THE JACKSON COUNTY JODEK A.,, f Fuplishfd \\\,okly by The JACKSON CaVN'TY JOl'KNAL CO. ' ? fi - t l&ritered as actond class niaUw - | : lio i'Ofct Office ailjSylva, X. ' I " PAN' TOMI'CIXM, Luiior I ? ? E f The element? s|'l hail! to Ashe-^ viile's festival. i - ' if "~ Al'tCi twenty-nr!ir Ion# \e.ur.-, . bull nioo.e swaliowc.'J an elcpiuint. Seivitw Moses'"son* oi ibe ?v.iui ,iaek?t.s>'' :iiu now miing the (-a \>..i\uL A recent s.irvi-yM-.liOiV.s th.ut iher* ure more conservajiivfi voters in ihi c:h?utrv than tltered are liberals. Vel ? wi; i:;vve the |>t>iilicaii paradox oi both major, and ail minor parties !;fdd:n; ;or the liberal vote, . ( if l'.;or Governor l.fuidon. * He wili have to wait until the 23rd of July lit no notified that he lia* been noiui natod. The rest oi' its have known i'o> * r> a week that he whs, and for >\\ months, fch.-it he war, eoing to be. The eir.vt oi piiinajfies, to both pul/ lie and candidates iul'fieej'it reason to raise grave dotiiu as to thdir wis i!om. Add to that mu? other evils ii: their wake, and the-evidence is pre! iy convincing that file convention i the better way of ^animating e.andi dates, imperfcct n>| it proved itee't t'? he. ? L. <ire,at effort is hcjng made to brin.'i rending am! wril):ii# to the mentaih i!:itcr;ite, wliich i> njiost <?Oj!imembb!. wh.*vi< of that llrger class of tr morally and spiiiiiit?ly illiterate, tliur ?,'-o need teaching. f They are to be iound everywhere??'in maus'on at:d hovel, in school roojn and poo! roo.'i>,| is ^ilk and in calico, in press and vonuViues in pulpift, They are the1 'nicit to be pitied of all Cod's crea? lares, for they are f,he most unlifcppy. A Hpiifilually literafje man ejtti be hap py anywhere,under Jjny circumstances tor his ews have bjpen opened and he ean see. Ho 'is not a creature of cir cumstances, but is a creature of tho epirit. THE CITIZEN IS CHAGRINED J The Ashevulle Cijtizen U terribly put out because, iijl the rush oi the clo.'iiig hours osfCoiigre^, or, for some other reason, ;t lie bili to prov^'v for trading Land* i$t the Orot.t S:uvk> Moun::.V-w Xat*.c^4 i'*,-rk *? 4 1*11 Ii it i i11 oi their holdingi, of i -ti-^ugv Lw lore adji/uninient. j The Citi2.11 is proved about it. a-id gave veut to its fixiings. We uon'i know whether or not the rc-.tiiko o. The Citizen v/oryf ilii'cCvOd to.var.i Kepreventative Weaver. u't Ley .vi'iv. they were ill-i imctl. We hold no lu'jef lvi' Mr. Weaver; |but cannot reii'aiu from pointing ouj. the facts, for hid defense, if indeed The Qilizcn ?ee!a ill ' ) ? that the Congressman is responsible i or its peeve. The whole scheme wa? a last re sort measure in an attempt to con btruct the Parkway down Soco Creek i'rom Soco Gap. j; The Indians don't want it there, and have so said iD no unrtiistakable wordd, on two dif ferent occasions and through their properly constituted authorities. There is no good reason why the Parkway &houhl \ approach and reach the Park, alongt the crest) of the mighty Balsams, and then leave the Park, as itt dips down into an ordi nary valley. To do so would serve no ixii-pose except tiiat of certain selfish interests in Western North Carolina Thero is no reason why Mr. Weav er, or any other"; member of Congress should tike up the fight for those in terests, when in' doing so he v.ouid bo performing iw public