?yr-. . v ?? ^ wv ?' "* - * '?" ? ' ' / '' ? ) ' ' "' ' " ,U5\ AKCB IN THE COUNTY Valley Decisio^ Helps The Administration STLVA/NofflnsAaOUNA, IB IStJBSSAY, VBBUAEY 2 , 1326 fftM L Tltt 9 AV7AI0K OUTBIDS THE OOCXTT t N *S8B=^r=5r 2C.-T1.? 8 s.' | > | :!10 LOll! I Ll^r,.1; Author l(V,i iv c - |wl!? " ?? HV doubls i.. .1 ir:iaa :u lt"J- " ... . ...i\ Ham a:i*I |?-'|fr "'"'V. , ;. u ?. 1 In' sivoiid Tls 1. ? ? 1 ' , ;. If < "lilt up l^' ' .. ,|- |Va'.uuvs or I ... ; ,j v. :h in t li?' N'-v ? ? f'" f'! ?. ,? ,i|iv. iijiir here thn? TLfrf!<;1 . , . ... i nr.'.ram is | 'i' i *" as w 'i'* I*' ' .'l' itiens ,.n Pi""',. ':,.t There is 4*'l ,l"'- . . . <. AiiMjui-dmiiuii L U'-wY1- ' I 1 it...:: l.??vtinuneiii 1 -Il ^ '* r ., i. ??*?! :?is l,luUl" I. j, i.. i ?: i v. i i ri-M's an.l ... i !.i y inain 0...., ? ? i' : 'i i- ivjuly Uj 4 ?; i ' ? ? ili w,)1'k '*? *' T . ?; ,? li.n'ornineni la ?* 1 ? .r*".s i. ?' iik . : j.yii-iaiii t in fclr?'???: - ' " i'???'"'ily Ullil . . . t r mnarK i-:.r *1 ^'VV M. ii ?J .. .. ' .. J: understood U': " :'-11 1 .iit'fks C<>r th* flfvVi I.V.. ;U ?.!l iiiuliUoiition' 'l'A v ... is i!;af thi\v will nw t? to Ab 'Ui Mjul? ;.i .i:s;riluitrd o: ?" till" (till AAa Jl'!3.T f'1.1'.' ? -'iv'i:l :*?? ??XpC'l'tod M r,;., i'. v -IMilt- 30 liud-l ?l? :?.ra ! ?., '< "! !'P j-.n in tli" !".? *'? J.iii ' vi: nnd swiiiR-' ?J t-'j.'.:.v.a..l ': -n*? Ii llic* t.itr i ?. iior, ami whoru . ??))> j>!'O^X,CS.SC v. ill \ i>.- si mi liar!;. ?''r.!)u:ed r [C tV.!. Lcc-.r.t '.It.s..'., ;'.iii'!ato thn '.a '? y.\ -.ail ?:;?! fanm-v Li. I v.'i th the nc*? ^ h.-! n';:... 'i t... V tl:o Kami Br. i' i.?... "?* X':;. li- ? ? '. L- Farmers ?_i rr. ?|h'rati\ . ? \ '.ve ^uj> v i.hir ate the\ ,.i: t<> tilt- didri "i ' > a^vi.'Uui le . IL-/I : i. 'W.!-, V I,. ! ^;i ?' " - h.:. .iv.-:ai!i?ly be;-! '? i : a n i.'ubic ,yst(o:-;|.:rt |J?., vv ; l | " 'k'- niU :or the tak ?' L"r (i 1'? "'V: bv tni 'A.f, . !? tu .--'ii?',' ji'-r-cabact. viT;V' * . ' "?} i ,, !? ??!? crvev. 1 !' (,f 1)0 tfI!,y t.a- ai:.| a jkw* ,0-,, it ' . 8.11 l?J're v.ouid not b' \ ovi-r the votn. *4 gillvr . V.I ? . ' ;c 1 '-^ded on th< :V'Cv."U;:raUt>- ;i Utiun. Sin-' ? ?' Vu ?? .? , ..i i ,v. ^ ' '?' J "< !?.; who bo ia?' V.?jV. .r.. i . . "fcittrie - .? ? **'w in:Mir? W? l^'itotl j ^EPafi.v ,,Vi!'* ??toml 'o Those re-sional ^ o? u 'X f thl 1,11 ll,at ;!n r n, wal of the 7n .in .^ticaiiv , . * *in^rost centeiip ^f,W? ^ ^ AJ Smith ? ***** u> ^ ? thf 00 Pafe'o twn) TODAY and TOMORROW 21UBBE& itself Back in 1911 I met a groat German fcciimt'ist, Dr. Duisbe?-g, who showed me a set of tires he had made for the Kaiser's car, from artificial rubber of his own invention. I u*ked hun how he did it. It a perfectly simple,'' he replied. ' ^ s done by the polymerization of isporene Which left ine right where I was at the start. biiice then thousands of others have tried to muke mbber synthetically. &/ine have got belter results than (Hhens, but nobody yet has produced it rubber substitute that answens all the purposes of nutural rubber and .'osts no more. An American company has produced something that works, but it is too expensive for ordinary use. The kl eat rcj[K/it from Germany is that a Synthetic rubber superior lo the natur al article i? being produced from petrol euiu. That is doubted by practical rubber men. ?Some day, however, somebody will turn the trick. BUDDHA ... . i' geography The sect of Buddhists who live in Tibet regard their high priest, the ''Dukli Lama'' 'as their spiritual and temporal ruler. When he dies, thev Relieve, his soul enteis tiie body of a newborn babe, who at once become.