* ? ?. ? ' . . ' * ? * 'Si " -? / / ? l wt?iff* ? r C " CT ?' A **** ar alvakqe outsoib thb oomrrr uEWs OF THE WEEK IN WASHINGTON i'splt0 h ..p.d go home by May w!Ctb? tlwt I"?"3 L "K fee seen. It ? not lxkc *ZZZ, "'at m 1'IT-i>1'"t "I" f' ,,v new kgislati? proposal. *lhe'tei ?",ulU'- Ue " JUi' :U" 15 ,. have Coii??*s? S? homc a3 ** l? [0 ,et back and look af ,v bo>'s art 10 p . Ur political loaers tfr,h :hv .Jllitl- U *'<?*? lhu,S* 10 l;^r Ure it qulls. The put tbroujjh some kind of a ia" 1 ,.iU device some new tax ^ which wOu't have too serious .bo' "ill !>?? 10 mnke a" 1 bi, , M ?,r0b*Wy """ "wiwatu a?? t Th0 "Lt Ik id? Of Senator Nye an. Snaritw to. eonvinml most o. !wmember* of tall. lm?so? that ao;. to im-.il>' i? ??>???? J"st jL, the laiu'-l Slates may or may ease of another genenil war ^ k as fuiilo as most attempt* " >inut an undicloatd future. Z it I,ii-l.t get u? into the veo wiiicii ii vvvitd attempt to averi iwiln-r) W?i! th?i 16 appareatl) jie taiiU is i?e ?;d aye pension a jiufiiH'nd. This locked like a lm ^ iu LKr-uuber, but i he atutwu 5,, is to h i it he niiUt aiU-r olecliou. t*!kc oat age as-jis'.a-ice phui ?. W M'u J SecUliiy Avt, il is iiguivu 1; iae statts wiU have no tioubW. iokiugcan of iiu really needy om !&,, soil that is as far ?s this Lou >n...?r '.he Admiuistratioii is melin r<l U ' and the Administration uvr fc;u hearing so much criticism, datii-.g il* la; t few weeks on the sub ject of iri't- .-pending, that there n w coa-iderahic degree of harawnj ktm-u the Legislat ive and KxocuKvfr burhc* of tlw Gove rnment in the uticr of appropriat ions. One effect ti ilu- reacUyu against spending was 'j* .tuiitiii'.iU'i::*';'.! the other da} "> lilt I'r.si'hnt thai h" ife 11 Sa"lS '* i.-?iii> i;.-.t iiilii-iii dollars or so which li.1 U-i-u vo'.i d for tiie AvOl'ks 110 pti> Aumiiii-t ration. ile will hav/ jji ifi't' !>a? k u? ( i' i',Tfy! for a fui-< iL.r rc'.il :i|i|ii*i.)?riat!on tor the pe iwl h.-ciiiiin u 1. and this ina^ nc 'i bilhoat). Thi- laiin |>!aa which is btt ii,:.veil it coud deal of console rat ioi. b'iv i->|p|:iis?M'( ?t by the National Co ?vm.'tixo Ci>ui..i!, a federation ol tnui-iV ioc?|n-rittiv(.>. '1 lie plan is a -.t ii|? or move corjwrations, i-'. *jhi'h tin- rjoverntu 'lit will ]?arti ? tu ii.:inn:^' lir* distribution ?'l'l ol ."-'lip.us tarm j>iotlucts v?:h for cx|ni!'t and 'lu: home marke.s Vi !bir this will cMne to a~Tiead at '?i?-]>re>ont is Mill a((ucataon I way, lnm-v;T, h'-coiae a part of )'i(- or both party platforms. The repeal of the I'ankhf-ad Cotton trtiitrul A<-t, thi- Ti'haeeo (!ontrol A'"t 'id the P<it;Mo Control A<-t, at tne ""iMi-.xt r,f the l'rp-ident, was expert Rafter the Suj>rcnie Court 's decision die AAA. It hr<riiis to look n; if there would ^ io impontant now tax legislation it this session cxr-ept i>o.s^i')ly sonie t'Min of a lax (Mi processors to pro tuu.ls for t e a^'rici'ltmiral pro Pim. Strong opposition from within 'l* l^ moeratic ranks is- sha|>ing up to ^ particular fonu of tax. Sen "f?r ^ a'>h of Ma^siichusetts <te tho l^arhoad of the new movement fot 1 "fncral manufacturers' sales tax. * 'fh wi||( 0f f0!lrs(.( jrt, opposed bv inc:ulj(;rs from the Western farm f^ions h ?w mhu of v?<y T>?VtlCf' tuo* nliiprvors who make it then '?MVti'ss to try to figure out what Sen-1 '"'t Borr.\i is aiming at, poem, to be | ''"\Wa. \i\A declaration in f,Hw us a primary caudilalc f?l* the Went is an effort to block the ' Wito son" tncti.es which have so '""a result p<J in throwing the notni f 'l0n '?>to tho l,,??i* of the party ?***? ^ Mr. Rorah can grt a jeood ham\?