service, and would absolutely infuriate a large number of his constituents whose businesses and property would he irreparably injured, without benefit ling anybody. > At best the latest plan of selfish men in AsheviRe .and WavnesviHe hav a tortuous journey before it. The bill must first pass both Houses of the Congress, which is proboble. U must then obtain the consent of the General Assembly of North Carolina which is less probable. Then the ap* pr-val of the Tribal Council at Cher okee must be secured, which is ue n:. ie; for well informed Cherokees say that the Indians: will never be w tiling to surrender their Soco h y at the behest of those "who wan; a little shorter route from Ela to A Seville; iand that the presen C ouncil in unalterably set. against the pUn. They further otate that no Council can be elected that is not of the same mind, 'i A Congressman would be foolish; indeed to deliberately assk-t in tear-1 ing one part of liis Diatrict for: some benefit another part fancies i' : might derive. TODAY and TOMORROW (Continued From Pu^e 1) all his Li t o to go in theoppocirtc d i ivclon from those about him. Then ,v;tpenetrating wisdom in President Ccjjifcdge's e.assical remark that In* couldn't understand how Mr. Bomb and his horse ever agreed to go in i?<: '-ju'ine iHreeiiUm o?i liis daily rides in Rock Creek Park. Vet Senator \lorph did exert a tremendous inllu >nce in slmj- ng tho K<?pubH<*,au plat form. It simply did not go far enough to ~uit him. I am not in Mr. Borah's confidence! but I have a ice Jug that before the, hat before the campaign is over, he usfll ii. fi und bkinga mon- vigorous dand lor the t.ui?lidnijes and the plat form than he has ever done in an\ i>revioit> campaign. CARD OF THANKS We v.'i h lc express our sincere thank- .v. r.ur friends lor the many i . . kindnesses -.ho.v'ii i?< dunncr ?ar re J ?ent bereavement. ' Mr./wd Mrs. li. U. (int'i'i i: jiv.-1'! family, ; [jaad comprising Deed from Tbosna-. j Grimslmwc and wife, Bessie Grim-: ihawo to fackson Counry Board ol Kducalioti j Puder and by vlriin* of the .mil 1m.v i .ty conferred by see? ion 5470 of the Jforth Carina Cede, ^aud deed ro- ; ?lorded in Book 0f>, page 430, in the1; lyftfce of iiic Register of Deeds for' i ? .. ' ? i I ae'U County, North Carolina, i (a J Jackson County Board of Education will soil, at .12 o'clock, uoon, on Fri-j day, .Tidy 3rd, 1036, at tho Courtj donee do.)" of .1 :?<?!:. 0:t ( ouiitv, in i ? i Sylva, North Carolina, at public auc tion for cadi, to the highest bidder, the fol.owing school property, to-wit: That ecitain tract or parcel ol land and fuuihling, lying and be ing in^Taoksou county, and common-j ly knovn/ as the Whiteride School j propertyXand more particularly de scribed as\ol.ows; i Beginutiuji on a liiack Gum, comet of Thomas Orinih-.awe and Mr;. Tom' Picklcsimer and runs thence South 32 j degrees East 8 poles to a Locust Stake; thence North .',8 poles to a Locust Stake; thence F North 32 degrees Wost 20 poles to ;i rock on top oi' a shoal: thence South 58 decrees West 20 poles to a W hi!; O.nk in the riv.d (jrimslmwe and Pick losimer -ne; thence South 3? degree East with said fjrimshawe and Piekh Jim- 12 j?oie< to the begimiini;, containing two .and one diali' acres. Any and all bids are subject to eov finivilion .rind the right is reserved io reject any and all bids. Jackson County Board of Education By Vt. 15. Madisor, Secretary G 4 41: NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the and authority contained an a oortii:i deed of trust, executed by W. C. Alar tin and wife, Eliza Martin, to V. A I'.rowiiiiig, Trsislee, on the 9lh day of .Tul;., 1024, and recorded in the ofi . lice ci the liegister of Deeds for -Taek.