( \ ( . .1 .4 ii te* gf/LKOE IN THE OOPWTY SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOT tui A TEAS Ol ADVAJTOE OUTCOME THB OOBATH WOMAN MW ' L "?c ?f . **. te. lov, J WO"*" j? *" " t btr 1>?? ?? ?- - W ;a at tlu ot ^p'UUH)!U8, ;, . * n, had 1*H U irt % iiiwu >i"" ?"L, 0f tfaU iwurty. ",,J Li ,***;i fe J 1|W n?.'j?r !"' ,u' ^ lier lone I." ?"d >? VA-f** rX 'V?t ?n?*ui Y ,?,w * wbj" .:??her 2r?' i"'1' s?"' "? ? fillkn, JllH ,*J Mr, Liurctia llryion An^S wi?l a >"??bei j^Jrva, -swc^awlebildrt. qualla ,By Mrs J. K X?*nvll j L, lionet i, :u*i-stitl b\ H?> J;,rtlMrs. Vilnti Chamber. UiiVflmluHiii1; iv\ iv.il jW* fit,:.uiv!i .'hi* nc.k ^rs'wi fwriin-rSy Mil* j,Sriw ''i' [jtiioiOl'ii >!:?!?? Qu.tl'tolt?* < tol iv'.oi'i st?l;-r M'l?'r*i?')is ?t j'j i'ii in 11:, ^ifday morn 1 r 'S f t eh'Jfc'i #.??.? K. v. J. L. j ijiiily ;i It ;<.ki':? linii' liome ?x k Mi*. :??.'! Mi'-. Frank iln J-1#, i'.'-11 tt. j C. Hi-y!v- >jw;tu last w? ik ?' U'. !!.vk Smokcmont.1' ililr-.Tprn .l?>h:^on aiul son J *,u?t iiiowil to Chorokotf. I dlK I/iil er Jloyb liave lib. iswtr vi si thy rcla ? ? * Hujrhtv iiiid Mra Kiurua fiStmi h:iVf b.t?u Yt?itinjj tS. i fc MuiLis or' Wliittior w'.ay in Qualla. ! llr< P." II Ftrgusop, f' TrrH! ;u?l I). C'. Hugh?? t?!rij? to Sylva. iwie Sue Evans, Home fl'v (Upc.1 on Mrs. Boulah Cnky. Ki+noi viaitol at Mr. J. . *aoda.v. Mutli. v, has moved to ? * ,r? !?? ii':i Fortiivrti of Bet!) ^?''1 t!.p w. ck end wiMt GBI-S IN NOVEMBER M'ii:t.i:|i. rt' filt'DviUi*, tiuiufij! Dr. Townscud launched his proj. ect, and wua givou ?n impotus by the Sooiul Security Aot. I do not unagiuo tho ultimate achomo will bo like cither of thoue. It 'anybody is going to buve pen sions, then everybody should haft them. At present, only certain favor ?h! groups aro pensioned. Paupers ,'ct old pun&iotM, ^ d0 veterann ?f some of our Wats. Railway cm ptoycoa are peiuiomd, so are employ es ot the Fedex^a! Government, of most stato governments aud of raiuuy aiuiiieipalities. It Rooms to me i0 be the fair thing o pension everybody ;it a given age. tnd tax everybody to pay the pen siona. JNEMPLOYED . . . count 'em I hope the next tiling the Adminu .ration at Washington does Mill, be to malcu an accurate count of the number of persons still unemployed. Nobody know* how nvmy there ur% iust as nobody knows how many ot tlwin ever were employed. A truthful lansus of unemp'oymeat should tcl' u3 1k>eteut |>ersous who never have worked when they could avoid it, yet man o god .somehow to kt*p going. We bive made llrtse folk into a 1 tavorod sp'.+ial clas:;, which is not o. d tor them cr for the rust of us. ?tit why not count 'em and Jet us now whero we stand t .'ARTIES neceasairy The two-party syst-ln hits bevm functioning in America since our na tion was .1 baby. Theoretioilly, it u tho wrong way ..to run a nation. In practice, human naturo being what it is, it work* better tl?ui any other system which has ever been tried. Under cur two party -system the in lependcnt voters, wh0 y received,? '? ; 38BS3B8BSW& WALNUT TREES Df BLOOM ? ? Mr. A. 