* w? iv ADrurai auwn OOUNT* -vc|t Gains Strength (jrass Root Straw Vote ! i . . -A ru.nl! oi I1* ? , U-I-. Irt-avv ??a tlu? L^rly u 1 * r.mni.,> in '????* fn>m th<' 'Tthf BoOsfvvft . 0lu.au, in ' j small toma md rural ^ing contlu. u'tl by more lltreeklyiU'^l'tH'rs located ' & coiiti'i-y. w a ball> "it,,ioa l)a,l(*s *? *unici,cnt '"j, be iubn!?M, *llU> [fr?n 36 sta-t.: t ibuhUM^ i ?l' tins vote lrtLrr;?j i'.? i??" tlw Pas* w At thv (?'(?.' t?l' :h.> fifth L sUndim.' >?t the enidida s rti: j! --5?.3 por ot. ^..211.*"..o U :m:u ?.:i ? o.'S ti (" <>.5 Lls riSO.OOI - .100 twa rli<- t I i. o loading can r!y. i.'urt-??.<'t, Liado'i an! jif '.amiiit:; .?. . l>r xt ,|{..2l!.Ns .36.1 ti ,'{i 11 ? I 4.i Ms.W. 100 p*r ctf nr. Donwcrauc, ilus, B6(Kib!;i':nif I It*: h lauding p^r ct. *selt-.241,!i?Jt>__37.t) per ?t. ?Vtor I'.ii'Ui party,candidal*} pfcaot have a popular vote iriaiay one u l' the 30 stfitoa a tike l?y *'ate tabida k W sfa'.o, 'ji/vcriior Laatjou >%iu 28 while Pivsi ius majorities t ? i (jlftiia aa..i :?nr h l;.ikota swung fioci'Vilt i-abunii during rill' ul i:!i*ion:ii tabul itiQa BJ i (Jain of aa com I w tin- fourjjfi v,, }u-i'*iVv'.v,hi;ig(lo(i, "fcoia, U i-tcnsi.i and Ohio. 'tut. i which have sent ? ' t'> ,;?t t sufficient nuin ^'if ??'t-wial tabulations ^ as, lif-hi ft-arcf Georgia. ^?Vi\??!r ;,ad \ew Mexico I **??*-* .!?.!> iUCf iv'J I'^f^nta^e charges the fifth Ni" ?hip;'i,'f>d *"0 f^rtl Oklahoma viJ 'MU.1. U!'iH f,)r R(x??veH ''W ??o?ove?r 'Sto >r Democrat it lb'^ r,suM i'1 ^ Blia for him ^ k T?" Wool -02.1 por ct ' i -37.9 it Pinion, Roosevelt uj'l Nt tw7wX ^ 'Z* -30.1 IS- 4*8 * ~'m w 01 ? P'Ct i na^4J?t?aw. ^lighers V ? thC ?f appeal lo tlio lover of the ou: jf doors. j I motored over bock roads througn' he Berkshire hills fe wot* ox so ago1 -tad suw the beginning of America 3 ?lost gforgeous spectacle the color' picture of the forest trees before tba' all of the leav4?. No sharp fiost had "et touched them, but around almost 'very bend in the road we encouater hI u lone maple which had not wait 'd for i'roat, but had changed ov??r iight from green to brilliant scarlet. Before October is far advanced,, thj New England landscape becomes a' ceno of such co'pr and beauty as cna ot be matched anywhere else th.j lorld over. Of ull seasons, Autumn ?s 0 my mind, the best season of all up ?ur way. jIMMY . . . . .. on.hisov/n Jinuuy dropped in at the home of one ot my friends the oilier evening. Ilia faco was clean, his bjir was imisJied and liis clothes were iidat. a a(fl\v cll-pressed. But his hands weie ?overed with tu'lousrs and irremov 1 bio grime. Jimmy grinued fwin ear to ear tu ?10 tohl about his tirst adventure at t'aciag life 011 his own. Iiis fath?r, one of my friends, had been dis^&tia llcd with Jimmy's first yexy in col lege. "Get out and get yourself a job ind prove that you've got something iii yon, before I Upend uay more money on your education," his father old byu.. ^ ? ,w; j f?tfmy gowL j&tTliT 1 pipe-fitter's helper at $18 a week? ?and he l,oves it. He's got a surprise for his father, for he's saved $3 a week out of his wages. "I've learned whnt a dollir costs," he said. Jimmy's going to get somewhere. PROGRESS . . . tbc auto L. it. llioumo, tin- hum wtio Ijutll aiu liisL aUUviiwtnlc t,, travel ui<;t?iiu u*: world, under its o?vn power itieu -Ue Oihcr d.iy at the aye oi b?. lie ..as past tuty bciorc lie uiudo uls .ust car. !, ) 1 first kaew Air. j'homa.