^?iv'A.?EW orania! ctlta, koeth CAJtoaifA tbomdI^olt A ? ? AOTAiraB OUTREDB TBB OOUVTT ?Sington Ponders Effects ; Drought, Politically .?u- i;>. -m4 ?il! Lt* ^"f0" J .,.. {iv sflcl 111" -M I >! H'1' .' m it-' ?" 'f '""" ?" ,,i it..- i.-'"irtl' f'1 r,,,,,,! .-iiali-l If """' (.-v.. 4 ">"''1 *rb ' # '-w SO,"'-' . v..rv rtkb w^"1 ^?r >, ,,^1.^1 -01 ltKU[oM?''lorrmT : e;eutially """'? M"uUb< U1 lts> (poa tbe l?i- "l' 4udui-* ? ?'? rtllU" jo T-' <> j Will ?' 1 ^ ^ ,or .-iKiiiiiilMj} alwiui ^ Ailiiaiu^C-?l?c pmi un-i ii;.ti .lueVgw i k^Mi )-i- mwt I'fim tli. m0,:slj jlr-'i'thforgiuttfc tVc u Wv nii|?iii;4 Ol' all ti?c I Ji;iliou O l' ijtllH re coil *1^000,000 ^ >?.,i,.i ju~t Iwioiv ud I 1'iit iii,i'iil>?Uv>ii moiv tri iUui iiii'i J?t*< ii lintjLtMpat iiinjugiii1 iii'i:! "I lli<| North (imrtv-i:-! < I ho ajjjamlon j ??' worJ^ji ivlu'i u iu o'li.cr oi tjit? ouuu ji ;i,i. |i-i!i:?:il problem is; >ciii'ii. v>ii .: > raii W i'A nc . te cut ciuM u Hnt sitiutioa !n>li!s|a groat ipoiiirui ?!> u; im u?*. 'I lu? stoe.. lij i? uiiiH'ii to iv ii-i any at Iwa u it U-ul in ionf imion ujma its ?'iin?ioyi'? s. j'lic Am IfJtraiji'ii ?ii Labor! is bent eujii.i^ ti l >t? i:l UOlkcl'd Uli itfunlir.t luna ?>i vralV5 ILL-tHi-, (>!' Miner* |fti iilviH iiti .>1 {yiu t'out' big ' #'lll lit" iuiil of ill ili?Uk.iuuli'./ i.,> all RUitlic vi I .'talis under his ), ? ? ? '.V su.fi asy oil back **? '?!* F (J-ionimeiil I iljor Relation* t * irt iuaihir lii-LlUh iaboi iu thi- m'llx i, iijjctib* and 'i iuiluM rii i. .\11 oi ruL Wasliiii-'i-.a mul ?some Ad wiuu len<lt'js iuv jittery witli ^ tin1 situation ,'inay gel ^<1 ami .blunge the lierao Ni'in! |?r?>|*Yi7. J iHvi.ri.li,\{r. Koo.se fkain.<-> ijj t||,. .(.Jdii^ oi' (jov. ?Wma.. a \ .u y|rk l(> rilll ?fov-ni..,. W i,i |t. tJUis does r! a. t:.? will (! Wk Sl;' ?'ir ?yik<* ^ ? In';-i"li'-;-u> in'jich more ? y. hw?-? vclt i-:.^ conceiv khT 'l !vitK, lU %w York. f jaiujMiw-j, dcvcijjjp^ iuto a ri l':"i?or^pus, it is> llj ^ olh"M r|v? hcje to see ""'?'??i k:*>t '?i- c|??itcd with ;^-V,v York it;. * !i''*,tl ???!??' a great J y 1 J uhli o r. ijir,-,! 0h 3 us ?b\iT'l] fltf l "itcd ?iiarl ht,< ?'+'?>?"?** ?Kwi^r; r^'r,y critv tf ls"' expected, .'W*1]'}" an active in11>J' d('.!in Va,i<J>aign. He r-' :ufitu(,y tfce <%l kj ?lHf.Htioii9.He . ?j 01 SpMllluuj.i! 51 moro tli.i, ^i|,l0 :* . "* 'fggCSlioil IHot?. 1frjco*,f)1) ?f a re h^WnvrT'f^'- Th? kv0|i ' 'ft' S!,J' t,W' ["'M ,He aJ M is , *' 1)0,111631 r ^naii* 1 ey Hi#h ^ [ 1 uP?n a spiritml f *a? ? rife f in So(.r. (, ' ?n ''ft'f 't.si of rW<l W>k '!I(Val,lce's new rWiii?''??D('THtu r ?t> v,vl""h< r a **i ii i- !'itostantism hk -u,v ITA"*' Tha< I '^ik bi?, ;vMc(] to in. V'^vinp ^ ^ :tIl? cam 1 ^ <Ht the part, [* Tum x0 p ? 0 pago 2) TODAY and TOMORROW MOVIES . . . good?and bad There is no doubt in my mind that iii u UMMVil tonu of tile lutoview ha-, uecu gwjfttiy elevated iti tlio pasit. lew yeuivi. TUer is u (so 110 doubt tjhn;. there is room fox improvement. in tliCLO beliefs 1 am in complete ijfiwemenU with His Holmes Pius .vi, Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Jatholic Church. The Pope's recent neyelieal letter to all prelate of .lie church 011 the subject of motion >u*t|ares is