ahcb & ihk oommr [wructioii Has Begun I On Webster School House ffoik and (he taking of J r f-vffl Uric Savannah Creek, fori ol' ti?-- ?>??'* school | ' rat Webster be^sm this morn Lei*?U0ii ol' this building, which | tin- pbxix v? tic prvsent di L[rtj sirueiuio, condemned as un a> a dangerous lire hazard, f U'PA pivjtoi. It is to be oi fltesWiie, #'d ?i i be ?f|? tfc? a&hsI .'Hid mun substantial pub "sehool buildings in this pant of , $ute, and one of which any city, jiy, Oi county tni^ht well be ffte building will set about on thol L oi the hoiiic oi Nathan Alien, t(e/ settler <yi' W ebster ami large | i tvntr. Thi' location is a beauti-1 ' and v. ill provide space for drives and walkway* Ly W tuple facilities for play-[ (di |cio?fni^' Webster and of the high, J (istnet, numbers of the ooUntv of etKic.it ion, Superiuieiident | [jjladiioii, (iiainii'dn J. D. Cow-J Lilflxxml id county commission-1 J, iai others have boon working on Lrtjtft lor several months, seciu-i ^4eijiprov.il and cooperation of | it^WTA cfi'icials. f/AiM PROGRAM TO BE EXPLAINED AT MEETING | r.J. F. Cii-ttiT, of State College. I ijpsidoat a meeting to be held a. Mir! hwu* iii Xyiva, Saturday af wsjt and will explain the pon-t-rv at i?>ji program. . 0. L. Ltck'-y. County Agent, ft 'b' In !?<'l;i'v?\s th?: new ]*ro isill {li'ovi- ;U.| i;iciivi' to numy of 111 till county, and tlia. jiflvieraw o|.|h.iiunify for the de ipoifu, t>) >on!i(| farming iu tht ?' -'ar^M attendance J toners. KJLT EDUCATION MEETING fti Friday. April 10, at 2 o'clock, ttilu.t cducalii-n reachers of Jack i county nut :it tho court house i Mrs. J. M. J)av, district super or.'vho had charge of the meeting. B. H. l'. Kituu t, chairman of the reory. firtiimitii"-, was present and if some helpful suggestions in oon Kkih rith the garden project, fajis were uiudv for conveying the pfcUt-iiho Annual Pilgrimage in Mile, v. in : ?? ( o'liiiioncement Ex ?will In- JwM i'nr adult students W 2. i I i*por? ..u th.- nativities fo? the F is given l?y With J. Morgan, Ny su,k-i wa,v. Total number ftMmts t!!r>>llru -1014; numbei N?>rs t.'iiiulM to n-pd and write? ?iMimljcr ?| children pyri buck in ? vhwii?55. Wtcarhfrs hic making a drive fcr and maga/ines for use in the fefctaa'um elates. They would r^orwni/' a libiarv if ?lioy can jj*1 I/, .l<s and magazine.*. Mforraa i-. a-king lhat any per Mm v.ill cilhor loan or donate P5 or maj?ii7,irts call her tele e nunilicr 2'i. She will call for ??t!frvnk cither loaned or donated BETA I % W\ 15. DiRard) Jr Pav,-.- H,v ? R c Shftarin< . ^ appointment, Sunday Li^''s ( church,. His *fs 'ChristF/aeter Ch.il ?xl Vh'": "ll ? T; fwl ^ ? '"k'-a f,,n, Luke 24:2'> '"la Siiton visited Mi*4 jj' ? ?'K' 'nsl week end. Rl* f * ^'i-dier is spend C rv"'';nira'xvw,,icr I '"'Pi I'.ry.-on will h" r1'toz" 1-'lU! 's hiprovins &* II^r!"Wl l',,r "IMH-ndicUk ? uiiriiiiliv,.,. i,. , , K nij,i,|iv "al"> ?ls" w r ',wu"r h"T A. Stillwell, at J' ar,'l Mi.l. p i j, . an? vi?:r; '. 'i,rri:<. f'f Ashe X n" frinuls and relatives *orfont' Va JOURNAL HAS BREAKDOWN The Journal offers its apologies for not being up to its usual standard, this week. Tliis is unavoidable, and was caused by the burning out of heat ing elements in our typesetting ma chino, They could noft> be replaced here, but we had to wire to Brooklyn for new ones, and were unable to get plant running Again until this morn ing. Incidentally, the total expense of the burn-out and replacements wili run well over $50.00; and The Journal wiU appreciate it if e large number if its subscribers wiW now ootaie for ward with renewals, to help us make good the loss we have suflfauned. Thank you. * \ HENRY WYKLE PASSES Funeral services were conducted, and interment held at Keener oeme tery this afternoon for Henry Wykle, who died ait his home here, from an attack of pneumonia Mr. Wykle, who was 63 years of ige, had been an employee of the Syl va Paperboard Cotaipany for a long lime. He is survived by his widow, two sons, Roy and Floyd Wykle, four ,laughters, Mrs. Nobe Barnes, Mrs. Audrey Jones, aud Misses Selma and Mar jonie Wykle, all of Sylva, and by several grandchildren. Rev. R. F. Mayberry anl Rev. Ern est Jamison conducted the sevrice. FUNERAL FOR SUMNER BOY Funeral services were held, on March 31, at Andrews, for Harrjr Stunner age 8, gon of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Sumner, who died At his home on Mach !