IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY 0 ^ ?T1 \ * ?***&:i PM k Y1A1II ABVAJTOE OUT8ZDB IBB OOUfTTT Supreme Court Decision Kills Guffey Coal Bill May '21? I" iTa Jcvii IVtsW-*1'; ^l|ju.y Uituluiiiiw 163 tho 8,1 losi i*? u ihe ^ .^e^Statcs i'ol *?*1 , " tiK-HVi -^nuig whirl. thoMu, ^ ''i -? "o*01. ^ . NKV.mJ the CJutley Coa! ** ^, at ,la- {.POilui'iiuu u| COM, *?**?*? ? Mea*> Hf 1 . ?; ,, ..jj-au* comnicrcc . lllLt'I ' '' . , ??..?> llJ'S no pCwei :wi* ?? '?"??? ri tk ??> ??1,1 Mll Cjr.te. i" & i,i.i th,a a ,,.f v a'? ?. hoiu-.s and cot' ^'u i,h..f :.r,l. .'.al inJu %. Wa-n'wl >?' ^ ,,h,M :lv>: *lio law dele ' i i!?,ijvf >;> uu?%oiLSti p'ru l1*-' iei. fouii ?.k? imIi'i! .vaiiui an ?i,jar u-iiau. ol tin.- Uullk} ?}?n?n, ihe luw i'iH' an r\rl:v K X ?>l 15 |H* ? i'"l;-1 iu.;1.! v. i i iii* o? > ?>:il niiltt'd. jftiiii l)V iiK' iniiii' wi?> -i;-;-"! il'? *o& coal ,jcl;t Wi-tv i ? retvlv* a rotate 4|,vr eciit vi this tax. This, tin ?m. I'uiui hell', \ a -> .un iuii>ropei ^BK-ou-iit-ni.:?:rl .1-.-the taxing if! ;u iii'J i'-?' ,'l ).?'?ialt \ lljK'll OfM t&trl- rc' .ivi.l v into Ifis!!' Iy S'.U.liilili .il ?' 1 !!1L' 'ill/4'} A'-' fcliK Sii'in'iis" ' ";u t v. as not- uti 4>t.ed. It v i:;ii!l;?a( ii?v it* Cullit 1 aivii;'/,- v ft. h.ltl In leaders 01 InjciitfU iii at thftin-h f. i!S .i:HL !l W pending U' if Sat ?> i tin- NSJ.\ lUfi.-ioti last sum 3!, a?;ll (Ik f. t;?i ii'-y ihcll w:u41 t< iflip l? ^ *'i? ?T 1 It "ii't'lilCll 10 1m- t'X rif parallel ;o N'liA.^Il v.Vt? l*t tba'. wiol in'-ait-ni <:i>aI the Pif.ndcn' w.f to lu'i'ii "-lU-iiive Mill, Chnir ur. o: flu- W i LjH?vt4a iv, uenig reported in li.. i?st tor aciiuu. !k rdl lwi oil beiiind the bill ; vras tlit threat ui the Liiitun | |Sfc Worker?> w a gcntrtil coal s?.rik? t Vpicmtar !T>, I'l't \ uutos jicpevj pav>ed can.c iaw thr.t wc/ul<| pjptl the nu i u- O uild optiVW/ to ucenh done and K quickly. I % laree mint owners who refu.5 -'o sign the eo|?iuiiin of til'* *1, \roU'm individual opinion in ^ h?-lit ihaii nouifc features tit'utio^i pit tlw-v CftulJ K?. separated from ?^'^nsiuutM.nal pha-<:s ot" it. ; /* J;.y i.hfu the OiilTey y Wis handed down, the W? i'1 an u;ic&astitutional 'n ftv! 01 ***** the WPA y^^^o.Sn.1, W ,? to ?* Smem. i: tk 0r-'- ia i-rn. * 1 of anv r.f tv.? - - J "* ?..tiiav ot any ot thfc ,?i,pp^ca" ^ ol \V.e Works Ue\vo* *V?vv\i Co\\gifc>s pave to fatly \as\i xc'it ho use VP ^ emu i?cret\oti ' \ ^AunWv^V (\ujiaAow v?Vit\i etei'ji \ ia \Vas\i\v.e;um is a>V.u\ .us lie who iried the lirst douglai'iit> n France f<>T the boyof the A. K. in 1917. I would hefcit-tte to 4?ay that the Salvation Army doughnuts won the .var, but i hey certainiy helped a !?. a keepiug up the morale of the Arn ?rieau fcoldiers '"over there''. Ami hey put ihe Salvation Amj in fkrat place in the affccUoo* oi' piillions of S Americans. '? -.-ff-jl* >?-. ? j: - 1 don't kv^wrr 'nv?r*Y I he Salvation Army or doaghnut^. 