\j\ (vf instructed delegate j.fafl r,s? tbf ui ^ a P\uh over th?' ^Wntion, H?t liow ho. would use ^ somewhat in doubt. n'ai"- "^.iMivc, it is lwlieved, is hi tl f' ^V' ,vor and his friends from controlling the ^ Convention. TODAY and/ TOMORROW FAIE . ... world's greatest New York is going to have a World's Fair in 1939. The date will commemmorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of our nation. O'l April 30, 1789 the first President of theUnited States, George Washington, took the' oath of office on the bafcony of Federal Hall, at the corner of Broad and Wall Streets, and for moie than a year he lived as President in New York. The national capital was then moved to Philadelphia, where i', lvtaiained until the new city of Wash ington was ready for President John Adams. New York City is almost a perpet ual World's Fair in itself. The first World's Fair in America was held in New York, in the Crystal Palace, in 1854. The px-oinoters of the 1939 exposition promise something grander and more interesting than has ever been held. At any rate, it will give everybody an opporiunit and an excuse to visit America's greatest city. MEMORIES .... growth Year's ago I met an old man who claimed to have seen President Wash ington. That may have true, for .cer^ tainly there were many men all we in my buvhool who were born before Washington died. But I have found thai many, old people "remember" ihings that never happened. One txld gentleman, .Major George Haven Putnam, who died at 83 a few years ugo, told nil? a sfory 'that I vtc Relieve. As a small boy he was wajk tr.g with his lather . on the Bowling Green, at the lower end of Broadway. L'hey met Washington Irving, the fa mom author, Avho was born in 1783. Irving patted the little boy on the i:ead, and said to him: "Now you are only two pats of the head from George Washington." He had been, walking with his owii ^pot, when they met PrSenT^aSPh ngton, who patted his little narncsak* an the head. When I hear such anecdotes and realize that only the span Of two hu iiiau lives lies between froday and tin beginning of our nation, I am alway .reshly amazed that we have grown n so fhort a time to tlu wealthiest, most vigorous and almo.it the largest aation ii\ the world. And I wonder how much farther we arc going. fAHADAY and tax The other day a scientist in London, seated at the desk used by Michael Faraday, struck a match and lighted ;l candle. That started an electrical impulse which si>ed acrqss the Atlan ;ic and lighted a lamp to signalize the opening of the new Museum of Science and Industry in New York. Faraday, the blacksmith's son who Invented *the electric dynamo, could not have foreseen a miracle like that, perhaps, though he was a good prophet. When Mr. Gladstone, Queen Victoria's Prime Minister, asked him what good his dynamo was, Faraday J replied: ? "Some day you can tax it." Our whole structure . of public utilities is founded mainly on Fara day's invention. * And governments have certainly discovered that it is taxable I ICE Larve,t The biggest ice crop in many years is being liarvested oji the upper Hud son River and the lakes of northern New York, and New England. Two foot ice is reported from Lake Cham plain, and still freezing. ...... ? Elcctric refrigeration in homes, and artificial ice plants everywhere, have pretty nearly ruined what used to be a prosperous and profitable industry. The annual ice crop used to bnn? more cash into the towns along the northern rivers than anything eLs?. While there is still a market for good natural ice, it is small an o po 11 TPfl Yet I haven't heard of the "ice farmers" asking the Government for | relief! FISHING . < ? ? ? wint?r Winter fishing through the ice is There ia only one cither Republican of whom it can be said- with certainty that he will have a group of instructed delegates J,t Cleveland. That ?.?? Governor Landon of Kansas. He and Senator Borah are now away oat in front. FAKMERS' federation HOLDS MEETING HERB The ansual meeting of the Jackson County Stockholders of the Farmers* Federation was held at the store in Svlva, last Saturday. Mr. MeClure recommended the grow ing of a oash