^' m. ^ * ? '* ^c\ f ^ " f - V '. S* ? ? t ' .:o, " "- ?-??- ?""?' ? ^ ;&#> * ? -r > ? \ 1 - >. ??? ? ?? ? - ??"? ? ? *? ? x / ooirorr ICful Figures Will Be (present In New Congress .VovWIlbtT, U'.?Sow [j, Hid ?re in L j, drfwU-ly iwUiin that tizo ' J,;, icivt- emi,a Lrger mijori Uft Hoi??: fi I''greai thau r K'w'iiii^wu u iw longer oau P^fwitL i*^ihk opp#sitioD f propi'am l'u> l'r<*ident mav Ulwtfifr l<?' wants bo can el nutil he dwurai hiaml? 0Kt is nilljcr futi'e as to wfet jKf- m ot r'J? *YOnd Jtooaeve't pistrjtioa wii/ be. IfvligM, as ? OiMCtXQOj |)r.'ymliiu? lUKcii .V) witu One oi ilui nd&t colonul per ?i ??o it;u bet1:: icon on Capi ? 10 in; rlif past t'oucrjtiou. g to :iic Jeiig-iit of the ?1-jJtLV." .([iUOl'i '.Lllti Li6 JW58) J;,j u lit bcu:tH\ ill) is titaiitor lliwtou Uwij Ot' Iiiuoii, ?.rctemJ :0 us ".fun Him." if./* itx> h:? Many olaiais to dia 'X lie ;-"j 'er example, the only ?p c?er iii the Unitej I l'.i? L,G*** ??>'n lw0. differ0tU ^ u young ma#i# with a fiery Krl fce wont froui hii native wtwtlu' tht-u pio:.ecr state ui yghm in 1SIH)'S? leaP?d ini,> sod wui twice elected ?ou ?rt-hiige from that state. He t tfcfc Spanish Wav, both ?H di the Philippines. Thau ho where he cumbiii?'l . ?;h tl: ? pmetU'c of law, and 2 fct. r.ad !iwdo,.-himself iuch an w; ngur.l in the politi?al i ii Illinois t'wt he waa ?leote'i ^Sta'^s Senator. r,: M u-.-ts "Jim liatn" wa. irom Washington,, but in it wis *^aui elected Seiatfoi Iliinou and '.his nuuth he wis ,?l Stsu.itor Lewis id not only J} omior <?! jl beard in th iit ii easily the best drcdaed ?f either iioit-e of <Jougr?*i?. >Senator L.wis, who Io?ea no [j to iuiprcte his peitWBuu 9K tLu diccturute Itcpisesenti iiti'.iiu is reputed to bav? wiuiJe & CaUipaigu for election, iteifijure in ike ^ text Coufre>0 bt L lowLed forward, to u +?i>L-e..l.'c iut?r<wt and curi t <? i: Htuiry Oabot Lodgo, t.*i ilLf?aci.uiett-:. Mr. Lodge ha ?lfei--? ctuinii to distinction. He V Hudson a:id i.?mebake of |3.?'? 1!>^.."it 'i closoHt friend k v> h<> wa.? Senator froni LaV'I.ui('.Uc Lr 30 jvirs. He 4* ?' -rt'.4ei Gov. Curlcy of M^soohu i;t"'' lb' 'Vifttori.d election. Loilc- is ju-t barely old ^'L t,j I- oli^ble for the Senate.. 1 '!?? 'i; to o.'.l a:.d r 30 may sit, by 1 !"f". -f the Constitution. Y<m?K i-'-i-O'lft vus 34 iu July list. Hi farther distinction of being '^c'tkc f> w mtmbtrs of Con^re1*; 'U; priwqtal career haa beea th"?: working paper rasil. kn^? [?]ge sji.ir*e j in the Boa to:: "^npt i,, 1923 and in 1924 joineii of th,. Xc w York Hertild '?mc with which he has been oon N dlino'i down to the present. ,;rH' from Capitol Hill to th? | ?'iid ot I\;nii.,.-ylvauia Avenue,! -att cj'.i'uiiv,; (ljepftxtm iiita of) *A>verii!nent << tiicr, gv>3sip ubou. .