* ai1 practical lour-vviieelcd vehicle to be propelled by a gasoline engine. The r'reneh built the lirst ones that work ed, but Thomas mado about the best oi' the early American gas-buggies. It is hard to realise now, the we haven't always had motor-cars, nought a horse and buggy iu 1900. I didn't think then thai automobiles would aiitount to much in my time! HAEMOPHILIA . . transfusions The most dreadful diseuso of all U haemophilia. Its victims are bo-n with it and seldom live to grow up, ior they caa bleed to death l'roiu i pin-prick. Their blood does not clot. July males have this affliction; i>ut they inherit it from their moth er's fathers. ) Alpluowo, Count of Covadongtj, son of the former King ot Spain, is in a Xew York hospital undergoing fre quent; blood tr.insfusions as th*; phy sicitan try to stop the bleeding from a slight operation several woeks ago. His mother, the ex-Queen, has oome aerofij the Atlantic to bo with hor son. One o' the world's greatest medi cal men, Dr. Alexis Carrel, had a sou who suffered from haemophilia. The father invented a method of blood truwfunion which saved his child'? ILfty and which is now in universal use all over the world. As a result of Dr. Carrel's research more hai boen learned about the blood in a few yearrt than all that contraries of study hud taught the men of science; and blood trjnsfdnons from one person ?in another ia no longer n dangerous operation but an every-day common flhwo in hoapital work, ' ? ATLANTIC ... air seamaamp I saw the German flying heat "Zephyr" whan it came into New T?rk from Soroce on 8e|rt?g>Ur W FOB COUBT Th^ JBFy commission has drawn the names of the men who will, serve as jurors for the October term of Su perior Court, which begins on 31 on day iho 12th: First Week 'E, & Cagle, Green's Creek; A. D. lUrker, Sylvu;Bedford Ensley, Sylva; J. T. Dillajd, Sylva; Lawrence Cow mdf Caney Fork; A. L. Harris, Can* da; L. W. Fisher, Sylva; John Green, Caney Folk;; John R. Diwson, Can-y Fork ; II. S. Qcecn Qualfc; Frank T Fugajte, Cashier's; M. J. Henry, Wil lits; Victor Brown, Cullowhec; Rin nom E. Hooper, East LaPorte; R. L. Hoi den, Cullowhec; Allan Adams, Cherokee; P. Cf Buchanan, Barker'* Creek; Jimca R. Ashe, Webster; J. E. Bridges,Qiuilla; Nathan Buchanan, Russie L. Sutton, Dillsboro; Sam Henson, Cullowhee; Paul Fugue, Cashier's; L. E. Hooper, East Li Porte; Cary Woodring, Tuckaseiger: Neal Zach try, Cashier's; W. H. Cow mi, WebaUrr; Herschel Cabe, Gay; Frank Co w mxi, East LaPorte; 0. K. Dillard, Sylva;- .lames Middleton, Tuckaseigoe; II. W. Phillips, Wolf Mountain; Geo. Rogers, Webster; f. S. Partner, Canada; D. C. Hall, Syl va; C'. G. Rogers, Cashier Is; J. W. Knsley, Sylva; E. D. Cogdill, Willto; H. 0. Curtis, Sylva; R. C. Howe'l, (^ualla; W. F. Shelion, Canada. Second Week T. II. Simpson, Cullowhee; Worlej W'ikb, Barker's Creek; Frank Dil lard, Pylva; S. J. Owtba, Webster; r. B. Sherrill, QualLi; Claud Parker, t'. 4-it La Porte; .1. L. Love-dab 1, Cow irts; Thad A. Pressley, Cullowhee; !::rla:id Ashe, (killowhee; E. M. I.li-.yd, Sy'v.i; Erie Coward, Cowarts; Herschel W. Aahe, Sylva; James H. imhanaji, Green's Creek; Walter B. ?sherrill, Dillsbnro; II. D. Fowler, #t>uvilp; C. A. Be?sleyf Sylva; R. Queen, Sylva; L. C. Moore Sylva; II, P. Cathey, S.yl.va; J. R. Stephens, [)nlLowhee, D( A. Beck, Hamburg; I. v. Franklin, Sylva; Wibb Gribble ifter a non-stop flight from the Izores. Tw0 days later the 4' Aeolus " Uso German, llcw in from Germany kia Bermuda. While fliers of other visions arc exploring tJ>e northern routes anrobs the Atlantic the Ger lums are ?studying the southern pas uig.