- ffttz & advance & fK" o?y*ry Congress Is Busy Figuring ,Ve* WcesQTR^^ 0YX.VA, KOETH, HM L TEMM m A3VAK0B OUTSSDB TO 090MTT M?h 11-?The Wjb ?K ?lJ,aPI,y b<*au*' *m out some new tales .Jte. Thc wonl "me *?' , odJii""1 avenues of ClOO 1 J*? ^ l.WiWO.WOay.'itf for the v,ffi ll?w?fl rMlly 'J " mini*'1 witJuw* letting I *! ?'<" "alizc th,t M *f?L.??<*?? *?" id* ?lclun>t ,br" A "J"? J" ^dto/">?lc V iuaj?r 1 iCSwJh to t'?-c UMS ?K Iwodife, >u prwtawUy ^ ,Triouhurnl?pr'Klu<.-t thait ha* ^ThnM^h m?y manufacturing I btnv.ou tlio farm and tbe |^r. Tiff ht.po of the boys * I* V poli-r.iuoj von r notice. ;v.i?"nt, is uiulcr way ^ u?t laws so a> ". ||iv. :ly ??*>" incomes uM1c' ?s bo inch (led in the 'J\ h\ U!\ lae infe;i.rii?ts arc taking advaut '% j! ?> >:tu?rion by trying* ii> i U i't n.iisv. A i? en :tl.^ for Install i??n it .w.'.'t .'it- XI! A .?raintard.s of wa^e? ui hwai> of labor on liowrnmen4 j'-vs. Wt iii?: >? hain't* Is rather ?j. ui any >.Uvh urti-'ii at t his session i?-"l ?? inu-ivst is being u~rj in j>r<>p to change, thf i'f*st nh-tiiuit ?)! -ub-idi/ui^ Amcri to Ji in now i/fi ihe basi? i i' itaii ?v'nTyiii{j eontraots given to iijs Kuilt by ni>i of Shipping Bcivr<-1 hi 'ho oi $2.50 a mile, '?\u..r i-aiiy any nuiil or not ^ some o;lu r nu tii:.! -will be sub ?-Kid lor ijtis is r? :tMi?ably certain. lis? ruattrr political tan "? *?'.ti tin- I'ctvtmr^u? Ueneial or ** :>?tr :trnl .ciin of i lie Senators and vu the other side. ?i.- !!!<>?>, nrj-if-i^uit nr w^s ito reach ^C'l tin- bovs r>ri Capitol Hill "A'a-' ^'?-soutMffUiej;* th<> oth?'r daj* thai 'alj.ic I'lijvoi'sjty u;*?l granted Rex ?Sft'-I "Tiiyear's. .'cave <-f ab *~r'' t-'M- his professional dufties. ^ar0 'h'sc in Confess who lack Pt'ii.r.f,?\|r Tuf> w(-ll or in H \ - " \ mml rthabilitntiou program, 7h ,s ''i ''Ost $300,00(1.000. * wO.fHiO.fniii i? a ],.( , p tll0R sav about vA* ? % * i * % >, ? orno of thftt liionev spent in * '?,3 ^ in Mr. TugweH's ** irr?lM'yS kufiW ir 's ll0Pe^esii K"1 'l ^h-.tributcj in accord '0l^-eI (lownw Lwidon, of Kansas, is I to be Republican norajnfiC.l i fori, however depends upon I ?Union's acceptability to former | ^ Hoover and his, following,! | IWrah and bis follow I evidence U at band i ?>H ^ere those two1 ?k ro-'nrd (o Mr. Iiand?n. sni: W , ^T- Roosevelt's n -nonuna Itw^ ^ s% to imag'uw ^ on ptge two) TODAY and TOMORROW (By Prank Parker Stockbridge) *** the MMf* a It's "sugaring-off " tame wrw, ijp m my home county of Berkaiwe. xhey are tapping the maple trees in every "sugar bodi." It'a great fan and profitable, too. The averse ample tree yields about 20 galion? of sap. It ie gathered in buckets? old-timens still use the old wooden "sap-pails"?and poured into barrel) on sleds, which the oxen or Koikes draw to where the big iron a^p-kettle tlarids over the log fire. Fer every barrel of sap boiled dowa | you get a gallon of maple ?ywp. Boiling the syrup down still mar", leaves a residue of sugar, wh?h is worth in trade at the store from 1() to 20 cents a pound. The owners cl the biggest "sugar-bushes" pack Itkeir own sugar under their own brands, for ihe city markets. SUCCESS . . . jimnn?alor fomiam FARE mid pmn The Interstate Comnvree (Vjqp^nia don has ordered all itlie Easter^ ?