^litifs fuoasi's brgely on po-? | , ^-bint-.t chaiges. It seems to b. k'*srd that the niovemont to .a ii.1' lu>w Cuhinet Department? .' Public Widfaro will tak ^ *(w la,p. <1,,'Par'- Tnont would bt *'"'M'utif? which now devolv i;?r!V u^>u ",f Apartments of N Woiinr, AKTi^ultureaihd Treat siifh activities a ch"Wren'R bureau, the "?iv , 1011 t'1P mother^? pen 'l- w",' m^"-v ^ P^'W? Tv lal ^mity Act. -if tr, ^1>arlrn('nt may aho take ?Wi? Lrf.th,: He*uh 1 -trv T, J*' .a buTft;m '??W;A " ^htde the bureau '?'rTWnli h " now in th? In* ' J m! f nt'r ^ would prob r>r' l;i> of Til. t s'nel,y "priculturaJ. j lbout Donald At,^'?v t!"li!1,0 flppointed ' ttv n1 ^ a m?mbor >p ?u! i?l,rt Btoneli ^ ^ Zw,as morf TU*7 ^ two CO % ? ^*7 ooeur. TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockbridgc) CYCLING Mil papula* One of the most iitfterwting devel opments of the past few ycarp hu Leea the revival of popular interest 14 bicycling. More bicyehv we i* use now thou ever before, people ip the taade report. In America, bicycling u still much more more a sport than a means of transportation. In Europe the oatii i nary working man out by no possibil ity afford to own a oar. Ho u-ee a i#cycle to go hack and forth t<> his iay's work. I bavo ?<vn in European ities bicycjcs carrying loads of tools .itJd building materials which wo A\>uJd consider a fair oad for ? Ford. It takes au expert to carry a 36-foot Doddor on a bicycle tl rough the t *xffic >i a I'ari? bouicvard, but that ij not ut unoouimou sight. j JuKt now cyciiaa; is a popular fad ,n Americ: but I doubt if it will ever jome buck in this country lo the ?roportioas of forty y*o? ago, *aen ivorybody rode bicycles. SNAPSHOTS . , . educational 1 saw a statistic the other i'.ay Uj .Ue etfeot that throe iumiLLoa out oi every live xu America owa cJuncru.s. *uere ure more lif.ui iti milion tuua .o^gr phoi-yitiphere :n this coim* *y an i ujts'i J ear they took more than 3W. \>00,0W si^upehotSA ' We are eeruunly iiviug ia a pi. i ortu j era. 1 wa? interested to loo': ?iveti* 4 Urge ;?umbir of amateur photograph* which hud beon submit ted for prices in '?* nation-wile low* jUipor photography aoutcot( and I wa> umazed delignteu at the artistic oflooti achieved by many amateur., .uid the ap|?am.t wwe-spmid appro; cialion oi bwauty iind eymboli^m tuuaig the eos.tetftunU. In my younger d*?y?, when I ?rt oi* A the ft^jllnuitni phobogirajAeri,| ,/e were '.veil satisfied if we j?ot a'Ij i iiud of jl picture at all. ? j l think the juiiuenoe of wtistio .jhoto^uphy rpo<n 'u generation no*.' 'rowing up is ^oin?; ?o be trem;ndou). eHOOEEBS . . . in camera art Thinking back, 1 oiow't M>w of >uiy jrt in which the ilu..g<u hiava been .o great iu uiy tir.c ns in photogru phy. Rummaging through a bo* of family iouvomrs tho other d^y X found sevens dtgierreoLypOs of my giuudparents a*>d ?'? omuaing' tintype ? of my Lather, as a college s'-Meut. ) yvu .ring a uiJi hat, a# wa? the custom i>f coltege seniors <u the 1860'i. | 1 can wed itm.niber when having jeno'j pioturj taken was * slow au.l iwt altogether pe'i* ant piocea}. Thj Viottim's ne?id wui held from >iehin i inm iron clamp and he wassu: pose' io look pleasant for fiom oao to three minutes without changing cip*"*^^* That account 5 for the woodeu and fUli-faced effort of moat of tho ear'y photographs. Piiotog.'apbeirs h?d to hive a big 0vorhead sky'.ight, couid not makj ijny piet u res wit ai i on a cloudy d;i>. whan I was a boy. Tnon, too, it wjt ? he eustow "re ? "eh" cwrj' t.vg>? 