crop by the farmers Ln this county, and pointed out the ad vantages of raising tobacco, this year. J The Farmers' Federation String Band, from Asheyille, made music ?nd I the storo served coffee and cakes to all present. j Talks were mode by County Agent Laokey, Assistant County Apvnt C app . &? C. Snyder and Thomas A. Cox. The advisory committee for this] county elected is composed of T. A. Cox, W. W Rrvscn, Carl Jamison, C. P",Shelton, Van.ce Hooper, A O Weid Jich. Win. Qiuett, John C. Jones, W H Snyder and Marion Moody1,. Directors of the Federation frow this county, elected were Thomas Au Cox and Carl Jamison BALSAM (By Mrs. D. T. Kniglit) Mr. and W. E. Enslcy announce the Mrt'h of a daughter, Shirley Ann,: February 12! li. Mr. <111(1 Mrs. Philip Smathers an nounce the birth of a daughter F?') j mary 16th. ) , Mrs. .John T. Jones went to Waynes I ville, Satnrdayj Miss Louise Arrington wwit to Sy: va, Friday. Mr. nirl Mr.*: Johnnie Jones am] twin girls and Mrs. Theodore Duncan spent last w0ek end with relatives in WayncsviP<C A large number of Balsam nien went ? o Waynea ille, Saturday, to take the, TVA examination. I Mr. Frwk Ashe killed a snake Saturday, near the 36 mile post, on tKe Southern railway truck. It waa '.bout 21A feet Wmg end about a? largei as his wri-1. IIo did jiot know-jAat kind of snake it was. It is nnn^iiccil to" see a large snake here at this season Ulic ttwyeaf. just as popular and profitable I had a letter from a nieee in Ihe other day, who wrote* that her husband and five other men hal built their fishing f ha'-k about three miles out on Lake Ohamplnin an! were mak ing hi?: eatch.'"?. of pike and piekercl I haven't been around the winter fishing ground? for years, but Xjhave vivid luf'niories of o:ie Spring jvhen the if hroke up unexpectedly on r,ake Erie a id several fishermen were t-arricd down the Niagara River on floes, with onlookers on shore unable to do anything to save them. I :>up;)C-'.e most young folks of to day would balk at taking snch risks to earn a living. But forty or fifty years ago noliody expected somebody else to feed him if he didn't work it, 'whatever there was to do. , 40 YEA , ? - I Tnckaseife Jkmv-?i ;.?3G L : f; Mr. D. L. Love %;t ?> Saturday. Mrs. Hall and I: v.,. K . weifc over from ?Vv-...c, - . \i Dr. j. h. Wolff w.a. J. itoday, on professional bu c . [i Mrs. Stcdanata. te.Lt> xium, ..:v. a ,jvi?t to her children, ii-..: .. Jam aud Mrs. 8ali_e A.ai, i./ u<;a; & Mr. W. D. Wike, ihr> elf' .0;. Priv cipal of the Nanr-a! Ley fcr .1 of the CullowheeJEGgh SchuC: .15* ' -wa Saturday -aiKfrtrtfe as tl.r i j>.i u> in a more pwwperotio mi.s tk - i.iau ever b afore. Last night-was the v'ilckv ^ y.'j Iia?o had this vrkuter. There v r, * ii^Ut fall of snow in the .eat ly j rt of the night, followed by a sto :\y wind which has continued and i j : i^f-or ature has been far below i c: ..j all - .. f .<? ' 1 >1 **. -???, l' P. f. Presp'r-y, of * *tv, j Tnesdnv, v.i.h ir.'JintfU ' > o? I'/1 r ', ? j i ~ suwraj virJA- " -Tr. 1 us the tut! !c ' ln efoivity in in;* i'^?.u.;otis ie Ijarag is promisor thanks are 1:6. cV' ? '? ? i t" H*re4idents of fj.< . Ur f of the Cullowli ? & and the i.p 1 *?va' ,to atlfcnd r.::;! ??- o: .fcfthe fconteo o. S;t: rdjy question i > 1. .mi\ is absoi ' Vo: eveiyoc c i >/: S. shor.M i?';. -i. d unliv. ;i> ?< ; ? o' l.ratio of r i v\ I a!! c y J the r'i i II. ;* T'" IV j.: ,f>; Vac i *<$L /" '; V'r ?!' dered his reaignatio i v ,V:': city of Ashevilie> A 1: : ? ; j: jhe cause for the rrsi^-a '< t' r.t r Mayor Vlaw practi r<? that it is not possible for ;u do vote the time to tii< jluu: >f;.co that its duties requi :>< Scientists every ?> r v the rec?ot wondeijfcl discovery of j Professor Rcenstgc , . j sics in the Univer if - o? Bavaria, which it i i ! 'i;-. ! timed to revolutionize j? '?? ir. He .can take pictures of 1.' i . :.