-, uic Dalai Lama. The last Dalai Lama died in Decem ber 1933, and ever since then the ilbetans have been hunting fbr ?? child born at the instant of lus deaith. they have not found one, and liave about decided to accept the spiritual overlordship of another Damn, the ?'?panchau l^ama," who 1hl> btien an exile in China for twelve years. Tliat may result in putting China b position to control the mysterious land pil the Himalayan plateau, and so ex pand westward while Japan is slicing >l'f Chinese territory in the North. Little things often have great co: sequences. Nobody can guess what is -,'oing to lwppcu in Asia, but the l'aii no of the Tibetans to find a baby in just at the right time may change the geography of a nation. l' WAR ...... honored I The town of Bodenwerdcn, in ?Ger many, has bought the Iiou.se in which I iiuron Munchausen, the world's most i.unions liar, used to live, lie was born there 210 years ago, and won famel tor the "tall stories" which he usedf ?0 tell ahout his adventures as a sol iber and a hunter. One of his listen-1 ?rs wrote down some of the baron's yarns and sold them to a Ijondon book >ubli.slier, who printed them in 1785. Since then the noble name of U'ieronynius Karl Fitiederieh, Prie-I herrr von Munchausen, bas been af ynojiym for "Mar" throughout th( Knglsh-speaking world. Lately there has been a revival of| interest in the type of obviously exag gerated or impossible tales such jusl Bail >n Munchausen told. Bu(t the technique is d iff emit. Baron Mun chausen's stories are not thrilling enough for young people who rea-.l | the "Tarzan" stories and delight iuj rhe adventures of "Buck Rogers." LANGUAGE .... our own I It would be a monotonous world :f everybody looked alike, thought alike, dressed alike and spoke alike. I have 'ong felt that we were getting tooj completely standardized, and I am ?jflad to hear the voie-e of I'rofeesor ' Ioffman of Boston University raised in defense of variety in speech and accent. "If everbodj' talked with the pre &?:on of ? radio announcer,'' iPrwfes r.or Hoffman said" the other day, "our common speech wonld be lacking in charm, vitality and the human touch." I hope none of .the attempts of, podianfa and purists to make every body speak alike will ever destroy *he accents of the South, ?r deprive, Xc w England of its shoTt-voweUed, clipped staccato speech. One of my fads for years has been I to try to tell where a person was j'' raised'' by Kstening to him or her speak. I am seldom more than a state I or two out of the way. i (Conturned on j?ge two) ^ Bruno Richard Hauptmannr y/> :? ?' ? y.y.yfi, TBBNTON, N. J.. . . Herewith in presented carefully ecl:: . , from the hundreds and hundreds taken of Bruno Hanptuujm ?* trial aikI which accurately portray the character of the mtu c > ? I of murdering the Lindbergh baby . . . and now re-sentenced for cxczi i ?, following a 30 day reprieve. He was to have been electrocuted Jauuu:: i/. P. N. PRICE LIED THIS MORNING V* - _ ? * V\ P. N. Pi', cr, one of the best known citizens of the county, and the father of Postmaster Charles N.