NOTICE X' NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY ? ? IN THE SUPEiilofci < "':KT vJ County uf Jackson Vi. Stevens Knight :.m'I wife, T\i;V. Sit." ? ins Knight. The defendant-, Si evens (und wife, Mr-. St^'vLiji. will take notice lh;>tj:.'.i uc;.\hi, < (?{tied as above, has Iwen conys' t il .' iu (the Superior ( ourt of ?)a< kso-i / County, 'North Carol'na, for the pur ' foreclosure of u 19. >2 tax *; Ul> certificate, and the defeudaiuts wi'! further take notice (hut t!uy are re quired tp appear at the Olliee of ih <^erkfof the Superior Court of saui ('oimty in the Court House in Sylr.i North Caroiiiia, on i he i),h day < May, 193G, said answer or demur I tho complaint in snM action, or I plaintiff will apply to the Court ft the relief demanded i:i said eomplaii ? This the 9th day of March, 1056. DAN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Court, J;.'"kson Coua. ty, North Carulini. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THB SLPKfilOR COURT County of Jackson V3. Charles \V. Pridicy pud wife, 31,. Charles W. Pridley. The deiei>d.*\nts. Charles W. Prlc Icy and wife, Mis. Charltv. W. Priillc ?will take no-ice that an adtion, en titled as above, has been commence, iu the Superior Court of Jacks., County, North Carolina,, for the pu. pose of foreclosure of ?19o2 tax &ai:> certificate, and the defendants wi? further take noii-ce that thev are re quired to appear at the Office of th Clerk of the Superior Court, ol' sail County in the Court House in Sylo North Carolina, on the 9:h day May, 1936, and answer or demur It the complaint in said action, or t plaintiff will apply to the Cour!" i', the relief demanded in said conipl lint This the 9th day of March, 19M. I)AN M. ALLISON, Clerk, Superior Court, Jackson Coitu ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNT V IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Count\ :>t' Jack:.on vs. R. N. Carroll aiud v: i>, Mi'. t?. N. Carroll, and M. L. < u^ius. ? Tho defendants, i i. X. C.irroil and wife, Mrs. If. X. ( ?"rroil. j,rll take notice tluit an action, ?jn titled as above, ha* been commenced in itlie Superior Co.irt oi. Jackson County, North Caro!in*i, for the pur pObe of foreclosure oL ai 1U,<2 tax sali* ?certificate, and ilio defendants wiil ^further take noiicij that they arc re quired to appear at the Oi lice o i' th? Clerk of the Superior Court of said . County in the Court House in Sylvu ' North Carolina, on the 9th day oi se of foreclosure of m 1932 t ax certificate, and the defendants wili further take not-ee that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of s?i'' County in the Court House in Sylvn North Carolina, on the 91 h day o May, 1936, end answer or demur t. the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court f the complaint in said action, or thr plaintiff will apply to the Court fo? the. relief demanded iu Raid complain This the 9th day of Mat"-.h, 1933. * DAN M. ALT J.SON, Clerk, Superior Court J; ?kson Coun ty, North Caroliua. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, ? ' J' JACK SOX COUNTY IN kfHE SUPKKIOR COURT (,'cmnty of Jajkson vs. J. R. B rys on rud wife, Ah\<. ,1. i?. Bryson; Elbert Welch; Dau K. Mooiv, Trustee; and Mia iiary Ann Stew art, AdminLstatrix. %? The defendant, Elbert W.'lcli, will take notice that ssl ao'iioa, en titled as above, has been commenced in >ilhe Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosure of &? 1932 tax certificate, and the defendants will further take notice that they arc re quired to appear at ?! w. above, has been coiiin"ttsd in .the Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of foreclosure of a '932 tax sal cm certificate, and the defendants will further take notice that they are re quired the complaint in said action, or th? plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 9th day of March, 193|! I)AN M. ALLISON Clerk, Superior Court, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COUKT Comity of Jackson n O. O. Poesy and wife, Mm O G The defendants, O. J. Poeey and