? jr. ... ' *? - ?L / .? J- ? ?&"' ' uiuy AO lviore Shoppm T*%i <>' f* --DIIOI) -Shop In S?> lva ^ YEAR IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY SYLVA, NOBTH CARC DAY, DECEMBER [, 1935 $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY \\\ Foils Conducted Favor Roosevelt For President WaJiinifton, December 4 ? Official W"^ lungton is displaying great inter in Presidential polls these days. The out' that has attracted the most attention is t lu* poll recently complet ed by l ountry new-papers, which reflect ins' as it is believed to do, rural otiu Mii::ll-town opinion exclusively, is regarded as highly significant. If there wi tv a wide variation between the re sults s'liiuii by the different efforts to pot :i era?* -sect ion of national politi cal views at this time, Washington miul: : ;k>! be >o interested. But when tb-.- W.'ckly Newspapers' poll, the Lit f-'iry 1 )i','est poll, the Gallup, and the p !i taken a >hort time ago by Robert J. Liti'as all agree within a fraction of i>:.'e p'f cent, the total effect is impressive. .:!! the p<>!!> agree in giving Presi de:.; Roo-'evelt still the best of it, bv approximately 53 percent to 47 per fCIIi. S(v;:r dI the thiiifs whilst the Prc.s idi'M 's friends are hoping1 will happen ar.- a siron^ np-swnsr in business con ditioa , the failure of the Opposition [i? J; velop real leadership, and a sub siilciee of the third party notation Th:- hit: -;- contingency, as things look r/?.v, can prohahly b." dismissed as nn likely to l?f strongly cnousjh eoncen liati il anywhere to afl'eci the clefor n! vote. As to leadership in the Republican Pirty, -oniethin# may develop at the S":,!t,::I meet in;.? of the Republican Wiomd Committee to he held here t hi- month, which will .clarify r li ??? i >ues\n-e:i which the Opposition will make ifs -tand. The man who succeed i?i puffing forward .1 prop-am on which all Republicans ean unit' will jvrtninly show evidence of lender :hip. II?i\v to overcome the jx>litic?I .effect of t: ? AAA without losing great blocks i. t :i rv! vote . is a puzzle to which no iopihlican political hader has .'6 far t'i" answer. Tin strongest element in Mr. R< oso Vi'l" *?> favor, ?? matters now s4 .and, i- t In In.--:- is definitely irr.prov i r *t;id thai all I lie .-:ig-ns poir' to farrlicr impr'o\ finent. The stock mar ':?'t hoo:n is not regarded here a- da". K'-Voiis. (iovernor ftceles of the Fed : it! l'e-crve Board jwinted out the other day that it would not become I'-'ite'eron j until stoi-k market speeula ti'i'i nached the point where it wac ftoiie; doit- on borrowed money. At i-i'esi .!, in painted out, transactions !!!!i u? hrlicve t hat the deficit could r;-i!(icC(l t f? not more'than .$500,000, here a- a cemiine expression of in u!< tlu> part of a man who v.: ?_n'c:)f pnw<'r in Contrress. i'.i he--,, j.- nf.ver any telling what | ?r:y ( o' ivjri' May do. The reasonable < Canity iliat a veterans'* bonu=> bill w:li 1? ????ui'ti'f! j? a matter of some c i 'ii '-M. 1 r ;i n',a?, for settling the vet ? . * r!a ii; with rensorably lon? through, it will ? 1 a' .-rijil'v )! I'fi'ct Use annual bud y >?<>' nrnitt> is :??; as ?"?'??? >?r. V ? of Cabinet .chanR?51 \ .? Int'.-M nii!>!:r would shift Sccrc t'vy * o ?V Vost Office Dopa-rt tv.-M ;i'\,\ from, his Tathct in the State D*1" I'iir'.nicnt to Rwrotary. of Commerce. ! V'.* >,t w??its to l'oop P^eh 111 * " ^'hinnistrmion. 1 I'Wiiy tViiin whispered that ho "I'l lib* lo l>avc Secretary Ickos -Vdm\>u?i ration. Also, very Prpsi?ive is Vifinj put upon the to git r;j 0? i)r. TugwoU, I : 40 YEARS AGO | (Tuckaseigee Democrat, Nev. 28,1895) Miss Mary Willie Knight was among the Asheville, guests at the wedding of Miss Lela Enloe and Mr Fred Moore. Mr. W. L. Esterly, of Coluinbania, Ohio, who is associated with Dr. 0. A. Rhodes in the enterprises now being inaugurated at this place, arrived Wed iesday and will remain |or some time. The postmaster at Scott's Creek re ports to the Citizen the failing of a meteor last Sunday night "as large as a half bushel", accompanied by a roaring noise. The light from the met eor was seen and the rushing sound it made was heard