*osi County, North Carolina, i'i /look at j?.?<*_rc l'f3; default having bi-en raade in the payment of the in dcbledness thereby secured, and tin holder nf snid deed of Jivsl and not' having requested and directed tltor nr. 'dt-rsiiiised trust?<? to foivido-*e sjw?m 'b ed of i rusi. N'.nv, Therefore. I. V. ,v. Browning, trustee, v.ill offer for sale and sell* to. \?he. hu-best bidder fur ca-h, on Moa .)t,:y o. 10.H5, at .12:00, Noon, 'it fhe Court If mis; Poor in the town of ??v!v;i. N. i'., an undivided one half intenH in the lands hereinafter de scribed, to saii.-Ty said deed of tru>t !n"Iiniii!g interest 'a.ertted and cost ?ff I he sal-' incurred; Breaming ?#n :t stake in the C. A. "erd j Mi* on the I Mik uf t|i<> branch,! i'i:.''.s thei.-e- ii Slid hivinvh j wi h i- ; ;.?? a s-iake; thene? V. ' * . i :i >> >!.?:h? ? n :i d 'f et ion to a whi'Oj <-ak -< i !?:?? I.?.:)!; uf the ilitd roe 1, | C ? ? ? ? ls* i:?*.? .1 ^'iU hi dire. tioii with tie)] ??h :j"i.!.??!.??/ ??>!' said road a,> l-i .*???'ed i.:.liily, "!,lL'lj !i the Whittier'; thcnce ;o I hi- water run <f t'r:; CrCi-k; thence up Nsa.ii 1 Crook. I Civek to.the moaih of the | ! llniise b:a:yd?; i hence nji sai.i ^eh>?tl* Hi. i-e braneh to the State |r?nd; iheitce Si nth with the mean jders of the .S',cite road to the o!d (Jerry S!ilivc)l ?ii.e; thence We4 : with the S w dwell line to the J. W. |C.?idey line; theucc Xoilh with the j -I - \\. Con ley line to the C.A. Bird j line j thence with the Bird line J to the beginning. Containing f)0 aertl i more or less. [ Uoiie tLi- the 5th day of June, I03P j V. S. IMOWNING, Trustee l?y V?*. II. Sherrill, Attorney. Only a water-proofed toothbrush can keep TEETH REALLY WHITE! /< Jl* ? Do the bristles in your toothbrush turn limp and sopey //?/ /??? when wet? THROW IT AWAY! Get a Dr. West's , Toothbrush. Made with the finest, costliest bristles. * ' uoter-proofed by an exclusive process. Cannot z soggy?keeps teeth really brilliant-white. Ster ilized. sealed genn-proof in glas9. 10 colors. Also Dr. West's Economy Toothbrush at 29c Dr. West's SAFETY of our DEPOSITS is INSURED by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $5,000 for each Depositor FOR INDEPENDENCE T - nuv&/nwi&y > HE men of *76 . . . fought for freedom of the country ... for home . . .for an opportunity to work ... to earn money .... to live. Are you making the most of your opportunity? Save each day, part of what you earn . . . while you have the strength to work save your money. START SAVINS REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business The Jackson County THINK! ) _ THINK! Bank have MONBYi Sylva, Nortli Carolina havb monbyi I > Doodler!! i Nose-T witcher!! j Knuckle-Cracker!! ask a ' Mr. Deeds m; 'i When your baby comcs you will need Mennen Antiseptic Oil for him ; so set it now ?nd start using it on yourself. Rub it into the skin of your abdomen or wherever the skin is tight or dry from swelling. Notice how tautness, dryness disap pear. TIten after baby arrives, give him a daily body j ub with Mennen Oil. It's anth&piic? will protect hi:n against gu-ma. Sec your drugu'St? rod ay. MENNEN Antiseptic OIL YOUR NAME HERE Nff POMMIAN COMPANY. Bloomfiild, N.J. Enclosed find 10c lor which please send me 7 Pcmptien F?ce Creams end Powdc.s. Name Add.est City ? ? ? 