'J. Dills ,s?yo that black (By Mrs. D. T. Knight wah.ut trees in his pasture jurct be The eleotion ju.sso;l off ijniet'y hero yoifl the town limits wore "in blooir jjr. ann ? , - motored to HeiulersonvilJe, Sunday, it my sell' >onioiim.s I dotrt like th-',wi S1>r,t the day with Vhe A. H methods oi' most {>oSitici;uc3, and I .Mchaffey family. have known very few in tli'at fla s h ! pl(>v. H. D.Jetsup lias returned at ion whose vro-.d I would h* willing io Methodist church, and will o take without finest'.on preach every second and fourth Sun But government is :i political mal-^nys at 3 o'clock P. M. !erf -vnd the men who l,!an nm Mrs. W liter Baines sp:st Sunday nents most effectively must of nores- in: Asheville with relatives sit j' be endowed with the politica.' AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH -4!ft. Some of the ablest (men we hive ?: ever elec^r d to high offtee have been Suixlay School at 9:45 A. M. failures .is administrators hccUuse Preaching servicc 11'Al M. ?r..d 7:30 they did not underhand politics. And P. M. each Sunday. some of the most successful nun i;? . Visitors and it 11 those l.ot worshj;j public office have no;. hid much equip pin? elsewhere are given a oo'dial i?v ment except -he deep understanding rits.tion to atUsyl all of thene services, of human nature and how it reacts in K ?y. M. M Hocutt the paster will the m.iss, which is the usee ice of p>> ivtnrn the b;tter port of this week !i'.i'".d education. niter attending the sessions of the Polilcians -u-em to'me, ilu reforest o ILip&t State Convention in Durham . O lie Uiider Ihe Ha. >i(ie?tio!i of nee- and will preach at ooth services, Sm ?s.-irv evils". ?iCIAL VOTE FOR. JACKSON COUNTY, NOV. 3, 1936 Precinct 11 -! I1I 5 8 ' I : I ?4 W o ? M u a 2 a ft $ I .3 I a 3 i ? ' a g o 3 CP 0 1 A I 03 V C fk ft A I CO ? O I /? P4 S3 * O ?a ? v izr U* * W i ? i - f I fc I rt 115 I /9 | 112 | 81 1117 i 78 j 157 j 102 j 109 200 J 31 I J 99 j 37 ! 192 | 37 | 192 [ 37 J 192 185*! 2.1*3 | ] 86 | 234 J 18(5 | 233 j "185 1 230 J 187 2.(2 ! 157 ! 237 | 168 | 236 j 157 J, 131 j 161 W I 171 | 260 | 160 | 26^16Gi ^^/i6(rf261 248 I 46 | 242 | 43~) 2^2' 1 ^4-2~T258~j 42 j 261 fnFriO? I 638~Jl63 | 636 | *163 I ?21_j 170 j G26 "" | "V J a" l''/? M m~ 1 ?? JA I r% 0 -Tk I irw 1" nr?r ! l ?? f C\ ia 243 } 150~| 244 f140 [ 242 69 | 82 | 64 | 88 | 64 101 | lfl7 j 102 ! 165 j 101 261* I 239 ! 266 j 238 ] 263 ~95 j ;!8 I 97 |~35 j "95 3UT222"i'"320" I 231 I 316 341 [112 [320 {1*14 | 331 303 j 291 ' 290 j 291 | 289 51.0 I 48u I 520, ) 476 | 517 156 ! 104"j 158 I 103 | 157 | 102 | 157 j102 | 155 ! 146. j 223 | 145 j 223 ; 145 J 218 J 146 j 221 157 | 235j 147 ! 249 86 [ 67 | 33 ; 36 165 | ~96~| 161/104 238 j 259"J 234 I 272 36 j 99 j~~33 | l01 234 I 303 [.208 | 306 112 ? 324 J l id J 327 290 |~279 | 293"j 295 476 1 501 j 477 | 509 73 | 115 | 75 | 105 | 77 26 | 201 | 20 ; 192 | 26 228 p95~! 222 1_137~|~227" 227 j 103 | 224 | 154 j 227 165" | 265 | 164 \ 263 | 105 " 42 | 255 | 43 \ 2>:? J 42 159 j 6 IS j 166 J 624 j 167 131 I 275 I 126 ! 246 I 138 112 161 63 | 91 [ 64 | 85 106-1161 | 100 (ToT 233 | 270'| 232 i' 273 i 232 32 1 100 | 32 | 101 j " 32 218 | 303 | 218 | W! 218 119 j 336 | 108 i' 327 j 111 286 j 299 | 283 | 279"! 297* 472 | 518 || 469 j SCO I 479" 623 | 167~| 6SS~|T6r;"63i"| 164 J 627 | 251 j 133" | "245" |134| ?33~ | 129~ I 249 ~64~ | ~87 CMfaBTM {"91" j" 63 103 | 151 | 106 | 154 I 10 2 143 j 216 | 163 { 218 | 147 71 I 169 1 69 I 163 I 71 109 I 73 i 108 : 73 I 10 190 | 26 | 190 j 26 | 192 26 j 192 188 | 227 | 187 j 228 | l!?2 ; 226~j 184 160 j 228~j 159 | 226 | 159"j 224 fl59 263 j 165 j 263Y165 | "262 I 166~ | 263 260 j 42 J 260 j 42 | 259 j"42^260 rz 110 |108 L 73 I 73 100 I 161 j 101 I 161 i 96 I 161 j 98 271 j 232 j 271 | 232 ) 271 j 232 j 276 101 j 31 j 102 I 31 [ 100 J 31 j 101 308 j' 217 j 306 | 217"| ~306 "j"217 | 3Q3 328 j HT~i~329~fill I 32D j 113 j 316 292" j 289 J 284 | 292' j 289 j 292 | 292 509 I 471 j 502 I 473 f "514 j 465 | 505 154 j 101 ! 