here. Business indications seem decidedly more hopeful and encoun.ging lien than for some time. Our merchants ap pear to have a more active trade, sev eral new* buildings are in course of construction, visitors seeking to place investment; are more numerous, all of which conspire together to improve I the prosj)ects. The ladies of Dilli-iboro will give a supper, with oysters as one of th^ prominent feature?, at Dillsboro, on Thursday night, December 5t.li, the proceeds of which aw; to )>c applied to the finishing of their new Baptist church. The pleasure of contributing to a worthy cause, coupled with -the enjoyment of a "square meal'*, rnsffjF be obtained at trilling cost'. Tin- Professors 0 ruber, fatlur ami , y :i, have boon in this community tun- 1 in? and repairing pianos. We, with others, had the pleasure of li-i.< >iin^ I' a most enjoyable exhibition of their skill as performer- on the piano an.i violin at the residence of fJen. E. R. Hampton, Monday evening. They an accomplished musicians and the pro gram was quite ? treat. Married: At the residence ??.?' t!v bride's father. Cap!. W. A. Enlo?, it. Dilkibono on Wednesday, November 27, Miss T.'la Enloe and Mr. Fred Moore. Perhaj>s no handsomer couple ever stood before the marriage altar than they, and in addition they are | both possessed of such good qualities I of mind and heart as to have secured J for themselves a high pla.rte in the ' esteem and affection, of a large eircl of friends, The bride was born a:--! has grown to lovely womanhood hero and is greatly beloved by all who know her. The groom}, a native of ('lay county, entered the profession of the law here and soon enjoyed a high degree of popularity. A ho.-t of friends extend to them best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity. , 4 - On November 27, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Retf. E. H. Hampton, Mi*. D. H. Keener to Miss Estella, daughter of Rev. W. H. Coop er, of the Western North Carolim Conference. ' Mrs. Amanda Enioe and Mr. John H. Mooly were married on Tuesday evening November 20, Esquire S. C. Allison officiating. Mr. Lee Mills left town very quiet ly Monday, without givhig any infor ! mation of his intentions, went down ! to Bushnell and returned with a bride, ! who was Mi-fl Ad die McClnre. The Baptist State Mission Board ha^ held a meeting to make some ar rangements for the mission work o: j Dr. Durham until the annual meeting of the Baptist. State Convention, next month. Dr. Durham's successor will vthen be appointed, 0s U f1 CQuveu tion office. I - ( ? ? ' Buncombe County Farmers Alliniirc has passed a resolution endorsing th*? nctions of the State Alliance in de ! j m \ . nounc.inp? the leacn of the'Xort'i C:ird ( Continued on page 2) who no longer {motions as Under Sec retary of Agriculture, althon?T> he re > taina the title. ?'? ) i s W el com e Visit To To w n Ye?, Santa Clau~' Las been to Svlva, ! and has li'tt with* the shops choice merchandise from w hich selection-' for Ghristmas giving can be made, anil j at really at tractive prices. j T,he range is wide and includes the : innumerable varieties of toys and dolls 1'or the children, and from there j to tilto more expensive presents fori ?grown )>eople of more than moderate n^eattw. In Syiva, this year, shoppers) can find almost anything that tfhey may have on their li.-t, from a baby's rattle to an automobile; and they will find that the priceJ are 140 higher here than elsewhere, but on the con trary, that in many instances they are lower than in the cities. With the idea in mind that the tlhrifty shopper i- the early shopper, the Sylva shops began putting nj> their Christmas decorations and dis playing their .holiday mcrcliandisc, immediately after Thanksgiving, and iiiosit of the shops are now most at tractive in their iholiday attire, and present a most pleasing appearance, j The shops of Sylva invite the peo ple of Jackson and t,he surrounding counties to visit them, and to bring the children to see the wonders from Santa Claus' toy shop. HAS R0GER.V LIFE ON SALE | J St ova I IV: Fruit Store h*s accepted the agency for the Life and Death of Will