wife, Hm O. G. Poeey, will tafie notice tEat an action, en titled aa above, baa been eommeneed in Uhe Superior Court of Jackson O.mnty, Nor;It Cartiuin, lor the par pose of foreclosure of si 1932 tax eales certificate, and the defendants wili further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Offioe ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of ?al i County in the Court House in Sylva, North Carolina, on the 9th day ol May, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in aaid aetioa, or t) pl/uatiif will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint Thia the 9th day of March, 193d. da:; m. aluson, Cle?k, Superior Court, Juekaon Conn ty, North Carolina. H0TX08 NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson vs. Carrie E Smith The defendant, Carrie E. Smith, will take notice that an notion, en titled as above, haa been commenced in tfee Superior Court of Jackson County, North Cartlma. tar the pur pose of foreclosure of a 1932 tax sale eertifieate, and the defendants wiil further take notice that they are re quired and ? wife, Mrs Amu Hoylfci will take notice that an. action, en titled as above, Has been commenced in it|ie Superior Court of Jacluon County, North C rt>.*r? for ibe pur pote of foreclosure of a 1932 tax salm certificate, and the defentbusnU; wii! further take notice that they arc re quired to appear at the Office of th< Clerk of the Superior Court of saui County in the Court Hou&c in Sylvs). NortH Carolina, on the JW. dny u' May, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or th< plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in a&id complaint This the 9th day of March, 1936. DAN M. ALLISON Clerk, Superior Court, Jackson Own ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT - County of Jackson va. Albert McHaffie and wife, Mi?. Al bert McHaffie. The defendants, Albert Mc Haf fle and wife, Mm. Albert McH&fflr will take notice that aa action, en titled tas above, Has been commenced in e Superior Court of Jackson Ocunty, North CaroJva. for the pur pose of foreclosure of ? 1932 tax ?alt^ certificate, and tho defendants will further take notice thait they are re quired ?to.. appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of sai<) County in the Court ftouse in Sylra. North Carolina, on'the 9th day of Miay, 1936, nsnd answer or d-rtnur to the complaint in said action, or th; I plaintiff will apply to the Court for he relief demanded in said complaint This the 9th day of March, 1936. DAN U. ALLISON Tlerk, Superior Court, Jackson Coun ty, North Carolina. NOTICE NORSK? CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT County of Jackson vs. W. P. Bollock irnd wife, Mrs. W. P. Bollock. The defendants, W. P. BolWc and wife, Mrs. W. P. Bollock, will take notice. tEat an idtion, en titled as above, has been commenced in -tlbe Superior Court of Jackson County, North Carolina, for the pur poee of Coreelosuxe of * 1932 tax sain jpd tta.fcfondanta. wiU toto lake .. " qurri to app,^ ,t th;0 Wt Clerk crf the Superior notice NOHTH CAKOLl? JACK80N COUNTY* in the superior C ul itr County of Jacluon LI *"? "n<1 ^ >. fi Karlo. Th? defendants, j I{ f n&, Mrs. j, ?E< iL,j *ill take notice th?i , ^ titled Superior CoJ'?^ North Carol!,,,, f,, jS P??e of foreclosure 0f & io-o ^ further take notice that the/ qu?wd to appear At tJ)e ^> ?J * Clerk of the Superior Court ?f County in the Court II fki t North C.nti?Zt" May, 1936, and anw,3r w J'f? "718"" fa ?a:,l plaintiff will a],p]y to the Conn r" the rohef demanded iu Mjd f0;i . J This the 9th day ,,, DAN M. AllAsus, Clerk, Superior Co?H. Jw^,n t ty, .North Carolina. NOTICE NORTH CARoUNa, JACKSON COUNT V IN THE SUPERIOR COUh'i County of Jj^kv.n ' vs. Doinos Wood and wile, jjr.s |t,.P? W -V (v, 'i, vs. Lon nie Jones and wife, Mr. ' Jonos; S. H. MonffifJi; lhuK.Mw. Trustee; and Lee Wadkina. The defendant, Iw W'^dL/' . ! will take notice that mi tilled a? fbovCf h<- Itrcn row, in n TJ. Mary Jane H^fc The defendant, Mj-tt will take notice that w n' Csllwi as a hove, la ^tn ?* in