Social and Personal "TjH ]? rituk Moo?lv ? \lr fllHl ''1 Horu.,oMr daughter- # # # i . Wlillsu-f Mf ' T| " ' B.m, l? ?lr yviu! (d Warren\ , -i V.-h Wilsun will K?? i I'D"1'3 Flor" Id*" * * * ? , .chvtoi. I, i> lM--n spend ^IIV tiH-mlsat Cul * , ...... ,,.i jiivl Mr. I'anws "k'"di" * .5 * ! \(|. T; l ? 111 1 VW in. 'J ?"?? T'kdI,MW " Jt?" . ^Miesvilif * * * * w Mr-. l i. kl.?i.?cr ?..? 'L to w ????*?' "vfr Clu"M' * * * Uisses Ktiiu !'"'1 Mirodit: i-bittakor. .?t \r.iln-tt*. mv sjm-ih1.iv ?wk .!K?I w'1'' tru-nds. X* *? * yiss K?l'?ri.n Nindliu, of Bryson itv, v.h*> i- atlf Wf.storn ^an> ? te?"'"r> t i> s|?cr.diiig 11?* A end lwiv. a of Miss Evrki ib?? y.: ' i * Mrs. J. M. Swiui^ini, lur daufjhtor u.sOral?lin* Sw auipm, am! Ivr sc Sw iiT-.1 'i'- of NVwport Nt'ws, \ si.. fVi. lvi'n vi>i:iiu: Mrs. SwayiHfim*: vilier, Mr. H'. H. Iouloy, and Mr V ? ir home here* * * ?? flfarlvs S. i?i:!/. of the Buttle-shi; fiinjton. !< catcil now at Pensncola u wli.Tt 'i.- i> finishing his coursr iviaiio:;. :t> a plot, siwitt the hol% villi 'u:- pan nts, Kl*v. and Mv> IWitz. a! flwir Lome at Beta ii<wfls Ms lirsi si>it home in si-vr. urs. IIh i uracil to his ?>ost . ity g U'w .t >\< nco. * * * GAT.KETT-SWAYNGIM y;* (irrVliw Swi'.ynjifiin and Mr. 1m R finm-lt. both of Newport r*j, V'lvinir., were married in Bry nOtv. on .January 1. Mrs. (iarrcM tnt last v'nter here, with her uncle dnuui.M : and Mrs. W. H. Conley. Jlr. arj Mrs Gnrn-tt will mak? tirhwt t l.i NVwport News. acknowledgement Mr. fend Mrs. H. T. Cotter, of Cul itirfc, usefully acknowledge the mjMithy an.! kindness ot many n!id> during '.lie illness and follow f Jni'i iw' {heir precious littl* ii*!,Ur. Petiie. The beautiful flora1 butes vi'! be thankfully remembe ,too, ut ttHiC the many expressioi wighWlv benevolence. OS rOMOLOSURE SALE I'&A* *Mt bf virtue of the juthoi <Werro4 hj (M of traet execui ty ti. 0. Barrel! end wife, Bet?v mil, dtUi the Ctk da? o? July, ?'S aud r*eerd*l iu Book 123, ??, 132, in tfce Oflee of the Kegist": tod* frr 'urtm Colniy. the uo ;r*^M Iratoe will, at twelve o' "?k, mm, co Thwsdny, J uiuan ^ 1H97, mi. 12m Court ilousc do* ' ' 'ubaet Cwvakf. iu Sylva, Nor:1 jMi?, m U K.t pnblic anct'.ui, t'u. k u tfce fahetf bidder, the folio* j i i4Mrii: TOT TRACT: HocLumi.g " N* ft-V t* W W. Pnrktra lin. ler'! wnr. rrtd Km'If o? John'* k Pub\>c tbenoe with ea>u 1 U? G. 1. Nieholeon's lino *uli ti. T. Niebobou*1 '* 18 TV d B/ovn'a line oa iop o' { ttaoee witk Thud Brown's liut W. PkW line, tkeuee with "? Pwker line to the b"giimui?, -"'in* 4 sen*, maie or lcsa. >?^'ON"D TRACT: Beginning on P. '*14 s fake corner ou Nor'.1-. u? Ioki\ Creek, runs thenc.* ' Utnk of said Cre^k to the 0,l'1 "i Spni;5 brauch across from f1^. a ^c?Lh direction to 0 Doable Cheat oat Co?. "? top of Umom wit' 0 ,1^ ^ to ' P. L. Brawrt >kkdi ^ Wr?wu earner, theno ^ ^wwa'e line to the Begin iu i*llu* ^ *???, more or lesl 'w* taU j . - , -?' Jl i ?^e ia made on account of de * qI ^ indebtedness ??****? ton* ' ?th 4*7 of December J.930 ?.,?** L Hm, IM. (?fllCL or rORECLOSTJBB 8AW| IK:a 3569-lt 1 u'**r ata\ by virtue of the po*?'