Rogers, a handsome, cloth-bound book, profusely illustrated. GAY A revival meeting is in progress at [the Baptist church here. Rev. Joe J Bishop is doing practieaHy all the preaching and is being assisted hv Rev. Ernest Jamison of Sylva and Rev Mr. Sorrell, of Macon .county. Mrs; Ethel Cabe pave a working for the men of the community, last Fri ; dwv and had her house covered. Thev I t . ?. all enjoyed a sumptuous dinner pre pared for them by Mrs. Cabe. Miss Lois Herring, of Waverosy Ga., is here, visiting her sister. Mrs. I HersJiell Cabe, Miss Emma Tatham and R. 0. Hi? Lon have each had a new Philco radio : installed in their homes. I " ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH j Rev. Geo. Lemuel Granger. Rector 11 A. M. Morning prayer, holy com munion and sermon. All most cordially invited to this fervipe. f Year by year Sylva ha? been pro- ! grossing toward the j >oi: ? ( where il 1 will be the Shopping ( enter oi ttoaili western North Carolina. I:s shops ! comport most favorably with those i I of cities, and there is no longer any reason why the people o; this tern- j tory should put thern.-:?4Te. to {he in- 1 convenience and expen.-e f driving ' 50 miles or more to a city to do then shopping. ' j j The Sylva sihops invite yon to tn j Sylva first, and to .come es. ly. so -that I you can shop leisurely a; ;! profitably, j Directory of Sylva Shops General Merchandise: Sylva Supply Co. Cauiu- ? brother-; The Quality Store;; J. Cunning ham ; R. E. McN.eelv and I on. Drugs; Sundries, Etc.: Sylva Pharmacy; Hou< er's D.ugi Store. Hardware; Novelties, Toys: Jackson Hardware Co. Novelties^ Ligihl Hani?are; Toy -, j Etc. Stovall's 5e to $1.00 ^ov; Eagle 5c and 10c Store; Jacksoai Hardware Co. Furniture; Jackson Furniture Co.: Mcssle Furniture Co.; Sylva Fui. iture Co. DILLSBORO P. T. A. MEETS The Dillsboro Parent-Teacher? As sociation met November l<0. j It was decided to conduct a member j ship campaign, and Mi- ? Louise Ma j son Mi-~s Evelyn Jarre- f, and Mrs ' Cole Cannon were appointed as a eoin linittee to make arrange! :',?nrs for the J campaign. ! The association voted Jo rejKJrt to | ' the truant officer all c-' "dren absent j j from school for a week "'it bout good 1 , excuses. i The association a.S:Ui- ed the pay- I ment for lisrht bulbs ir ths several 1 I I : rooms of the school 1.: ddi'ug, from ) the P. T. A. treasury. { j I The December meetir.;- w:i! be he'd i at 2:15 on the afterno"-*. of Friday. : , December 20, and all p: ,-epN ure e* ? pecially urged to come t t' e j.iertii'i to see the Christinas n op mi To be .presented by the children. j j HAS APPENDIX O^'IR VTION j; MA John Roarers, o1" Webster, is convalescing at th" Cor tm unity J*o. pital, after havs^ been ;ni!e ill with ; an attack of appendicitis. Mr. Rogers underwent an operation la^t Wcdnes Ida*, f ) Jewelry; ?Raymond Glenn; SyTva Pharmacy. Clothing, Novelties .etc.: Scliulman 's ; The Leader; Sylva Sup ply Co.; Bain Kaye; Clouse and War ren; llale's. Groceries, etc.; Sylva Supply Co.. Sylva Feed Co.; J. 13. Ensley; The A. & K; SiovaJi's Fruit Store; K-. E Dills; Cannon Brothers; Farmers Federation. Lumber and Coal: Builders' Supply and Lumber Co.; Sylva Coal and Lumber Co. Automobiles, Accessories, Part*: Jackson Chevrolet Co.; Cogdill Mo tor Co.; Hooper Motor Co.; Sidney Oaglc. Radios, Refrigerators, Etc: Radio Shop ; Jackson Furniture Co.. Ma- vie 's. Shoe Repairs: Mashbum's; Blu* Ribbon Shoe Shop. Cleaners : Sylva Laundry ; Moore's; Fred Henry. Theatres : Th? Lyric Theatre. Cafes: Cage's Cafe; Hole- 'X -Wall; Poin sett Grill; Sylva Cafe; Triangle Cafe; Coffee Shop. BALSAM (By Mrs. D. T. Knight) Mr. and Mrs. Claud Queen announc"* the biiJth of a fine son, James Orvin. He arrived Saturday, November 30. Walter, son of Mr. on! Mrs. San: Beck, passed away in the Waynesvillc hopilal, Wednesday nisrht of la*! \\ wk. A. short service was held in the home, Friday, .conducted by Rev. Da Dean and Rev. Ben Cook, after which the body was taken to Mt. Pleasant BapM?t church, of which he wa* u member, where fche above-named rai? i inters preached f lie funeral sermon. ! The burial was in the O. C. Crawford ! cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Porte. Jone? and littl" Betty returned, Sunday, to their hom>* in Asheville, after a short \-isit to relatives here. Miss Freda Jones spnit last week end in Canton with her aunt, Jtj*, M? dena Brown. The school children rendered ? very iii '.