THB00UMT^ , tm^m | 8TLVA, yOBTH*OA&OLINA TH0RSDAY MAY 14,1936 I** A 1BAE IV AOViVOB OUTHDB THI OOUVTf Government Mm ? More Money To to Mcit SaysJIorgenlll ila.v 12.?Hrhnr?m j ^jfistbeuw ui bill uwy t*kr,j , ^jji'0 ior raising additional If## euipinwized by Secre-j Ljlor^htii, lie informed L'itaue Finance Committee tbm I Ijtftdtrtl Government deficit for l^failjtor viii run to $5,!'66,000 10. U ilotgentlwu arrived at thulj Ijait hf deluding1 thu entire bonu.i I Lmti oi some 'J,000,000,000, it. L m's exjjemlimiy*, zlthouf!, I Lb of 'bit money t> ill not be puit! I L aid the next fiscal year, xrhith I lifts July 1. Severtbelesn, hc ma?f< I l: kj tku fat the Treasury U / I/aria ^ red ihsn ever before jfj [hit vaeJiiiif; bu to he done Lgi it. fifK^rtbe plan *i?'h th? prfsi L^l an,! ^hi. h has been iaro a revenue hill will ]?ro Ljknefi^wary additional iik-ufoi* r tbos.' debatable qu<wtionfc LhUHi*' Alii tfivo :i j)G\dtiv< ? irfSl ai'vr a year or twoi ot Ui PiobaWy more seriom ^irould law 'wen given U pp'wls tltft oi Senator lii. jp,:i)r brou<lt.niii*4 the iliade small incomes and in _#ie Ifnes on large incomes, ?jiKfBOt a:. clviLa y ??a^et'o:. \?vir if. is rceurdeu Iki^'k; n J' tl.t party in jHmvi la* ww lax'-s taleulatcd tc Lsilf petktfb-'k '4' flic ordinary |iiik light oi .Mr. Morten time's last it is dear i the (iovorn ^jimcow uiu>t '(>? inercafcod by |k ?Mhini, or lim i expend i litti be reduced in the same f**- Aud ii. jin election year 'J* ? lutril i'or f'Mlitieiim.s to |tawlve? [<o curtail the di.s l #i public money <?.? it is ii^j ?tlx range. Their ineliu/ilion. ?'w}, i? jlt?t the other way. ludiflfuioa i*> spend account? k rtriv;il oi iut< nvu :ti thu '? the Fraziev-},wnko J'uri.. to?* U'.n jfcll. 'J j j<. wo.dd pr.j l>iT;iinj/ ,>i |? nrrer.ov, iw.t liy any l hit the (n?\ eminent e.vxi i i. iii lo^ns oji inn. i 1 '/i >'?-rcoivt. Th??ayl. ** * 'ri<u.llv to this pha. !l^sto be lit tic likelihood th it ^ fill st;u;il far it. 11-ive ^ toys on (Japiu.1 Hill, how ^noo 10 pit. tlien^h^s m ,bftri? J-Vifrud.-, of th\j)lsn. J^' by flu- Selte o. ^ I'rici Discriiniii.'iiiio; fttj>i|].yjv ];noU*lL 'j. ^"ti-Cbi,, |;i||t ,lo(. ^'.?-Vuilv that tjlis wij Ii v:,.,ul,[ j,. ; watro' ? ' -'l ??! tin- 'ii ;!riliii;io:i o. and o'hr-r ? <;:m]i'.-<lili?>!i u y ' |',(<h-r?l Trade Com . ? I't'bilrary jiov.ers to j,, inijfh' pur l ' bii? .VI tx pr.Tejfn B,W'. oj whole. .-kK: tfrocer\ > it vo.-k tor :som< ^ touex:rii %S ^ du? V 'a'-,Ui^-r Lo?w an. ?t, ,v ls*r"u"'.S "Vffajdz.? I^Prict* rV1'"1 ?,U'iral I h.,' " tuo thiii ^MKr ?J'*; or*>1' hoiwe, 'h'??'? n t!" ^??r k'?'i of u pittin. ^a w"-r r? 1 p??i mt"ril" ^ Dr"s ?u Urn. ""?i'n J/" w?v. ?l"t Ui,,, Ku'' ' (.n. iiH-asur ; ."w*' t? =1 N lt Way g( i3 :r ,iurinK thr ^ "'w ,U : '"W r ?" 1,111 111 ?? 'W fj h !'n,'>:iliiliiv *- ?'* '" W'. S K?L'?? """''C.....: #n" ru.? '..I iT -? .. TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank* Parker Stockbridge) FAIRS ? ? i , ? j , j New York is all set now to hold the World' g Fair ever stjaged.l in 1939, It will be )tfic first truly in termational exposition to bo held in America since the Panama-Pacifi" Exposition in San Francisco iu 1915. The flint/ World's Fair was the Cryptal Palace Exposition in Londou in 1851. Prince Albert, Queen Vic toria's husband, inspired it. He thought i hat British industrialists and business raea were behind of the Continent iu many wttvn