HH A TXAft 9 ABVAJTOE OUTBtDB TBB O0U1TYY 'olitics Holds Washington r? Nation's Spotlight . h--Nou' tJvat the have had tune to ??????"? rsr "??' tall-vhw ot ??w?fol *Zi outlook i? jwiMe., >&L ?? which (WH ^ !: i? ajrivcuu'iit, whalevcr ***' ,v in is tUat the i)w,uK!rfuc *. .i, >n t iVw weeks agqfAny 'W*1 fr ,iii as maisct-i Mow iftbc'lu- aiul the Outs^ the r!?of the Outs -oitiiiN'?" appear ^lile tfc d?"*? of .th* lu* L' in ?* a,u :l* ,,ertiUI1' ?. LifofGov. U a united \ Jb.' on,'y .iarriiijjf vlomeut is Si',m1or ll<lrafc .ii.*'" ,;,ko p^iiiii u'" against Gov. t!.a! wvi!!?! another jjiftt ,\iiv. liimw.n-. rxpiM-t-v liiia to ^ The ironi Mal'O has ntis?iii:ain,,?l W- party regular po^!outi:il \?ars, even *hr,n . h,!i' !???:?ft?*?1 iii hisi fcilp (,!? J?tiu?Hf: l i>* si<le there is iictn ihf i>!<i-^"uaril Democrat* *A?re:.t> ?i the New Deal, it iiLii srow tU i'jKT it any gfitcii t?ue trout Ai vLt> iuU" J'.*.' l'* ?? luk?M ^ u u-i using to" jpar Ijt, l!l CW'Ulllli.i't a?"ilVlllt'a H'lL ijtfUjj, ?-ulir? lv :i MUprv*l? in iuiiir. tiiass" impuiit ouu>pok JtlflUi.-t?t ' i.i' Ni.'V? Ut*?U. kkt uawr wiueh may plact; kijui :i0uiiim .Mr. K^uslyoU is * luibu l'u.t.v, l.caiUU by Kep ittiu' u'uiJlc. i his movement i? Iji.i'u iciLvfiia lolitn.J aUudcnls are coiujeu- J. to! :d tiw u- ell'tnt upon iry tig'ih- U iii possible etfeet. W. ti.du (Mitral! it. plUillisOi to i to a vi,,,'j i tom t lu- DemocHatic t. ihii u v.;ii ial.c t'lxAa 'thej ?iai'lii. * :.!i ,?t Liif-sO lilaad'.'Uii ihiicui. !.,? ti. jij.M rutic Part} !>? incalculable fcbJiU''. \ -ii; i vuluc. One i fCtLit 4I1V i>;trt;. in jK>\ver a -i;!.! 4.1 the party t.hat T??m!);v! in. Aj^' I the oth<^r i-v j>;r.^?:iality ?>i* Pj:cs;. ? i!k?s?u!i. 'j i J ?WUt' luvoruo topics o*f puliti ^>Mti-;a i? il.,. rcvcisal ot- the ^'ii l?nii('!;)!i.> 01 thf two ,ma P-r-v.\ By i:- and, the ?X* of it; tho! Ko -?Parly i;;i iM ? i,nu: thf advo s^ato-' riijlrjs. while byj the "?'fii t'.p DinKnT.uic Party has ^ Wimniit..,! u? a governaient at Washington. ?*^!"'ii bji,| coi-iparison. ol **? party til.-it UM'ins on tlvc ma ;,n. w|,| ;,w ?l,in' I'li'M' aw! iigrieujltur ?""'c, show dift'oronces mainlv ?*> n:Vn principle. L I'latfortn, for ex ^Pts th- system of Federal ^ "Mati-x |0r poiisions foif the sv' ' a"'' <''l^?ril only -from niji J!. 7*' U1 in propfieis^ purpose by n ^7'i '/ '^riluited. T^s is v ' a> foreshadowing (a fcl Pher 01 social Jiecur r1^, in/.''t'1L' ')l'm(H,ratic ktta t,l,: ^'publican [ m Ur^ thp ,>1<l ag? inBur Kas i' '>rt-X|,K'ut insurance w,t of cqnlsid ^ ai;J r.rm J,r?1)orllon of wage 0f ? ,S('S 11 ^'vision of LU ^"'"nstration. \ 4 Hlorn to tt .''H,s's to letnrn J* h,\n , f! II,,livi<1?tal !?taieB ^'itv't/. ,0U rnme,d ftonfin m?^y t0 S, ^ finance theiri?r?licf tSu ?f*'" H f'n a National prohIe,n? to * ' Ht prevail *? ftrtluT twilutics *a1 than!"t| th' pla^orm l,an?T- The ^ Paid fj jCne' similar applyin? soil I AGED WEBSTER MAN PASSES | Posey Stillwolfy 88 year old citizen of Webster township, died at his home i&st Friday. Funeral services were conducted at Webster Baptist church by Rev. W. N. Cook and Rev. T. F. Deitz. Inter ment was in tin; Stillwell cemetery. Active pall beartrs were Geo. Rog ers, Coy Rogers, Dennis Higdon, Mar shull Buchanan, Ernest Lewis, and Claud Morgan. Honorary, J. A. Stil