-resting proo^-am, Thanksgiving Dry. Mr. and Mrs. Georsre KnigKt gave a "urprise birthday dinner in honer of Mr. Knight's mother, Mrs. D. T. Knight, Sunday. The table was laden BAPTIST PASTOR RESIGNS HERE Rev. J. (jray Murray, pastor of the Sylva Baptist church, tendered his tes ignation to the church, at the morn ing service, last dunlay. Mr. Murray has been in poor health tor the past two years, and stated that lie found that there are import ant duties connected with fte pastor ate of the church that He found him self unable to perform. He is generally beloved by the peo ple of his church and of the commun ity, and they had hoped that the >tala of his heailh would improve suffi ciently to permit him to continue hi* ministerial duties. A year and a half ago, Mr. Murray offered the church his resignation; bit instead of acting upon it, the church granted him an indefinite leave of ab sence, which he spent in rest, and re gained sufficient strength to return to Sylva and again take up his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Murray will leave about the first of the year for ('ary, \)*ake county, where thfty will make their home. They leave behind them in Sylva a great many friends and a4 mirei*, who will regret to see them g? QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K. Terrell) Rev. F. E. Hart-slield preached a Thanksgiving sermon at the Method ist church, Sunday morning, from tho the text, "Thou openest thy hand, and satisfied the desire of every living thing". He, with Mrs. Hartsfield, ano Mr. J. K. Terrell, was a dinner guest at Mrt T. W. McLaughlin's. Rv. J. L. Hyatt has returned from Ela where lie condu?ted a very sucficsa ful revival meeting. Misses Etta Kinsland, Gertrude Fer guson, and Annie Lizzie Terrell re turned to their schools, Sunday, after spending Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. Herman Rhinehart and family and Mr. Ed Curtis, of Clyde, spent Sunday with Mr* Martha Rhinehart. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hyatt of Glen villc spent ast week at Mr. J. L. Hy atit's. They took their little; ?>n, Rob ert, who has been sick for several days, to Asheville, Sunday, for treat ment. Mr. and Mrs Miller Hall and Mr. C. B. Terrell were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. 0 rover Noland, at Olivet Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. T>. M. Shnler, Mrs. Tyler Buchanan, < [ Webster, and Mr. Dock Blanton, visited their father, Mr. M. L. Blanton, who?e health has not improved, at this writing. Mr. T. W. McLaughlin has returned from a business trip to Johnson City, Tenn. . ? Mrs A. -L Freeman visited BW daughter Mrs. S. H. Bradbuni, Sun day. . , Misses Geneva anl Ruth Twpin or Sylva were Qualla visitors, Su J. L. Sitton and family a*? Misses Elna and Bonnie Freeman call ed at Mr. D. M. Shuler's. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Bird of Syl? stopped at Qualla, Fndav Mr. anil Mrs. Troy Gunter ? mted relatives ?t Alarka. . Mr- T). L. Oxner spent Sunday witn her mother, Mrs. Man* Ward. Miss Bonnie Free) ran called oa Mi>s K'.na H<>y!e. Messrs Lowery Justice and Bum ette Reeves of near Waynesville, wera irnrsts at Mr. H. G. Ferguson'-, Sun day. with the choicest viands, amoirr vdrieH wa- a lnrsro dish of fresh sl!ee3 to mr.toes from their vines. The centei piece was a large birthday f-ak- , beaU tifullv decorated with colored icinfl and white candles. The randies wera blown out by the two grandchildren, Billtc and Georgia, and the honor** gups*. Other guests wen- Mi? VanBia Knicrht and Mrs. W. B Far well. Mr* Knight received many useful vifta. Balsam had a real snow storm fo* geveral hours, Monday nn.r.ing, hoi it was nearly gone by nijrht. Mert?rj at 10 Tufsdav morning. The Mehaffcyp, of Hendei-sonfflk^ were here Sunflav to see their daa?* tor, 11* Hubert Enalay. J