\| toads to reduce their passenger fyipv ;o two cents a mile, with ^fyqfJifr rent for the privilege of riding in a Pullman car. This is bringing rai| *rcid rates back to pre-war qp&ad :rd with a Aeugeasce. It cute ^ke ??ate between New York and roia $32.17 to $18.17, and otlpj tr^pp n proportion. It is the idea ?faai he lower rate will induce more pepple io travel, and I am inclined ty that is true. The biggest paseeRfpr carrying road in New England, s the New Haven, runs many ?ven in the summer tourist setyiop, over 108-mile stretches with not than a dozen paseengers to a car ex ? r*vpt ?fc weekends Personally, I have always objected to onying railroad fares ejfice the ?otads stopped giving out flfltjeqa to newspaper men. KINO . . . ? King Edward is starting out Ut Ik jjst as good a saleatroan for Empire goods as bo was when ho wa* Prince of Wales. He went to % ooni mercial exhibit of Empire-made gwod* the other day. He stopped at a htfofth where they were showing pipes m^de on the Island of Malta, and bought one of them. The immediate TfDfiuJt nas that the Malta pipe makers njefe swamped with orders?enoogb to keep trthem busy for a year and a Wtf, He admired some African ostrich fath ers and wondered w%y the ladies had stopped wearing them in their hats. A big boom in ostrich feelthers started overnight. \ .. I have often wondered why the fashion for tatrich feathers went o^t so suddenly. I imagine the war had something to do with it. I retnemjber when no lady considered herself we1! dreased unless ?&e had two or tftreo 'willow plumes" in her hist, which cost $15 or |20 apiece or even fftore I remember one night in a theatflf in Columbus, Ohio, when somebody ritofo two willow plumes off my wife's hat, which she had piflbed to tibe seat in front of her. That set us back atopt .*35. , TITHES . . * ahori One of the voles laid davn in* t|u? -aw ?f Moses for the Cfcildrp*i of Isael was that w?ry farmer *mi?t give one-tenth, or a "tithe" <4 his income to the temple add t)ie priefft** ?.?very year. The practice of tit?ujtfr continued for many eentaries after IQmtmvi e Monte iih, Mis. J. D. Moore, jLlviu Moore. Decoration: Business Woman's Cixs "Je; Mass Sue Allison, c/bairman. Transportation: Mis. Hujjh Mon-? CVuin Association. This is Mr. 'T/>ek-< man's third visit- here. And he is so! delighted with thi?j region ,th/?t he ex- j peels to eome agr.in in the fail. FUNERAL FO& S. L. MCOUIEB 1 HELD AT NORTON, YESTERDAY FGneral senri?f;s for Samuel I/wfaa McGuire were held ?t his homo at Norton, vofCerlay afternoon. Mr. Mc Guire, who was 82 years of ago, died Monday afternoon after &n illness of **no two months' duration. He w?m? 1 ?t*i*en of the eoanrf, e flMmber of M^hodlst church and of G!envU!?J ? * | Masonic lotlge. Bora at White Pine, Tern., Mr. Me- ^ Guiro eame to "this eounty when he ( n-*3 21 vnare of aee, and spent the *rst of his life here He is survived by five sons, I>r. W. P. McOuire, Sylva; 6. L. MeGuirc, | Norton; R. I.. McOuire, Laurel,. Miss.;' A. R. MtOm'm, .AsJievitle; and Dr. B.1 11. MeGarire, Newland; and hy eight grandchildren. MACON YOUTH WON CONTEST Clinton Brookshirc of Franklin, was the winner of t?fce recitation-dec lamation .contest held in the Methodist church here, Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Woman's Mission (Please Turn To Page 3) r ^NEW YOBK.. ?vc), 32, ?oi? : \ GU?ti, Nat,vp; r mii ton, i* tte y*x\- r ,ra?jor lesgw ki" fntter, ttu WILL MARX OR/ f:1 ooib'" ' Vv'(.?> The B. H. Oathr - Daughters of the C ~ ? *' -r-f dearer to p!aee vol of Confederate sol ?-?Un ty, and a asking 1 .1 diere whtoae graves ' ?