V^T^cimTlni C0P>rrT SYLVA, NORTH CAEOLWA, 15, 1936 ... i. r* ? T... " ? - fUC A TKA* w ASVAITOE OUTSIDE THB OWJlTrr Count Is Under Way Vtion"1 Newspaper Poll i ? ijd Wit-111) ! , |8! (W..VT 13.?The (P.M ? r ""[c ,, Fll i'" I'"*! '? "!l ? V*!-???.' V"? """" \ i? ? >?'<*'?i k>" fiai,? ,#kB"l "-Ti '#*?!?**? tto* . flcry?k"? ? I'"'"1"1'1":"; *V. to? I""''"1 P . ;u thin iVitioxi wide poll t...duo:i-a ur tlic !it?t L WD [^r ^ u ut. fo JM thilt i tulili ? lU t,a rv,i> ""'vt' the ????*?. If IIK'IT fti'l-C 110t VO.l'? luM^1 ' A m - ? ?i J.lilifKUl *?i?lUC llf"' i ^ *aw t" w-llu;ut iuc;u>u"^ ! 1 i'v nii ^ial 'tuiiuls'tittu. " y jy aUtO.? in l^c J * ilow tiu- xaing i*tr?iow'/ I ,i Lo i>.>.?ibili:j tl-ut ihe.v over tL> other c.Iuimi jyfcai tatu'::iio?? now uml?-r . trf. These miUm mv Coiit.iM ii- i [jiMtf'V., ^ 41 . -.U .'u 1M' 4 ' a ' I ,,r L:u ? ^"4v 'l ^ |lUi IjV ilVit rt i i'k U>t*'. p,j?alar voti : -mi-* ** lU-oL nod ?jaswtrk > ioni'>, Lumlou is loud Hojgi-Vilt in the smalt towu ftJid yj vow oil the W.io of 5 'to 3. ife bf J v?/te i*j j Jjtril, Mi'llLi-W a,ld Cl.i(j iu :i.? iii tlw tin* Iri.tU-IS. l\i iV>m' vi 1 Vh Vi iCk oi jx.'iiii.j ti ir.in 3P tl. Zte. rfli ..tbulal' 'i. Kjtci:!* :j?- ii.? MutwVuig* of *lu jTviuCiiilil eattdklutos in tfw? Uiry uv>|q*r fOi< ;K Lliti r:t<. 3th 'ft.'k. Udi'i66.i^c lio*v*.1i 37.0 -J. 1 |lkia? .... .",171 u.^ bfoVi'iT .... ^ I'lri.. ..... .. i:* i 0.3 'l ! ,i?. itjyfu% ?iiwli 1 *!fi fi;.- if Jj,' fi3f??c. i l ??f; | ./.or*;; 07.7V-: .. S-M.nVj 3r.li tiA, . . 4 7 1 U) ?/j'S l'HV I I^ V'Wvi^ !u,i? ?-v. ll. v9.^ S?/.' I :)r? ]l?0/, ^ i ir >),. o.rjVitry fi|f? -v 1 '?wHtv.i jr pr > ii*r lU' ta-' ^?s. 'IV iw U ?:utv tv ? P*viJ, iO.' A' Ht- A!it?M'n-i r Smieo ?au'\ 1 ,\n j?ri..y ^C.iook lic-fr nuti'irjd' J'iv.w v. *'> r for this poll, v> mitrn-wlc ro*wn; r.i xt "\vpck. H^CRIUWffiH'S CUNIC 10 ^ HllLD OCTOBEE IV Anie for 1 . I-* pW"i? \ f M fi.r ih<* counties ot \ [J**. Swain, Graham I C\uv will l.f W-tk'- | p: !hW H ,il,\UUr in Hrytmn r t-' r>dlv, OctoVr 17, hoffi?MinR ?' \. M. diUlnn m\ odals * "w?M to attend Uiiii ?KnW? to I |)r. ,l?,hn T. Ha under*. 1 I >.s tlu. ovmn'miutf 1^"' | - Mr. Him-n Y. Dav'v , of Bryrcn < , i* the C\miruv?n o? the Cliul'1 i V^tUtv. Otlwi-H si-n'i'.ig wi^Vi Mr 1 fir' ^ "m,u,dlti>e uro W. C. | P** nM Mv... U. c. Hart U the I |V U So]> rviwiT ' l1',l,l oVtlljf.'ft* wpU :<< Mip. ' ,a.> }''l"' N""rt>i CVr--?\?\.a Oll|? v!fV,,. C'knm>Wi(>n. i (.i ^ F.f i\ nry V> rV ji'.v-' j ?. dr utlicttocmlKT* , .i-"v ?t>, M' K>V "V l?f t>,t> H(Vf ry \% k i ^Vh> FanWn\, Brvs?,n ICf, n 0r ^ Uo*'8 CM? ?* i 1 ? TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockbriidge) MUSIC .. .. ? dwa the ftmrow One of the early American philoso phers?I think it w a* Thoreau?wrote '' Give me the man who sings at hi3 work A modern version might be '4 give me 'the mm who liatena *to the radio ait lus w?rk". Not rU of us can sing, and ?oiii? of us work .at trades in which music would be an annoyance, but the general idea that music is helpful in getting through the drudg ery of I be day'a work is sound. I don It know how many cars havo radio.1*, but "there's music in the air' along -ainioit every oountry ioad and oity street. The latest application, of i tliis idea is the radio-equipped farm tractor. Doubtless the furrows seem -horter when they are ploughed to tbe accompaniment of '.'If Tbis Isal LoV?