Bringing industrial and commccrial exhibits to London might stimulate British industry, he thought. The results proved thJat he w?? rigHt Britain's great industrial land artistic development really began with that World's Fair of 1851. The rtjil Jpurposj of |i ;j;nuiiu World's Fair is to stimultal.e the in ' lerchange among nations not only ol goods but of ideas. , vj PROFITS . . . sometimes aim lhe motive bchuitl many exposi tions which call themselves World t Hurj is 'i hat uf puuing on u bi^j show to draw largo numbers oi" via uur* to a town or legion, so tin. business interests ijan maku protiu by selling them food and iou^ ing, gasoline und souvenirs. Stogiuv ] a fair is a good way to bring money into a town. Chicago's Century of Progress Ex jxwition of 1933-34 was a purely eotu u i o re w 1 enterprise, which jwiti back ull the money it cost and jesuhed iu the taty-'* merchants and hotel keeper*. It was not, in any leal sense, a world Vi lUii 113 did serve to provide a useiul kuk ground and a large audience for ti.i oig advertisers who en bpeeqacu lar and interesting display8. TEXAS . . v . . its Centennial | This yqar the big hair is the Texji* JenCienuiol at Dallas. Something like $25,000,000 1mm been sjwuit to provide in Exposition which, within its scops', promises to be both eduaa|i<ioual anu entertaining. The show at Dallas will open ou June 0. The whole Southwest is eh Jut-iastic abcait it and the indieailons are thai; every road leading to Dallas will be crowded with nars ail .Summer, and the railroads, bus and air route will have all the 'auffic "they can at .end to. From the advance announcdmeiws .hat I have seen, I think the Dallas i<Wir will IjC worth anybody's time. The historic event which this Texas] 'enl'jciuiial commemorates has tal w ay eenied to me one of Itilie moMt stirring ?pisodes in our national hifelory, ] vm glad to learn that one of the most mportiant buildings af the Dallas flair will be the Kail of Heroes. Ii edus 'tlo me tHat the times call foi ecognition of the fact <that Ameries' Vas .founded and developed by taeuj who were not afraid to flghA CALIFORNIA . . . . its fairs j Out on the Pacific Coiast I think lieoplc, iarc more cxposLtion-mfcidcd hau in -any other pait of the country. 1 don't know just how many faira of Rational or international importance ^ave been held out. there, but (they 'iad a mighty good one at Portland.! '>regon, in 1905. There have becu 'hree or four at San Diego. San Fran J isco had a splendid and genuinely Jilerivitifltial cxposdtuoii in 1015, and i cv w the-anno incement has been made ihat there will be andther big fair on n island iu San Francisno Bay in 1938. Tliat will be well worth going io| w. No American's eduadtion is eorn 'We if he ha<? not soeu California. And by 1938 the two greatest bridges u the world will hare been completed, ?he one across the Golden Gate con necting S?ri Francisco wiiih ihel Marin County Peninsula, ?h? the North uid she gre,"!1 hritteef aciM'S ???n| l^naneisco Bay, tying Alemeda Oouity to ''he western metropolis. I 1 hf*jx! T ean go to tlwrf fair, ?