Y^ nf TRL'Srr? S *'? Li#0. I.inur.-- KUh' 19'v' u^Sl!iy.' ? m' at tiic court *1" ^Vum* of Sylva, P lU i!l W.Carina. I will * ,hc highest dcscrib KSr^--5"iL twe ^ i"teree: l2 >:!t "th, P=irt and L tbc F3fty Xtv n:U.ii^ pr.uleges l' the r,rCp , -t; i -vc ti.e k..-' ? Mit'W 0 .rp-'ration by ar Ifc U,:a January 9, 1932. and L"? ?d-V.J, ;-u;e 5J6. Her rv:J n'n N of Jackson County. N P ?' T instruments .^d - rccords I ?" f made for fuif description Vccce.' ,'. ail the rights, property '2 t nances hereby convened, ji.j'ur - j hereto [ ^Ucrnr.S ,.,-1 >r?inR eve, W-1"^ . ',t the Si"'j?d part tin j; ;fJnir.< liasc . r.s,d I4*1 ! ,%n,i ' ?' i..(J tr.cri..-'1 ? ... ?.?: ?ri ti'ie '-t'-d xiiterlrirt o? ,,'l,.fi'?t part in a cer-] a lore' 1 >''r Us;;i l 1 Sw i? )*?** to^ty. .W.| .:??> is ' rj an nj, f ' !.,. T. 'K. Ki ?;?*", dated I H' w I'-t.t!, .:.n ! recorded i ; I r;?a*e ? Kecord of Deed, j to which instiu -1 l'' r^cor ii reference is herc-1 |w"'\ ?l?l^ * wv . r \ I rw,!f for a full description of the | iu.l'tdiii-f in th'ir*conveyance j ifcf" ri[;h:s vul privileges appur fit! t'"'1 , . j.V.j all tie r;^:i:*-of-w?y, ease s'; and privileges heretofore aj ^ by the party of the. first p^, kl.vr with and including the road Ijtrrted. the power transmission t aid any and all tools, machinery, ,,irjA timpir.cnt cr appliances v.hio1 hire. ter be purchased by tlu J th?- i':rst part, or by any?.'r.' ; :!c pj i> of t'.ie first part, a;ii i'.cliidlin; _ herein the ina' iacy to be purchased for the cft ?jm rt '.'atnalioiv pfaiit; which* nr ^ar has heretofore been design' i/W-irc!, anil tentatively agret i yes a purchase hy the par:> ? ar.rst j art, and ar.y other r> purchased in connection, thee, di, :o be located ?n the propt:;.. ascrktd ;n the lease from VV. T. Lc isd wife, and also including* herein uy and all buildings which may be etettd an lands owned by the party "l the first part, or leased or ac i tftut certain deed ?' trust executed by Eureka Mica Jaruhcturing Corporation, a Corpor ?'on Jat; i October 24, 1932, and re ?*ded in iiook 11 J, page 36.-, Kecotd 'Deeds ot Trust of Jackson County, *o which said deed of trust and rec ^ reference i> herely made for all k terms and conditions of the same, "lis the 14th day of December, 1930. A. T. WARD, Trustee. tOTlOE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ' DCA3367-M J-nikf tnd by virtu? of ' L? pO'.s'* [ ale co'iuiucd in that certain dtca 'r>ut executed by Richard P- Pott? Jmarried), to Carolina Mortjj-igc Trustee, dated I5ih d?w ?'f ?^tteii, l'j'ilj, and recorded in Bojk lf'i PiRe 1W, Registry of Ulltt'y, North Carolina' thri undcr MfJel the duly ^pointed aubulit (see boo&20, page 132, of j'4 ftjpv.ry), will otter for aa'j ?l r^lc ^u-'.ion at the court howe d>?>r l^wid county, in the City of 8v'? ??. ^?i it 12 o'clock Noon, oa We luea "-Jt tlw 2nth day of January, 1#?, |^*ill a1 to the highest bidder icr Property describe j in up oaid cro?V Soulh 8V min. Ea&t 105 feet to i stake^ C* oi ^tton & Stillwell,(formerly ?'.( v thence with v .lfl? of iiid kA ?nd Bylft v JJy Company'j lot, S>dth 12 dnj. to * stake in margin T Street; wnee wI. i J**Rin of oaixl Street, South 89 "wutrr u.,.. *?t 77 feet to the BEGINN W. v ^ ?.hoT? described property betinJ ,a4to 1 A- W*\\ Wkwrt Y, ??#?. from ?W. B* Davia and wife, Oli 'e Davis, dated August 10,1927, ?jud flled . to* registration cm the 25th. day ..u j August 1927,m the office of the Ras ter of Deeds for Jlackaotn Count yvStf the Register of pdeda' for Jackson Coljii >\ i3:e un ilersigncd Trustee will, at twelve o' clock, noon, on Thursday, J tniwy 21st, 1937, at the Court .House door of Jackson Cornfty, in Sylva, North Carolina, sell at public ^.uct'ron, ft>? cash, to the highest bidder, tlu* follow to-wit: J^TR^'Jt' TRACT: Begjmii.g 01 ! SpdmLVa Cut in W. W. Parker 's linj\ Parker's comer, and bonk of John's j Crock Public Kioiad, thence with sowi rdad to Q. T. Nicholson's line Hit nee with G. T. Nicholson's line to Th.id Brown's lino 01 top of ridge, thence with Thad Brown's line to W. W. Parker line, thence with W. W. Parker line to the beginning, containing 4 acres, mode or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on P. L. Brown's stake corner ou North Bank of John's Creek, runs thcjic.t with South II,mk of suid Cre?k to the month of Spring Branch across from Barn, thence ta South direction to * . ( Jackson Furniture Co. o Use Us ? Use Your Credit >:>h ?