TSE JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL Tuplished Weekly by The JJkGKSON COXNTY JOURNAL CO Entered as sceond class matter a' the Post Office at Sylva, N. C. DAN TOiirKLNS, Editor Is seems that iho "Q" in O**. abends for get-em. The quickest way to ?amo is u have fi]om four to six babies At one The News and Observer bays thin. North Carolina's population is grow ing. True?in numbers. Jfciilc Selassie says that he w>i continue to fight; but there aro u. Italians iu Palestine. ? i.) In Annexing Ethiopia, Italy iiwj have eaten something it'hat will lea\e u (Lirk brown t.ostc in her mouth. S We take it -t-hat some of ;the North (J&xoLiniaus arc not aayingj "God blessed, these day3, when refer ring to at lea^t one of the "M-acs". The greatest achievements of tin present Admini art ration, so i/ir, us will probably be written by iuhe tu ture historians, are the it/riuinpha oi Kitgar ti cover 's department o\er tl.< 0rg.ani7.ed criminals, and the success. Secretary Midi is having, through th.J reciprocal trade treaties, in ag/iin es tablishing mteruationAl trade, ithul liud been dried up by retaliatory ?tariff waIIs. THE CULLOWHEE PAGEANT The sit aging of the pageant at Cul lowhee, next week, by a cast of 500 persons of Western Carolina Teach ers College is an ambitious undertak ing that deserves the support, of a!! the people in Western North Oaroluia Celebrating as it does the centen nial of public education in tho State, it should immediately attract tlv? sympathetic attention of the peopk, as they Bhould all be interested in the historical significance of the event. Aside from the fact that it will be informative, the staging will, lit. doubt bo excellently done, the effects of sound, color and pageantry should bo such as to please the artistic sense that is latent in all of us It ingoing to take a lot of money and time to do .this thing, nad do it rightt Many people will be drawn to Sylva, Cullowhee, and Jackson Coun ty by this spectacle. We will all share the benefits; and we should all share the cost i EPISCOPAL SERVICES Sl David's church, Cullowhee. Rev. George Lemuel Granger, Rec tor. II A. M., Morning prayer and ser mon. All most cordially invited 'to this fcorvioe. BALSAM (By Mrs. D. T. Knight) Rev. T. S. Roten of Dell woo.! pijeached a very fine sermon in the Methodist chureh here, Sunday a.t aoon, in honor of mother. The pastoi. Rev. Mr. Jcsrop, could not be her as he had just been operated upon fop-appendicitis, in a Greensboro hos pital Mrs. Sasa Bryson attended a Mother's Day service a i Candler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Parris announr the birth of a fine sod, Billy Citav. ford. He arrived Sunday, May 3r<l. M$. .and Mrs. Billy Bagget arrh t last week from Daytona, Fla., u will spend several weeks in their sun mer cottage in Balloogh Ilon. S. L Gaulden, Miaster Lesnu Gaulden and Mr. Eppleman of Pal; Beach, Flai, arrived lasfJ week to spend the summer in their cottage in Ballough Hills. Mr. Gaulden left Sat urday o join Mrs. Gaulden in Balti tnoi*, where she has been visiting fn some time. She willl return this weeV Dr. and Mrs. H B. Boice, wh ; cpent the winter in St. Petorshur, Fla., retarucd to Balsam, T'i s-inv WASHINGTON NEWS (Continued Prom Page 1) wivd the clirodce of the Ropublioai, Vine-Preaidentiol candidate. ilrominently mentioned as vote-getting timber are Senator Sti wer, of Oregon, Who will be ths Con ventioQ 's temporary chairman, and LOST?Pair of eyeglasses. Reward if nfarned to The .Journal Offlee. i Vandcnberg, of Michigan, who is still regarded as in the iteming as a pos sible hoad of the ticket, j Geographically; Senator Steiwer is i considered tnore available. The Pacitta; Coast is regarded as more debatable ?roujad than th? State of Michigan." kicgraphical and other considerations Isowever, may dictate tho choice of a i Vice-Presidential candidate from the J liasrt. The difficulty is to find an ac I .eptiablc man, who is not too clasaJyl 'tied in with, the Republican Old I Iloard. 