*nd 1 wish I t??nUl (*o t> ,lhc om? at Dallas [ this y*ar. (Please Tun To Page 2) Republicans File County Ticket The Republicans of Jackgon c<wuty mooting in convention last Friday, endorped a full -ticket, which wa* file<d on Saturday, for the various county offices, including two mem bers of the Board of Education. I. H. Powell filed for Scate Senator fitom tliia district, comprised of .Tacit- j &on, Haywood and Tmnsylvania coun ties. J/unes Kol>bins of E<u?t I<aPork\ j is the Hopuhlicnu candidate for Rep resont&tive iu the General As-.emhly. Theodore Queen,of Webster was en dorsed for sheriff Other nominees of the Republican | party in the c?wnty are: Register of Deeds Felix Paitey of Sylva Oommissioner ot FitUiUoe, S. il.j Parker of River. County Commissioners, A. C. Wil son, Savannah, tnd J. P. Bnmsnrner of QirallaL Botard of Education, 3. R. Long ?i' Sylvia and J. t?. Painter oi' Gullowheu. Coronor, James L. Price. For County Surveyor, two reuidi dates have been filed on the llepubli can side of the polii.i* ul fence. The. are A. F. Arlington, Cullowhee, an-1 \V. If. Snuth of Riven BETA ? (??? i . . 7~ Adult, *euior, intcdmediat* ai???* junior lt T. U. study courses .are in J progre* at SeoU's Creek church, j this week. Much interest and good at tendance is reported. Tcachers re spectively tor these classes are: Rev. I R. C. Shetrin, Lyle Ens ley, Wiilliamj B. Dillard and Mrs. \V (i. Dilkrd Mrs. N. B. Shephard of Ashevil spent the week end with home folk?! Mrs. Flossie T"f-ll<lrfy nf ft r1""* visited Bey., and Mrs. TrT- DeHjr/j Mkfs Helen Ensley is visiting in Fort Payne, Alabama. Miss Jcannette Dillard is spending a month with relatives in Macon, (J.*. Mih? Daisy Smith, who is in the | School for the Blind at Raleigh, is ox- j pecjted home Saturday. Mm W 'es Hands and children vi>-! iited in Anderson, S. C. last week^ j Miss Bessie Snvder, who has been j spending some time with her father j here, re&irned to Washington on Sun- j day. Little Miss Edoleen Curdy Hpeitf last week with her auntr, Mrs. Loyrl ait Sylwa. Jeggy Joe Suttin visited at Bark- J er's Creek, last weela. / Mcdonald will v SPEAK HERE Ralph McDonald candidate for ;h. Democratic nomirr i for Governor, will apoak at the i.r: \ -use n Sylva nesfr Monday, thi fir t day of court fcetwmi the hour, -t' 11 i 1 ?? ' - clock, McDonald, who *? : = ! ilie >*>hrc-i representatives fcv !? di .-?r ty in 'the kwt; Goner.. V, v-'-aioly, p.'aytMl ft conspicuous pole .: rtinv.M# in opposition to th? : at the some <fciuie if ?auVufiSitfng' an in crease in the pay <jf school teachers and other Steitc employee's. He prom ises to "clean h?nv?" in Raleigh by ousting all the old .^ppoiintive officers. He has been iteiaohing iu the schools ofiWmston-Salem. East week he had, in a straw ballot poll being conducted by 25 daily pa pens of tihe State, 48.8 ]*ip eenit o* [the total votes east-, las apjain^' 33.8 per arntU for Clyde l'? Hoev, 15.4 for Lieutenant Governor Graham aiul 2 ?t vr - per cent for John D. McRae. This week his lead dropped to 47.4 as com pared wiifih 34.!) for Hoey, 16 per ceniu for Graham and 1.7 for MeH??k. Opponents to Mc-D'onaldism see m the alight falling <>:T oi' his hiad in side of a week, i?.<!!?.? v\tions itlhat th?: McDonald movement lias "(ached its Irgheslfc point, and "r:vt it is now defi nitely on the wa:n> II;.; supporters, on tlie other hand, .-iyss the b*lul* ..hat he has onfficK'.u *v?u*th ''.lo a?