it;AK IN nVAECB IN THE COUXTY io3'> BriuzS Us Exciting political Campaign Year ,/ 1 . - - jn;/,; frtjrr^ r- 'i rwnptign, and one rhieh fr(fn\ i;nliralio& 1viJI be a iorttVi ? - >'rc ich;it of tli,? rniro/ SI^ ' nieni'" i- ;?? Im; clrclol. The fouwiiiii'-h ,v,? "1'ijor plisie* trelom i-i/: ^ A '-rovernor, 9 liculctW ?' l.'uitid States Iii '.r 'H' 'O' :J"' /'of Xort|, lali' officials aro 0. ?"4?U!II,? 1 fil' ?'L 'li'?i" j' A l<'?nJ)iy >s 'O 1)1* .,i?,>? .tiul represent comity's , V' ;i lor this IIU'JI I" ??] .. ? . \*r v-ti i.i'.it-.Ms e.wpt a .duiu.-t. -V ? 1 . i cj>nrt, aro to In ?u : . . i ; ' i ,. v, which fncans flp.tiii. "? tliai v?v :srv !?'1 ;1 sheriff, a board : .i >??#u.and a ,tcgi.?~ ; i.'t I i a member of I 'K Hr-u-< ? ?>o?lati\vs and a| Mii.'!! "i'- K -1:,,|| ;ii|ivi>I'litfitlentjHoodo v.ill 'j- ;? v.?:r.iii:i;?-d ??.v the cor. ?v!j:i".u ?'?th little op pwiicii. i * 1 .? !'?;? ? . (ifveriior Landon, sol i :* ? \ ;|il hiddinj* for thi> Kip: L! 'i.:u:' it-n, and fomie; iVi- i.i.:.r!, '...v. ? Uvir sp?*h-?uaK ii:c in ;; ? ? y ;?lit I indicate thar kf .; -he tiominatiou him .? io !t;:w a largi* iiliiidiioc is to In i 1 i; .ippaivnth lOu-.lii:^ :.i. ;i<l.i 'i'or nomination, a !.'i. y,t: i. , i; i- t'> l'iaiu lliat Mi tl il': ? .:?! ? iij-; nomination '?i ! ;*ii . >? ; >??>' i.v -..iii iniMter, i'o? il ? ? ? ?' i' t !'at, vJiih* n ilvj/.i.ini ?? i. 1 i'.rah campaigned V .'i'i' . 'li-. ]|?H>VIT, 111'-' 1'ivsidfii' li !i'* l.i-.i procidentia! ?ii: t'! :-3.v* il. IVI i. X,V 1"?,i.v.r to \;L i!:" in".n ivlzcit ?'opymfi >? i; ?:!. / ll(*vell>j*'t!,| v i i: i ? wfu* party, thougfcj . , . <>t' l?L"k Koliutaii . j :;i-:h.:ns, ami others con iHiiiV 'i'- 1 i'Mi with hilll. H?' wi'i pi. . :?iv * : .< ? jijW'liio!i. i . ??? : i.- I. : .*?! i ui.sbliti'Xs njainf! s':.i . , ; V\\; i'.t* (.'i?S!?flOSSmn -1 ftVjtVi :i ir; ; ii ? o t' thr ?list riot &;?. i.i ?. ?? iii'" r.|*|s >ition theft I- i- 'i-i' i_.4; : ? !. ;>.sit no jfslily stroll-:! i 'i;ii ' - Vi' -Ij'.'S ll |'ot*tllCUDi1 =: .. !i !, iu'li.'iafe shjoihl 1?. (??i ll!'M i i ? pi <?h;ihlc jluit hi i"*. ? i' ; i-r threat t" Vy \\ . i#*iiiire than ha'| !|<'C!i r "I ? ?? ;i primarfi* ii years. 11k- i* >-C N'ni'lii Carolina i ' 1 ' ?? i i,i - Constitution " 'l'-'.1.11 nti.-ililllt Oov :? ::r, r H. Iloev ' Mi i- ih-V.v:-, an(l|rf>i ? rh."; ? i h-Minr of h'-iiu" :!u su?vi' CuVcrnor Eh?'inghans.I |prrcwlt'ii! ^ ? -.?r to tl'f* \\?st ihw 1" V.. vi r.s an- ospPfWly ' t *1 ! ' ^ r n r.-.i !l!t' e?nnty of ?' ii- ? ; ;? 5hi! \VWl ^? ? ?: .]?. tV pr<-oi:l r.* '???>??> rjr?r.' a-.;4 has nuwy : i.f Stiiift, Mr. n^y. r-'-\ ??::?-vv< is. from i; . ? ii ? i f; r-.i of ! '? >-oilier, ?? ll:?* 'Y' ' i M ? enjajvjiyi '*? S!'-- ? A!. S, iiVawl the mi ?a* 1 ' j, jt ai,(] wiav thf ' !v,'n" ' i';" II mv r ftoliunn. ,l" - v ?' ??;?!?ho spoke ' 111 N<-:':= ... 5?;.*t?:n-<t th<; '^t',: Aftt'inhlll'nt, 0O?i| M"! ' hoih tfu* h,X:' v ]H MfJ ? anil ! Tnv. That wa? ? ii r?i' his manonv Asscriibly, and ' 1: ' i- hhanor in his crii i:t ??i-"-! 1 ? ?'?>:* ,'f r? A'.>". ; '? nifv frnm flown ' *? ' ill, V| J < , 'l* .?"> > ? , r!) "]>ioi3<li(l ^entle no! well known as *"'? " ' ? 'r aspirants. As the ? , ** ? tyj-. 11 ? r?i( / " v.p .hall lioar m'oro ? "! ' "'a, and of tha ?* v. ! . .. ? . M ' -' l iiij'- posts, from ?f,-,,.. ^ , r <'0!ist.ahlo. Tho ? i. '' ' ,rfwi 1." hoa1 inc* , ' P'-oriisps to W an i,. ihn Pr?l'tifal people f, ' v " l'"* 'Hi'tils of ^^Min ^:ro?