1 im an enthusiast about l>oth. 1 have I .o restrain my appetite it?r douglt Lu'ts 1 grow older, but I lind ii impossible to restrain my admiration tor the sclt-^acrilicing labors oi vhc Salvation Arjny. When-1 meet, as I jften do, young men and young wo ,nen who have left "wealthy homes oj ,Wi jsbs??' don the Salvationist uni fortns in order to help olhcns, 1 ul A'ava icel that these folks have found A'hat *i>he But^di^? call *' fht Way ??? Life". KETHODISTS .... policy Through th?; u-.itou of iLs three ,'rcat branches, the Aioiiiodiat Church .s about to hecomc the lancet Pro -CKiant: denomination in America. ii. to recent general conference th? tfethodist Episcopal Church went lcepiy imo the question ot' Vhe artti ude which the church should "Hk 4ti economic aud |>oliiical question.-. A strong eh-meiw. favored advoc;tc\ ?f a planned socl'il economy, hut th< leci-aion of the confeicnce was lor] 'reedom under democracy I like the language in which th.\ ?onfcrcnce report proclaimed that "a ree church cannot long survive the ieath of the free scliool, the free ires.^ free speech and fnee asseni dage. We will resist dictatorship. IJconotauc justice is to be won by ex ending democracy <0 the induistrial jrder, net.*. by setting up therein the urtoeracy of dictatorship". It sectns 'to me thai, the Method 4,9 have fully grasped and clearly expressed the essentials of American mbi. c,, FREEDOM .... fair chaaice The American system is based up ai the freedom of the individual to I'lun his own life. That docs not mean hat society should not give him every ? ossible aid, thro?ugh school and ??burch, to help the individual fit hini olf for the struggle for exiarenee. It ?loos imply, however,, that no child should be taught to believe that life is anything but ,a struggle, or (that so cioty owes him anything; but a fair ? hance to make the best of whatever ls Jin him." That i3 a hard doctrine, from the point of view of the sentfrnentaJiet. liiit the hard way, what Theodore Roosevelt called "the strenuous life", is the only "way of life in which the individual ia really free. It is nai too high a price (to pay for liberty. PURITANS . . . . rfa^fcrds My friend, W. J. Cameron, ip one of his Sunday night broadcast^ (PleaM Turn T? &*&$) '; - ? ' ? Jury Again Finds Rhinehart Guilty i ______ Frunt 'f. Rbiuehan, convicted tec a second time of the cninc of per jury, was senu-nced, M onday mo ru ing in Superior Oour^ by Judge John M. Oglerby, to serve not less tlum 18 mouths nor moro. ihnit tluret- yoars ip the State Prison. k The ease grew cvi of /dlegait-Ofi^ that Rhinehart ns-.tdc thai, he was kidnapped on -the Friday ui^lnS be fore OhritMi'.v^ 1A33, and held pris oner until Sunday urtrniug, by Allev, Warfield and i>oek Turpiu, (and. ?4~lufr p(;r.'rf'.i uukttown to him, and th?F cV.iriug .Sujv 11 iiiii lie was mi.-JwjAU;^, made to jf.-> through harrowing ejtjx'^ iencies .ti:d a;hje?.iJ'd *t?| indi!?n?ie?, until h<- was je??v*4Hl /wear Moi?^ai^ Ci'iy, (fcu j.; ,f Th?> three T'iirnius -were, sfiven * hearing btiore Ju.?.?? liable citHM beuig round. Perjury eliarssw wfif then brc.'.i^hi again?**.' Rhinehart, fn< he w.*;.V convieied and sentenced i a Lhe ii iy . :T??i ??? ('onrt. fa?t ye?? The. Supreme Oitt, granted him J tiew "trial; and week he was :t^aij placed oa ilia), before Jndge Oglesbl ? guilty. M?*uV?y. when deputy sheriff! look Rhinehart into custody, ithefl found a etiu^-ahd pif-ol on his ptsj son. Monday morning Judge Ogleaf?? jrci'.'d the ?? ii-iiee, giving Riling nrii less that IS ino?Uift.ti0r mM than two yeir.