153 I 103 j 153 | 101 | 158 219 J 147 I 218 J 148 I 22") j 143 j 220 167 I 71 I 167 I 71 i 167 | 70~ I 167 190 I 26 I 26 186 || 229 j 231 " 159 j 228 I 228 ; 264 j 166 j 165 j 260 'l .42 I 43 ! 626 j 164 J 164 j .250 j 1&3 I 134 : ~64 I 84 I 85 j _r>8 I 161 I 161 i 271 I 229 i 232 101 I 31 I 31 ! 303 I 213 I 214 [ 327" I 125 109 ] 285 j 289 I 289 J 502 "(-474 I'476 I 155 I 101 [ 100 J 220 j 147 I 145. 167 f. 71 j 71 I . 164 ! 70rj 167 I 69 j 167 ; 69 { 165 J 71 j 167 , , , , _.. , ; i I W'tmws !?W| 447413008 !?39, J2992|4618 |g)62j _?13[30Mj4SS7j979j4534_|2Wg_40M|2965 [4543 j4638 (29S6_[gf> . r^7?1 PT^? i . i i i i 1 1519J [1520 | |M07 f i 1466| |1647 | |165~6~ | ]1509| [1578 [ [1552 | | 1599| | | | | | Many Problems Confront f 1 The New Deal Congress WILL GIVE CONCERT Miss Virginia Giu-tafst,*, teacher of violin in the depart ment of niudc of Western Carolina Teaehens College, will present ta program of musi: Sr.wlay afternoon, at 3.15 o'clock the parlors cf Moore Dormitory,* a* Jullcv.hee. S!.c will be aeempanied at the piano by Air. Coarse TVacy. Mi3s tji1.vt4fr.0n is from Kansas City Ma, a:jd is a graduate of the Eastman >c1k>oJ of music in Rochester, N. Y. The program follows: Sonc'a in A il'ijo**, Handel: Adagio, Vllegro. v<*wr.io in E Minor, Conns: Illegro vi \x>, adagio, Cadenz;. Ulcgro cw? fuoco. Allegro, Fiooco. iiebe.ifeiKl, Kreisler. Old Refrain Crosier. Spanish Dance No. 3, Mos koswski. CARNIVAL AT OULLOWHEE The students of Cullowhee High j ^hool will hold a carnival at the ! ngh school auditorium at Cullowhce tomorrow, Friday evening, Nov. 13. One of the features will be a one . -t pi ty. 'Squiring it with lh" Hrws". Thi: out will consist Ilillie Brysori Edith Seagu, Katherine Brown, Jennings lacker, Irene Green Beit Battle. The play is coachad by Mias Winona Hooper,-teacher of ? : English department. Other features include the- tellmg of fori cues, various games ;md a negrt) minstrel, sponsored by Mr. E. V. Desna, science teacher of the high chooL CUNNINGHAM IMPROVING Friends of Mr. T. T. CytuiiiJgham, Sylva m^cliant, who operates a store xi Cullowhce mad, will be glad to "awrcr that he is improving, after * se aw?* I*'' 'SQUIRE POTTS ILL - '.'i'' Esquire R. P. Potts hat? been quite ;i*k at his home, the Sylvia Hotel, for lie past two weeks. IS. GLCNN MBS. GLENN BETTER Mrv. Kaymond-Glcr.n. who has been dl, at her home 011 Main Street, is umiewhal improved, her "friends will be gbil to learn* *? *'.? ^ ? . v ? ( > brings down big buck Mr. Ray". C?gdiU, who was among lux's d er hiuflijK? week. brought down a treme:.ilbiis - 'mek, which h? ,hot ia TraaB?lVfcai* ciAmtv. JOINT MISSION MEETING All gr.mpl of the Wooma>V Mrwio 1 arv S.vcietv of the Sylvu Methodist church will meet at the elrorch, 4oml?r row. Friday evening at 7.30. With the reeiccliou of President ivooscvclt the major question which now iutcrcsis W ashington is whether the ?\cu" Deal policies will be continu ed or whether the Aumiuistratcn and the new Congress will Uikj a iiiorj COIiSCl\51*1 ? 