4V0 until u * -'git* rt humnn exproi .on had boei: rub'?:*i oct. 'RIMITTVE . bomo-mAde I w.:s remu.ilid of my own flrjt pmera. I wi ^ an inventive ijad in liitive boy when an enthutiaflti? nuiti-ur ntm- ii (ioorge Eastman in The best bet in Washington m to :cc:?tary of W< r is that Gov. Paul /. Meruit,of India;uv. past Pommand . r of tho Amorieun Legion, will be tho iKcessor of Secretary Woodring? - Some Washington gOMBjw are pei> uctly certain thut Mayor Lafluiri* ,f New York nuy bo given ft Cabinet >o-it. Thero ia talk of him a? P0^" iible Secret lary of Labor. The belief also grows here thai Slcretary of the Intearior Department A'ill be appointed by the President t*? ? he 15-yoar \*xt of Control!* Caner .?1, ?ni<y;eeding John McOtri- Ibere ia ''e. joral agreement that Mr. Iok* vouUl be quite ?3 moticulous Mir. MeCtarl k serut'-nieing cepsxt ment.il i xpenditJurW to aee th 4 they k?v-p ?trietly within the Jaw. ^ Th':i%? U every reason to e*p??t that ,W ,To.;tw, Chuirman of the B?ooti' blruetion |Htuliw? Oos^r^tion w?M .eaiiltinue in tbfi post with / iiarreaaed ponnj md prwtige to tw* ! i' Adwnistiutistt^i Ugh iA ttkOOL KAfilEtS TO USET ? * ' n 1 The Jaokwn County SehaMas ter* Club will iwec. Friday, Nov. 2 ), it 7:00 P. M., .it Mrs. Victor brown's at Uullowhee. Officials of tin. clu Mtete that there vii* be difrniaion ol : roupcotivc scho;.- legisLati"^ ani that all the mei..b;i8 are cuved to bo present. OPEBATE ON PASTOl'S WIFE Friends of Mn. II. M. Hccutt, wife of the pastor of the First Beptioi church of Sylva, will be glad to lovra that she 13 re>tu.p well following an appendectomy, yesterday morning. She is a patient in the C. J. Harris Community Hospital. LESSING RECOVERED Be i Lessing, manager of The Lea d er, who recently underwent an opera . tion on his nasal p.ussageo, atid wa>. a patie, jt in im Ashcville hospid fot a few day8, lua recovered outhoimily to return t) hut home here, and to hi* buaxue;*. ?euted the pb*;lqgK.fhie dry plat* au:.i Laid the foundation.; lor modem ph<) : jgraphy-?uiul a great fortune i'.?r iiimsc.f. 1 'juw o.jc of the aow tfry .> ate cameras ati 1 wu^ted one. iiy 4:father /vd that u' I would make a ?;amer& that would work hi would! i"^ke me a preheat of the necojaavy .I'ilS. | I managed to make a oameiu when ' 1 was aoou: 14 and my father irave nu. the lens c/rit of a atereopticoij^ <?r ??lagie lontom, which he had usea m giving illupiiatcd tfctorea oa tve i'bikdelphia Centennial ( Am<<n^ my uvuvcniifc I found some ?if my <w.y elforu at photography with tha* primitive ?annex*, whicl* .htvwI nie for a number of years ttui.il i beg'.ui to o;unb money enough to buy a better o. e. PICTURES . . . theold' suiL" lJefow tl?e naoviec, the only way in which nitx-t people learned whai tfce rest of the world AM>kcd like was by ^t' looptu-on 1 genres, in whieh "hiLi" piiHfcit* were projected ?