well, W. A. Stillwell, W. T. Bu chana n, W. C. Cagle, L. D. Cowan, G. W. McConnell, W. T. Queen R. L. Madison and Roy Cowan. Mr. Stillwell, a native of this coun ty, spent his life here, us a useful cit izen. He is survivtd by on,e son, A. It. Stillwell, by three daughters, Mrs. Emma Calhoun, Ashcville, Mrs. Lula lus iey, Cedro Wooly, Washington, nid Mrs. Docia Buchanan, of Web ster, and by a large number of other relatives and friends. QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K. Terrell) There was no preaching at Qu/illa >uuday morning, on account of the Mineral of Mr. Carl Elliott at Whit tier. Mrs. Thos. Shvtle of Brvson Citv, ? t > / i-ho was buried at Union Hill, Thurs lav, was formerly Miss Dovic Green t' QualL'i, B>rn? June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Edwards, a daughter, Lois Louise. There was a family reunion at the lume of Mr. and Mrs. .J. C. John son, Sunday. Several farmers met with the coun fcy agentl, Mondjay tnoming, to discuss farm iator?wts in the QroHu section Miss fiu^an Keener, who hns been ?peHdfngf several weeks inl Bvrson 'ity, has returned home. She is seri ously ill. Mrs. Grover Smith and children of Macon arc visiting licrr pnrents, Mr. ?nd Mrs. Clark Gass. Messrs Cad and Fred Henry of D? - .roit, Mrs. Mnrie Painter n?d Mrs. Norma L<'c ("ogdill ot' Svlva, visited .hi'ir uncle, Mr. ,7. C. Johnson. Mr. W. E. Bird of Cu'lowhcc called t Mr. T. W. McLaughlin's. Mis. Howard Turbin called on Mrs. r. V. Hall. MesdamesMary Martin, Lucy Hall, Lila Green and Kannie Oooper Galled m Mrs. J. C. Johnson . ; . Mrs. Zinia Guiitcr, of California, is >isiting at Mr. Geo. Gunter's. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Terrell of Ashe ille, and Miss Ssdie Queen and Miss iertlm CunnwigLinm of Sylva, visited it Mr. H. G. Bird's. Mr. and Mrs, Thad Beck move<l to, Sinokemont, last week. Mrs. II. G. Ferguson and Mrs. J. K. i'crrell called on Mrs. P. n .Fergu >011. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Hipps of Jan Lon spent the 4th with Qtfalla relatives. i Mesdamcs Golman Kinsland, D. C. luglies and Ted Kins tend gave a ? housekeeping shower on July lBt for Mrs. Edna Hoyle Beck. Many Qualla ladies were present. Refreshments were served by the h-usbesscs. * -- ? conservation methods, and the second designed to enable [farmers to export products for whatever price they will bring. The Democrat s promise the ??ontinuatkm of the present soil con servation bounty, but propose price lixing loans on certain commodities. When all is said and done, how ever, the issue of the election next November will hinge much less upon precisely what each party promises to do ;md huiv it proposes to dk> it in detail, tlian upon the broad question of whether the voterfe of the United States want to conjtraljze power in Walshington or to reaffirm the powers ?if tre individual states. Involved in thait, of course, is the question^ of governmental expendi tures and Federal taxation, on which a large part of the Republican flght is Expected to be waged. And overtojiping all of tfhese ques tions will be, as in every presidential election, the personalities of the can .didates, or rather the voting public's interpretation of their personalitits, as these will be revealed and present ed to tfaiesn in the course