IN THB OOVNTY V"' =T^P^Si?^^=:;=== ?kly Papew J?i? To Rural V ottiw' Choice 8YLVA, NORTH C AEOUHA./ THURSDAY, JULY SO, 1936 H.M A TEAS V ADVAJTOE 0UT8TDB THE OOUVTY that tU 193. be?*** H * *,ue u> ^ tbAt ?? ^ urate luree*10***** ^ be liud through ^,lc:'rM(, ia 'dilleroat sectfotf; ia there w no \. ci obtaining .an exien ^.tara'f aim-vote oi this 1 u.;if, uovveviT, weekly tiiivu^hout ibe country [fj^audi iuuttguratwi the * rJe ['residential Vote in ?Wij iiwi rtmd communities. [g| and again iu llJ32 the lead-, sily newspaper* cooperated to !k.r nauoa-wuti) Pitsjidcjitiul f.wic more extensive in nurn IbUol- wst and from all ^ Iaus more accurate forecasts i November election were oh j iTiev proved to he forecasts . i^re .jfc,(rnle iu final results fttme tt'ithin five percent otf oor iwtttsting act ml resultjB in [.Wfaibci' election. \ |>isi? in the averatjo voter's od niv a/-e "Who 'will wmtll mWmrai Aracrioa help eliot) to t frjiilency' iu November? ?krfi; Landun, Lmke, Thomas, or hrjwder? In what propor v.i'J .liese candidsites win i'Vt ui h wlvtt bo arc poing to try y oat, an.t- *p art living ixro a ti[rfrs all over tlie tJnit "*cs, wr aip 'jivmg our Headers tfortaniiy to record their Ifadi t v'idual. pre fe i?nce for President, fbeee straw votps .will first show how sentiment is going in Sylva, Jackson adatoiy and North Carolina. Then ? - Your vote, as sent In .tjo The Jour nal will be tabulated and the local iisutts of voting published each week. Jie vote iu the national balloting, ij compiled by returns from other -eekly newspapers, will also be pub. isliod in these columns week by ?eek as. they are aro 'available. The iwo major party sandidlates' lames, Koosevelt and Landon. are given top position on our straw-Vote ;alLot inasmuch as one of these^ major iart}y candidates is geucxally expected o bo returned the winner hoi the tovember election, 'i'Li names ol' the other officially nominated oan lidaijefi for the Presidency ane listed clow with no thought of advantage u bal loft position to any of them. Let us all join hands in this na ion-wide voif;. Let us help express .lie -political sentiment at this time jtf the voters-in Sylva, Jackson xmxrty and Notjtii Carolina. You are ander no tiMiptiltf ng ballot 5n this ajtraw-vpite ^st. iou do not have to sign your name. Simply write in the naine of the own and state where you will vote '?n November, so that accurate nation al tabulation can be made. , Remember,,your favorite candidate s depending upon y?u to help *bow lis sirenpt'h in Jacksun eOun^.-01ip ,he ballot now. Vot|c us p ttw. hen mail or *bring your balM'ta.Th'' Journal. ( r~ -STRAW VOTE BAU-OT Nation-Wide Vote lot ?? vatm tor oue oalf of thtsi mi s,?..vo? ? ? v""0'c^,us ?:n? conducted ty CO* | ? ROOSEVELT tooujljout the nation to \\ *ow pie-tlection M?ti l?tnt of small trtwn wuf Wri America in th*ir l^cc for President for fcne*t four ycar*. 10 VOTE: . | J? ' t:ws * ia l*"? 51?*r# Jr.. ol Ihi jftijr. Q LANOON ? lemke ? THOMAS ? (U?W?> -i (SmMW) &?.* statu ncotvvi volti Mr i U Se couatftd. I I?J ?<>?>? will b? ?ouot?i | '??* (f^yfcltleei ? BROWDER ' er "M nut sifij hit Or li?f ?ut to ajsuit In actional . P'mie f>U in nuM ol L ?"4 HUt, Mom. I* " "" ~ Town ?* i Y. P. U. TO HOLD BIW> 1???? HTl OTlim iir wrftST. 'tt B Y. P. U. TO huiuj SEEVICE SUNDAY NIGHT wvxwj aunvA? . ? ? . ?) ? I ? V' OnTae?4?y?^0t>ellWeet by?isl.,A^2na,U?. herh00d??tb.B.PtUtch?A Y. P. U. will give a speewl-r* .. ?lar meeting, ** 8 y Kobrom, M tli# beginning will ^rief song and d0* ??iteWjj sorvico, ,t Uhc Bap- 0V?LI _ ift" a Birfi ot '?l?. The program will indicate ^ionjd service, De ? . (>f mission 'work* Mrs. LfW' Wirt, nnd Mra, Cw*^ord ;, ^ following ta" to,k a 1 ^ir hnutars of lhe Juniors, . . ... Weld. l*111 ''We of-'the program. ... ?ofUl1 seating ctalXcKare?