! "'?lo.ncil in that certain A*?1*] rfM 1>y fcdfift R ?" / H"sUlr Deits, to Company, Trmbee, d^t?d ^ <* Jttiy, itflft, ?ad jeowdl'il in Book 106,Pag# 80, Begiatrynf Jaoksou Cotttty, North Caroling th<? undersigned as the duly appointed sal. sututcd trustee (eee book 128, page 132, of Mid registry), will offer f<v sale at public auction, at the court house door in aatd oounty, in the eity of Sylvia, N. C.. at 12 o'clock Noo*i( on Wednesday, the 20th day of Jui - uary, 1937, and will sell to the higfcen, bidder for cash the property deserv - ed in said deed of trust as follows: That certain lot or paroel of lad in or near the eity or town of Byhra, township of Sylv*, County ol Jackson, North Carolina, and mora particular ly described aa follows: Beginning on a stake, the southeast ooruer of lot .No. 9 uud the orth west cornier of lot NoJtyuid on the southwest margin of Raleigh Street, and runs with sudd margin of said street N.31 deg. 30 min. W. 100 feet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 11. Then with the 'southeast line of said Lot S 58 deg. 30 min. W. 106 3 feet to a stake u? branch &nl corner of Lot Nc 11. Then down said branch S. 24 deg. 15 min* East 102 feet to i& stake cor ner of Lot No. 8. Then with line of said Lot N. 58 deg. 30 min. F. 119.i feet to the beginning. BeingLots Nos 9 and 10 of Oaklyn Hills Subdivision, as recorded in Mwp Book No. 1, page 109, in the of&oe of the Register u Jaekeor. County, North Oarolina. Being the ?uue pwperty oonveye< to liufua tL Dsita sad wife, Heater ;citz? by deed fro:u T. C. Bryaon, Sr. .ad wife, C. H. Bryaon, dated Jane a, 1923, and AM for registration on che lltii day oi July, 1928, in the of .ce of the Register of Daeda, County laeksou, State of North Carolina. Re corded ia book 106, page 228. This sate will be made subject to all nutatswrfi^g and unpaid taxes and other uuaesaaaeute, if any. This date is made on account of default iii the payment of the indebt edness secured by the nfoxesud dec of trust, and is made pursuant to 'V'1'"""* mads upon the undersign ed by the holder of anid indebtedness This the 17 day of December, 193ft K&SW1C& CORPORATION, Trustee. 1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 8ALL DCA 3267-M Under ; ?d by virtue of Lbo po.? oi' aalo conuiined iu tlui certain duu of trust executed yj Lie hard P. Pott* ;t'hmarried), to Carolina Mortg-igv Company, Trustee, dated lath dav -Varcli, 19*28, and recorded in Bo.?k 107, puge 148, Kegi^iry of Ja^tlon County, North Caivliaa' th**, under signed as the duly jp^ui-iu sub^m ed trustee (aco beck 1JU, page-13z, ul said regUtry), will oifer for a?b ai public auction at the court house d?*?r in said county, in the City of Sr i V. N. (X, at V2 o'clock Noon, on Weinvs day, the 20th day of January, l;.? and will ic 1 to the highest hidde/ zcr ft ah the property describe J iu end deed of trust as follow*; That certain lot or parce! of land ir or :u\u the city of Syira,^?Mii:^ ??f Jackson, township of Sylvu, uii wore particularly described follwa* Begining on a stake on North mar gin of r? ilraad Street it corner of Ailcy *h: ,h leads to Creea, <md nr. with line of aaid Alle}', Nirlh 4 :-l fiaat 10') feet to a sycamore at -i :reek; 'h^nce up aaid erenk. Soufh 8 deg. 45 min. East 105 feet to i atake, oanier of Button & Stillw?U,( formerly uogao Allen Lol) thenct. wito .ho Hue of &ud lot. and SyK' i jupply Company'a lot, S">atb 12 4<)j^ vVtvil 190 feet to a stake in margin ,f Nori'i "ail road Street; .unce v. It. ?aid margin of aaid Street, South 8? J eg. Wi-st 77 feet to the BKGINNISU The above described propel'y be. .. Je sanrj i..nd conveyed to ? A. Xi*? i >fa and flichnrd 1*. Potts by d > ? uom W. B. Davis and wife, Oil.? [>? via, dated August ID, 1927, _nd fib i tor regis'ration <jn the 2.V1' da)* ??