*t tho.tattfeo - Vy wluK. we iwed to cattm magic lan* ri-j-ii. My lather deed out his minis terial income by guoog the id op trat r> J leeluris in sma l New England luwna, vmd I w?? privileged to accom pany lum on hia boree-ound-wugon trlurs Ecfore :lie <e!cctr:c light, tae mn brilliant light obtainable wag the .ixy hydrogen limelight. A stream of oxygon a:id <*..e of hydrogen were fo ??lifted upon n bh>ck of cade .mm oar* ly>nate, whieh beea.no brillivtly in cejideseeut under the flame of the mingled gores. We earricd the gj# supply Li two huge rubber hags; my fi'jther made the oxyfn and hy<h?g*'J .it home and Wed the bag? bofoi\j me started out. Ona ct my jote was to ail oj the oxygen hag to ten* the ir?3 to flow fitfft enough. MS. UN) (iMWN AWAY Foncral services for Mrs. Lou Bww.'j rged and beloved vomnn of this county, weno held yesterday "Lf | '?nwni the Cullowhee Methodist church, by the poster, Rev. Cecil Hef ner, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hovis, ajn l 3ev. E. C. Price. Mi*>. L?u Coates Brown, widow o t' the late A Ibert Brown, of Ga::<.y Fork was 83 year of age, She died Tuesday morning at tho home of her son, Vie* tor Brown ?t Culh whec, after a iuu -psnt is .t good mig-hnor, t?d con tentious Christian worker in th Methodist church. Mrs. Brown is survived Ky foul .;ctfW, Itavid H, Viator, and Edwin Brown, of this county, and W. C. Brt?wn, of Washington State, by o u daughter, Mrs. Sain Cannon,of Spruce Pine, ai.4 b> a number of graiid-ehiii j*n, great irrandehildron iuud other iei atives. i THRfc2 HURT IN OAR CPASH Mis* jlLieyrct Quecu, of Di'sboi*. and Chines and J. C. Ciun, of Sylva, were slie htly injured, Sunday morn ing, wtoa the car in whieh Uirv vreejt ridtipg .tct the hig'iway, above Diili boano, a:id plunged down an jrabank mont. 1 TIi j I lave you ng peupL* wep? 1 .Vught to the Community Ho^piti!, v.hero tl?r3' were given treatment an*i di^hnigrv! Charles Ginn, the most ?.?riou?ly injured of th? three, suC?r ed a br? irm wrist. QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K. Terrell) , Rev. J. L. Rogers preached at th-? Baptist church Sunday morning on the ?ubjeet, ''Lot's Wife". In resting revival services of a week's duration c^Ned Sundny evening. Signers wc-ic cforrrted land Christians edified. r. MeRae Crawford, tho -??ow pa? the Methodist church preached Onthe texi "AhJ I, If I Be Lifted Up, Will ?,VawAU Mm Unto Me". On Monday afternoon D?. C. Z G.uuHer, Rev. McRae Crawford, M?. C. P. Sheluotn, Mrs. P. H. F^rgiuoi a id Mrs. J. K. Terrell c:illed on Mi H. C. Ferguson, who has been qmt (ick for the pest week, but < -ems l'* 1m ?lowly improving. v Mr. Lee Brooks and family of C^B* !ra ipent a few days at Mrs. L. W. Cooper's. I Mr. J. M. Hughes and family -i# GRorokee wind Mr. Horace Howell aoi fiamily called at Mr. D. C. Hngftes*, Saturday. Mis. Terry JohnJun of Clienokae Mrs. Otloar Gibson has been weft for several *** I (Pic** Turn To Page 2) UNION MEETING TO BE HELB . AT BUFF GBEEK CHTOtt? ?t I .The Un'On meeting of Tuekaseigfe baptist Av-ociatum will be held at ' Buff Creek church next Friday, Sat urny, and Sunday, November 27, 28, and 29. The tentative program fol low*. : / Friday, 27?h 30:00 Devotional, Rev. Robi. Parr i 10:15 Roll Call of Measeuggre. JO. ;0 Rrit'f Reports from Cnurehca 11:0'J Sermon, Rev. W. X, Cook. 32:00 D iUKir. 