-'! sore his noininatk;.. OPEN POINSET j ILL & GRILL Mr. and Mrs. . Ernest. Keener) hftve ju?t coDiph II ii?hing and refuijishing the r'vr."0tt Hotel ar;d d have opt.iv.' that, ettradiivc ar hot( tiid emting place i ifcmrist, eor.i;:torcial, and local SUPERIOR COURT BEGINS SITTING IIEXT MONDAY Judge Jolui M. Oglesby, who held the February coui t will preside at the May term of Jackson Courity S"?j>ei - k>r Court, which convenes next Mon day for the trial of bd';h criminal and! eivil eaflses. TUCKER HONORED BY MATES Mr. Ner. Tnrke*-*, ?.f Caliowln-e. w,: viiliHi .the host i*!.r-'O-td hv." in Hie sci'?'t class at H- 4ern C.?xi.ti:n T-.'ushers College " Tf'Vv mcmber of the fc ...i fajna.i inu .si president of the iJ- 'i. g':>v?sruiient senate. Pageant Will Give 'iUus Portrayal Of 100 -"L-.ars Of North Carolina Listory ( Cullmwhee May 14? Archibald D. Murphey, the real father of education iu Norith Carolina, Calvin H. Wile>, David H. Swain, who mado the we n a part of the Stale, Joseph Caldwell, Charles Fisher, William Gaston, John M. Morehead, Edwin B. Dudley, Wil liam A. Graham, Zetiulon 13. Yjance. Charles 0. Aycock, Charles I). Mc iver, J. Yy Joyner, and ,'corca of ( others who 'look the load at different periods of the history of Caro- j lina and blazed the (trail of Education flor every child in the Stiate, will ap- j pear in character in the stupendous; historical pageant of North Car > j liaja's Educational CenlUmnial, to b<: (Staged At Western Carolina Te;ichei>s College on the evening of May 22. There will be a cAst of 500 peop!e in the pageuat. The North (Carolina Symphony Orchestila will provide the nmsic. The direction is by J?hn W. Parker, Utato representative of the, Bureau of Community Drama, ot, Chapel Hill Mr. Walter Pre. ton, of | Tryon; a staging expert is direeitngj the preparation o<f (the staging and ef fects, land will be sta.^e manager. Educational, instrnoifva, heautifci, the pageant, It is anltieip&ted, will dmw Itlioitigands of p?*ople to Cullo whee from this and surrounding state*, as all Western Noif'h Car> litta, under th? leadership of Western Carolina Tcacheiv College, joins in ?lhe jubilee celebration of the 100th Kunivetuarv of the birth of the pub lic school system in NoafUi Gazofaa.j Th* campus of Western Carolinr Teacheits College is a l*?sy p:|;iie a. a large number of workers are o atruoting stages, ins-tailing tloyd lights and {amplifiers, preparing costumes, ir.ftf ailing -telephones to facilitate di rection, and iir^orking out -the many details incident ta propaitution for the pageant. Representatives of the school are scouring ithe country as sembling properties jto give the co red touch to the pageant as ii'.v w i'! nnfold the history, j.ianncrs and c-us tf^s, droas, implements and modes ; f living, teaching rnd transportation, frota colonial day? to the preserotv, | Some of the pri. ~ ol charaoters I will toe Prt>f. E. II, S'iUwell as Wil liam B. Davie; Darreli Mitchell ss Town Crier; Ned Tucker r-t Archi bald Murphey; Aw- Pilicy *?s Cat vjn H. Wiley; S. <1- rc.nn Phillips *js a Teacher; Biwt * "- n uclake, of Raleigh, as ZeUuK Vance; Chris I tine Roberson, oi co?nbe, as the Spirit of t;ho Leg! \ *?; Weaver Al len ?s Charles D. : river; I'iv*?. Fob ( ert L. Madison or. hiinneif; Steuben Austin, of Stanley, 3s O-overnor Jar vis; Paul ScUfccIincr, of Claarlotte, os Charles B. Ajwek; and Hannah Leu Brown as Aycock's mother. | There will also be a huge caffc of pioneers, Indians, Negroes, house wives, teachers, colonial characters, fanners, pirates, soldiers and seho>i children; as well as lovely cborfcisci | and beautiful tableaux Many Democrats File For Office