of the eam pwga. TWO ARE HELD ON MORDER CHARGE Carl Elliott^ 2?, of Whiter is dead and Jim Griffin and his son,Jeff Grif fin, 17, (are being held witthout bail, us a it-suit ul' an affray, aM Whit tier, about ten o'clock, last Friday night. Lliiott, a -sou i>i" IVirley Elliott;, oi' W lii i. V er, received slashes from a knife, on tjhe throat and neck, /und a blow on tfcie back of his head. Sheriff C. C. .Mason, Serge/nit W. \V. Stone, of idle Strife Highway pa trol, and Deputy Sheriff Homer Tur pi n /urrested the hwo (Jriifius at hone; on (he old Shoal ("rock Koad, at fym* o'clock, Sunday morning. They were j!.i bed iilj the ijl ne, ,?nd it is stated that (heir clalLiiig was bloody. '1 lu? -fatal ,'ijTray oeeurred in front ol ,JI>liii K??vis' tilling station in the business seeljon of Wliittier, on (lie Jackson county side of ^he line. A coiotwr's jury, ^summoned for an inquest by Ceroaor 0. W. Dills, found that young Elliotjt came to his death from knife wounds at the haiids of Jim Griftlu and a blow on the head by a beer bottle, indicted by Jeff Griffin, and ordered the Griffins, fath or and son heil for action at the October term of superior eoutrt. Wi{ness(? examined at the in inofct were .''dm R.evis, Bruno Bnv gin, Olyde Con le v, Croff Smith and Di*. Kirshbeiw. Punenl services for young Elliott' were held Sunday. The Griffins lived in Syhia, in th?* Lave Cove section, until about a year ;go, when they moved to Qnalla. BETA (By Mrs. W. G. Dilfcrd ) Mr. :ind Mm. I. N. Curry of Lynch mer, Va. have beeu visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed C'.irry. v ?inrv Uru*1. Ayeir* Orangeburg, S. C.t is visiting Mifc. D. L. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean 1\ainifcer and kuig'iter. of Marion are visiting Mr. uul Mrs. D. L Bryscsi and other rel utivv.s. Miss Klva II.rm, Messrs Veivav itced, Lyie Ensle\, and Ed-Curry .pent Friday and Saturday at Ridge atti'iidl-g t.he B. Y. P. U. Con . iMijiO.'t. Misses .J-aaette and Pansy Dillard ait! spending a few weeks in Durham, Chapel Hill, and Hillsboro. Mr, Grady Harris, of Durham, is v'ivitAig home folks. Mr, and Mrs. Everette Harris and' Mrs. Katherne Harris visited at> Cop- J j>cr Hill and Chattanooga, Teun., last j week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parris and small daughters of A she vi ^le are visiting relatives here. Misses Nannie and Audrey Fisher returned from Asheville, Friday. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING The Jackson County Sunday School Convention wili he held in te WeEley anna Methodist church, next Wed ndulay, July 15. This is the annual County Sunday School, Ounventiou, V and is especially designed for all who are interested in the Sunday Schools of all dejl'>nii:aa'lioi:s. The progratoi is hollows: ) 'j Morning Session Dan G. Bryson, Presiding 9:40 Song Service?By choir 10:00 Devotions: "The I'ower-Fill ?*| Church" (Acts 2:1-4)?Rew K. C. l'rict* 10:10 Address: "The New Church .Church .and Its Message Frank J. Watson, Salisbury 10:30 Special Music?By choir 10:30 Discussion Groups: | Problems' *?Rev. Shu lord Peeler, Salisbury uThe Church und Its Teaching Task"?Frank ?J. Wiitson 11:20 "Re-assemb'e - 1 Hus' ucss?Attendance? 