>." OOBKSOORKS - J shortage One result of the civil war in Spnin has been to threaten a world shortage of oorks. Cork u the bark of a par ticular kiud of oak tree which is cul tivated principally in Spain. After the tree is a few year.? old iti thick Uiik can be stripped off ev.uy year without hurting the tree. S>me Span ish cork groves have been s0 harvest ed for hundreds of years. Years *go LeLaiid Stanford tried t< introduce the cork oak in California. Sonic of the tree* he planted are pr o ducing las well i s tlv*ld eork 'ti coiu lnerictll quantities. Germany Ins just enacted a decree forbfWiftg tbe:?M ?f c?rka in bottle*. Only honaegrown wvos ?> e I hear, a?\d 1 crr. fc i thiit i -an a. bit skeptical ?nib ut a 1'ew sni-'tiuffe dl., /overy report'. ! ??. few v5aj? The port i a poultry forme; Li i'Jiu..is has toonrt that by >\x|.<*in;, his chickens to ultm-N iol. t ry ju st'ifld ol' sunlight he caji prxlutie fowl i iwhwl; have only white lueot when cooked for the Vible. U' .tru.-, tJiiy v.'i'l le v.elcomu iu-ws to the chiekeii waters wh?? alwayn want a 4'-lice off ;U> l>r< asi, ple>u?e.M -Kor any part, 1 .secm to lf.sk enthu siasm. My choice, wlion tl.c family gives mo 'flto option ni what part of the ckHcoi I want, is the "stooiul joint". That vouVIn't t?sto lilaturaJ il ii were wbito meat. GOLD . ). worth hunting The worM *camtv of g-ld, iwl Ms r.-..Jt-wjucnt high prico resulting from i he- devaluation 'of so many of the rtcrld's eurrcncii*, ha* been a boctti to gtVl miners everywhere. Ores which didn't p:iy to work at their old pru'-rj* :iow yield" Msonu* profit. Canada lias a ical gold mining hoom. Mora tlum 125 mil's are now extracting gold from Canadian fW. l^a.st y?ir ".bout ni/io million tona mf ITO i\Vt!)'0 mil'ed, yielding aboult 2,600, <*00 on new of gold. Tlie first half of t!ifs year, the gold ?output of tjio Do minion wa? even larger. "Oo'd is whejv you find it'f. It pays, the^e days, to hunt fr?r gnW. A I leftist twice ha much as i3 now av?il /fble, is needed, to bring the world's flmu)cc6 baek to normal. 0\> out and fmd yoraJSelf a gold mine, vonng fellow. VETERANS ... .. G.A.-R. Tho Grand Army of tho Republic he'd its l?Mt parade a eoupl? of weeks jJ7o. I remember when the men ion will largely pertain l0 x'.inig People's Work. Miss Curvin, of Raleigh, Slate Yminv People's Leader of North ('.nn-linji Woman'? Missionary Union will sp.ak Mite Julia Mather, S nth wide Yww;g People's Le/*ler, Birmingham, Ali.,' will also he on lJiis program. Mi's. J. it. >1 organ, of W?ni *;xillc, Divisional Sirjx}r:.sT'nd*jnt, will pre id<> over tlie se.-skm. Mi*. E. K. El 1110ve,; f 1 of Mars Hill, is Seeret.irv nnd Treas urer; Mn. Ei*.?en<; Coker. Mars Hill. Youm; Pe .pleV( Lewdet; Mrs. J. F. Brooks, Hendewonville, Personal Ser vico Chairman; .and Mrs. J. C. Owen, Spruoo Pine, Minion St inly Chaiiin.ft4i BALSAM r - - - V Ilom to Jlr. ami Mis. Marion Aahe, Sunday. tJhc 4th, a fine girl, Mary Joe The l'olifrwiiig weiiit to Newfound Uap aiKl Cliugman's Dome in tho Smoky Mountain* National Park, Sua 'My. Mrs. M?ivbt'l<6 Pony, ilr.- an?'? Sara Toagttc and Mrs. Mary Enslov, 0f W.Hvn^svlllf. Wa had a very liijbt frost, Monday moraing?no damage reported. Washington Eyes f residen iiai Race l' I irngton, 14?While Wajtymigrton & aWi::ti< n 13 not in the h a^Vnp:?igns ruter into the picture this year that nobody feels quite suw tlmt the ns>nal ,'sigtts whwih have heretofore been relied up on Vjll prove rcliible in 1936. i Bi^t whetherMr. Roosevelt or Mr. I.rih.d".n is e| ected, the mill 11' the Stfpi^me Court xviii grifnd 011 as if" th/ara h?a^ been no political campaign. Il js not expected any importa: ; d -cisvuH will W hauded down until, after ele;Lion, but Iran then on there wil'.'