-a, where ther> are islands at ivhich stops can be imtde. Veiy practical, it aoema to me, i* their idea of using flying: boats in stead , of regular planes. They ?egard the ocean ?* flight as ?* feat of MPuntauship, and fly only vbout 50 feet above "the wuter, whear.? :he winds are least severe. I flew from Naples t0 Ger.^a in on3 >f these German flying boats, a few koars ago, never more that 100 fest dtove the water, and I liked it better hau all the high fly?ng fl h*ve s cr ion?, y CONTRACT LET FOR LINK OF HIGHWAY A contract has beeu lot by the Stat'j Highway and Public Works I Commission for tlie grading of ap-! proximately four milts of Highway 1106 in this county. It is understood I the project contracted is tin* from: | Highway 28, in Cashier's Valley 'o' . Cedar Croek, ia Hamburg. This would 1 bu that part of 106 across the BlaV ' Ridge. QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K Terrell) - Qualia Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Faye Vainer, on Tues day, the 15ih. Qua!la teachers and the Parent Tcucher association are sponsoring a f'rx Suppvtr and Spelling Bi>e, on Saturday evening thr 26th,. Proceeds fo?' school miders. j Thero was an loo Tream Supi?.tr vit Olivet school houer:, last Saturday even in*-'. Pnr-eeerl.s for the hei:-i?: o' the school. Born, 'o Mr. and Mrs. Kelly IV u l. on Si-p'.easber LOt.h, a ?ni.| Several Quatla relatives o? Mr.? Iif-v.is Oxner are visiting lii.ni .ti his' how near Cullowliee. He is seriously i I. XTrs. Jess Blaaiou aud Mrs. Roj Bianfoa are visiting their father, Mr. ies {Bradley, of Wilmot, who has ! .'Hit s^rioualv ill ?;>r several day?. A. J. Freeman is spending a with her eLsUt, Mrs. Khodn Laud&w of Bryson City, Who has been ??ck f

j)cration of the members of the church, and extends a cordial in-' vitaticn *o the people of other churches. GRAHAM 70UTH DIES HEfiE OF ACCIDENTAL WOUND -Willie BarrLss, 17, died yesterday iii the ,1. Harris Community hos pital from "i shot-gun -wound. The lad accidentally shot himself Tuesday, while squirrel hunting near his home, at. Jap in, Graham county. BALSAM V (liy .Mrs. 1). T Knight) AL'. Jim Barnett, who had been iu bad health for several months, passed away at his home at Aquoiu\ and was laid to rest in Oakraont cemetery here Friday the 18th. Rev. Kay Allen eoiufuoted the service. Mr. Bvraett was u ell known iu Balsaui, having married a daughter of the lite Mn. C. A. Foster and lived here unlfcil a lew years ago. lie leaves a wife, i/hree -sons and two daughters and si veral grand children. Friday tlie 11th, the house ia which Mr. and Mrs. Edga: Frady lived burned down. VVUen Mrs. Frady dis covered the tire, she carried Jie two children to the burn and told .lieui to ?stay there while she ran back &>tJ carried out everything she could, but it was too late to save much. There was no one living near enough to call, and Mr. Frady was away. The house belonged to Mrs. R. M KeUer, of Cullowhee. visit Thursday. He was accompanied b/ his cousins, Mrs. Virginia Kimhtrlv and Miss Matilda Rothu, of W?iynes ville. Mr. and Mrs. John Reagan, of Oli vet, Mrs. Emma Woodward and Mrs. X. R. MeHan, of Whittier, and Sara Biyson, went t0 Newfound Gap. Clingman's Dome 'and several places in Tennessee, Sunday. Mr. Frank Brysou, who had a job! at Balsam Mountain Springs Hoteli this summer, acco'rpanicJ Messrs. Stiles and Knight to Milledgeville, ] Ga.t where he Till continue his hotel j work. Emost Jones, Ruth Warren, Dixie | Warren, Louis Green, Virginia Lind sey and William Coward accompanied j Bet-tie Ruth Hunter, who had beer visiting here, to her home in Staitharr.J Georgia, Sunday. FOUR ME HELD IN BRADLEY SLAYING .Jusriee of the Peace W. 0. Calhoun iji Brvson City, todiy, bound over to the Superior Court Jt^se Brown.. Daisy Lewis anil Cash ('lark, of Jack MKi comity, and Minnie Crowder, of Bryson City, on a murder charge in connome Iiecr. I tohl her I had no money uid she said she would buy it \V.-? iVent to J ick Cooper's plate and had i bottle together. While there Daisy iX'wis came in and tusked if wo didi: : I .rant to go on a trip We asked h ?r [arUevr we were going and she siid on i good {jnie. She told us that Ji\?* .-Ironii had hi., truck it the Chevrole. place and for us to come there when we were through. Wc met them then* jnd dmve to Dillsboro,where we stop jN-d and Brown and Miss Lewis said hey were ip?i:ig to get ?*>me liquo. W :h?y returned they hid a quart jar of whiskey. They then daov<- t ? ward Franklin and returned in .in hour or an hour and a hi If wi'h Cash Carl: and Minnie Crowder. We idl piled ruSo the seat of the truck and started toward Bryson City. We stopped three times on the highway for some of the party to drink liquor. When we came to a side roid we turn M off the main highway and went up tfhi.s road something like half a mil popped, and Brown turned the track $?band-4tuid we started back. I sakel why they were going up this road a.i-1 why they turned and then stopped again. Daisy 'Lewis cursed and said, 'we've got- to get the body of an old Bradley man we've killed. Guess you may keow him. He used to live in Sylv.i'. Jess Brown, Cash Clark and Minnie Crowder got out of the truck and walked up the road a few fe t, went into the bushes and brought out the dead body of a man which thev put in the bed of the truck. The y told Cash Clark, Minnie Crowder and mt: to hold the body rpright, 3?. t we wf -e seen they would think it wa-? I#?*iy going somewhcie. We st'T.c t k.ck toward Svlva, stopping o>i the Ki&'amVs Creek road and Brown, Clark, and Minnie Crowder got <*uf, taking the bc-dv. Brown said,'lay him across my shoulder and I will deliver him'. Then they went down a bank toward the river. They had left h ? body and we started toward Sylv-. Brown stopped once and said to nu, 'If I knew you would, tell I wopld kill vW. It was 5:30 when we left Ryl. a and about 10:30 whim they let m?j out tr? go home". The defense offered no evidence ? in the preliminary hearing. Bradley was employed by tho Papi-r l*>ard Plant in Sylva and made ho hoiue here until a short time b' tlOON A5M9MOM. 'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Furlc Gatf-s to Carry Melton, bo b of Jackson county. t', (jr. Resell, McDowell county, TVnn lo'Margaxct Queen of Dillsboiu i Riav Deitz to Nannie Ikll? Hughes, ; both of Swain. Sylvester Jones of Jackson lo Eth-J. Burnett of Uavwood. Andrew AVjke of Swain to Edna Scrcggs of Clay. Virgil Holers to Mary Buch man, both of Jackson^ Vergil Ashe t0 Huldy Golden, botk of Jackson.) Barton Cope to Bonnie Monteith, Jackson. Samuel Milam of Wilkes to Ge.ievi Cowan, of Jackson. / Charles M. Reed to Sadie Reeves, both of Sylva. Hymin Cbastain to Gx&eie Wik'c, both of Jackson. Lloyd Burgess to JVmnie Belli Sfflhwfl. Charles Willi am Norman to Bftotya "?w-. . .. J