?B tL"u inaugural oi Otivcrw i llot-y, his messagi l^aitting the Budget Appropria li/U pil, or e? en the introduction the bone drj biN by Mrs. Jlutchins, olbon. the ?unouncement. ud Sfciardaf ir.oruing, by Speaker jiqg Cherry tlmt the ministerial as (tjauoo vi Matoigh had passed a aoJutioi requesting., the House o t' jeprewntativr8 to employ a full utt ebtphin a;.d pay him for hi* ttriwi. Such service would be the iroeatiou aen Morning, whioh would qoiw ?i -in** ih?cc minutes of the ja, oi aa ordained minister once rery twe'ity-four hour*. Krom the j be time ?l? rvol the memory of niau I ifloetb mt to the contrary, it has ! eta the us'em :'or a minister, usual- I j trorn KV.'i;'Ii beenmo of the pro nquity, !o offer u prayer even miaf, apc*j iaritation of the Houa?. j liretot'ort it bus been considered an cuer for n *nil.iet? r to receive such i invitation and il' any of them ob 4ti to fOii.iiijj u;> to the House and njing t'.r 'he wtety and security of be State, ?;n?i for Divine wisdom to tide tlu ewvtitive, legislative and linal br: ncJiea of the State Govern ,wit, nobody has ever heard of ?"*b bjwtion. iKiturn'Iy the reading of tba ??;Ut i Dr. J'dwia McNeill Vote at, pro# t of the Ministerial Association u i leijb, ?r< iited a deal of comment, at of'it jn/nvorablc. Those who Dt to hoar criticUm of ministers tiie '-'i of tbc organirtxi ,?xpressec' keen regret that tho preachers had initiated what F/i<*uoi-!v called here "the preach |l'?tnke." Therv u a feeling tin. ruiautera ha vi to tome extent cu tlvrs officially loose iroiu th?> kerol \nembly, and have u a |ottqucuC'.', lessened tho influenco for that I toy u-ay hate some timea ?i-', which they may have oc tu fry to exert again. The *cdi of me ehureh aad of the |iaiiteu 'fi; bnt feel regret that th? iteru of Raleigh have taken whni itjrbeiifcV" to h> an ill-adviacd atep. |r Pot >???., m explaining the minis poaitiun stated that the ntum of fall time chaplain ia one t exists ia most or the Statfa, that I ?ouM lend more dignity to the pro Si and that the miniatera often their plans for a whole morning out of joint by having to go 1 to the Capitol and offer a prayer, [tlier people assert that nnder the (?honored pl&u no Raleigh minia ?wid be cabcd upon to donate free praying more than two or timr* during a session of the Asaemblj. There ia liquor ?tion and other social nnd hu ntaruin legislation to be cosidere*! the pri sent General Assembly, i mimat?ra, especially Raleigh mia usually want to bo heard on i natters, and there ia a feeling ; they will not be welcomed in bo *1 ft spirit ns they have been ?tofore, which is, of course, a sit ton to be regretted. P* General Assembly has gottei r ahng with lis work ihun i \ Wer known it to be at this timi liquor Ulls, wet and dry ? ?wn introduced and referred tv ^ttees, where they will be giver within a short time. I hnv u"ith many members of tl( of tho Senate, and I havi ? talked wi.'h one who will not ' m private conversation "Il ? frank;y not 1 nind as to what ia the bes' . ^^i&g the liquor situation. Gen??VHn ta^e ^ M a that i (J*?* Assembly ia approaching nn ?Pen wind, sin '*7 * wlution that will i *?tuation as it now will,promot? temPer T** he People of North Caro 1 that ??. i l>y f?o?t peo ! W* tn .u ^on letling down Buj. fv a'ic of wine and beer Uer J** Slt?ation worn in the J th?t am! out in the country' r titles. 8L M. Rasmusou is secretary of the Commuity Fund. ngress To Decide Fate Of Emergency Measures v- r A'ashington, January 20? The new Congress started off under a lull bead ol iteam by enacting a resolution plug ging a hole in the neutrality act . of laei year. There was nothing, in the law to prevent any American Iron selling war supplies to either party iat a civil war such as is now going oa iu bpain. The State Department had been compelled to grant licenses for lb* export ol several million dollars worth of second hand airplanes and ?ginrn which were sold to the spaniah rebels by a Brooklyn dealer Who had nought them at u United-States army i bene munitions bad already been oa a ship when Congress con The effort of the new Congress was to r ush the new law through in t &M t? prevent lhe ship from sailing. * 'fowever, it is now the law that here no American may supply arms ft* anybody taking part in a civil war ?aywhers in tne world. TLsro is a distinct ieeUng in Was JUg'on that ^he State Department- is ?bout the Euorpean war 'out Jo-jk. Signs are numerous that a laigs scale international conflict is brewing in Spain. This- country may not get involved though there is al- a ways that danger, but just in case, Jic President hna ordered work to b? h<-jgun, immediately, on the construc tion of the two biggest battleships tfcat we have ever built. They will ci>et about $100,000,000 and will tako .iboat three yean to build. While there is talk on every hand shout a constitut:onal amendment giv g Congress authority to legislate on abor relations, there is not an immsd . likelihood that such a resolution 'mil be adopted this year. Congress was considerably impressed by the ? sident's reminder that the Consti tution already has sufficient breadth t? permit government to meet twenti eth century social and economic prob in a progressive way, and that all that is needed i9 u enlightened in t:ig authority of the R. F. C . and voiae of the ot'ier federal lending agencie*; a second extending to tho Nine date the President's discretion* ary power to devalue the dollar and