-b? a. sueeessioii of decisions oh t n, at h ast of the acts of the- 73rd j ".r.d 74th Congresses whose comititu-; tionality has been elwlVnged. TJie principal feuv : under -att elc art? the Wagner Lain.** ite'siti-ears Act, the Frazier-Leiiike Farm M<:rtj,agt. Mora torium measure, the .1933 ?"lruih In I Securities" act, the Public Utility gilding Company act. Mid the lighit of PWA to milk;' loans f:;r publicly owned hydro-elect ri? p'unts. The Wagner Labor Relations Act, wliish established the National Labor Rotations Bos ul -ind gnaiiautecd tlic i right ot' ecll'-etive bargaining to toll employees, ha^ been challenged by the /i :s.'ilitvd Press and by the Bradley Lii.isber Company of Arkansas. Tho Lower courts li?ve upheld the consti tutionality of the act. Now the Su preme Court is to paower system?. Their complaint i.-> that this puts ihe government ii.to unfiir competi tion with private :..isincss. The action of tho Supreme Co.ui!. 011 thi> and the Public Ctility (\>mp;in\ act i'< ex|>efttr>d to Irirg a hvid the conflict between Federal Giwru nwsit and puh'.-e viii ".ties, A step toward , ;?.b-"?ut bet ter relations b 'H . '..he Cover:.meat ami privately ow;: <3 \x ' ^gl pgg!^^ J O ? ;. cA Rich Gets Life Sentence?Morgan Thirty Years In Murder Cases W. C. T. 0. ON PROGRAM TOR TEACHERS' MEETING Cil'-owhee, Oct. 12?Members o? the faculty and-students of Western Car olina Teachers-College will take a conspicuous ]virt in the program and acii\ fries of the annual ^neeting 'f western division of the North Car-> iir.a Teachers Association, in Aslie ville October 16 and 17. President H. T. Hunter, chairman of the liigher education division, will preside at the banquet .at Lee EiU wards High school, Friday evening. Miss Lilla Ketchin, education teach er here, wiil discuss "Some Essen tial-; of Unit Teaching". Mr. Clyde W. Humphrey, head, of the business -education departments will speak e-n, ?'Guidance in Business Edwatum" before the association of business ed ucation leaehers. Mr. John S. Sc y, mo;j- wiij as his topic " Econom ies and Social Changes Tlmt Should Affect Higher Education". Prof. Robert L. Madison, tonnd r of the college, will take part i" t\v.? ] cpisodft: that liic college is to give in the pagemit Many students will tak? part in the two episods t,h>at are to depict the Siute-wide "Trvtion for public school- in 1838 .?nd the of tiie request fc.ir funds from the General Assembly to establish a nor | ma) schcoil here in 1803.. Thos** epi so?sihility of| pardon, .ni ter ho entered a plea oi guilty a.s aecesscry before the fact of the murder of Otto Jordan, in thtf Olivet section of QuaJl-i township, oil I-abor Day, 1934 Claude Morgan, of Sylva, wis sea triced to 30 yeartal in the State Prig* on, after lie entered a plea of guiHyj of murder in the second degree fo$ i-laving Lyndon Carden, young, Sylva tilling stsvtion operator, on Sunday, May 30, last, at Carden's station, jiis^ cut side the city limits. Fred Holland and llow.ard Mo.^eSj ix*th ot Tuekasejgee, are now on tri* al. charged with the murder of Alvid Middleiim. -it Turkat-eigee on AugiM|k 5, last. The State is not asking for $ Hr-t verdict in tins case. Kie 11 i.'j/nped immediately aftdl} he killed Jordan, and remained at large for nearly two years before Ihi? big taken. Since his arrest, last M.ay^ he kas be<'ii in ftunoombc jail. On Tuesday he was brought into eourlj and .arraigned. Judge Harding ord the \VPA survey of the blitui ill Western North' Carolina distrir... i