- , .-I' Alianta, ""i ,h-',r ',omc t'-""' ? * * e i{|it.OJ ^ anton, ? 1 t'* ?*4* today, .^'-Le w??' l,J Mr> S- M -Ul ? ? ?? HiiJ HM tiarri'it wij. ri.a "I t im.iott.- aud fam ?"h "*"> ?L'> iJirKtt. ^ ^ ,W( cliii', .. * jriiuHiKukpatn-candyOlingj ,rr snrali K.aiuos, of Canton,, ^ Mrs. Kirkpamek's par-; Kf.awl Mrs. V. V. 1 looker. j I). Cowan, w ho is spnding ,n HaKi-h. oil business, iast Friday. lor a short ijrj n.'Ht to Asheville, :o meet him- f * * * jllagpit' Dillanl and Marjorie wJj|K'ut last week end in Can rithMr. auali there. * * i. J i'. M.w'iv, Mrs. Richard l'at yri pn.. 'f"i.i"ki;is and Misses .(Klilb.v: and Kathlcf n Hooper i:o Atlanta, Friday, where they pul the vmk i-iiti with relatives v -?> * ,m! Mrs. M. V. Ugdon, Miss Evrs iiul Mrs. i)illard spent r.ji tin- week iuWir.ston-Salem .r,jii. Winie in Kaleigh, Mr. !,u';*i:.v-! k ''!is<' beioie the Su il'ourt. ?? * C. HEARS REVIF.W OF MU WITH THE WIND" 'iiVi.inro ot the pro :sl;??? K'i.v;.;>ry icec-Uig of the HiVJ.it Uu^ter, Cnited Daugh i \ , wu an inter * * ur- virv, Lv \|n. t'. C. Buchanai., iituuk Wiia the Wind.' I> y-f'.ip;> vheld at the home 'k. ltom !.??? t'wliins, this after e.ji'1 v.as presided over by the wic., Mi>? Nue Allison t?ig the tti'ieruoon Mrs. Collins li .'i " Iiitiii'.? Mr'l.i-* bolh "i *-l" rimi.t,; Way.;{i Uoj'.o, I o *, I* l{o-;, boi-i of .'apkson; V1'*11" Miiiiti.- Mula, bqth er of th Department of Commerce, whou many regarded before election as being on the way out, is said to have liued up such powerful powerful political backing among the Southern Senators that it would be iiu|>olitic for the President to ask for his resignation. Talk of legislation affecting the Supreme Court is dying down. There is no probability either that the num ber of justices will be increased by statute, or that any law restricting the authority of the court will be enacted, > j In case of a vaeancy, which is not i at all unlikely when the advanced age of m?wt of the Supreme Court Jus-J tiees is considered, it is thought l'ke ly that President Roosevelt will an- J nounce n policy of picking a judge t, from one of the uuion Federal Courts.' This would relieve him from any ob ligation to name Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the majority leader, who n:os't ardently desires a seat on the 8upreme Bench. Ifltk help wanted. Steady work? jood j pay. Reliable man wanted tn c?V on' t'nrtr.ers in Jncksou county. Make up to $12 a day. Write MoNfiSS CO., DEPT. B, Freeport, Illinois.^ I must employ at once a man living in small town or on farm. Permanent work. Must be satisfied with earning: $75 a month at first. Address Box 6478, care of this paper. Name f 9* tf ?eeeftoe** |f 9HM9M Address I Mother?heed the ur^rnt ad vice of doctors and hcipilaLs; do as tliey do; give your baby a daUy body-nib with the anti mptic oil that chase* an.er germs, a&dlceepsthenkin SAFE. That means Mennco Antiseptic Oil. It'* used by nearly all maternity hospitals. It gets down into *kin-folds ?and pre vents infection, chafing, cliap pmg ai. J roughness. Get a bot* tk today. At any druggist. MENNEN Aittiscplic OIL MISSING! Stmpmit da* gmnl aha voa! Di? covcr Star Blades! Made atmce 1180 by ibe inven loN of thm original ?afetj ruof. Kaca. Ub| - lutJa? oni. How to EASE a COUD FOR 15$ 1 2 TWO SIMPLE RULES INSTEAD of buying costly medi cine* to relieve the discomforts of a cold, try the way almost any doctoi you ask will approve as the modern way ? genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. It now t osts only l.V for a dozen tablets, or two full dozen for a quarter The way you use it is this: Two BAYER tablets the moment you foci a cold coining on. taken with a full glu>* of water. Repeat, if neces> wry, according to directions in pack* UC If At the same time, throat is *nru, gargle with throe Driver tablets i;i U' water for almost iustani relief. iiayer Aspirin acts to fight fever, and the acnes and pains of a cold. Relief comes quickly. Ask yoiii druggist for genuine BA\ KR ASP I RIN by its fuli name ? not the aamt "aspirw" alone. imuHmria? Virtually lc a Tablet VPS ;5TTEn^ 5NMi^nT0 CXPUMH- NI ",To W * . ii At Subscription | Women in Government ] DETROIT ... Above are i.???tur and labor officials in 1? hour confcrcnce 1*11 ?. \, r.ith Governor Prank -Murphy. In attempt to find ground for truce iu *ir ? < a i:rtangling the strike of auto workers in General Motors plants. They WASHINGTON . . . Among in? are, (left to rifrtt). Wm. S. KnudoVn or General Motors; Governor Mur- *om*n ,n Was*)?nBton official life why, James F. iV.vev. f-do if; I mediator. Homer Martin. J. A. Wyndham j? a Treasury Department official, and John Brophy of the workers' Committee for Industrial Organization. Mrs- Marion Blair Banister *ho Below: Sccne as 'sll-dovn" Btrilters marched from a Detroit plant Treasurer of ihe following first trnce agreement. iJnited States. mmmmmi* ? ?? .m w. ^ f?n l?OKDON . . . Ann llardir^, n?h- ? ?= ^-4^^'? .. _. blond bcauiy of !i|? Anv ticntt MlXjlt *Fla! .?.. Br^n*M^lrotlqr NEW YORK . .r. Miss Virginia ?creen bhe s been voted the uio^t ?rert quietly married In a surprise South In M'inter play here, twic? popular: best personality; most weddiug. It is the sccoud mar- defeating Donald Badge, ranhinr likely to succeed; best sport; and, rlAfLc tor bolli. jjo. j etar> ' best all around student. I, ijcliburs Hillside FLOWS ; ? >\ ' ? /f. ' ' ? ? f *? . * . ' > .. ' ".-s' Cons' ; ? t?.a iur u ^i^um of- service and a rai - .'. ii of coat oi up-keep. Its light draft cf handling, and shedding quali ties ci' ii: Aboard, make it superior for gen eral "*" :uq work. M?*de with truss 'steel beam a.:,i Htted with detachable standard socket pk-ca and cpnag foot latch. 2 Horse Hillside $16.50 1 1-- U ji'se Hillside ~ 12.50 1 Horse Hillside 11.50 Jackson Hardware Company