< August I *>27, in c)>o ot'ii(v- of the Kegla cer of Doeds for Jackson Conatj,St?'? Jf. C^recorded in Book 99, P .ge 524 he or.e-h . f interest of J. A, Nich ?, ??ingfoi' eyed to Richard i\ l'otts ? A. Vic.'iols ?nd wife, b )lm Nie ?Is by deed dated April 4, 1928, tile* jt registration ? cn the 7 day ?? Vi>ril, l'J2b, and recorded in Bo ?? 05, Page 147, 'office of the Keglntr f Deecki, County of Jackson, Stat' if V.C. This sale will be made subject fc tl outstanding and unpaid taxes awl ther asjessmrnts, if any*. This sale is to be nude on teeo-M 4 default in the payment of the ic I must employ at oik a man living in small tow: or on farm. Pcrmanen work. Must he satisfied with earning $75 a month at first. Addiiess Box 6478 care of this paper. Name I Address"...* MMU.I...M. tlebu.diu.s3 aecund by iui a W of trust, and is made pniaoaot fti demand made upon the under*?" ad by the holder of aaid ind*-bt?dnsea Tkb the 17 day of Deoember, UN KESWICK CORPORATION, do FALSE TEETH ROCK, SLIDE OR SLIM ( FASTEETH, a new, greatly im proved powder to be sprinkled en upper or lower plates, holds falsa teeth firm and comfortable. Can not slide, slip, rook or pop-out N? rummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel ing. Makes breath sweet and pleaa ant Get FASTEETH today at any godd drug store. Now Ease 1 Fast " Bayer Tablet* Dissolve Almost Instantly la t wmmtm hj watch, ? genuine BAYER Aspirin tablet ?tarts to disintegrate and go to woHt. Dra* a Bayer Aspirin tablet In to a glass of water. Bjr The time U klta the bot tom of Ike glao M la disintegrating. What la thla glssa For Anuuingty Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin If you suffer from pains of neuritis what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablet* give quipk relief, for one reason, be cause they dissolve or disintegrate almost instantly they touch mois ture. (Note illustration above.) Hence ? when you take a real Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to-dis aolve almost as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly ... headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at onfce. That's why millions never ask for aspirin by tne name aspirin alone when they buy, but always, say "BAYER ASPIRIN" and see that they get it. ? Tty it. You'll say it's marvelous. ISC rod A DOZEN Virtually lea tablet look for the laycft caoi$ r' takes more than "just a salve" to draw them out. It takee a "counter - Irritant 'I And that's what good old Musterole is?sooth ing* warming, penetrating and help ful in drawing out the local conges tion and pain when rubbed on the sore, aching 3pots. ? Muscular lumbago, soreness anq gtifffiflHH generally yield promptly to flii? treatment, and with continue#, application, relief usually follows. Even better