j HE JACKSON COUNTY JOURNAL PublislKxi Weekly By TKt JACKSON CO t'NT/ JOURNAL CO Kntered aa second class mutter a I :.?? font Office at Sylva, 'N. C. DAS TOMPKINS, JMiior "Prepare far ill', thousands ^ I:u we coming'r, wa.i i'x suostiviee of President Roosevelt > short ..ilk a' Asheville. It is a tin ? ly piece ol vi:'o. This year, wc ?>eJieve, was :? email taste of -tha tco/st easiness ti.1-' n-%lan i;i to enjoy. We don't know \ .* .-.i^ iitic/in-i' oi tiie nunc "Chiel Wirt ? Kagi.- .. I j'ermi upon I'resid M Roosr.'el. l>* t)i_* Eastern Iiand of Cherokees; b:.t;l if wo were guin# to name h'm, u'c-: would call him Chit* CSreat Ifrat for h.) is iuterestei in the weit..rr] or' all the poople, e>|> eial'y t!ie p'or,! '."he low lv, and the h.i.'iiblj ? > WHERE HONOR IS DUE The Journal makes ns bow to the officials of the tow;i, ilie polite, t.lu Chamber of Commerce, Roy AliisOtt, T. N.Massie M. D. Cowiui, A. J. |jjlU, tho business houses, and the til hers who ocniributed to the splen did appearance of the town lor Pr?.si dent Koosavelt 's visit, Wednesday and for the manner in which the lar^c crowd was eaivd for. No druukcii ucss, boistrous conduct, or otatr inui dent marred the pleasure of the day Jur Those who camc to Sviva to see: lu? > i'iVSidt Ut. THE PRESIDENT CAME \V?xliu!tflay was a great day lui j Jackson county aud tur this cutir. ivgioiu tW the tir?w time iii history ? 1'resident of the United States ciune I J ac.f US. iie cutne ihOi, as a politician; aui. ].;? came on 110 political mission. As i'lesidcat of t4ie United Stated, taj j .aa charged wi;h the responsibility . t' the head of the government, he itu uncounted mui.i ludes 01 trees of almost inuumerabl varieties. Up in the Smokies^ the balsams urn* other trees aud shrubs of the higher altitudes must have rested him, 11. thi'V do all of us. Some of tht rhodo dendron, this late in lite season, we.y waving their lovely blossoms beto t his eyes. ,. Jt was a great trip for the Prcsi uent; and a great trip for all of us. We cannon begin to e^'imat* the value 1 a our county and our region of thu visit of President Roosevelt. THAT 8WIMMUO POOL TI10 new swiinmiiig pool, coustruc i.jn ot wiuch will begin ay .vionuuv, \vsii prove io be a valuable asset ;o .v.lva. .Not only will the pool be a great .utracuou to tourists, (taol 1* tiu.y uou t v?ant to go places, anymore, . lie re there is no peol in which l-c ?lAiui; but u will also prove a sou w u pielv>iu\.-- to ino }oung peopio ojiU environs. i he little muld i eu a:so have not been forgotten, and ii.civ tViii be a u auUig pool for uhem l he Oj<1 swimming hole is out >L uiile. JUUch sentiment gathers about 1., but the scientists tell us it is not uxaiy. l>ut ihc urge go 10 the v. uter is perhaps greater now tkau any previous anno in the lii* tory ol ?;? * American people. that the pool, iliat is to be cou wucted wtill prove a most, valuable u=set to by Lv a, next aamrner, few people will question. In other words, ?"V ha, located between 'ilie Great ? 5...okies and the Sapphire (Jountr/, lv-.o of Eastern America's major tour c-t attractions, and also lying between the Balsams mid the Coweej, ootwuui Asheville and Atlanta, is penally well endowed by nature Wc in\e every natural advantage. To ;uese we add a golf course, magn^U ?nt drives, hotels, tourist camp?, i.