In County 40 YEARS AGO [Tuckaseige D^oeras, April i', 1896 I Mr.. M. Buchanan !?petj serveral , Ljsi woe* with rekt'vus at Web | tJLxJC. - M isd Lizzie N-. is^n, A *viHSvilli> damo over (today on a visit u> Mis Wolfi Mr. A. Theodore Buclnanan is now initialled as clerk at the drug ston of Wolff and Bucliauan. Mr. Charlie Keen, a brother of Mr Neil Buchanan came out from Ashe ville and spaiL Sunday here. Dr. Wolff and Mr. M. Buehanar. iiuue a business trip to the Canad* Seetk>n of the county, Tuesday, repair ing today. Mr. J.' K. Duelbiss .sjKsut East u "S in?iay with Ms bro'.it"r!s I unit I) Mr. (5. A. Hughes, of Fernhurst, i w'jus here this morning ?u his way ti> Asheville as a witness in couifl;. Ii< ^ays all the people up las ray are for free coinage. We are requested to announce thai Mr. J. P. Herrcn, of Wayuesville. will address the people of Jackson <>?? the issues of the day at WeW#ot? on Thursday of the first week of court, Our enterprising liveryman, Mi'. John. W. Divclbiss, boaste of the fin est pfair of houses in Ithfj oq^st>y' sinco he has secured a match ? for "Hal". He is going to take ras jmil f<?* :*Lgw?_g? c^y Mrs. Wolff announcos that, assist ed by Misa Lizzie Nelson, rw Spri rig Millinery 0|>ening will take place on Tuesday, April 14th and she extends a cordial invitation to all to attend land inflect her stock. Gen, Hampton went U> Ashovil'* Friday to a meeting of Itihe Oongrei sioual Executive Committee. Th-j Con ventkjn is called by Hml It. D. Gil mer, chairman, to meet in Asltetille May 14th. Mu>3 IWiMJtie \U?.;ly trrmluatod her visit of sevec.ks'to Mum Mcmie Stedman a^u left for ner h'+ae tc Brysan City. The peach uret j, mow .? bloom, 1 "AVe been si:bjc- '"d Ho seme seven old weather during tiro pfc-t week, but it is believed tiialtJ sy sufficient nu:.iber <" ? h ? >>-,ped in jury to insure a full c'up, provided they are not killed hereafter. On itlhe evening of Apqil 22, the Toadies Aid ?Socioty'of Sylva will giv", in the school house on operetta, cu f led "The Gypsies Festival " follow ing a farco, "The Pull-back''. Fundh will go itioward the erection of Sylva Methodist church. We arc requested by Mr. Henry G. Rlobeilfiason, on the authority of So licitor Jones, tliat Itihc Snuporioi Court for this county will not (k' open ed unkil Thursday, April 24th?Thurg ! day of the fir' week' of County?on i ladcount qf Che absenc^ ?ulj the Judge^ | ? r ' The New.-i and Observer's nv?m i o # moth Tobacco Fdiuon of 40 pages is I sued last Sunday, is a oiiMrnificent pa per, reflecting credit nn the enterpris ing publishers, and making a rplendid exhibition of the greatness of i North Carohva's tobacco bu-inan. Y. W. A. SERVICE, SUNDAY The service at ithe Sylva Baptist church Sunday morning will center around the work of lthe Y. W. A. There is a group of twenty or more girls in this 0175am'ration, and (they are doing good work. Sunday morning these girls, with their leader?, will occupy the choir at the BapMsifc church and will render special music at the 11:00 o'clock service. The message of the pastor will pre sent a challenge to these young peo ple, and to the older ones as welt Everybody i? invite^ With the date for filing for office having come and gone on LaNt Sat urday, many spirited contests jire anticipated iu the county Deinoeraiie Primary. which is to be held on June ^ 6 Mrs. K. L. MeKc? of 8y|v?, for mer State Senator, is opposed for the Senate by Adain Moses, who was reared ait Tuckaseigve, whose home is in Svlvfa, aud who teaches in the Webster High schooL T. C. Led bet ter, Cullowheo farmer, is contorting for the nomiuaitlion tor Representative in Che General As sembly, with Rcpitesejuiative T. ('. Bryson, Sylva farmer, ;md pi-esent representative. Sherilf C. C. Ma,-<on hat* tw.? ?