeir choices of ma jor party presidential candidates lor 1936 J he poll is a btrittly non-partisan vote which does not politically commit ih# voter in any manner. It is not official, but strictly a !?lraw vote, and in nature, a direct primary vote which gives citizens a cl.ance to indicate to party leaders which candidates are preferred and the ticket upon which they would like to see those can dictates make the 1936 race. In this government minded nati.n: of ours today, voters everywhere are discussing the political posssibillties erf 1936. They would like to know ho w voters in other states are thu-.king, which public men they favor and what is the outlook in the various sections ?f the country. Wouldn't you like to know how tilings are .shaping up politiealiy throughout the country? Well, w? wwuld too and . the way for us all to leant which way political winds are blowing Ls to vote the "Our Next President Poll" ballot, which ia print ed bejow. Head the ballot. Clip it, vote it and mail it to this newspaper. You arc not asked to sign your name. Yon are only asked to vote for the man or men. wham you would like to see nominated for the presidency at one of the big party conventions next summer. First, returns arc aJready coming int- There will be inore during the next week, especially if cach reader se?s to it that his vote is mailed at on'*. National returns will be publHh^d as saon a> they can be tabulated x.tate by state, at the offices of the Publishers Autocaster Service in New York, which newspaper service is of ficiating on a national headquarters in this nnrtoh-wide j>oll. Clip the ballot, vote and nail it now Let 's show our fellow-voters through out the nation which candidates w# liere in Jackson county favor for nom ination at the 1936 c*nvehtions. absent several months. In conseqeence of the meeting in pi-ogress at this place, the quarterly meeting which was to have been heM at Webster last Sntnrdav and Snrnlay, was moved out here. Mr-. Clarence Miller, of Wavnes ville. v'siiinT her "ister, Mrs. J. R. llvaM, of tlii< placce Mrs. Miller wh iccoriipnri"?l bv Miss Willie Donald ? ? -. ho < "i ?-e to visit her grandmoth Mrs. 1). J. Alien. J f'nn*4; oj *'?(?-< ::f WVhst/T .\fond.i / j i* ???'liii'j. v?'!i .f'.n!*o W. S. O'Bi ! f' t'.in '^?ji p:esidir;* There were n<> !>-ci'tons t-. riM-x for. j rial, nearly ali he : v?rr of r? n .:!i<iqfi:ific?nt and irilUnr j character. i"'Ji n< should newr ta'*' ji'MjIn* ;:iu| attention of Super j ior Court. .In>lc Robinson was jjr ? r>'. i^v 'l 'r-' I In' noi<?' incident 10 ' fli^ trsnip'in*? and shnflTlinjc of ! ?! ,,] ; ? r-vt;: ley .dices 011 the hare floor of t li?? court room aiul cav? utti?rv?V ! '<i ?> : : iiiii jii'? eomp'aint apwin^t t|'e peo??'c :r- '?')idii>U court. He dffli * | d tl^?t til ey !::ld *j?ore shoes than Hii* ! people ho hid i-v?r sitn. A hemp car i iv.' lft 1(1 on i b?* ??liv'-way, in the aisles, J.-Jiid in t!so b*" af a cost almost inap ] prwable to tlio taxpayers would b* ! ?n improvement that would grea-M? ! ffloil'tfate f business of our oomts j and add mneli to the comfort of i l!:w nlio jif-t'-n 1 them. One of tfi*1 j nofieohh' i :*?ide:its of the court l a* j i been the nnn-wil number of divorce.* j granted. the number being much lar^r j er. perluip . than at any preceding i con ft. Five or six decrees of divorce ' were issued Tuesday and Wednesday. | A law of the fate Legislature hss ? greatly facilitate! tihe granting of di j voreee. Fewer peopla than vtmml ?n '

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