< in 'She ffcate on the ]>erjury charge. He imuoeed .rad -enti??e?fi fr* ***> nre *0 rim nencnx^atly* WTO ^ longer sentence. An additional co.m charjring Rhir.e)vut with perjury was mA pressed. In passing sentence on Rhinehart. Judge Oglesby stated thait there is ror* adorable feeling; in the ewe and t :iggested the friends of both sides can do :i great service to the community a ud th? State by >aeekinj: to bring ab?:ut better feeling between the faetioiis. Other ruses dis)>os?d of: Woodro* Smathers and Ed Sniit'n. h^, lareeny and receiv tnp. Smathers was senteced to serve not les-t 'l Iran 18 moiiths nor more than 3 year*. Smith, -who has been i? jail for mowe tb 5 months wliile awaiting trW, drew from 12 to 24 TOonths on the roads. (Plea'C Turn To Page 2) Community House Now Being Erected Much intern* has been shown ic this port of the county, in the Com inanity How;-?, now in process of con struction. Li is intended to be ?ouiittJ:uty Center Jur ail the county, in which meeting of various mgtau laffisna, tuch jtif: {he CUanilu'fl oi Commerce, Boy Scute, tliil Scouts, \V<4neu's Clubs, County Home Deiu oni-iration Ctubs A.iJilu' like cau hold their meetings. Ii Ls jIsu intended to be .r, recrea : tioual center, and bids tor .aisist-aiuie .fiom che PWA for the construction jof a swimming pool iii connection With it have been put in, ami will be passed (Upon, in June. -A commit tee he tided by Mrs. D. M. Ball is in charge of the project it has the indorsement of tb? Chamber of Commerce and other civic organize tiona. The materials and one fourth of the labor is being puid tor by pri vate subscription*, while the W PA is for three-tourtha of the laboj " * vi tiiifll Hall etatem ;ivU the Twentieth Club has donated $200, the rCluh, $100, the Builders Sup an*F Lumber Company, $100, uud ii Kyivtt, 'Supply Company, $100, and Additional donations are needed, work may proceed while available, which iuwy a little l?teiv it) held jointly by tin : ?nd the County n, and may be uoed m l( <^foristi>ity Ccnier as eul r:\C f., : ? H y? nco wap(ncveu the buildings .and ids wifi be under control oi a of managers appointed, one by Conn one organization that contributes to the erection ot the building. The building, which will be rustic, with the log oabin effect, will have a large assembly room, dining room, kitchen, -Mid rest rooms. In addition to constructing the com nrnnity house, Mm Hall and her com nuftee are beautifying Monteith Park, which is adjacent, and which is ilir properly of the toami SERVICE FOR JUNIORS Kev. H. M. Hocubt, pastor of the First Baptist church, will preach at the Methodist church, Sunday night mt 8 o'clock, at which the members of the Junior Order United American Mechanics will attend in a body. There will be no service at the Bap tist church, Sunday night, and the public is cordially invited to attend the service at the Methodist church. CuHowhee Finals Start With Sermon Sunday FARM WOKEN ATTEND MEET A large delegation of home demon* su.vion women from Jackson Coun ty, attended the District Federation MeeJug ol" Home Demonstration Club :-, Tuesday iu Franklin. Tliia di* uicL comprises clubs iu Cherokee., I i rah a? u, Ci:i/, M&cuu, Ilp.ywood. S\*4ju and JjueLi.m. 'jLrti:L- is the lirsi Uiatijc.' l-'cderauun 31 .*euiig of Homo jemon.