^iice of Sylva, died at .seven o'cloek ttds morn ing at his home at 'i'uck?BC%qe, after *vV a long illness, . r ?? ' V Mr. Price, a fanne^jm^%|pck-rais er, had long been idafctee$*jitk the busiaiess aiul political life of the couu jy and of Western North 6proluu^an< liad a large circle of friends and a< qiiftjntances. Fnneml services v ml Be ooudncti at Tuekaseigee, tomorrow, Friday af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. NUMBER OF FOREST FIRES IN | COUNTY SHOWS SHARP DROP! 9 _ Tlie Number of forest fires in thoj county showed the ;rhfirp decline from | 130 iu 1934 to 39 in 1935, with dam ! age placed at $3,200, according .to fig- ? ures furnished by County Warden? Mack As lie, aaid the district foresters' | office. 4 i The causes of the 422 fires in the1 district are attributed to the follow ing causes: Brush-burning, 17 per cent; hunters and campers, 11 ]>or' cent; railroads, 5 par cent; lumbering,' 1 per cent; incendiary, 4G per cent; smokers, 13 per cent; miscellaneous,' 5 per cent; unknown, 2 per cent. HOOPERBC; Si Pi NO* II..., ! Jj The condition of Tn.i.ia i ! . 14-year old son of }.h. ; a . al ter Hooper, of Car y J k ? :sid eraibly improved; 1>..: .V .. .. o hospital; and atte. thai his dismissal a. ? ,;!n Head to oompftcatic: \ ' ^;?c-r is reported to have l.< >: >h .22 rifle, when he v;?.'.k- ! i j' !m of fire of Warne Hoop r .'> jr boy, who was taiv ; \vwt-" .:l; ? who is qooted as s.nyiu j t1 -> i ? ui.l not observe the ejipror.'.'i pi ; Wiijii im - v, .. , Tinman Hooper vn-> t" % wounded in the ehost. No charges have l>cen crcA, against Warns Hor>yer1 wh?. ul lc. SYLVA SCOUTS ?3t0f: T D Niac Sylva Boy fiooufc ???.{pro moted at -the session r!.' tli I hjnor for tho Stiiioky ? > D"v;-j triet of the Daniel t '*u .eii. which was held in Frj'r:M!?. :(lay night. The Sooats' woe & ?;. ?r j to Franfclin by Mr. J. C'. ' V -*V?r I man of the Sylva-^',;: p ' 1 ?', - Roy Hall and B:;M.y / promoted to Tend t'." v i ?' * Alien, Clarenoe Ceijjly if" v ' : Paul Sutton and ?!" >'s , in ?>? sedond class. Geor-* r "'u 'w Pro moted to flnst ofauss, and fl't 'i /rady I Roy Stewart Gets 3 To 5 j' Year Term For Bigamy IE GRAND JURY m REPORT I 'i f ins honor, John M. Oglesby, Jn;.g;e hoi ding the February term of .'j ai Ki-itii" Court: 1* the Gran4 Jury at this term of -C.tii, v.irfh to submit the following ici-vik: Wq have ejaunined tLe Court House aad liad it kept in sanitary condition and i?i ijood repair. Grounds are well Kept and scared for. We have examined the County Jail cv.:d diu it kept in a sanitary eondi vxo.i. a>uc to tlie crowded condition iii? jau, we recommend that four . cols be provided; also, same a^e m need of repairs. The . .?wcnei-.i are weii fed and cared for. .. o i.uvc examined the prison camp and ii..u it kepi, in a^clean asd sani condition. The prisoners there uic Vvtil led and cared for. We have examined the Counity Home and hiul an abundant supply of flood uud provisions. The inmates well, cured lor. Buildings and farm, in good condition. We find the kitchen t.:C\4 is in bad condition and too ??tiuli. We recommend that a new ami .a.0er stove be purehas<\l. ?V? would like to go on reoojrd^s ifdvociiug a safety drivel's' campiugn ?n Jackson County, and urge every . who drives a car to sign a pledge" to thai elf eat, and cooperate \/ioii the fo?