(>: market*, to v ... W. Lnsky, Sylra, ?ha mittee, giving-tfce i nad tfte looation c ' Endey tfoefepsi thi oariy ae peenfcle. CfclVMBD OHU i- .,L . -x- i I iigtier mo?v f Aaheville *3 th' * ; ? 1 : >ekn. Free examina' ? ~ :? ,'A for those unab1 :;T ' u J pifcal treatment is ' . d for j needy ca*M? fa^' v bL raised. . i These clinies aii ? r-" ?? Rotary Chfbs of P ?>. , .. <,, Franklin and M v" L,oa'i ? Club of Mnrrflhy, v 00 worth of goli Ka:.,". Ii?V/ "Carch 4?Th?i dimJfcr ?.lid'1 . f~M befallen flic Italian .c.i.y '?* (??r Aduva) is the most ... . u#Vr^d by any civilized army :ji ro'". l Tjfc. f o lateaf, dispaitoheft iu..t the* It y'1 i an lo:r?rs in kilM ? *vii< c.M CTWod 3; -00. The Abyasmi -s^r r-;.'.i:r 1 :x*y guns, moro tllsn ,,a?? tl ' Indian artillery, and all tfce ivr*.**".' Uc ?' ammunition. The do tails mv mcicor, but all the infoufea* tin a,t .'nmd .tvos a gloomy view of M-r- of t; "? Italian forces. Ifi is . .or. .1 That frcn^ Baratieri, adm mf . Ktig the Italian forw in- an*-j -i ii* hnj If*mliii a'v'c io oml'ije tho rami Tint ion of Jn* defeat bv the A byssinians. LAL3AAI (By Mrs. D. T. Knight) 7t\\? foiiiwr residents of Balaam pstg avray: Mr. J. C. H. Wilson ; c<1 away ?it his home in AshaviUe, J1!;an:day, :ho fifth. Mr. and Mrs. WiJ?rn }""? ^hftrg-o of tho Episcopal mission, iiin-ch and school work Hero ? ;/ t.. .. ; a,\> and thU--m Friday aftern wty in Canada township, and will move there. IMPROVING COURT HOUSE GROUNDS IN 8YLVA A force of WPA workers is busy constructing a handsome rock wall along the frontage of the court bouse grounds on Savannah Road, beginning uoar the World War VeteranB' Me morial fountaiu. Wi?en completed, tin; wall will add much to the attractiveness of tliu town, and of tho county's property. QUALLA On Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Laura Snyder, a housekeeping shower was given for Airs. Dock Buy* tier. About twenty-three ladicg attend od, bringing many nice, useful gilu, besides other gifts -sent by thuae who could not attend. After a social at cenwon, cake a*id witce wa* served by the houteen. , ' Mr. J. B. Freeman, with Misa Doro slby and J. B. Freeman, of Cherokee, passed through Qualia, Sunday, en iouto io AbhcviUe, to visit Mies Mary Freeman, who u? a student at Brevard 'Jollegc. She has been seriously ill for several days, and was to ;>e orought to Aaheville Sunday for treat >nent. ' Mr J. M. flugtoee, Mifc. D. (J. ilughes, Mrs P. V. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. W. II Hoyle visited Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Hughes, at Canton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, of Canton ?peni Sunday with home folks. Mi#s Bonnie Freeman went to Can ?on, Monday. Miss Bennie Higdon, of Almond, was a week end guest of Mias Mary Battle. Mcsers. Bill Allen,Clint and Thomw Allen, of Almond, and Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Freeman and Mrs. S. 1L Brad burn called on Mr. W. R. Freeman, who has been sick for several days. Mr. Edmund Beck, of Asbevillo, spent the week end with relatives. Sir. Winnifitod Hughes jand Mr. Frank McCraciren of Canton visited irlativeg. Misses Geneva Turpin and Jennie Gathcy -were guest* of Mrs. J). 0. Hughes, Wednesday night. Mr?. Thos. Moody, of Syjva, ani Mrs. Ida Xolnnd vi*ited Mr*. Gairkind Oxner. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hooper caJl? d on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wigggins. Rev. F. R. Harfafleld and Mrs.