^h primwn f, an' the general olwtion \ i Vo TODAY and TOMORROW (By.Frank Parker Stock bridge) SALARIES ; .. . . ability A great deal of publicity is being given these days to tbe salaries re curved by the heads of big business enterprise^ To superficial thinkers it seems unfair that one man- should ge; for his services so much more than most men do. Il depends, of course, on the value of the services rendered. If one man has the ability to manage the affairs of a great corporation so ?well that it is able to keep thousands of workers employed, and at the same (time earn profits fop the capital invested in the business, it would seem fair to me if lie were paid, say alt the ra'te of $1 a year for each employee. I kyiow' dozens of cases, though, where the ex ecutive head of a big organization gets nothing like tllat. One of my friends draws a salary of $100,000 a y<^r?I ygw- j but his company employs 3(n>|000 persons all the year 'round. The scarcest commodity in the world is administrative ability. With out it, no great enterprise could flour ish, and the man who Has it is worth whatever lie costs4> WORKERS . who rixivs Few wage-earners work as hard a* i heir bosses doi- That is my considered | Ix-liei, based on years of experience and observation. 1 Jtavv pe<?n so many wage-earners ri.-e through the ranki to high executice jkv?<s that I began years ago to a-k*how gaine<l ad , vnneeinent. In every case the answer wa* to thr sreneral effect that they always did .? little move than they were paid for liked /their jobs and recrarded tlv company 's\anterc.*ts as th*-ir own. While.most o^them did not fity 'PO, il was always clear that these men wh?? .started K'fe as manual workers %d ihigher intelligence and better conifro! [Of their appetites than their fellow Workers. j Aiwl they hud ambition. j There isn't any ot-her rente ov j which men rise to t,he hisrli placos in I our industrial system, Lut tlie roulre of hard work plus intellit^wice, pl'ur? am hit ion. And tliej* don't siay long in the high Slaw- unless they also have the priceless element of character WAGES . . the gruiee I -talked, not long- ago wit It a friend, who heads a ^reai" nation wide corporation, about wages. "What wo try to do is to put every dollar Uiat is possible to piit into every employee's' pay-envelope/' hi; sa.'lrl I know, that is true of Treat business concernR, in spite of the '?elief wliiich many v.ortkers have that !he effort is always to pay them a* little as passihle. The man who is .*??.ntmt to do lis lit '!<* a.s ho has to, to pvt. by, i'; usually he one who <rrumble.s rbout his wages. Rut the National Industrial Confer once Board ivportkvJ tin*, other day ou 2,400 business establishment?, employ iui' 4Y* million workers, all of which offer their employees opportunities to earn higiier wages. More than bfdf/W i bom pay on a basis of work don/? so much for emch item tnrjnod pnl. That makes, it worth while &? the worker '!"> l>e industrious, A^liird of these companies have premiums am: minis payment systems; many aro o?. a profit-sharing basis. 