-tratitii C1;tbs thai iu?? been .ield in this area. Deu-i I. 0. Schaub of Raleigh, 'who I 3 S-tatc Director of Extension Work,] Aas the principal speaker. Mis? Both ? Current, who is district supervisor, ilsio talked. The following women from this | ^wnty cook part on rthe program: Mrs. Frank Jones, who is secretary >f our county council, served as the secretary of the district federation. Mrs. Lewis Cannon, who is president jf the Jackson county ootincil, gave .he report of the progress of the work ?a Mas county since last year. Miss 'Vila Man Dills gave several beaiuti ul vocal selections; and Mrs. Bver etle Harris, who is treasurer of the Jackson county council, served is chairman of the nominating committee VOTERS CAN'T TAKE PART IN OTHER PARTY'S PRIMARY | The Attorney General 'im given an opinion to the effect that a person registered as ft Republican on the registration books cannot, voile in a Democratic primary ;nor can a person regji^tered as a Democrat an the reg istration books vote in a Republican primary. A vdter who i3 recorded as pSL JjK^pendeiiiLis uyeligigle -to vote In a prnftary orcilfTer partyT"Nor cm a voter iiavc tii-a party affiliation changed after th? registration books close. REVIVAL MEETING AT AT BAPTIST CHURCH I Pian-i were made at the Dapcist church, Sunday morning lor a revival meeting, to be held July 5-19, inclus ive. Th<> pastor will be assisted Uv Hev J. Cv Powell, a returned to Africa.. Mr. Hocntt, the pastor j says: "The church is fortunate in being aWe to sccinjrt lite ?services I of Mr. Powell He his spent several year* in Africa, an-1 he will give a*] bite f>f interesting information aiboui ivrir missi on work in Nigeria, lie hn* n sincere and companionate nms&u.*.': nnd. a* n man, h?? nwer. iwl a stron ger. Voni will want to lu>ar his me$ iage 3iid meet hi.n. Keep this daio in mind." Cullowhec, May 27?Dr. J. H. H. a derlite, pastor of the First Pr?*by terian church, Gas toni a, will preach the haccalaiuatc sermon at Western Carolina Tticlicw College Scnday moraine at. 11:00 nVWk, in tlu- Bap tist church. Dr. A. Jl. i'rertoii, Dean of tin- De part inent ol Education, Duke I'niver wity, will deliver the commencement addrens, Tuesday monunp at 11:00 o 'dock. President H. T. Hiuiter will deliver his annual most-Age to the .seniors at 3:00 Oi'clock, Sunday afternoon, in Moore parl'-ra. The animal vi.^jht service will be held on the woodland dtage at 5:00 o'chvk the -same d.ty Aluinni Day will be observed on Monday, .June 1. Class reunions will be held at 10:00 o'clock, the biifine?s meeting at 11:00 o'clock, and lunch eon at 2:00 o'clock. The Alpha Tim Pi Fraternity will give ,a tea for vin iting alumni, faculty, graduates, and Alpha Piii Sij^ma from 4:00 t<> f> :l)0 o'clock iji the afternoon. On Mondayevening at 8:ville; Reha Gray McLawhorn, Vanceboro, Mttuy Edith Mason, Culberson, Mac E. Mete all. Democrat; Jujanita Eliza beth Mull, Lawndale; Helen lloee Pat ton, Sw/inuaiioa; Keith Irene Pharr, Rosman; Zula Wlallin Ray, Marshall*. Lucretia Sauls, Fremont; Paul Georj$o Schachnrr,Charlotte; Helen Smathers Clyde; Habile Alexena Stahl, Way* ncsville; Alvin Mitehell Sutton, Sylva NTeal Robert Tucker, Cullowhec; N FmnwctY commemorates ^ HJ honor uewt- ? % > Hiss? - ;s'$ ? ...