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' >?a r>" ? '?(; ? u:;d. (-? > *? *i">r l it A T. ?.?:':TA-?ZC * c f. V .???. r r.d I-?"rKp. ? ._ -?=* -r" t ,4t:>cif*/ ?!> . ), !* 1 >' * f'rV'.n r. ' i L.un vV'.tc. . ,.,*0?" ni " *? v. ? -) S*i *1*1 bet! * ivflg hf?ve Uvi?: 'j to' ' 'i >?.. t', .i C<nt'?!:" . .U Ji vf ? " K 1, r. i.: .. . '.Jtf ?S'- ? . ife-rulafv, U' !? ' iv ' : f * ? J , ';???! v. lJ^.1 ll. M. . wiiii thf, . ^-.of ? ti-ljrityj yi ^ . .' . ..ais It'!' U uj^i-li i!;v. half 1 " .t i.iir.'lvt: Ut nul -w. ?,? ??eh . ...J .U.&TCXI LliUiL r" ; u:i liui '<1 I'Voni pj.ye I) iiv ???*?. itic ?? :/iwi :uitl t.;y .. u^sijuii'>. ? }> , ? .otitic :.tTUi ;o b j-?*ly 1 ' * . Li ? C. iv L lL' 11 -'jj ? llittt il tii * *)* j h')uw Kttuclms yn ? 'it* i . .;?ever d/eai.wd iii* > , nyh j. ? , \.uii fund* supplied Ly j ivitcl < t- .il UiicL'v Covy-r.iiacat ^.?.ir?..;.eca| < ji'Viv i.J :i: . ' .'\lt8 ? h;?: ?i"a,; in^vcn out v. ?r c-iurs ?. ' 'i ? ', iii.' 1 >'?!I r .? . ? Ic'll-J.-f, tl. V. .... ? If*' Lr a;id buik.i 1 f ? r. r s t: .* # . t .* it u V 1 .! ?rk< ii*.-.: ! < 31 ? ' j if. ~ " ?)'> . ^rr ^'T/ f'i ^ - L ? '/ ? * / <j __' ? ''vauirrj tlasc toricry; a ? ; ks* ?*>'. tor ../rf ?uatf //'J 'trip Y 7k cora? i' 1 a ' .v'U- 1 ?.> v.wiu- .u. .i' a V* W K.VJl? 0 * : . ,? I* ami, ? ;he . . ???' U'. 1";, l.,v..ol >; i ,.f. if '! *? .'?? r k: n?ir". 5'Xlore t- ., * 1. ? a li jW.d lax V ?: 1 :tr ?vz wrif-t a doctor J.. ov.rs, . m'.. ? u ily (he liqui'l l<vro. ,'W c be 'i -:i in iy .v u ?ic: os. . fjcal i ? v ' >v ?- y-crel oj m>j tc&l itlief "| r.t . ?"?), - ?' ' r.ysi V.-.h, /-ih yoar t| ? ??'. I *?7j vx'-y pof.;?!??>? >uid . '. o? h:;Vt 'if.eomc. Tiiry Uie ,J . tuaJ ul !u!p, u:id nglilnmt ?t', li.5 U^uiu laaiCvtfj,v5:?. illy is 7}jk. Cct-i?e?Ts Syru? ?a<CLiwii*iatj;4ciiKar''. ? Lothr' . \il lc?.ativc? thut^caa f-s'.n no> ?u ??? wn ih children. So, li /. rup N.;vn. "Vuu jiiiit tako luted 4of;6 Uli Nature restores runoiontf. , -,V| ??????!? ptiy industries such a high percent age of the unemployed workers as to reduce the burden of relief to a mi a imSua. The loan who has his wealth In real estate or ather non-perishable oom inodkws instead of in cash or bank ?redSts,' when an inflation movement gets lato full swing, has usually prov ed to Be better off than the neighbo: r/&;didnot see it coming. ? $^emglh is given to the belief in a cowfrg biiilding boom by the report of the American Legion that more than a Quarter' of the bonus money will be ! sp?nt by Legionnaires for tomes. That : is the resell of a questionnaire recent ly sent out. The spending of the re*t of the bdnus distribution would be in the pay meat of bills end old bedts, the pm ch&se of ilife insurance, automobiles aething, home equipment, and house fumisbinfca. It might prove to be a qtiick and powerful stimulus to re U1 trade all over the cbuniry. TODAY and TOMORROW ? (Continued From Page 1) the shipper and consignee of railroad freight" have to provide their own tneuk fctervirc to and from the raii ro^d stations. ?The ne-jr system should ira'.o - for faster andf cheaper distribution of cor.. modities, and so help in solving 0110 of our chief economic and social pro'j lems. One of the chief reasons why everybody can not have plenty of everything, when farms and laetorie. ?an produce enough for everybody, is the high cos't and lost motion in iho procosa of distribution to the con MUDC& i WALLA P. T. A. MEETING ' i l; (Continued From Payc 1) woven wire fence, given l?y the Stair Highway and Public Works Commis sion, along tfcc road fronting the building. The organisation is growing and sefnug the needs of the school n(i,i community in a splendid tray. Wanted: Pretty mineral specimens Aak Askey. THE JEJUNAL, now 52 wetki fc in Jackson County. All hom< paint. No patent inside. Indicated with ingredients of Vkks VapoRub vicks Cough Drop Rid You Kse i fot Kidney Poisons DO you suffer burning; scanty Of too frequent uriMtte"/ wdiKB#> headache, di?inesj/1oM^of energii teg pains, swelling* - M puffinesf^ under the eyes? Are youtited, n?nj ous?feel ell unstrung- and doo-f know what is wrong??'