'The bigger the concern, the more it is interested in putting as much into even' worker's pay-envelope as possible. PROFITS . . siuali I have been studying some sU+isiies ?accurate a." any *i'ati.sties can be on 'the division of the incomes of in dustiial concerns Intwecn Labor, Mai: agement,and Capital. Roughly,it seenn tliat out of ever}' dollar taken in fo. the finished product, 65 cents goes in to the pockets of Labor, about 20 ?cents is paid out. in taxes?Federal. State and local?and out of the re maining l') .cento raw ntaiierials hnv. to be paid for, interest on borrowed capital?bonds?has to be paid, man agement compensated, and the stock holders got the rest, if any. The average pwfi' to stockholder, runs around 2 percent on the volume of business done?fin some businesses, 'css , Doubtless many inequities exist in our industrial system, but the notion that Capital gets the lion's share is. as I see il, ? fooMi lelief te"l on ignorance o?, the fact 4 l I " ' . V ?.? 'A -H ?' w ? IU Ky Dp DR. 1. 0. NICHOLS DIES IN T1 Friends bero will learn with of the death in ffitcwah, Tori a., J. Oj Nichols, following an attack] pncu noma. Nichols, a brother of Drs., A. and A. 8. Niehols of Sylva, wi year; of a:re. A native of Oulber* Etc, w Dr. ore I'tila Ni,.h R. <)| four Nich ami W "Ca Di*. Xiclrol.s began (Hie pi art ice of i icitie Eionfi Ion; iu Clay e:)tm?ty, but removed ah many years ago,* and foi number of years he bas 'bee surgeon lor the U Jit I*. FtVii'twflv, Fi^neral and i::lcrment were ?lt. Nichols is survived by his v.\(lo ji-ujrhter. Air.;. 0\/ea Meredith ;ki. (*Va., .*;?? Di*. Fra ?'s of iv jvftih, o:v sister, MrJfe , N.a!!ey of Mine i'idge, (la., anj| hro! hers, \Y. *A. a ul Ulysc r>ls, of ('ulherson, V.nd D> f A. Ai-, S. Nichols of SVlva. CAPflTAL . J . the system ? ieii I lrtar people huk ahobt tho<j >i'iili-tie System" a; if it wer?] thin:* '<} be abolished'as speedily as possible. I wonder what tbey would j do under -siny other system. For. n>, i?-+lt^-emiifw?4* Worki, otttsidr 'ussia,. is (here anything but the capi tali-nic system. Kor instance. eveiy farmer is a cap italist. So i' eve: y {orekeep^r, every run til who minis a barber- shop, garbage or any other kind of 'Venice" busi ness. Y -u J; i e a capita'list if you June a savings bat k d( |>o.-il or a life in - j surance policy. Tho e two laltler class es tjike in half tin* people in the conn- j try.; v When- does the ?apiial come fiwnij to - hi.-r er.ieiprices? Mainly | fitim yon and me. Our money, paid iu' to the savings- banks and the life, in surance cei-ipanio.-.. make., a big pool of money which goes into l>orfds and shares of all sorts of money-making enterprises. I shudder i?jhink wha! would hap-| pen to all of n> if the capitalist syr' tern were snddenli* abolished. ?'? r> :8S )m tu ARY IS * OLD * I ' I )Mior boundary o. limber, taf 42,000 acres in < ashlers uship, in Tiansylv; *iia, and Ejpoun'ty, South Can in-a avd "dojity, Gil., Las been ourohas mm ggp^he Whitewater Kiv.r, LudV i KUiy by the Mor- ;-T<iylor Utopiny, recently ^lized i H. Morris ami W. J ran vi He! W 1 i I fcftiripated that 15 y ars will id to complete tin- ?><*i at?;?-!! porty, and that *.? :vr::l J5.iv/ j ll be located on the n ' ji'-rly, 5feo?eentration yard, dry Ki'a afii?g mill at Wc ;t U: ^Mt?iale included the tim: Jr, luml,* pi- and all other ii*rhl. >E BROUGHT HIS VlSST Of MANY jTLATv I EEE ? . / ? And Ji^'kfyOU C'V'int,. h-<d the & snow in many yea for th; feofl<J3f>. ' ' w [JPriday and Satnrd: y before pas a liaht. suow fej! ana eov as the mercury dronppd; : id ;urain on Christmas day another ; o, iVl!, though not a heavy one. T? I: k t' the ground, and on Saturday sr.? w be gan falling abont .10 oYkn . in ?hn morning, and .continued o> through the day and night. Siunfc.v m .niingj ejiowed a total of 8% inches of snow, a record for many years. Old dr n who arc almost grown, and who have lived here all their live>, never :i". tiint much snow at one time before. Snow plows kept the l ig->\ ay.. open,; and icy pavements forced ja-dorist--! to slow down, and t!i"; the :va.