the most comprehensive md truthful analysis of the vicious ihiLS -upon immature minds 1 have jver reud. The Pope oalis on all bishops to iiko sibp.j to pass upon all new pic ares and upon all "right-minded .h'rsoiLs" to stay away from, and ;eep their families away from film ;Iia| do not pass the church's tests 1 decency and good intluence. As 2 .'rotestaut I applaud this renewed lloit^ t)i) clean up tire flllms. ,lt seems o me that every good Christian uglit to cooperate. CENSORSHIP ... for tjruth X have 110 sympntliy with eensor nip, insofar us it implies .any alRumpi j uiclaLe wjuit 1 or any othjer aduti ersoii uia> read or he ir or see. liui niLii a child is malAire enough t,o .uve some unucrsf.unding of the worlu jL reality, 1 am heantly for every ??ifoiV. to prevent his exposure to tyhe ?or.d of unreality. The child imud c.nnnot, be expected 10 understann l^iuc what it t*jea 01. i;,e singe or scrcen or reads in novels .?> not life as it actually is. Instead ?hildren too. ottj.-n get the idea tluu very body?except tliemselves and heir immediate circk's?lives lin an tmosphcrt- ol' gbaTnoj^us jxAiianee and .erpetually exciting adventure. J am not at all Pure that, many of he l*>oks and titans commonly regard ?1 ns good, or axi ieast( littriiiless, do .ot do more damage tluiu some that re frankly vicious. 1 ,am more concerned with trnthjtul c>s in the movies and elsewhere, imn 1 am wi th what Lfc usually meant ?y "decency." .ONGUES .... translate J The Bible t,clls of the '* confusion >L tiougucsat the building of the lowcr oi' Bab-El. There would lie qit.il confusion Jin the Assembly of iiie League oi Nations at Geneva, it t were no>i, lor ;m ingenious Yankee it-vice enabling every member to un icrstand what any speaker is saying u any language. When Hailo Selassie, Ethiopia 'a x-emperor, addressed the League he other day in the Amharie tomige, n'obably no one there could under Uind a word of it. But on each mem .ci''s desk ik? a box with earphones tL'utlicd, and push-H^ttona labeled v'ith the names of the world's priu ipal languages. Bock of .the screen x'hind the speaker .are expert tijans ators who understand and spe?.k very known language. They trans ited int<o n^icropbones while the Abyssinian King was speaking. All any member had to do was to .vas to set litis receiving apparatus .'or his own tongue, English, French, I'olish, Chinese or what have you, md listen to the voice of Ijhe trans ator who was repeating Haile Selas sie's wor?ls in t.ho listener's jbwn tongue. That, it seems tjo me, is a real riurapb of modern science. I don't *110w the name of the engineer who leased the apparatus, but Edward A. Filcne, the great Boston merchant, ;>uid 'for it as a contribution toward setter international understanding. CHANGES . . . 'always slow I lead and hoar ubout mWy mar ? olous new things that are going to be done, but) I notyoe that I usually !