>0, following,^ Short ilhiess. Rev. H. M. Hocutt conduct^ the service. Rev. Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Itogw, of An^wa had charge of the musia *' * ' Pallbearers and flower girls were members of the Sylva High School Basket Ball Teams. They w?re Lewis (Jroen, Hal Sellers, Charles Beck, Joe Clyde Fisher. Mae Snyder, Hattie Hilda St ton, Gladys Maney, Lucy Parker, Amy Cogdill, and Rachel Brown. Suviving Are his parents, one sister, Rush Sumner, and two sixers, Ruth and Lucye. ? CONTEST TOMORROW NIGHT The reader and deel aimer contests for the Sylva High School, sponsored by the B. H. Cathey Chapter. Untod Daughters of the Confederacy for the Qertnfide Dills McK^e Medals, and a colorful pageani. in song, portraying; the Old South, will he given in the Sylva school auditorium, Friday even ing, April 17 at 7:45. The public Is cordially invited. r? _ _ GOLF COURSE OPEN . ?? o Mr. C. B, Thompson, manner of] the Sy'va Country Club Gfolf Course, states that the coursc has been pro in J excellent condition, nad was opened] for paying', last Saturday. The nine hole .course is attractive to both loo a!' and visil'n# golfers, and lias enjoyed a splendid patronage for ?the past several years. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON COUNTY. In the Superior Court J Minnie Phillips Cochran vs John T. Coehran The defendant above named will I take notice that an action entitled as j above has been .commenced in the Su jH'rior Court of Jackson Counc.y to ob-| tain an ,abs.ohi|e divorce 4n favor of | the plaintiff herein above named; and, that the defendant will funther fcake n'otiuce that hp is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superl for Court, in the oourt house aft Sylva, f Nf. C., on the 27th day of May, 1936, j and answer or demur (to the com plaint filed in said aotflon, or thel plaintiff wiH apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said oomp'iain;. J Thia the 17 day of April, 1936. MARTHA COPE, Aas't Clerk Superior Court Hotel Carolina To Open For Guests Next Week Hotoi Carolina, formerly the New Jackson, will open next week, under the management of Mr. and Aim. (\ B. Thompson, who have been operat ing the Poiuseto Hotel, and who en joy an cxeejlenl repudiation as holi l people, with the louri^s and the -trav eling public. John J. Hastings, Mrs. Harry Hastings, aud Mrs. T. H | Hastings purchased the property, sev eral weeks ago. It consists of ihe 50] room hotel, and the buildings occu pied. by Massie Furniture Company, Cogidilj Mentor Company, and the old Sylvan Theatre property. For tha1 past Severn'i weeks the owners have' had pltfmbers. carpenters, plaster- ? ers , painters, aaid decorators at work oil (the interior, entirety re ALLEN INTEBMENT HEBE, AT KEENER CEMETERY. The body of C. Walter Alien was Ibid to rest in the Keener cemetery, here, this afterrnoon, fo lowing fimsr al services at his home in Franklin, conducted by the pastor of Fivmklin Methodist church. Mr. A'len was the voungest son of the latv Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allen, of Sy'vn. For the past few years he has made his home in Fmnklin, where he was office manag er for the Nantaba'a Power and Light Company. , j His body was found in his atrtoar.o ? bife, parked in the. yard of Maun- , Hope Baptist, church, aboht six miles from Franklin, near noon, yesterday. A 22-ca'ibre rit'e was beside him in the car. The Macon county oronor. after mak ins: an investigation, stated that his death* was clearly suicide, and that no vnquest wias necessary, al though Mr. Allen had a grjn-shot wfcatnd in his head. (?'* Mr. J. E. S. Thorpe, manager of the company, stated that affairs in Mr. Alten tvere in good conditio^ His friends believe that iH health, frtmn which he has* been suffering for the pasit thre.