$e at*-i cidents for the YulHide we- : reduced J to a minimum in :i'l :e'1* of the | countrv, where there was < He snow ; f I or sleet. I Many frozen water li'ies - ai:s> ;l in-' convenience and sli^hl* <-?)en;e to some Sylva resident^; but ? iwer and ELLIOTT WiLL F&5ACH HERE Rev. P. L. Klliott, of the faculty of Western Carolina Teachers College will .preach at the Syiva Baptist church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. /p** .i. A conference will bcylicl-d following the sermon, regarding the call ing of a pastor. Eveiy member of the church is urged to altond 'the service. There will also he a preaching ser vice the church, Sunday night. I t rnJLm ? ?. T. A. MEETS TUESDAY The SylvA Parent-Teachers Associ ation, meeting next Tuesday after noon. at the graded school building, irill hear Mr. McGowan fpeak on the subject: "The" Parent, "i'he fuuardiai: of the Chiid'V BALSAM ? ??V " ' (By Mrs. R T. Ki,i?W ) Tlie Cluiatraas holidays were much enjoyed by the Balsam people, espec ially the young people. Had a slight snow the 20tii. Several inches of snow the 22nd, a blizzard the evening of t he 25th. Merc an' dropped to 4 de grees below zero, the 20tfh; and eon ccld^ar d snow 'ai-stfn the 28ifcv Sunday the 2Sth the snow was 12 inches Nearly a'! the boys from here who are members of the CCC came liome to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Piy.*>n and five children cf Detroit, ?Ii -h., spvnf Chi-Hmcxs here with his parent^ Mr. and Mr& A. Q? Biyson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones anil twin babies ?;.enfc Clm:imEs in Wav neaville witi her motl^r, Mrs. Jam Leathern**]. f) MitJ.wa Mary Pearl Pfcillhw,- Ruby Phillip:"; and Thc-lhno PkiUips of Cul lowhce npc-nfc thd holidays with their cousin, Jim Virginia Cowfudy tnlephonoa^r?s were oi!&tum<pted, due to csre ??.d teod woifc on the part of elected ligifc S.!V? fe&Mflne em pioyeas GSSI&& \ LEAP ylEAR ? by A. B. CKapirv G'WAki / SOU , f Beat it ' IF YOU CAM - ? 7 ?Kf?! U ?' Ir'.VZ'^A ?4 i. V i 1 ^r|^_ - iym fsp.;:J'J'"'" *?-?' i " ? , r ' ?x i * I BONUS;TO BE ONE 0r P1IKT OilFQIl i Washington, January 1?Wit ho frying to predict what i'.la* liiuit 01 coiiio v.'ill !>??, tiii.-i is a g??*jti amc (?> rak.* jio! c Oit.fJ:-" is';:?# wj :i whieh tilt' .-Or ? ;.-i :? ; ? :i: ;lie T-JI li Congresvy conveaip'.* oh Friday, ,1; i iiaiy will . *4 s,;v time, ]. rnun(..:ia;c 4>t" iIn- V erans' Eonu* Tin* i ;.lv appa;en|!y opcti question : 's - i- whether or not the hill as isuss -d will provide I >r fttlj cash pay men!: or for a s| c';1 issue ol' haiid.^. 2. The Townsend ?>!d-:'ve p.n~ipi proposal. Tliis will .i .iil.r.t' a lot ojf oratory in lioili lmiN s, Tin* l| i bor lobby will ispise i l'. The hi guess is thai Il.e ''id plan w not be udupud hii! .!:a,t tin- agiiati will result in liUe'aiixatiun ol old-a i? benefits under til.-1 ?-? i:?! Security Act which has guj lu In- ...i .??tided in ma:<y respects, .".ayway. 3. Lots of talk liin'1 -urno pretty l.r.i debates on tlw Fiazicr-I.einke Fanu greenback bill. T.ittle j-hanee, however ol' its passat*. 