\oi vf solid substance ; cru !i 'j ah the skull of a Man or bis VI eljon, lowing how o'uv v -t: I. j . >k without the flesh; c:v: pVi r " n--tf asd inequalities in if" L , minerals, and do niiu iy o!'' ? V-?!i ble things. ?'U Iii 5 > '' ?'i- r* m m % * J' J CHEYENNE, Wyo.... Joat sow. M|iry Helen Warren (above), 18. U at' school at Lelond Stanford uni versity in California. Next July, ehe'11 bo wearing her 10-galkm kat as "Miss Frontier," Queen of Chey enne's Frontier J)ny 'a celebration. Her father owns'a large ranch here. ?'ic ij a niece of General John J. Pershing. QUALLA (By Mr*. J. K. Terrell) Hie Quarterly Coiiierence convened at the Methodist church, Sunday af tlTuOOU. iiov. W. A. Rollins, of WayncsviMe, prcii.;'ued iroin the text, '' Jb'or the Son wl caiue to seek and to save that "hicli Wiuj lost." 'i he outline waa ' * .. s mission in the world And our i.i in. liia world. The sacrament ? aj {iuministered ui'ler the sermon. *unung the visitors who attended tno a-mco wero Rev. T. It. Wolfe, of oyaa, Miss Thelrna Moody, Mub. J. u. Oiub?, Mrs. Glenn Sbalcup, Rev. i .d Mrs. F. E. Hartsfield, Messrs. E. ?. . ^oouv, P. 0. Elliott, and G. Ju. ,cu..iuuu, of Wnittier, Mr. and Mr*, .a A?i. Kuykendahl, Messrs. L. A. Vv. 0. Shernli, and Smith Qljiu, ojl Olivet and Rev. Willwun ixuiuibuckia, Dawson Gaorge, Julia* Sampson, of Echota. 2.1 r. W. K. Freeman attended tba ui:. era i of Mr. Fynk DeHart, at the /uv..'iOn Line Cemitcry. ' M:\ uuu liubLri Bianlou announce tiie birth of a son, on February 9th, Louis James Sir. Vv. E. Bird ealled at Mr. T. W. McLaughlin's Saturday. lie waa ac ( <.::^:r...ied to Cullowhee by Mr, and Mrs. 0. A. Bird, who have been visit ^lg at Quails. Miss Ireno Raby, of Cowarta, spent the week end with bomcfclks* Mr, C. BL Terrell went to Ashe viilc, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes and son Jim Ed, of Cherokeo. spout Sunday ** l Mrs. J. H. Hughes. Mrs. Maiy iv.i'siand visited hor mother, Mr* A]den Childers, o? A Voice From Long A~ o by a. b. Chapm ,. i ?' " ?A?S ??" _ ?*>' Western Carolina Broadcasts Program Western Carolina Teachers Collceo will bo ?tu the air from W'SM, Nash ville, Teniu, Friday night at 7:00, one of u scrrict, of 1) road casts sj ?orcd by George Peabody Collet the Nutiomil Life and Accident In surancc Company. Tlio sketch, written by President Hunter, depie{>s tin' marvelous scenery and resources in the environment of Western Carolina Teachers Colljc^e Tlie program, whi?!i is expected to at* tract considerable eoniment, is as t'ol io\vs: (Ploase Turn To Page 2) Cctnley's Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Ca3s and Mitts Mary Battle returned 4 o Almond, af ler a visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. 1). C', riughes called at Mr. Col man Kinsiaud's, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. lloylc, Mrs: Cecil Springer, and Air. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gibson called at Mr*. W. H. Oxner's, Sunday aftcrnotyL Rev. F. E. Hartsfield calle'd tit Mr. J. lv. Terrell's, Thursday afternoon. Miss Jennie Catliey and .Mrs. Lucy Hall went to Sylva, Saturday. Miss Belle Ferguson was a gue*t of Misa Lillian Ferguson, Sunday. I'" )ayhar?cCl^ P.A.S. km sis. ' ' i I ;7 ftv. <5/.'? a* v! *#V . /.V. ?WAi?lilNVTO.N . . . :.???? >;??}.. r reportera, es| <?< inliv <!><> w?un'ii r<;: {(oilers, .staii<''l looViii^' si:i>ii?d f<<r .ho be8t-dr?*vd iti trim ?cysion of the lawMuk< ??. .ml iin v picked n ".!:>yb:r^lP ;;i live Cliffor'l Ji'ij'rt (nljL.c;, >f Kansas. DEVON, Pa. . . . P?oi*e Penrose, 2n/l? (above), nephew of the !:???? Vi 8.-Senator and G.O.P. boss, h cxpected to soon annnuiirc jiinipclf t Republican canrli'l.-iir for r^ijiivs* from the 4th, Ppnnpylv.nr . is&aai YEP, IT'S certainly truf THET*MONEY HASWN6S".. ANO, I MIGHT ADD--HO HOMING INSTINCT AT ALL.

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