15 aliunde ill public Mttqjigj i he general beac-i' iicre is that the licit lour years constituting Mr* [Roosevelt's second term, will not bd -v? tilled with spectacular experiment* in govi ruuu ut as ihe period just pars ed. ? Da.piie the sweeping victory oi the Democrats, it is the belief here that Kepublu-.au opposition in Congress will be mucJi better organized and led than in tlie past two Congress*^, an<* that there will be u o wing toward the conservative side in the Democratic ? leadership. An iijtert sting phase of the Congivj sional situation is the rise to promi nence in tlie Democratic Party coun cils of the Texas group. Vice-Presi dent Garner is the leader of this bloc, which is moro powerful than most ;>eoplo realize. ??Seven other Texans ii-. tlie Lower House, including Represo;; fatives Riayburn, Connolly, Sumner?, ?laniu Jones, Ruchiuian, Laninni, md Patiu.tu, yield among them a pow jrfal iniiuenee. They have a doise ti.? with rhe Administration through an ither Texan, Jes^e Jones, Chairmi'i ii' the Reconstruction Finance Corp0 ' ration, who in many respects is th'* ;vo-il powerful figure in the cxecurtiv-' department. Texas ha-; six conuuitte ? ?b.urmen in tlie House On the Rcpuplican nde the stage .>> ?:ct for an active :ind aggressive Op position, looking forwiard to th* Congressional elections of 1838 an t the Presidential election of 1940. Th; foremost Republican leaders are K.p rescntatives SnclI, Wldsworth, HolLU ter, Bolton, Martin and Ib^qadwayvki- '* the tinue to be the nominal loader by vir tue of seniority, but as he is regarded by his associates as distinctly pro Roosevelt, the actual leadership will fall to Senator Vandenberg of Michi gan, who seized the reins laat wiwt.r and led the only effective opposition which has developed in the past thre. and ia half ycai?s. All the indications, *herefore, poim to serious and intense political activ ity on Capitol Hill for tlie next twa yaara. -- There is some doubt whether Rep reeenta/tive Bankhepd of Alabama, the Speaker of the House, will be abb. o continue in that office. The princi-. pal candidate for the speakership, i the event of Mr. Jiankhoud's ret in meni, are licpre.-jenta.tives O'Conn f>f New York, Raybura of Texas mi l McOornrack oi' .Massachusetts. Th. Kammany influence is expected to >r stronger in the. new IIou=e, and th 1 Idoo will have the balance of pow-Y on many issues. ? Another thing whioh serin? Perky; i is that there will be moro lobbie?'?in t imore powerful oiies trying to influ ence Congress on behalf of special rroujls and minorities than ar an\ ?rovious "iiiie. The hibur lobby wil? ?nnJ/ably- be the most powerful ol toning as it,-: objective Ihe iuiley, (':>.d Rill, the Six-holir Day or r. il:-f>id workers and the 30-hotir /eck tor all employees. Part of'th; jabor program is to try to bu'ld :r? i->troug labor party to play a par? a the damj^aign of 1940. The effort of the farm lobby will bt 'o. keep what it has rather than to n-ge further benefits for farmer':. The Veterans' lobby, however, having suc ceeded in getting the prepayment ef the l?onus over the _ President '??? veto, has been enconragod to believe tfaht it ?an get anything it wonts. What i? qnfs now is a general life pension for veterans and t.V widows and or >lcliiK.of veterans. So far ?? Washington. obrierver; rjtolitical mnchine of his ?? ? and it would be pditioally inexped ? ient to replace him if he wanta to stay. T! ig the general belief that (Fk-OM Turn To Plage S)