>ave to wait a few years before they '?anie into reality. I have been wait ??g ten years now for television, bat <t hasn't goti out of ftjie laboiwtoiy v<vt. I read of gro.it changes which "l>plination of cbemisfyy to agricul ture will make, but I notice fanners aro still growing !the same old crops. In the same old way. I Ihink we Are all inclined Ho talk ft** mnch about what could be done and what we intend to do. When it (Please Turn To 2) Young Democrats Headed By Sherrill Robert Sherill was electel president of the You nar People's Democratic dribs of Jackson County, M a meet-' ing he^d at t he Court House,, last' night. Mary Aliua Wilson was chosen' aft viea-president; aud Adam Moses, secret1, ry-treasurer. | W*. G. Dyers, Clerk of the Superior Co u it of 1 lny wood Couirty, was the ljueat speaker. j Two cars of young democrats from this county" will leave tomorrow morn ing for Greensboro to attend the State Couvention <>f Young Demo crats. ?' , QUALIiA ' (By Mrs. J. 1C TerreM) We are grateful to the! "good All Father" 1W tlie rroent refreshing showers. Sever,'.! Qualia folks attended tho funeral of Louise QUi^tt at Bryson v^.ty, 'Sunday wfternoon. She was the eleven years old daughter of Mr. Hu bert Quio:.t. SI.o live<i with her grand .axentu, Mr. and Mils. K. L. Hyatt, -ince tlie deaih of her mother. ! Born, to Mr. .and Mrs. Howard Tur pin on June 22, a daughter, Carolyn Toim. Mr. and Airs. Trov G unit or have moved to Idaho. A Sunday School was organized At Worley 's Chapel, Sunday. 1 Mi;i. M. L. bbiuton Iuls retiurned holne after ? visit \*ith relatives on hn'p Cict:k. ' Mrs. J. C. Johnson spent Sunday .?i?h relatives at BeWu Mrs.Caries Edwards and daughter, fum*, uf WhitesidtVisited Mrs. Alviu id wards anb MM. H. G. Martin. Mr. S. P. Hyatt and family are jvnding I lie week at Rev. J. L. Hy t*s. ? Mr. Clifton C4>p of Sylv* was a Qualla visitor, Sunday. _ , i Mr. and Mrs. Jfto.^?ftoi^lLr. ?mi .Vlrs. Don Cogdil'i and Mr. and Mra. Vinson Jenkins, o? Whittier, called tt Mr. R. F. Hall's. "Mrs. CI rover Noland and Mis. Ce-. VI No'.md of Beaslev, S. C. visited .Mrs. J. II. Mcsser. Mrs. J. G. Hooper galled on ^usan Keener. Mrs. R u Pus Johnson .and children ilf Fj'a and Mr. and Mrs. Dock Sny der visited at Mr. D. M. Sbuler's, Sunday. CLUB SPONSORS SHOW Tl.e Beta Home Demonstration riub is sponsoring an appeaiunce of Monroe Brothers and Byron Parker, radio broadcasters of Greenville, 3. C., in a program at the Syfrva Graded school auditorium, next Thursday lisrhfc at 8:00 o'clock. ] Sunday Is Methodist Home Coming Day Next Sunday, July 19, will be home coining day at the Sylva Methodist church.. F>r several weeks committees and the pastor, Rev. T. R. Wolfe, have br<>n m:ikii'7 plans for the event and liters of invitation have gone out' to all 'former pastoiw, members aud affiliates with whom they could get in touch. All member* of tlie church and all tiic people of the community who af fiiliaic with il, and their friends are in\!It;Ml to bring b.uskcU ?cif lunch and c-omo t'i the church, Sunday. In addition to, ih? regular Sunday School and prcaefcing services, an in-1 toret ulng program !