1:10 Devotional, Rev. C. C. Que.n Bapr'ats and a Worid Progryii. 1?30 i'O Baptists Have n Worl'i Pacjjnyn?, Rev. R. L. t'iok. 1 2:00 Have Baptists the Rp ourci ? for a World Progiuni/ Rev. Tr?y Rogers. Whit axe the Minimum B?ieatia i F r a World Program I Re? Fred Forester. 3.00 J found Table Discuss toil qu Abovo Topics. 3:15 PiKiuess amd Adjournment. 7:15 Sermon, Rev. ZoMie Fox Saturday, 28t2i 9:30 Devotional, Rev. Vivian Ex tin1, 9:45 Do the Baptist Churches in the Tuckaseigee AsSJ-iatio Nr^-d a Stewarehip Reviva' ? R^v. R. C. Sheariu. 10:15 t tcwardship,Rev. J. E Brom 10:45 Discipleship, Rev. T. F Dei I i 11:15 b-ermon, Rev. Charlie ~onne*. 12:35 liiiaer. 1:15 Devotional, R*v. Ben Cook. Batista Working Together 1:39 When? Rev. Thnd Jamuoo. 2:00 Why? .Rev. E. W. Jamison. ' 2.30 how? Kev. H. M. Ho u't. \. 3:00 Business and Adjournment. Sunday, 29th 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Sermon, (De^cqps ,aud pasto ippoiut a Preacher) / BALSAM Snow flurries were falling paraeti cally ell day Sunday night. Funda, night mercury dropped to 16. Mr,;. W. S, Chatty refcuruei llwrs t'roni a vhCt with Mrs. Ju'ia Brj - <??? and Miau SalUe Christy, .-i An - <!r?jws. She left Friday to spen l a fen days with her ion, Edwin Christy, !-? Asheville, thoi. we ?t to Kansis City lo viiit her sister, Mrs. 0. J. Morris, from there she will go to Milwaukee I spend the winter with her ?< lughte ? u.-i son-in-law, Mr. and Mxy Puuey Omm. Mr?. Beul^ih * Potts returne d Il-u weo?i from a visit to relatives _n Cin lniiati. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Christy spent SurAliy with Mr. and Mtt*. Gmdv Queen in Candler. The many frier ds of Mrs. Heir* Rryson will be glod to know .Lit she i. recoveri;# fror' a very sc - re at t.'ck of influenE? find pneumonia. Mrs. <T. E Lon,: of Addie vaa here i^jit week. /t+S lifir ' '* ' * ~E?i^ V J8lHy387&?'V'- - ?iSj PUCKS ' "7 ? i? ' REGIONAL CONFERENCE FOB SCHOOLS) SATURDAY The Regional Conference vp neored by the Stole Department if iubiic Instruction with .Alias Juaj :i M# Oaugald as representative w-'i bold esiions at W?.stoi r Carolin i Teach ers College ou Sa^rdiay, November 21 This ifj an "Ojun House ' Jay toe ? caohexij throughout Weeded Nor & <Carolina to study j. school action. Fbe schedule will emphasize the coor^ of study m action arid functional lai! 0'iiage arL=. Vis'liiig teacl. wM ?' uve an opportunity t0 obse w woik ?'-ue directly with vhildren i.n 1 you i-oopiL of che varans grid- - of tw rJk-.in- .T;:rv and Hi^h School d pait .lonti oi the Training School by the regular member* ot the fa'Miy a?.i :;Jlo by student teachers of thj ooll^v The schedule fov the mor ing nu Ken planned ob foil owa: S:tb, Kegi strat ion and informal /isitiug; 9:30, Determining Kfadiug ? 'cadiness (using 'he Bette 'testu* Pi^u and other nu ana)?Mih Bryan ,t Afihcviile, Miss lied ding ?..