'i, ?* \ ] Some a'-tentiou, more or less seri ! ons has been given lately ;do 'i-he su* j ^cstion that young valors would lu j j.itnictJed to the Repufblician ticket j by the nomir.ition ol^Ool. Charles A i lindbergh. Thai seems quite onliki} ly, bait sfianger things have happen 'xl in politics. - ? ? The Republican leadership is real izing more and mere strongly th'at i' in frota the younger element and tli* ? ?lew voters, the three million boy: ?oid girls who ha ve come of c sine; L932, tliat they must gain much o i their support if they arc i.o win th<' .?lection. The Young Republican oiaaulza'tio; ">f the Pacific Cotwt is ntf; happy ov< tho present situation,and is especially not friendly h Governor Lamlx \ How far they reproont tho young eta meat generally is, hevevtr f'o.ibttV TODAY and TOMORROW (Continued from page one) VALUES . . . ? always there I hav<* sc.-n ^ -a number .>> | World's Fairs, and have never -foiled | ?:o learn so;ue.i'hing r<-al aud pe>! raanent value from every one of them. I wfl? a *mall boy when my ifiather took me to the Philadelphia; Coj^ten-' ni al of 1876. I fctill remember vivid ly some of the exhibits which sfrtrted my childish mind to try 'Jo figtire on; the whys and wherefores of virion? humjan activities. I got a lot ?ii of th^ Ohiengo^Oo hnubia Exposition of 1S93, the Pan American ait Buffalo in 1001, the St j Loiti^s W.orfd's JVii'jr of 1904 and various ? smaller expositions "t hat 1 have visited. Tno-tliirds of 'the j>oople who at ; tcud worlds foil's go to have <a good time. They would not gr> rt all it ihows and entertainments were no' provided for them. The pill of le&m j ing always has to be sugar-coated. , but even (those who go to such event* j in tha spirit of frolic, are lx>und to 1 g**t :3omcthin^ of solid vahxr onlS of : them. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qia'ifled as che csi^utot oi | the estate of A. B. Allison, deceased, a 1ft. of i he county of Jackson, tlii? is to notify ill persons having claim? ugainst paid estate to file them at the office of Dan K. Mnorr, aiXovn?y, ,i Sylva, North Carol irvi, on or befoi. the ICth day of April, 1937, or thif notice will be pleaded in bar of thcii recovery. V'... ,> . : AM persons indebted to said esta!< will please malco immediate settle ment. A. G. BARNETT, s / lixecur.or of the estate oL" A B. A5'l< son, deceased. < 1 4 1G 4 h j NOTICE or EXECUTION SALE ; NORTH CAROLINA, JACKSON" COT'XTY. ' Under and by vii i no of t ho pow?" and authority conferred npjn me b a certain afiol, Issued by th Clerk of iho Superior Court of Jack son County, Xorih Carolina, in: judgment onaiilo.I: '' >yva S?ippl> America's favorite moment the pause that refreshes (i-rllMI Millions of people every day refreshment of ice-cold Coc*-Cola- And ?f, it's always ready for yo? around 0m 1. corner from anywhere, ^ ASHETILLE, n. o. Improved Summer Schedules 9 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Effcfctto Tuesday Jims 18th. Summer trains 1 and 2 between Asheville and Spartaaborg will be inaugurated operating -on the following schedules: NO. 1 NO. 2 6:16 a. m. Ly Spartanburg ? ( Ar 11:35 p. m 7:00 ^ m. Ly. Txyon Ar 10:48 p. m. 7:22 a m. Ly Saluda Ar 10:28 p. m. 7:98 a. m. Ly Flat Bock Ar 10:12 p.