-, ?. , y Then give some thoagf* to yotu K.dneys. Be sure they fun^on proper |y fcr functional kicfoey disorder p?r> mils excess waste to stay foihe blood. ?nd to poison and upsettne whole system. Use Doan's Fills. Doan'i.are for. % kidncyi only. They ars r;sofrt.TKnd$J Ihc world over. Ycu cen ofel the gen uir.t tifiK'-issU'd Doen'j A ?.ny d.'" *tG1*. p ? -. im* u trMUi - \ y e $ ? J . -i Guess r ;. KnOWi; ^ ''y Whether the Remedy You Use ^ is SAFE? * Don't Entrust Your Ovvn or Your Family^ Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family arc Inking for the relief of headaches He will tell you that -before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin- most '?pain remedies vere advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. r % Scientists rale.-, Bayer Aspirin among the fastest melmds yit dis covered for the relief, of Ijca^aches und the pains of rheumatism', neu ritis and neuralgia. And the experi ence of millions of users has proved it safe for the average,pertonto use regularly. In yojar. oibn injerest re member this. ? ' . You can get * Genuine Bayer Aspirin at any drug store ? simply by asking for it by its full.name, BAYER ASPIRIN.. Make it a point to do this ? and.see tKat you get what you waut^. J Bayer.;Xspii"in . O * ? ? > ? Liberals, pain in neck Ali my life I have been hoping to meet some on?" who^vf01"^ give 6 satisfactory definition of a "liberal." I read regularly the two most influential "liberal" magazines in this country, and in every issue they .tell me everything that has been done wrong that week, both at home and abroad. v Fdr Trom "liberal" in their characterization of those of whom they happen "to disapprove, they make very clear all the things they are against; but 1 have been trying for years to find out what'tltey are for. ,. \yhat sort of social set-up do they think would work? Aside from venting their jealousy and wrath on all who have happened to . get along in the world, what other program-do they have? By whatTule or circumstance do people happen to gel themselves classified as liberal" or *Veactionary"? L . '* A certain famous Senator, whose gymnastics I . have watched for thirty, years, has been on ail sides of most questions- etfcept tho^e which invoiVfc votes in bis home state. On those questions?-silver juggling, potato control, Townsend Plan, or whatever, you always know where to .find Him. Vet he is a "statesman" and a great "literal.". I sometimes wonder if professional liberalism iv/o much a matter . oj thought as of torpid livers and unfortunate financial. experience. People whose livers are active, and whose affairs progress, believe in - the country and want to see it go ahead. People with sluggish livers and no luck think that the "interests" are responsible for their bad feelings. ... . , -i ? * This is an exaggeration, of oourse; not a fair statement But the mental saoo^iness of professional "liberals" has long given me a pain. 1 wish I-knew why they are, what they want, and what evidence they h&ve that things would be better if they were given what* they want. ? > ! . t \. . . Pity often not wanted A cultivated young woman who holds a responsible business posi tion in New York is a member of one of the old old familie*.' Her two sifters are