- iirding houses, au excellent the*ure| u.ul now Sylva steps out as a modem ? own with adequate baidaing facilities One thing we yet laek?the com pletion of Highway 106 from Svl.a jo South Carolina, connecting tlw Smokies and the Sapphire Country? the South and the W??t. The Community House, in win -I'. >ome of women of the town have i.va in u-resting themselves, is a pail jt' tJic same project, and will be valuable asset To the town ami comi ty. The .Journal hppes lima the ad liriuiial funds needed to buy vho iu. ( rials lor its comph i ion wiJl he ra,. tii v forthcoming. W o wish k, con! I ie ready tor the mectiny of the fed .Kflied women's clubs 01 ihi? disyric*, uxt month. Honor is due .Airs. D. M. Hail, Mr.' ',V. l^Chapnian, and the others who have worked tire'esdy in the prom hop xi id' :he project. They have lone their town and county a val: th.day ol' July i:'Ut and recoivled in tin* office of the Jegi.iler o i' Deeds lor J.-ieLson County ?.'ortli Carolina, in Jiook 94 nt pat;c ? 33; default having been made in I lie uyment o1!' tlie indebtedness thereby iriire'i, and the land hereinafter de v'i.: 'l hiving hi?en sold m! resol.l ?u Angus; 21, 1 !>.{?'?. for the miiii o' r'1ft)0. which fK-.it' s:'i ? w?? .?cport/d to ihe Co.:r'. \ ?-w required and during the time allowed hv law the bid wi> raised 0 r?.i -lit und the )0.')urt has ord-./txl, s resale of staid land. \ .\>k., , I, A. Brxwni ig, 11 offer lor sale and sell to ? i1.o lii^le i. bidder lor ctfish, ..n F11 ? ty. Sjipt. 18, 103?i, a? 12:00 i o?n at '.he Court House Door in the Town of I ? Sylva, X. C'., an undivided one half interest in the hinds hereinafter de .ciilbed, bidding to brgin .abov:? .^1,1^5 >nd (he highest bidder will be rc,,uir hI to deposit with the Clerk of the iAunt of Jackson County, N. C. 10 i>?r cent of his hid to show his good .riit'i, >o bi' forfeited in past' ho r: , - ( in carrying out his b:d. :?d rl.-,? proceeds ill be J:p:">i.j <1 i.r the disc barge of said debt, in ? T-r%vst n 11 < i cost of safe: on n slake in the C. A.j 'ii-1 iine o.i the hank of t!ie branch .:i-! ru:;s (hence down said branch, villi it- ltK-iindcrs to a stake;! hence a -o athea t.-rn direction to a white-oak >ii t!.c Imfc of the Bird road; thence i Southt-rn direction with the mean > !*.; of !> ::1?I> i?> the Wliitticr rccid; tbenecj io the wytcr ran of Crooked Creek: ?? ' 1 rheuce np s.nid Crooked Creek to the tiouth of the School house branch; hence up said School House branch' :o the "State road; thence South with /he .meanders of State road to the old Jerry Stillwell line;!hcnce West with '.lie Stil'wrll line to the J. W. Conley line; thence North with the. J. W. Conley line to the C. A. Bird line; thence Kast with Bird's line to the "CAMELS SET ME RIGHT!" iv:"-J ' , .r ?;: jf i m i'W^ w*-** *&"$? . . .' ?^? ?^ .. HUMAN BULLETS. Hugo Wi lS&g3F---' :-?=??:? - -. i-i . v * ~?try vv ini ars &-s: dilution'ss:kt-." C^i;icUincrease 4) .'.'i "Camels keep our diVcs* Wtirfflj tfcc P'* w of liig.-stive2ui^s...alka ;l||i| don working smoothly." ????;?40 line digestive Hauls. L*L~ i ^ a& M?.t? COSTLIER TOBACCOS >???V ?? ? ???? ??? 5. ???????.??-?-? o??-? #?^l-M*? l ??? *?* ?1 ' - \ Buy a good used car or truck and save money New & Used Parts For All Makes of Cars & Trucks i | Rebuild Batteries t Three Months' Guarantee $2.50 ? Recharging Batteries 50c Rental Free For 24 Hours Tires, Tubes; Glass Work Our Specialty Syiva Auto Trading Post i ONE FOURTH MILE FROM SYLVA ON CULLOWHEE ROAD ? i LYRIC THEATRE I * Sylva, N C : Week of September 10th I } mm ' i i ?\ ) MONDAY AND TUESDAY J ?'Hearts Divided" ] i Dick Powell ?? Marion Davics ! WEDNESDAY "Absolute Quiet1' ^ ii ?, ' ? Lionel Atwill - Irene Hervev (? ?% * Wednesdays - Adults 15c THURSDAY AND FRIDAY "So They Were Married" V .. \ . Melvyn Douglas - Mary,Astor SATURDAY "Nevada" Larry Crabbe ? I ?t? Beginning, Containing 50 acres more or less. ! This /the 3rd day of September. 