-m. 7:45 Ly Hendersonville , *. Ar 10:03 p. m. 8:04 ai.rn.LT Arden Ar. 9:45 p. m. 8:20 a. m. Ly BUtmore Ar 9:28 urn. 8:30 a. ML Ar Aaheville Ly 9:20 p. m. These grains will handle Ashoville-Atlanta Sleeping, car con necting |a|d Spantjanburg with train No. 30 for the North and also with titain No. 35 for the SoujtJb. Effective sonic 'time the Asheville Birmingbam sleeping oat will be extended (thru to New Orleans. , Also Memphis-Asheville sleeping <^ar will be placed in service. Also A&hevillc-Richmond Tri-weekly car will be placed in service, arriving Asheville /md departing in trains 15 (and 16 respectively Wednesdays, Fridays end Sundays BE .SAFE .AND .COMFORTABLE?TRAVEL. BY. TRAIN AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Ooach Fares Everywhere On The Southern Por One Cent And A Half Per Mile 1 See your nearest agent or write, R. H. DEBUTTS, AGP A. Asheville, N1, C. Company vs. D. P. Walker and Caro line Worker", which judgment is duly ; ritcorded in "Boek "O", page 77, in the Office of said Clerk, I wity on the 20th day of May, 1936, ah 12:00 o' clock, noon, at the Court House door in Sylva, N>tth Carolina, offer for sate and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, ait public auction, the follow, ing described property: ' Begiuniug on a biock oak in the lind of C. C. Love's E. R. Hampton below the path leading frtfm Jas. R. Love's to C. C. Love's and runs Xorlth 26 degrees West 191/* po'es to a doaible chestnut on spring branch; thence North 80 degrees West 14 poles ;to a small black gum on a ridge; thence Scjuth 21 poles to a stake in be ldrie of C.C. Love and E. R. Ilatap !fon; thence East 21 poles with line of C. C. Love and E. R Hampton to tin Beginning, containing (2 1-4) tfro and one fourtr acres. This sale Is mode to satisfy the principal, interest find cost on said cxecnition. This the 18th (by of April, 1036. 1 C. C. MASON; Sheriff of Jackson County. JAPANESE OIL MaM la U. t. A. TW Ailiitpllc Scolp Medicine? WlhfH> from ordieery Hair Tonkt ? Me I $1. FEEL IT WORK! M All Druggiifi Writ# he FREE Bwkkt ??The Abtul Th N?lr." Nitltfltl C?., M?? Ywk Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood YP^R Sidneys ere constantly filter* ? ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in i not *d at nature in tended?-tail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. (hen you may suffer nagging bade adie, dizziness, scanty or h?o frequent ?nnation, getting up at night, puffiness J, *ya*/ 'eel nervous, mi sera* W?-*ll ?p?t Don t delay? Use Doan's PKIa, "?noeo by grateful users the country "***? tfrew from any druggist. . DR. F- * GARDNER optometrist - .. a-a. . ) Asheville. k c Da wy? W*0*1 * B,lT? H?K Byh* K, o. Friday Maj 22 1936 nll> h<#A Brjwn Olty, N. 0. Thursday May 21 iW lor The P"?o?e Of LooKll8 Altcr : all eye troubles * QLASSES rrm* EYB8 BXAMn?iD V^. Why Gulf is the Gas for May Birds are nesting. It's Spring ... and it's the time of year to use Spring gas. The average temperature is several degrees higher than it was in April, and unless you're using a gas specially refinedfor Spring Jri ving you're throw ing dimes and dollars away. Get That Good Gulf Gasoline. Because it's "Kept in Step with the Calendar"?all ofit goes to work, none of it goes to waste. Pull up at the Sign of the Orange Disc and try a tankful?today. mm ?SIltNM? CAR ca* Y<sbu,m ' ^eC?rd~breBkiitg sales of new Chevrolet ^ Dodge Stand- values possible! ard Six Sedan, ' j{J^ Chevrolet 1930 Chevrolet **"'*' Coupe, good, dear. $83 ~ body. and OK'dcar $165 & milage W?- W >?! Coupe' extra 1932 Willys Six "????, good! tires, clean. Excellent Ninety Sport gVksandnins condition. Coaoh, low mileage $2QZ ' nicefclean car, ne?' $331, ?;?? );x:^ tires $265 * 1933 Chevrolet - ZS*?f5? Ok'd. 'Hon Used Cars eolers in J935 S YOU! $365 ? ? # -to $ * - s VWT US FOR BETtvb * * I , n ?etter values n Motor Compart SyIva> North Carolina

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