-:is oeen arranged. The Pr*!aiding Elder, Kev. W. A. Rol lins, will preach at the 11 o'oolck j service. A feature of the d/iy will be the pre Siiit j.t(ion to the ti*Ustoes or a deed ? lo the parsonage, which has xeeently l:een redemed from a mortgage eom-. pany. TWO INDICTED IN DEATH CASE OF WILEY CONNOR A true bill charging Will Harris nnd irjeorgc Hampton with murder in tin lirst degree for the alleged slay ing of Wiley Connor, a few weeks >, was returned in Haywiood Su-? p?nor Court, Tuesday, by a grand jury. I Cuiinor was shot to death near Balsam, just across the line in Hay wood county, on a 'Sunday morn ing, ta4t April. Harris is alleged to have dosm the shotting with Hamp ton'e |*b>tol. It is stated that f Jonnor was a W. j P. A. #brker on a project on Plott | Creek, of which 'Harris was foreman; that Conacft on not receiving his pay j aceusNed Harris of ^having made away with it; that Harris, Ilamp- ( ton and a man named ilcOope pro ceeded to Harris* home; and that if- j tsr an exchange of words about the cheek, Harris fired four times upon Connqr, killing him instantly'. MRS. HUGH RRYSON PASSES Mrs. Hugh Brysou died last Thtors dav at her home at Cullowhee, after j i long illness. . I Mrs. Bryson is survived by her hus band; by one brother, Mack Pressley, two sisters, Mrs. Han^son Adiams anl Mijs, Sam Pox, all of Speedwell, and by other relatives and friends. Funeral and interment were at Speedwell, Friday Afternoon, with K*v. Fred Forester and Rev. C. G. H( fi ner conducting the services. County Schools Will Open August 3--T eachers Chosen Methodist Youth Of Two Counties To Form Union The young )joople of the Met hex! ist cli lire lies oi' Jackson ami Swain counties will meet in tUe Methodist church hero tonight at 8 o'clock to Oitgauize a Young People's union. Lach Eyntt, of Wayiu-^fUe, di rector of' young people 's work iu the vVayucsvilla district, will preside. Presiding Elder W. A. Roiims will : pL-ak. Prcachers from Jhe several church ?vs represented aif expected to be prdscuL Rev. E. C. Price of Webster will load devotional exercises. Refreshments will be served by Ahe S>lva Ep worth League, and games and other pocial .activities will be en joyed. CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S CLINIC Tho regular monthly Crippled Children's Clinic for the counties ?f Jackson,Macon,Sw.ain,Graham, Chero kee and Clay will be held in the High Scliool building in Bryson City on Saturday, July 18 beginning at 9: 30 P. M. AJ :i crippled children .and adults arc invited to attend this cKnie for examination. Dr. John T. Saunders, of Asheville, is the examining phy sician'. Mr. Simon P. Davis of Bryson City, is the chairman ojf the Clinic Committee. Others serving with Mr. Davis on the committee .are W. C. Morgan an^ Dr Geo. M. Leiby. Mrs. H. C. Hait is the secretary. ] Mr. J. H. Clippard, Assistant State ! Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor wTii attend the clinic, as well afa Mrs. *ppelt, of the North Carolina Crip pled Children's Commission. Further information may bo obtain ed from Mr. Davis or other members of his committee, from Mrs. Hart, or from any member of the Rotary Club of Sylva, Franklin, Bryson City or Andrews, or of the Lions Club of Murphy. REVIVAL AT BETA Revival services are being conduct ed at Scott's Creek Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. R. C. Sheann. Dan Cook of Webster is directing the. irfusie. The services are at 10:30 each morning and at 8:00 each evening. The public Is cordially invited to all these sertfiees. The schools of Jackson County mtb 1be exCfT>tion of Sylva, Dilfc' '?