* Itfysn Oijty, Misa Brown o.1 Bryaon C ty, a". J -kiiss BLek, of Cullowheej 10:3i, Ou' eoor PJtay and Lecreation--i-tude.it Joacbera in. charges. 10:30. Oral* One?Miss Black?Using ten Sense ;f Rhythm to Produce Ploa&ure ani Arouse Creative Ito?pons j.f, Qr.nlc 1 wo?Mrs. Coward?Drama* - Bejc ? ng; Grade Throe?Miss Walker? rtoadi^g to Securc Direction' ifr Car rying Out Activilies Based npon * Jnit on the Life of Primiti?'.' Mua; .jradei Foui- ani Five?MV J'n kins?Beading in the Content Fields tor Information to Provide MafceriiU L'^r Thinking; Grade Six?Misa Mur piiy?Choral Reading (Verse Chouji i tclini(jues in Developing DiaoriininNr lion in Literary Appreciation. At 10:4U three High School groups a~ill meet as follows: English III-* l*ri;ncijKii lloyle?Poetry from Oi it [?mi thy I Understanding Human Na ,ure; Economic^- IV?Mila Hiaea? Unit ??i Money. At 11:30 the College Literature Class under the leadership of M." >? O^mp, teacher, will consider the topie ?'Preparing One's Self to Bnjuy and ? tG TiTich Literature ". Poffowing thia Mm:re will be a Round Table discus sion ?*:i the subject ''Are We Doing . Better Job Than Heretofore in L#n ? tnaage Arts'" 1 with Miss McEWugald u charge. Luncheon will be served in the college dining room at 12:30. B. T. U DISTRICT MEETING The District Meeting of the Assoa atio bd Baptist Training Union meet# at the Sylva Baptist church at 2.3"), Sardpy iflernoon, November 26. Tbo theme will he, "Faith is the Victoi v; i.i Onr Worldwide Service." The mating will open by s.ngi g, "Living For Jesus", led by Chark-s MoM&han, of the Sylva Ui'ion, follow ed by; "Faith of our Fathers". Mi=>< M.trgarct Wilson of the Syiv * Union, will conduct the devotional. After tiio calling of the roll, bad ness, and <-ymoancement<, there wJl bo special music by Miss BliMiei Cowan, of the Webster Union Rev. R. F. M'ayl>erty, of Eat>t Sylva, will ;pi r k on, A Baptist Co-Oper.ttivo Dollar Speaks"; Cliffond Cagle, ' * Svlra Union, on "Faith in our I'. ? nomination", Althea Smith, of Ea*t Sylva Union, on "The lord Loveth ?? Cheerful Giver". There will be speei.il mueic by ? qutprtei from Sylva, corrpoaed of Uh~.a McMahan. Clifford Oftgle, Alvin U.j ?h'anan, and Rev. H. M. Hocott. A group of yoong people, eondurt od bv Mrs- H. M. Hoentt, will pre sent a swiond drill. Following thil. Rev. R. C. Shearin, of Scott's Creeit church will deliver an inspirational addreas. Lyle Knsley, of Scott's Creek, is .\n"oci.mo.ial President and J. V. IT,All. of Svlva. is District Leaser. CANNING DEMONSTRATION Bftll Brothers* canning specialist will give a meat earning demonstm Ikm i.t the home of Mc=. R. G. Moody, next Wednesday mTrnii g, Vovcmlw?r 25 at 16 o'clock. M<*. Mamie Sue Evans^bome demonstrator, urge-, the women who ire planning, to can meat this winter to attend this meeting. CAS FOR ORPHANAGE A committee representing the var: * cms churches of Tuckaseigse Btopt>v* Association is today kteding & froh*\fc nar of prodoee for' Mills Hon*, fon ribjUd by Menon Qovnty Reg#*,

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