>p. ponemfc. E. L. Wilson, former -her iff and well known citizen, ;ind J.n?k Cooper, Svha cafe and toxical) ?.|> criator .-ire both opposing the pn'x iu sheriff, who will complete lii*, lir-: Item on the ftirt Monday i n n?'\i. December. J. D. Cowan, pmy.'iit (Junnuissiuiu r of Pinsywe, is oppond by A. |?. (Jmany) Craft, ol Ea^l luipox^.e. W. A. Hooper and W. (J. N?.rt??u. the present commissioners, are again candidates for county commissioners, and Clevex Fisher, of Hataiburg, K. C'. Howell, of Qoalla, and ^t. Y. Jarrett, of Dillsboro have al?o filed for those posts. Tho candidal for posts on the County Board of Education arc le gion. fcajn lhillbrigbt, Webster; J. B. Bumgaruer, Mountain; J. R. Bry sorf, OulloivJice; T. A- Dillard, Ca?h ieifa Valley, T. L. Wike, Eaat. La porte; Goo. W. AJeConncll, Webster; T. B. Cowan, Webster; J. E. Rogers, Qoalk; L A. Buchanan, Cullowhee; . ' " J. C. Hayes, Quail*; Hu*) Middleton, Biyei; and Garland Dillard, Bota arc Vii board. Mr. Cowan and Mr. Bogers are rs of the present board. and Mr. Dillard, of Cashier 's Vjalley, and Mr. Buchanan are former mem bers; while Mr. Wike is now serving on the bo:jrd to complete the term of the late P. N. Price. Mm. ALu-gardt Shemll lioane, ts Register of Deeds, Lyman Stewart of Hamburg as Surveyor, and C. W. Diltl of Dillsboro as coroner, are without opposition. Sylva Weaver To Have Exhibit In Washington Mrs. N. B. Ashe of Sylva, whose work with the loom has attracted wide attention, has been invited *o send hji exhibit to Washington lor the Third Triennial Conference of Rural Women of tbe World, to be held 'tiiere from May 31 to June 6, in clusive. The organization meeting was in London in 1927 the first meeting in Stockholm in 1930; and the aeeonil in Venice in 1933. Delegates from 40 nations, rejutv sen ting 75 organizations will be in Washington, and Jackson Coun'y is honored in having Mrs. Asln-'s display of weaving as a conspicuous part of the North Carolina, exhibit, which is l>eing assembled by 'tlhe Ex tension Service. Mite. Ashe's exhibit, before go: nor o Washington, will be en display ? t ?he widows of the Sylva Sivpj 'L Company on Wednesday afternotfl and Thur^Uiy morning of next we? k. QUALLA (By Mrs. J. KL Terrell) An interesting Mothers Day pro gramme was given nt 'the Baptist church Sunday morning, consulting of readings, recitations, sonjfs and a ser mon on the subject of "Mother", by IleV. J. L. Rogers. A large oongrej.'1* tion attended the service. %Dr. and Mrs. Ras Bolttle of Etowah, Ter:n., spent the week end with rela tives, Rev. and Mrs. J. 1* Hyatt announce the birth of a granddaughter, Theresa Ann, born to.Mr. and Mr-*. S. P. Hy att at Glenville. Misses Jennie Cathey and Ol II* Hall attttended Vacation School Insti tute a Canton, Friday. }' Mrs. York Howell returned to noir, after a visit among relatives. Messrs Tack Battle, George Enloe and Mr. Gay, of Charlotte spent the week end with home folks. (Please T&m To Pup l> A

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