>ro and C?llowhee schools, will op on lor thus, fall term on August 3 it J ?s nnuoiiiictHi ?t tho of Cou'nh M. H. Aiarfi**, The lf WUsWo IU1(I Svlya srh;>"^ wi? on August 31. ' "k* l<n<''u-jv meeting ?f the y? jtr will Ih> lie Id iu Sylva on July 31. 1140 l!st ^ principals a)K| ,,.ad?.IS ??or the jcai- iia3 Own completed ? ,;SiMA toiitl: F. L Watson, Airs, vbcswr Seo?, Edith Buchanan, Alai U- -M'lhir, Airs. Kichurd Patrick JU- ,SllUou> ??*? Allison, Louise Hen' Leonaru Hull. A commercial -taciier to 1m: selectel. S*LVA tilCAUED; F. All Craw '*)ld' aVixb- *'? Freeze, Airs. Alar Hughes, Sehna B. AUddlcton, Jaayuie Lung, Leah Nichols, Airs, oi ^ Aloore, Ruse Garrett, Airs. Emily -Uvrtle Heiisui Bertha Cunningham. DfUUSBOHO: AUuk, liry*o,i, il? Sutlon; .M]>. Virginia l'iuj ?ion 'feirell, Louise Alason. DIX CREEK: Mrs. 0. E. Alauteith BARKER'S CHEEK; Coma T1 MAwiord, Evelyn Slierrijl. BETA: W. V. Cope, Ruth Gilley amitii, ilicitj, Wilson; Mrs. W tj Oiilard. CULLO WllEE: C. A. Hoyle, Win JUU hooper, Kenneth L. Wood, Cor uelia Mines, Fannie Goodman, Win ue A,1W} -Pulpily, Sudie Cox, JSdytke tt/tlker, Lucy black, Trme Jenkins, -?irs. VV. A. Coward. ?-acy Black. WAUSUUTTA: Hatue Lw, W -i L CiviiStilGEE: J. E. Brown, JUrs i-iiez 1'otjs \\ aciiob. East LAPOR'lE; a. c. jbillard, decora Holden, Wihiia Wike, Gcr ti'uiic Fisher. JOHN'S CREEK; John Cmwioed, iJawe C. Sutton, JLenoir Nicholgou, Janif- Hooper, ALurgunte Green. VIEW. POINT; Alvin Fullhrigbi, .tfra. I>Aiisc Cagle, Airs. Hazel Hoop er Lewi*. ^?Aic: Airs. Sttila lirysou, Frankjc Buchanan. LAS J. FukK: Kosooe Higdon, Ali'i Ruth Buchanan Roper. &LON lilL: Airs, Deinerriea Cowan Jora Painter. W1LA10T: Irene Raby, Geneva lur i?iu, Airs. Harriett Jenkins. <\ OLIVET: Buren Terrell, Clem Coir dill. QCALLA: (J, C. Cooper, Lucy Al. Hail, Jennie Cathey. ADD1E: Jometa Higdon," Ximt no Mcisler, Louise Arlington. BALSA.M: Airs. Sara Bryson, Bei dc Alma Lhlls, Kutkerine AlcLain. \MLLETS; S. J. Phillips, Rhod.i ? 'o|?c, Beinita Sutton W EBSTER: Paul Buchanan, Mrs. l-ouise B. Davis, B. C. Wilson, Adam C. Aloses, Hannah Cowan, Arniip Lou ^e Aladison, Mrs. Pearl Madison, Em ma Tatham, Aln?. Alary B. Cowan, Margaret Alorgan. GREEN'S CREEK: Hoyle Deite, Airs. PHhel T. Collins DOUBLE SPRINGS: Mrs. Ruby S. Aloody. i cAdded Jwrter ? fcy A-B 1 YELLOW MOUNTAIN :EliM Mon leith. CASHIER'S: David Pruett, Mi*, vlnud Cooper Ensley, Arline Fowler. PLEASANT GROVE :Marie Moody ROCK BRIDGE: Edith Cowan. GLENVILLE: P. S. Griffin L. L. Shaver, Willa Mae Dille, Reha Tay lor, S. P. Hyatt, Mrs. Daisy 8. Hol den, Mrs. Gertie Moes, Edith Alley, Lueile Long, Clara MeGuire, Sarah Belle Hooper. BALSAM GROVE: T. P. Middle ton, Opal Lee PhillipB. ROCKY HOLLOW: D. M. Hooper, Kathleen Fullhiight. OAK RIDGE: Effie Matthews. SOLS CREEK: Mrs. 'Loej M. Brown. WOLF CREEK: John Will Hooper CHARLEY'S CREEK: Mr?. Ruth S. Brown. CANE CREEK: Mrs. Hazel Hen 900. COI/)RED CONSOLIDATED :John H. Davis. Ralph Davis, Marion How ell, Birdell Davie. AGED WOMAN VISITS HBBB Mrs. Sarah Hooper of Big Ridg% i is visiting her daughter, Mm Kitob^n and other T*latli I Hooper is 93 of ???*

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