>f?d ^?lial welcome is extended by All tbe me? , ., 'WhtotUpdbUe. to AtUaA. - r &? Y. p. tatary e *?EN MONDAY {:) . Back to school will troop the ohiklren of Jackson county next Monday morning when the schools open 1'or the eigh'U month's term. Tho sehoo'.s of Sylva, Cullowhet, .',nd Dills boro will noli open until August 31; but all others begin the fall term next Monday. In Connection with the opening-of the schools il ^ is *interesting tp aeebfe that! '.he St ait o School Commission his announced fm'increaso in the pay of .eaeLuvi of iTper cent, based on the ??.alary schedule of Jan. 1,1935. '( QUALLA Cv Mrs. J. K. Terrell Rev. J. L. Rogers preached .at tl&. ilaptisl church Sunday mbrning, on .he subjeat "The Ministry Of Saf rering". His text was "In all this Job ginned not." He was aceompani* ed to his appointment by Rev. Mr. and Rev. Mr. Massie, of Hay .vood. There was singing at .the ho*n? of Jr. and Mrs. S. M. Crisp, Sunday Mr and Mrs. J. M. Hughes, of 'lwokee, visited Qualla relatives, after returning from a two weeks' /ifl?t' wi/ih relatives at Stilhvell, Okla 'vrv.a. A* bii'ihday party was given is honor of Mr Frank Kins land, at his homa, on July 28th. Games were p'oyed and refreshments served. . A larce part}' of young folks w.als pres oi.'/.j jEr. arid Mrs. Norman Turpin and JVwghfe.r.-i, Patsy and Naomi, left ^fonday for their home near Phila delphia, after .a visit among relatives. Messrs. Jack Battle and Oeorge En loe, .??>? Charlotite, spent" the week end Witt- home folks. Mrs. P. M. Shuler spent Monday nind 's,Sunday. Misses Oma, Gass and Lenor* Hughes spewti the week end at the bome of Mr. Dan Gass. (Please Tarn To Page 3) )? TODAY, and TOMORROW t' SAFETY , . ), f, .dramatized Xl-xt month a grcat "motorcade" will tiqavel to New Yojrk City. It ? 11 ? will be composed of drivers from all of the 48 states. Each will have bron chosen to represent his >4 ate < ' ?b.T^ose ?of proven skill as a driver. No one can; be selected who has not : laad ten years of driving experience, covering1 at; least 50,000 miles, .and his accident record inust show a clean dnte. '' The-e' 48": motorists, representing t!c- very piqk-of all the drivers of America, are to converge upon New Voi'k in August for a highway safety convention, sponsored by the C. L T. Safpty Foundation atid co-?perated in J>y the American Automobile Associa tion and the National Safety Council. "iViacs Avill lie giv-n to the drivers who come tho longest di tLance and arrive without a sepatch on thv'ir fenders, This seems to mo like .a mighty naefttf mow toward dramatizing the importance of careful driving. It ought to stimulate public interest in the effort to make motoring safe. SHIPS . ./ . . our program The "Gridiron Flag" of oar coun try will float again on the seven seas as it has not been seen since war I days, if the purposes of tl$e new ship subsidy bill, passed in tjhe last hour Jot" Congress, are carried out. In this new law ia * Federal ILoritime ' Authority was set up, witjh power to 'snjbsidize and supervise the construc tion; and operation of American ships flor foreign trade. Two hundred new idiipa - in seven years at .a cost . of $350,000,000 is the building pro gram. I would like to see it even big l?w." ? r ? The new law provides for sub sidies to ship operators to equalize tho difference between wages plaid to ' American officers aiid sailors and the sftu-vailiou paid by ship own ers of other nations. I hope oce result "will be to fill American yoilth asjain with the de sire to go to sea, and that Old Glory will again become a familiar sight ii every seaport of the world. [ (Please Turn To Page 2) v TEACHERS MET HERE WEDNESDAY The first general meeting ?f the teachers of 'the Jackson county schools, for the current year was^beld im I ho and i'f ori utn of the graded school, in Sylva, yesterday morning, preparatory to lie opening of the schools on Monday. With Superinttendenlfi M. B. Madi , You''and "Dry Thotse Tears'Mjss Mary ]^ner