11:30 Address "The Mission o? the Church is our Day", r?Rev. Simford Peeler j Offering for Sunday School Cause . , 12:15 Hymn?Benedict ion T.LLOWSHIP DINNER ? ALL BRING BASKETS Aftsrnoca Session , Dan '3. Bi^sou, Presiding , 1:45 Song service i 2:00 Devotimns: "The Church Then and Now"?Acts I 2:41-27?Rev.T. F. Deitz 2:10 Discussion Groups: | v 1. "Wx>rk of Children's Di-, ?/ vision' '?Rev,Fred For-, ik & v^r- ! - '2the Young Pco : pie's Division? Frank J. Watison. ! 3. Elements of a Successful Church School Pro gram' Rev. Shuford Peeler 2:46 Rcasscmbb. Special :fi>ie? Various Churc: s-rDirfCV' by ?2:45 Addres-v. "Making The Chnrcii A School i ft Chris1" ;'! Living- Rev-, O. G. jl?fucr. 3:15 Hymn?B:' sin ess 3:30 Benediction. Dan, Bryson, Sylva, President. Sue Allison, Sylva, Secretary. , ~~ Born"to Mr. and Mtp. Bxul Pannel, u daughter, Saturday, July 4. Mr. Carey Reed Snyder is spending iveck at Ridgecrest. Master Glen Freeman spent last tveek with relatives at Whititier. cAnother Savage Outbreak ? by A-B- Chapin -i... Western North Carolina Counties Nominate Hoey MASSIE HEADS COUNTY ! COMMERCE CHAMBER T. X. M]as3ie, oi the Massie Furni ture Company, was elected president of tl.e Jackson County Cramber of Commiret, ;tf a meeting, held Tues day night. S. C. Cogdill was? elected vice-president* Ben J. S^uan, seere .lu v, ajid W. J. Fisher, trcasuJrter. I . "TJ-.ti hodv will meet on Lhe first % J ml \ lii.nl Friday nights in each Month. YOUNG MAN DIES HERE Rev., W. ('. K-ecd conducted funei"d .servitors IV.r Carl Bungartier, 31 yen i.Kl son ?it" Mr. and .Mi's. Estes Bum giirm r, who died in the Community after a long illi;e--fe, at L,o\\? dnle Baptist church, last. Tuesday r i icnivon. B-.sides his j;vther .o-d moUterj In is survived by tfcrec brothers, Earl Bumgarncr of Washington, and Hor ace .and Albert Bumgarnu of Sylva, '.>?id one ?ister, Mrs. Hal Susley also cf Syiva. BALSAM (By Mi's. D. T. Knight) Balssnn was visited by a severe] -mill, hail and wind storm, Sunday PjM. It began little past 1 o'clock and hail I'elM'or about forty- iuinutc3. Some of th?> crops were washed away, ojhers blown down, and some were j beaten lo piecds by the hail. Many roofs of houses were greatly damaged The lut.il varied in size from small to ?ilita size of a guinea egg. The ground was covered." The Fourtjh and the election passed oft* without tany accidents. There were a great; many guests at both hdltels, who seemed to l>e eujoying them selves. Dr. Klock 's .and Mr. Gexvge KnightV. display of fireworks at Bf. Kl ock's cabin that night also afford ed much enjoyment. Master Joe Peny of Oklahoma visiting Ins gruut'nioili r. Mrs. IVLabei Perry. Mr. Bill Oi?'3slor of Newark, N. J. arrived Monday He is 'wing a very attractive Lome bm'-t here. Mr. J W. P??rter vent Sylv-i, Monday. Dr. and T.yle Tappau and son, Earl, .arrived Ifcsti wefck from Cicin rati to \ isit her mother, Mrs. -Mag gie Lindacy, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Middieton and son, Harry, are visitjng their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. John McCall, at ('ittiio, iliis week. Mrs. W. S. Christy has reformed frail a visit with her son .and daugh ter-iii-'aw, Mr. and Mrs. Hesry Chris ty, in Fivuiklin. Complete unotticial ti-fu i m k Iruiu the entire State, iii last Saijurday's primary, gave Clyde H. Hoey a ma jority ?i O.J,!