4. Govemii?:*jit < \vin ?? !iip of rail road r. Again a lot of talk, hacked l>y a well organized fampai^n of the rail mad unions ill favor of it. Action of Interstate (foimneiTe ('mmiii sion |m ordering i eduction of railroad pa>-<h ger fares to two rials a *i;il**, where they are now iiigH. r iii:ni thai -whirb is all over the ftpst, u'ilJ be a deiiwln stiai'ion of the (bsveriMuent'.s pres< kit power over railroads and nmy liavd a strong influence in bringing holders of railroad bond* ir > !:;=?? fm frovean mnnt ownership, 5. The neutrality <|ne.-!ict will coine up early i" Ilie ;e i-.?n. 'l he pw&fiit temper of Congress is to strengthe;t the neutrality lav. ;. ' lt? strong bel et' prevails tlitfit a jUfrtii. war is r.ipidlv approaching, and C.digress will not be inclined to trust t'n* State Dej>a|i't* ment alone to keep us out of it. One outcome of the wflr talk is likely lo be liberal appropriations for a birder navy. i G. I*ropo!aU for icercasiii? tin* avniy strenTt-b will lie b"*k'*d by rc|M,rts thai^Mexno i plamiie;.* an oat md, /out C'inamn'.H :l troveivai ?ul. This vii! give ftlrrng.'b to'she deinand for mliii iarv defenses along the ltio (trande.< 7. Their wiH be more debate on jm? pes'i-? to regulate wa':cs and hoar i ol labor. Oii|lo'nlt i-< for tne passagcj ol. the Wat.Ti HiM, mpiiiir,ig all cance rs selling ain 'hhig t ? i h-- (j'overninenj to conform to labor idandards eslablidi ed bv Xl?A. 8. AttemnJ will lie made fu si rai rh ten out the silver t;?n?:le, proha'dy by mandatory lei/irdation i*ttf|iiirins^j the Trcn-my if.o i c i's i>im iiasin^ and rriatnta?n lh? world prieiv Tli-* silver policy i-' n f- <?! ?;?rly defined o yet. 9. Amer-lTren** *m i Ik- 7I??n-i:???> A/-t probrvily v^I! he male, willi Hie ->!? jodiv^ of ir.duein^ pviva'c e;ipi1a'"te to iii'o bv^-scalo low eost < housing 7?Tp.jcs. in aernrdhh/m* with the ;nows of Sc.aivtaiT ? Morrjanthsn. Di ? / 7 / ywtor of Owners L-ai Corpcrat rr?:", md IV er f.'rimrii, Jleii iitiT f'ypv-iUir. JO/fi/fo! o" :i:)i ;? i'Lil, v 'l be 93 Eli! I'ro'm now mi will <? m>* irvm tr;- committee reonv-i, w!htp T'uh MJtj'itir.*. railrnnds lniMiit. ?? ?'vun <-for.,vs arid v 'lin's ?.i!??*? phi: ?? oi bu-itvv:: will be under inves. igatioil The program lor l!iis session will il? comp'ir :r!ed by id her faeiors. Th t<* ".sill he Supine Court d< "i -i?m^ wHeh will ij-jef-; i:i>w i.-^ues. The budget a; !?''?? bv III" President will i o'; quite reasonable. I'olii ie;i']y, the relief i-si|< has 1)0(1 hroncrht to the {Von- by 1I< ?ver's St. Louis :]:<e<!l. The CuVe; ;i|l! .t's plan to turn the relief prohle i bael; to the stale-- fast as possibb i~ im' rn.ik injr he.nd-.v.iy. Bel tin^on Repu Mi.<;n;di<late? is now he Jer than even money on Landon. It seejt>s'ei'rtiiin j';;il neither Mr. Hojvu-t i:u" Mr. Horah will l>e tfce nominee. ? ? \ Even money is being1 het on a Re piibtican ''-nvress in 1937. hut the Presidential odds arc still in Mr. Roosevelt 's favor. Mr. John T. Jones and family sp nt Christmas day in Canton with his sis ter. Mrs. Mcdena Brown. MLss Freda remained until Saturday. Mr. Hubert Ensley and family spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. ff. Mehaffey., in Hendcrsonville. Mrs. John Warren, Misses Ruth oni Pixie Warren and Mr. Howard War ren wore omests of Mr. and Mrs. Porto (Please Tern To IVy .1} c\ i

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