\n, County and State law . ...jr, ement officers in every way pos sible, and each driver appoint himself a committee of one to see that thi<* p..\lgo is kepi. We hope some public spirited organization will take charge of t!us and help carry it out, and let it be known that the-good citihen? of J:.ch )Oii County arc doing everything feasible to put a stop to Ibe need!** kitluigs on the highways, by drunk raid reckless drivers. Kcspectfally submitted, thin Feb ruary 10, 1936. J. R. Cotter, Foreman. The grvuid jury was eompo*ed of i iio following .citizens; J. 11. Comer, foreman, Kmi Nations, Walter Melton, Carl Higdon, Frwk Terrell, Joe H. Deitz, Lem Norton, Terrell Corn, Tliad Reed, C. IL Hen (. :erating automobile wnile intoxicated, 00 days, llis driv er's liccuse wtas revoked. Williird Davas, prohibition viola tion, openaLiiig an automobile while in loxicatel, 4 mouths. License revoked. Bob Chliders, prohibition violation, 90 days. Howard Childcrs, prohibition viola tion, 4 months. Carl Johnson and Elbert Amoe,pro hibitum violation. Amos not guilty. Johnson drew 4 months. Tom Jones, resisting an officer 0 jnpaths. Jc?s Phillips, larceny, 8 months. John Grant, larceny, G months. Clifton .Moody and Guss Moss, af fray, $25 c;ieh ami costs. Thurman Allen, larceny, 4 month* iu county home. Robert Wilson, prohibition viola lion, 4 months. .Mary Norman a* id Otelia Thompson, affray. Mrs. Norman 4 months in jaii". .Mrs. Thompson 15 days. Oscar Hurst, drunk, 30 dayB. Carl Elliott, affray, 30 days. Albert McMah&n, operating autonro bile wldlc intoxicated, 6 months. Ilerschcl .Melton, ])rohibition viola tion, 3 months. TAKING COUNTY MEET?SYLVA HIGH GOES TO MARS HILL CAGE You Can't Believe All You i i ;ar by A- B. chapm Shi* * ?.'ri>. ?*?? - ? - Alter sweeping all honors at the Jackson county basket hall tournament at Cullowhee, Tuesday and Tuesday night, the cagcrs from Sylva high school leave today for Mars Hill to enter the tournament there, with high hope and good prospects of bringing back the cup from there. Sylva High was easy winner of il) honors in the county tournament, win ning both the boys' and girls' champ ionships in both "A" and "B" divis ions. In the first division Sylva girls "I minated Cullowliee girls 21 to 16, anil Sylva boys defeated Cullowhee 32-23 In the "B" class Sylva girls won from Glenville 38-18; and Sylva boys defeated Cullowheo 39-34. In the boys' Class "A" consolation game, Glenville won from Webster >y a score of 35-28. FUNERAL FOR MRS SUTTON Fcnenal services for Mrs. J. C. Sot ton^ ho died at her home in Dillsboro, last Thursday, were conducted Satur day afternoon at the Dillsboro Bap tist church, by Rev. Thad F. Deit*? and interment was in Locust Field cemetery with Eastern Star ritea A daughter of the late Mr. and Mr*. Frank Fowler of Dillsboro, Mrs. Sot ton spent her life in the Dillsboro community, where she won for her self many friends by her personality, her neighbor lin ess and her work in community affairs, in the Baptist church and as a teacher in the Sunday School. Surviving her are ker husband, four daughters, Mrs. John Parks, oi Dillsboro; Mrs. Odell Elliott, of Qmney, Fktt; Mrs. Kenneth Hodge*, of Jacksonville, Fk; and Mi* Mail Sutton, of Dilfehoro, one son, John ft (Continued on pap tff)