7 Brings you POMPglAM CREAMS AND , FACE POWDERS on TRIAL... Jutt fill in the coupon above, enclose It in an envelope wiih 10c and you'll have the new Pom?i:ian 4-Feature Face Powders as weil as the famous l;ompchn Massage, Tissue and Cleansing Creams in the next tnsli. fill out and mail the coupon now, before it's too Uie. This liberal offer is for a short time oniy. Regular sizes at your drug counter 55c and 65c Vs TI> > gPt?fe-r-o v-;. . i JL v-*.; r*\ ?- >- ' ^If i' Vlj BUY A GOOD USED CAE OR TRtjov AND SAVE MONEY ' ' 1927 DODGE 4 door sedan COn $30.00 1929 STUDEBAKER 7-passen^r ctfan 4 new tires. 2 spares. Low rrmerro cm, 1929 FOED 1/2 ton pick up Truck ; 1S28 CHEVROLET COACH '? 1926 CHEVROLET Roadeter 1929 STUDS BAKEE 4 door f-.c-uan 1929 WHIPPET 4 door Sedan . 1029 FOED Coupe 1929 CHEVROLET l* ton Truck $75 $40 $35 $80 $35 $85 ^ a t i {, f <\ P' ' 2'^ ? H ' ,;V; & : I ? i - *? I (a^3r'S * *? ?Yf i C/,H I vf i 1U i % t! i " - - - ?? 11 T t (l; 1-4 Milo Front ftv'iv;i O11 uNkhI V VV ?* "8 enj?y.Tl-2A7 tatmo i:- 1. lzzwj ?"n v?<> ?I'. tj e>/ j'. ??;* v.'.'n'*:c.r. ' s.v '! >; 4 Ousels," tip iUl/% "c:i}{;v ! -1 ? T "v" ? ' . .-fi ia '??1 O ? ? l' ?.??' ? ? ' ?'? :? " ?*. ;? i . r , v !-??r ? '*4 l***v \.;+r'* 4-l if A / v ' 'Y I- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * U--..-' r:^v;-i 'Y- ' ? .? ?, ? ? :??: r-Li:' f.-? L"Kv..* :< ""V * ? '. * ' : : > > :>-,s-.\ * -O" , ; ? ?. v.. ^ * 1 1' ? _ - ? * ! 1: V I f. va-i : j i:.v i ?- - /^p f ii P '1 "? ?? ' ^ r C' ' -IR-' wg ffc- ?;???: /*'. d fc >*.'?< {? i k-uL* BT&. a tfiWiKK ?f!-:* ? " ? -J ?ii aift*vjy ^3*2W nr WOWHEKE EUB8 S?J li'HS uPD ? 1 ' ' ' ; will y?w ?md a traels with (. < f r 5 /? V 7 ?/ V f' ?,t fliCW .....-?.;. i : Jj . .?.? i-i :?' ? e~{'ASffi~.,7 Nowhere else in the world v.*;] osi -? * , ... . * . iS"?1 find trucks t??at will fcive \<#u suc?? Fr 9 LCOWMiCAL " J( . , ? ) i ii* NEW PERFECT2iO iLAw?>8TAnoii great 'pw>~r at :uo?i ! ??' tij| hy?r&ul2C priccs as the n<?w- i1) 16 C!j:*?r; ?:.?'??! '/ . X?SJIKE3 . Nowhere cle |a ih? y.ttM v.'H von :-t-' ?. : always equalized for quick, tl:afc so cr.lrt h'Ay Co:!:.. ::irr( X? all unswerving, "straight line"' round duly! 8!nP# Aiul c!>o in l!:r ivsrld wi ! 1 ' thicks iviill surU ouif landing p v'or's !n;v, comfort and 8:;fely , feature:-, a.-? ./> NjjW Compression YaUc-in-tj^fejI TOLL-TRIMKES Porfc?,il i:V3f7<, !*?&?* *iC~ s ".''-W &&'? r M LTOB CAB Sear Mo i;VI.U with clear-vision Cab, at Chevrolet's rciiiarlud:!)- ?*.? , instrument panel for a .1 -? - 1 1 1 11 safe control 0 l"c :e ? ? ? nave a ilior.r: ;!i ?<?!:>? i* siration ? . . and \oa v.UI t!:. t ??!??;. '<? the rioht true!.;-, v oj! >' m CIIEVROi.m MOTOR c:o.. Y, 4 ? i 'J. #v GENERAL MOTORS IKSTALLMEXT i'.'^C?MO.'.n-ZiY P/.ViV. :.WU VO I . .?? / ' /. .'Vi..v./.- i'... i! 1 .'.rii. ( ' tjjr ' , ? ' >//? <<?' 1 . ?,J ?' ;-'i 10 1.';. '/1 <iV **&cksGn -AM^4. Motor Vonz'Mi' a Sylva, North Carolina

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