193d V. A. ROWNING, Trustee I W. R. Sherrill, Attorney. ' 1 2ts\VRS. GLENN FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Sylva, N. C. Phone 55 ? Here To Fly ggp t ' ^ .?>?' '' *-x PTv -VA .** F<:i: <:.?>?? WICHITA, Knns. . . . PeRjry Sola man. England's outstanding wo man flyer, is here to take charge of the cabin monoplane she is to fly in the U. S. air race for Ihtf Ruth Chatterton trophy i'us month. f 1&3 their keenness never varies ?% 1' / 'I SfeSHCTf *|SV P : V;/ Sy ? ggs$* 0 MADE MN'Cfc m<> l v J I'lvcjitt.ri ot tho oliwili;)) ?:;/?.??,,? razor, S?:tr irCliir-rvi h.t.v: - ? 1 of VivS-i-.si c.tsis i n?M 'W-fr?c?l /- .< 1 J [.ya into their k.e?i, lu?tf-hv iinr; pC?<,|!g'is. If your lii-ak-r can- J mail < J* 1 Of fo;- ?' bhslcs t'l I/i'j't. If FS-i, Scar BlaJo l)i\i- Aa L j'j :-ion, &> Johnson Street, iv.??'<. *r?i Brooklyn. N. Y. riTGEM AND EVER-HEADY RAZORS ]\2AN WANTED for Rawleigh Routf Wanted: Fretty mineral spceuac^. Ask Askey. * of 800 families. Write today. Kaw leigh'*. Dept. XCI - 219 - SA, Kiel: mond, Va. Look at your label. ^ your subsmmion ^ piied ! IE v>. !<:t us iia.^ YO\\r re?U:\Yi. I '?:.?> \\?\... won t. ivii.t- a - v;;.v. mortgage loans "J" On New Homes Less than cne year old or to be built Subject to F. H. A. Guarantee i ?sjo Life Insurance fcuVi:' ? od OSiuliriB hdS'lig 'J. v H.E.Garrett, Western N. C. Representative will be at The Builders Supply and Lumber Co. office each Monday afternoon to explain / \ o ' ? ' * T "p" ilr See a* ruci K ' ? * t # s ?'? A1 6 2 f>ftO !??xr ?'-5 ? 'S v fi 1/ V ^ *1> ? . ,1^2 ?.*? ??#' V/ 4 A -.^ '? , . ?u> .. ??. ; * *u W .'. *. i !, y t f *3 W 1 \ ^ %4/ ? o i our sC'v.t'-4- .'jJ ffin'Jt t ol i 'i ' '' % ? l ? s j ' " f ???> r V"t w < ?! - -'?? < ?; }-?'? si - 'j w v k X j? ?*y . ^ t' ?*/..> U' v r ??1 II \> v. / ?,? , I, * 3 f \ ' L ; i P t'w' 'S 1lT2 fc '?> ?? ' ?;?(!::: v T V l! J li V o * ill i ? ?. ?i USiCi ' ? ./. ; , . */ l , J * ( "The Universal Car ONE NAME comes quickly to mind Today's Ford V-8 I? mor- tlian ever when you think of "The Universal "The Universal Car" fcccause It en Car. The description is distinctively circles t!io needs of more peon!. ?'ian Ford. No other car is used by so nny other Ford ever lullt. Ii ic.?oki many millions of men and women in out and up into new iie?ds bccause it every part of the world. Everywhere has everything you need in a modern it is the symbol of faithful scrvice. automobile. , That has always been a Ford funda- The Ford V-8 combines finccar mental. Something new is constantly performance, comfort, safety and being added in the way of extra value.- i beauty with low first cost and low cost Each year the Ford has widened its of operation and up-keep. It depre appeal by increasing its usefulness ciatcs slowly because it is made to last, to motorists. There is no other car like it. Only ths Fari V-8 Gives Yaa These Fins-car Fsaiures 1V-8 ENCFnE perform, a centfr-poise ? ance With economy ?"? riding comfort 2 SAFETY CLASS ALL C Y/ELDED STEEL BODY . . . ? AROUND AT NO EXTRA *5* STEEL STRUCTURE AS WELL AS STEEL SURFACE CHARCE i >v. 3 SUPER-SAFETY \ f KEY/ INTERIOR ?MECHANICAL BRAKES APPOINTMENTS yqgCTlBAi i^Wgft. ' ? -v ? '} ? * ?v:- , ?!?>'.* ^ ' 1.1 ' I : r. '>y> i * VAV.V F 0 R D M O T n d LOW uosthiv TE,U* UT0R COMPANY PORD^EAIX r a?*~FROM any "ORDmUebA?" USUAL "OWN-PAYMENT, buys any model 0UT THE NEW ii% PBR MONTI! ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. ASK YOL'R VNTVBRSAL CREDIT COMPANY FINANCE fLASS.