> years, caused the rash act. A steward in Fmnklin Methodi-'-t ohureh, and a member of one of "West ern North Carolina's eldest and most respects families, young Mr. Albn h:id many friends. He was borti and roared near Sylva. and lived here un til a few years ago. He married -Miss Dorcas Fisher of Dillsboro, who with two children, snrvives him. He is also survived by threo brothers, Claud:', Lewis, and Wolff Allen, of Oregon, four sisters, Mrs. C. F. Rhdmchart, Can ton, Mrs. E. C. Moody, Waynes vi'le, Mrs. flj. M. Ditlard, of Atlanla ?nd Mrs. Dennis Barnett, of Murphy, and other relatives. I w?rkiug the lobby, dining rooms, kitch , on, rooms mud tail's, And rcftirnishing | the hotel throughout. A private din I ing tooui on ijfoe second floor as been [ pityvideri, and the entire building now presents a pleasing appearance. Work ing are expected to ?oinplete the jj'j ; by' Saturday afternoon, and Mril and ? Mrs. Thompson v.il move "there and ! i<pen the Carolina, next week. [ Business people gcnera'ly are of thq opinion that the Carolina will prove a vuluab'c a;?el to the town, as it wili greatly increase hotel aceom nfcudaaiorLs here. At the present there are but two hotels, the Sylva *nd the Poinsett, and It is believed that ithey are hoi large enough to a kmc provide adequate hotel faci'itics for the town. JOURNAL AMD SYLVA RECEIVE HIGH PRAISE j The Jackson County Journal and the town *of Sylva received higli praise at the liapti.it Training Union convention, last week, for the cordial reception given the convention by the | | tow*, and for the issue of The Journal 1 ffeirinq the convention^ Each visitor was furnished a free e:-py of The Journal, to be used in Lhe '?o;:yention, and to be carried home as <2 souvenir. More than one speaker re ^orrpd to it on the floor of th? con vention. Rev. None Stamps, the presi dent expressed his appreciation there , and also made a presonal call at the office of The Journal to thank its pub lish#, and the busiudss people of Syl va, who, by their advertiaing patron age, ifade the issue possible. Mr. Starnes stated that the issue of The Journal and the manner in wWdi't&aconvention was received au.i handled, Wild have doae credit to | APPLICATIONS FOR VETERANS, HEADSTONES ARE RECEIVED The B. H. Cathey Chapter United j laughters of the Confederacy has re ceived application blanks from ::ho War Department, for headstone for deceased Confederate Veterans, Span ish-American War Veterans, ami World War Veterans. The headsronw i are furnished free, with freight paid, and the only requirement of the appli cant i<i tlnat he or she must sign, an agreement to take the stone from the depot herp promptly and have it er ected. ' The applications may to had am] filled out at the office of The Jackson County Journal. CAUSE AND EFFECT ky a. 3. chapm <*!T m Green dale Tourist Home Is Consumed By Flames LOCALS ? ? * Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rosooe Ram sey, this morning, a daughter. * * * Mr. Carl Whitley, of Atlanta, ?pcnt the week end here, with Mm. Whitley. ? * * Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Jono*, on Saturday, April 11, a daugh ter, whom they have named Audrey Jane. * * * Miss Caroline Rhodes has returned to Raleigh, after spending a short time here with her sister, Mrs. Richard Patrick. * * # Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MoClnrc, of Canton, wore guests, during the week end, of their daughter, Mrs. Hugh E. Monteith, and Mr. Montcitlu # * * Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Saunders and young son, George Lewis, of Canton, spent the week end here, guests of Mi', and Mrs. Crawford Smith. * * ? Mr. and Mm El wood Home and Mr. Jimmy Copeland have returned to Durham, after a vu'ifcio Mr3. Home's parents' Mn and Mrs. W H. OFaveit Mrs. Oliver accompanied her dainghtcr home for a visit. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Robert H, Cook, (heir daughters, Misse Marian, Barbara and Jane, and their son, Jerry Nichols have returned to their home in Shelby after ,a visiir. to Mrs. Cook's father, Dr. A. A. Nichols, and to Dr. and Mrs. A S, Nichols. * * * MARRIAGES / In At hunt a, Ga., last week, Miae Mar gate rite Stein and Mr. James T. Bales, both of Sylm? - -; r "X ??? 