oi' Bryson City, was accompanist tor botn Mrs. Leiby and Mm Moore; and Mrs. Lei by played a violin obilgaito ior Miss Moore. Mr. Madison addressed the teach ers, giving them instructions for ih'* conduct of the year's work abofiat to Items of bucaineb^ brought before the meeting included announcements that any change in the rating of cer tificates must bet reported to the of liee of the superintendent by August 31; thait tuachers daily schedules of activities must, be turned in by that time; it Kat teachers can obtain ittran3 por.'ation o/i school bu:i.?es for $3.00 a month; and tltait the Christmas hol iday season will be frotm Dec. 20 to Jan. 2. J The study of the new curriculum, and discussion of it will be the major i feature of ohe teachers meetings dur ing the ye,or, Ithe next 'of which will be held in Sylva on August 29. WOLFE TO PREACH SUKDAY Rev. T. R. Wolfe, of the Methodist church, will prcwh at Dillsboro next Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock, on "The Church, ::ud the Souls of Men" and at Sylva at 11 o'clock, on "The Man Who Is Never Dis appointed." The pablio \* co?diaDj uirited. Drought Effect Largely Localized, Says Wallace Washington, July 28?Although official Washington is as ''election minded" as ever, a goqd (leal of jxains is being .l.iken to avoid the ap ;H*arain;j\>ii? if Air. Itoosevelt is ? e-elocted, will be in iho tiiiecjlioit of building up cooperative enterpris es. For many jcara under this and pre vious Aciunnistx^ttiuojns there have ueen governmental efforts ta encour age producer cooperatives, some *t ~hem successful. iNow the interest of iVashingion is centered upon oooHuta ei cooperatives. Recent iillanm?a by /reaiami Kooocveit, *uwi ttecretttvy Wallace have emphasized thai angte >f l!hc coo|K.'ititivc movcmeniU The president's commission, which iias gone to Europe to study cfnoptt ilLive developments, consists otf four .ulhusia^ts on consumer cooperatives .uid two who tare primarily interested .u Laxm marketing cooperatives. (Consideration of the Kobinson-PiU .nan yiaiketLug Act, whose full effects .lie not \ predictable, suggests that :i is'aimed jKtrticularly aH big ch.ii u suture aistJibuiXir.-j, on the theory that they canpetc wiLiiriy with loqai mer chants. lhe essence of Mis new law, which na.*. jajbL gone ui/to di'cct^ is that no ?iwuutadiuitT w producer juay grant ?pccial price reductions, discounts, oonuse.s or commissions which ii?j lues not alx> granit U> a Hiim 11 rlif^ii butor or rouiiler. The law specilhca 1 ?y prohibit advertising allowances by .laticnal manufacturers to rdtoil di whis'h are. not extended equally tii 'n) use lor tiiis purpose. The Action of the Federal Reserw .iuard Lu requiring all member hanks, .o increase -their reserves on deposit .vith the Federal Resei*ve banks bv dfty ixroont ia regarded here a.- :i .u hmuo intended to prevent uncut credit inflation with its accompani ment of runaway prices. Financial experts, however, jkmi^ /lit i.hat 1he basie factors making lor credit inflation still exist. Bank de posits ar?: growing a?t the sate of $3,OOH,000,000 a year and there is no. Indication tha* Government ; borrowing on a Large scale will not continue. The worH's supply of go hi is increasing .at) a sensational rate, while the government silver purchas es axe steadily increasing the money supply. All of tihese things point to ward .a steady rise in commodity prices of all kinds. Interest increases in the struggle between the two national labor lead ers, John L. Lewis and William Gm n for control of the organized labor situation. Mr. J>wis is regarded hero as by Hir ?h.-* .abler of the two men; indeed he is looked upon as a man of great persowil power of leadership and ability to think fatft and el?firl*,v Fon* (the first time there seems t<* be a real r>oissibilfty of a powerful new type of labor organisation gam . .j,, (Pka? Twn To Page 2) s