Social Registerites in a conservative Eastern city, and spend much time shaking their heads and pitying their younger sister. "Poor child," they murmur. "She must be at the office every morning at nme. Sometimes the company sends her out'on long trips. She travels ^ alone in trains; she even flies. We urge her to come back and live with ui; but she is so stubborn that she can't bear to admit she had made a mistake." j \ On her side, the youne lady says: "I have a thrilling time, but my poor sisters, what a dull life they lead?bridge and luncheons and more bridge and dinners and symphony concerts. It would drive me crazv ( pity them." ' \ ' i This land of ours is full of city people pitying country dwellers - country people pitying the hemmed-in residents of the city; bachelors ., pitying the fathers of big families, and fathers wondering how bachekf* can think that they get anything out of life at all. ? - A rich old manufacturer went to pay a last call on the\night watchiuan of his factory. The two had started as hoys on the^ench together but while the one grew rich the other loved liquor and irre- , sponsibiUty too well. The rich man cleared his throat to utter a few words of condolence. The dying man raised a warning hand: "None nf your ayjnpathy," he cried. "You mean all right, but I don't seed it jtlri J!r?0'c raorc jfun out of living than you ever will have." muc somewhat hU own superior judgment or taste i . ?? - ?li I' . Wite ait? Soa ot' (he Doomed Haoptmano [ TRENTON, N. J. . ... Mrs. Brano Hauptmaan (above), was so over joyed when die learned that her husband Bruno had received a 30-day reprieve from death, for the slaying of the Lindbergh baby, (hat aha agreed to pose for this picture with her son Manfred. Three-Time Cl NEW YORK . . . When Howard WASHINGTON .,. Mrs. Thomas HugLe* (above), 33. set his plane O. Schall,' widow of the late blind down here in 9?'t hours from Cali Senator from Minnesota, announces tcmia, he was rating himself that, she will be a candidate for the "tops" in three different fields of 1' S. Senate aoat vacated through effort. Youag Ilu^liey ra;ld? a for the death of her husband, aud for time in oil, then in movie produrturn which Gov Olson has also announced nt'.d now tlie air. himself a candidate. Subscribe lor tne Journal TORONTO, Can. . . . Ber P?v J'i M)'l#?0.uUure.(8bovf'). Canada,' sole "flying priest," came out of the NortMand to plan for a W and a "feed'' plane with to wrv/co his 200,000 J, parish. Injuries to hii knees w J years ago caused him t0 me canoe and dog-teem travel. First Air Lines "Czar" Gorfell (above), furmei army jiii tor, is the new and the ri?t "i.'ui'' of commercial aviation. IK- m elected by the recently urgatitei Air Tran*j-.<?rt ^s'n His jul. a u coocdiuatr tlje commercial line*. ~ f 1 f It. ANNOUNCES >25.A.M0Nra TIME and a I NEW VCC 6% FINANCE PLL . ?/ . ? * .? . . ? ' . i I I *'? A /? J r ?, ^ ^ ^ r* Car n wMn /,"WW/or ? AM ' boom-Payment This S25-a-month tim rtjrr-^-gair Pord ^eroaw oi Cred/f?* if tLe b*lWli ?:m2& ,tnu- f*Wn W ?* Vour Jf ? made 525"*^ ,OW doWn-Payment ^ ycar ,s r,le or fen J uap^ to "<* ^ C0? "you ^ vTcaT!,"!od by 6% '?? iwurance .^ ' "eW ?*? ^ud- ..? C ?"?"'<<* >'?? ^ * Your financing ^*noe Protection at regular c^?'c*r' fe only i? ?*?en*>on of credit A*U *****' You hstve not onl> ^ ' hal "?Paid ?,* m0nth 0,1 your or*. ? """^ce, but $50 deduct ^ This plan red. T* """rance ^ Protection against otl*r *> twelve mn a. financi'ni charges fn pLysical W ^ p''' you ow? F?r exa?PJe. if ^ G)D""?>t' Mano, of ?00 for ?L. available thro^ ** Fo,d ?kders in the United State* * O R j) jvfnT/^^ v moTor company

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