'l ? 4^ Mrs. Geneva Fincannon Rector and Mil. John 0'Kelly, at Clayton, Ga., on Weduasday, April 2. Miss Virginia Bradley and Ml*. Luther Carroll, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Monteith, Rev. R. F. Mayberry offlciatoiaig ? - ?f HAS OPERATION Sidney Cagle underwent an opera tion for appendicitis, at the Commun ity Hospital, this morning. RECOVERING FROM OPERATION j Royal Rryson is recovering at the i Community Hospital, after an appen J dectomy. The buildings And furnishings of Groendate Farm, popufar tourist re sort and homo of Mr. and Mm. T. C. Bryson, Jr., near Beta, were destroyed by fire, Saturday afternoon. The two houses, barn, garn^ei, smokehouse, and other building* burn ed to the ground, *nd only a siua!l pt.ri <>f the furniture was saved The P.f, believed to hav? started Mon electric wires, was discovered ne-.t the front porch of one of the main buildings. The a'arm was given .md the Sylva Pine Department answered th? call; biKt tthe fire had gained > ach headway by that time that the chemical tank wns unable to check it, and there are no water mains in that vicinity, mid the fire truck is not. equipped with n pump for fitt ing fire tat p'.ieiv where thero ?tv no fire pimps. The amount nf insurance carried will not begin to cover the low. it is stated. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Bryson was at home when the fire was disooverod. (ireeudalc Fann was opened lor quests ia->t year, and enjoyed a line patronage duriug the civure summer and fall ,Ur. Bryson st'iles that re?enr;itions luave been uiaxlo in large number* lor ihe coming season. Mr. bryson apcuu, a great deal oi money erecting buildinga <uui furnish ing <uiem, u yeai? ago, and lus place was rapidiy gaining a wide repuUii iou ka a ioum?t resort, lie has wade no l r. pkms for rebuilding. QUALLA The ulotiing exercise* of i^uaiin school were held on April 13th ami 14tlv Our teachers, by their diligent, training of each student, were pre prepared to give very interesting pro gpamnMHi ImtL unii Xnotfdfly evening*. Mi;. J. E. Freenyui passed through C^ualla, Monday, enroute to Cherokee from Asheville. He was accompauieii by hrs dagliter, .Miss Mary, who has been seriously ill, but is improving. Ait Faster programme was given at Quulla Methodist church, Sunday morning. One feature of the pro gramme was the Easter Editorial from the Jackson County Journal of last week. Rev. Arnold Beck of Smokcmont preached ni the Baptist church, Sun day morningt. Relatives and friends of Air. Bock were glad to have him visit at Qualla, the home of his boyhood days. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Biixl, Mr. \V. E. Bird and family, of Cullowhce, ami Mrs. J; K. Terrell were dinner guest* at Mr. T. W. McLaughlin's, Sunday. Miss Mary Emma Ferguson s|?ent Easter vacation in Atlanta. Misses Sadie and Emma Hoyle and Emery Hoyle, of Thomasville, are vis iting their sister, Mrs. Chas. Wnrd, and other relatives. Miss Ida Smitih of G'ullowhee rolled on Mrs. J. W. Cat hey. Mi*s liillLan Ferguson visited her bister, Miss Mary Emma Ferguson, who teache* ,it. Bethel. Miss N'cli Mclaughlin, of W. ('. T C. spent the week end with home t'dks Mrs. J. [{. Hughes has retui ud from .1 visit with relatives at Chero* kec. Mr. Wayne Ferguson of Henderson ville >]Miit Sunday with home folks. Afi'. and Mrs. Charles Ward and Mr. Arnold Beck were guests of Mr. and Mr*. X. F. Snyder, Sunday. Mrs. Louise Edwards is reported im proving from severe shock raused by a passing truck striking the ear 'n which she was sitting Friday at Wil mot where she has been teaching She was taken to Whittier for treatment by Mrs. Harriett Jenkins, who .also teaches at Wil mot. Mr. I)ock Kation returned from An gel Hospital, Wednesday. He i* im proved, at this wiving. Mrs. J. 0. Hooper called on Mr. M. U Blanton, who has been sick, but i< improving. Mrs. Vi nan Xation of Barker's Creek is visiting her mother, Mr?. Belle Ward, who has been sick for several days. Mra. J. II. Hughes spent the week end at ^herpkee, with Mr. J* Hi flushes svnd family. J

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