results than the oldt fashioned mustard plaster. Used bjs millions for 25 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. Ali druggists. In three strengths: Regu lar Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong. Tested and approved by GoodHouaekeepingBureau,No.4867. K tett&tustl 7- i IS 24 4*8 <;b* TO WHOM IT HAT CONCERN' Votice Li hereby piven that radar* MJKl by va luB of i he power ^liaised a Section 2435 oll the OrsoKckted j Statut** *? North O.,iro'ioa, I will, ou ' tkc 1GL% day of Janonrv, J 931, at thi Hoop*v Motor Company, in Sytau Notth Carolina, offer for wie od sell for eaik to tfha highest bidder, ofc poblic .Taction, the following described property: ONE 1933 AUSTIN COUPE, MOTOR NUMuEK L15?Ji, s?EP'TAL NUM BER 275-4114. Thi- side is made u . .u>xy iu debtc'luess incurred vj..irs itnd sboiuge on said aiuoraol lie. This t'he 5th day ol January, 1987. HO?PKB MOTOR COMPAX1 B|)r D?ter *' " pr r. I JAPANESE OIL Mate la U. S. A. FOR HAIR AND SCALP DHforaat froai Ortfaory Hair TmIm ITS A SCALP MEDICINE! l^ciSi. FEEL IT WOR"! A? Ali DrvggMt Brtt* far FREE laakSat "Tka Tnrtk AM Hm Hair." Natitaal fcwfc Ca., Naa Yart |h-mha -1 V CAMT SEE* T06ET IT THAT'S TME SILUEST OARN o/yncE EVE^ SINCE DAUGHTER WON THAT *SWlNfCONTEST SHE'S BEEN DOING WOTHIN6 BUT DANCE AROUND HERE.' -AND I WW*. IT'S THE CRAZIEST,") MOST MIOTIC DANCE-I EVER. ( S;- ITS RIDICULOUS/ ^ those are MY ?>EHT1N\ENTS TOO; BECAUSE", *' ///I '4r I CAWT 00 it ETKEAjf -MatKiltm? MMffi DID YA EVER FIGURE OUT WHY BAD B0Y5 ALLUS W fDlKS WHO THINK FT * Jl I yH TURN 007 TW BEST IN ^lMIHALS 60 UNPUNISHED I MOST EVERYTHING NEVER SAW A CRIMINAL , Wr "?i"- *'*- ???'I THEY TRY? - ? MR. ?- r.. i? ? ? '? 1 ? . LAWYER'S BILL. Now Growing Crops Without Soil r'1" " ! r IHIIIWI li i lliMlWBifMiiliwri u BERKELEY, Calif. ... So successful has Dr. W. P. Qerlcke been in experiments at ti e UuAerslty of California Agricultural Btation. in crowing Y*ge?;;M<:. grains and flowers without soil, that commercial companies ueuv here are now producing vegetables from tanbs filled with the nntri <1 'ot solution of salts. Photo shows Dr. Gericke and wife picking tomatoes from plants 25 feet high for a terrific yield. Hello, Daddy FLINT, Mich. . . . Dionne, 2??, and Dick, 6, insisted until Mrs. Maijr Tinner brought the tv.o chil dren down to the automobile fac tory where daddy Tigner was on a "sit-down" strike, with thou sands of other ff low worker?. The strike has siiio spread throughout the industry. Vermont Victor - _ PUTNEY; V.. . . . Her*lanuer George D. Aikev of thi-i place, elected Governor of Vermont in tho N?v*jmh<-r election. He has Leen given tho title "most victo rious Republican." He carried ? of 14 Qtninties. H?> will commute to \be cayiu.2.- . - Three-Time Her?uls iae is becoming rftl ar jnn:oa to Mrs. Jackie Ravens, 2>, aLove. Fur the third time in hei life aha rescued a drowning peraoa, tMs time an amateur air pilot who crashed in a stream. She ma oat and dragged Wm fret. Secret Set ?icc i i id WASHINGTON' . of Frank J. Wilaun, Cu, icav ln-a<J of the Secret Service, R;icoe*->;niK Wb. H. Moran, ret:i<<l who ?wved 54 years. Wilson 1. en ?ttnf cblcf since i>. ISlii.

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