(34, lor (ioveruor, over Dr. iiaiph .UrDoiialJ. 'Ihe vot^: was! lloey 2o6.SU; .McDonald 212,879. For Lieitljeiuuit Governor W, P. Horton dfleated J la ul Gradv with 217,G52 to 206,751. 1 had kuro deleafced Secretary of SLnte Stawy Wade hy 233,751 to i92,082. The mountain conn tie* gave 1 i majority ..I 49.52?, which add.il to ins vote in his home eouiily of CleVi wnd, nominated him. The m>t o/ .pI- State1 would have given the noin ? ml ion I o MrDonaid. ?lacksoi cotiulv, \>\ the olticial tah ita'jion, i>j????** Hoey a majority ot The mii* he iv was: llcey 2771; ?iirOoital-i 27f>. Hortpn 2822; Cindy M. Km* 1889; Wade 1021. tan Voj-o By Precincts barkers Creek: lloey 93; McDoa ild 3 Canada: lloey 76; McDonald 1. C-iney Fork; Aoey 233; McDonald 0. Cai.hier's Valle; ?: ?JJoey 90; Mc Donald 12. Cullowhee: Hoey 391; McDonald 21 Di dsborf-: Hoey 139; McDonald 29 Green's Creek: Hoey 79; McDon ald 13. Hamburg: H?**.y 130; McDonald 16 Mountain: Hoey 44; McDonald 1 Qualla: Hoey 221; McDonald 14. River: Hcey 79; McDonald 13. East J-iPorte: Hoey 41; McDonald 12. Savannah: Hoey 232; McDonald 19 Addic: Hoey 75; McDonald 10. Willeaa: lloey 73; McDonald 13. Bakun: Hoey 78; MoDonaH 7. Svlva, South Ward: Hoey 356; MfDonald 37. ? . .? ? ?vlva, North nllBi.OT St. .,~33=SHWWH Wetelor: Hoey 146; McDonald 16 CHURCH OF GOD REVIVAL If? riv.vl services are in progioas at he Church oL' God at) Oullowhae. Lay Atkuis, who was l'or 30 years a Bip ?,H. minister, is preaching each even am- ;ii 8 o'clock. Everybody is invited in the services. A camp Meriting willt start tficrc ->u Angus), Fifth and will continue H i I ivr Irii naVH. EPISCOPAL SERVICES St. David's church, Gullowhee. Kev. Ceo. Lemuel Granger, Rector. Sunday service: 4 P. M., Evening prayer and sermon. All most cordially invited to this service. Mr. .J. W. Porter of Hypoloxo^P'.n., and Bakam arrived Monday. Mi.-s Bcttie Kenney and MiM Ruth Warren have returned from Norfolk, Va., accompanied by Mr. Jufcius Ken ney, of the IJnited States Navy, who is *taii?ui'<l there. IJatsam Mountain Spring; Hot<d ?|M'ii Jyrtui'day. Messrs J. C. Stylos Hiid J'!. J I. Knight, lessees, who have !iad much experience in. the ?hotel bn tiucss, are looking forward to a guod ..caaun. The hotel has been thorough ly remivatc-d aid many improvements made Mr.>. ,1. If Rork and eon, M4 B?b rt ifork, of Paducah, Ky., arrived ritursday and ure occupying thoi* tuinrner !;?-??:ie neiv. They have us ilnrir tc.HAMs, Mrs. Ennna Arnold and ?m, -Mr. Ma icon > .irnoid, of Mem ?his, Tenn, 3Lr. h'r.uik Aah and family and Mrs. Manuel Ashe and her sister at tended the 1'uneraL of their relative Mr. Fayette Ashe, near Sylva, Tues day The following liave arrived to spend the vitamer in their respective cotlTgws: Dr. ('?. A. Klock and family, Mr. Hipp and 'family and Mr. J. S. Seed and family, of Dayton* Beach, Ha., Mrs. A. D. Lewis of Loukville, Ky., and Mr. Oze Horton and his mother, from Atlanta. Miss Dorothy Bryson is visiting hor unch* and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Christy, in AshevAlle. Mr. Kroncborg of Columbia, S. C. i.j among the recent arrivals at Bal sam Lodge. Mtts Thomas E. Duke of Philadel phia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Knigbt. (PUwe Tub ?o Bqp 9 J

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