flft JAPS SON OOU1TY JOVUXJ& PttWiihad Week); By 1>* Hb&flON OOVNTf JOUftN.iL CO. ffcltarad as leeomi eiA&i Matter a t'oal (tft'ki ml Sylva, N. C'. DAJS7 TOMPKINS, Editor TODAY and TOMORROW (By*Frunk Parker Stoukbridge) MYTHS . . ? . about animali The longer I live, the more I mar vel *t the credulity of the human r*cc. So many things that "evcry Kxlv knows." turn out not to be true'. When I was a boy "every body" knew that if you put a horse hair in a rainwater barrel and lctt n there long enough it would tura into a snake. I suppose there are ocople who still believe that, ??Everybody knows'' that wolves are dangerous wild beasts which do not hesitate to attack people, but a wan I know up in Canada has had a cash reward standing for years for proof that a wolf ever attacked y human being, and nobody has claimcd it. Canadian trappers say that wolves aarc never msmrk.ltfttv an^ Dr. Stefansson, famous explorer, says the same about European .wolves. . "Everybody knows'?' tha: the red fox is a cbieken thief, to be shot on sight, iiut the Michigan t'onserva tieu Department repont that Br ex Fox; lives. toiost^ on grasshoppers and insects, and has asked tor a law to protect him. GROWTH .... continues Until lively it has been generally believed that everybody, unless the victim of some rare malady, stopped growing somewhere between fifteen anj thirty. Now Dr. Ales Hrdlicka ? i the Smithsonian Institution, who has measured more livii'g persons and skeletons than auyone else, says that most people keep ou growing right up to 50 or 'iO. Uui bones ae tually grow. Our heads get larger, cmd so do our noses, ears and mouths. I was a bit skeptical about that until I remembered tbat when I was 25 I woru a 7?/8 hat, and now, with aimch less hair and no fat at all over my skull, I have to get a 7V?. Sr. Hrdlicka says he Lai no ready explanation for the facte he offers, out suggests that the enlargement of people's heads may be duo to growth of the brain through use, SHOES ... c and barley corn (1 had lunch the other day with America's largest shoe retailer. I asked hirr. a question which La# long puzzled me. What do shoe sizes mean If How much difference is there be tween a size 7 and a *jlq 8f "A barleycorn," be told me. I knew that ancient standard of measurement, for in mj first school arithmetic it start ed with "three barleycorns make one inch." But my 7^ shoe, I pointed X4, was certainly more than 2% inches long, so if each size was only a third of an inch, the numbers must start somewhere above zero. We got 60me other shoe men into the discussion, and finally went to my friend's store and began measur ing shoes. We found that the small eat shoe is a baby's No. 0, is for a foot four inches long. Then there are thirteen sizes, each & third of an inch, in children's shoes, before you get to No. 1 in men's sizes, I thought it was an interesting bit ?.f infonrktion, worth passing along. FEET getting bigger American feet are getting bigger, my shoe-dealer friend told me. Men and women alike are wearing larger shoes, on the average. There is no obvious explanation except that we fire better nourished than our grand parents were and our bodies gener aly are larger, with feet In propnr lion. Analyzing the records of the sales of ten million pairs of shoes, my ?friend said, he had fhi.nd that more men wear size 8-D *han any other one size, and more women get a 6-B. To shoe the men, women and child len of the United Stutcs lai*t year took 415 million pairs. The 50 mil lion men and boya bought 120 million pairs, making the average life of their shoes about five months. The 77 mil V on women and children bought 312 ?uillion pairs of shoes last year. I've noticed that wives usually have more ?aoes in the closet than their husbands have I RALEIGH NEWS , (Continued from page one) oaaafty ooort bonte, tail* in 1767,1 a&d on the mot apoi whrw the A&> iwmWy net more tktn 900 yean ago. , Another bill pawed tbt^c. was oee >n?m?UK?f?g. ^| pjnid?at ajc4 tfe? Cqi*k*s to zxk* available for t'be early completion of the Blue Ridge Farkway, connecting tic ^maudoab rud the Great Smokj Mountains Na tional Parks. This, is the season in even* General Assembly when the noascnciai, the nnneeessaiy, and fmiuenti;- the vici ous bill*, sometin.es seemingly harm h-ss enough, begin to make their ap pcarapee, and .the Calendar Commit tees of both Honte ami Senate, as well as the members of the General Assembly in general, have 1 ? keep on ?heir toes to try to prevent legislation that should not be enacted, and which they would not enaft if tfcey really knew both the effect and lie back ground of i4he bill, from si pping by and getting on the statute hooks. WASHINGTON NEWS v 5V I font i wed From l'aae-1) ned ho it will enable the people it employs to develop and maintain the kinds of skill and ability which are most likely to be iu demand in private indus try. 7. Government projects to be defiiutey planned to stimulate all industry and open new op port unities for Americans, t on HTving soils ami developing iM-w lV'itil1 l:> '.ds will do this. Low-cost housing v.ill do i:. Cheaper power wili do ;i. >o will other projects. 8. The recreation, theatre, educa tion and tine arts projecjs to be continued and improved with a view to developing the hidden creative talent- oi all groups oi citizens in America. !). The program .must be a Federal program, since uiitmployneiJtt is cia national problem and most of our needed public works are ol interstate character. I; will have to be largely linaneed with Fed eral funds, with local sj?onsors' contributions based on their ability to make such contribu i ' tlOILS. 10. By ijid large, the program should not be financed by bor ' rowing, but by equitable (taxa tion on the basis of ability to pay and benefits received. The following members of tho House signed the statement: John Luecke. Maury Maverick, Frank W. Fries^ R. D. McFarlanc, H. Jerry Vorhis, Robert G. Allen, Knutc Hill, Calter M. Pierce, Ed. V, Izac, Jerry J. O'Connell, John M. Coffee, John R. Murdock, Clydo Garre'-t, Charles J. Golden, Mrs. Caroline O'Dav, Charles R. Eckert Lost?March 7th, A white and brown freckled male English setter. Answers to "Sunny". Return to E. L. Hooper, Tuckaseigee for reward. Keep Your Subscription Paid Up la the District Court of tho United State- of America for the Western District of North Carolina. Asheville Division. At Law No. 39G. United State* of America v. 1,124.00 acres of ?end in Jackson County, North Caro lina, federal Land Bank of Columbia, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: -J. 1). Buchanan and wife, Maorgie Grove? an 1 nusbnnd; Kdl gar Cope; Will Dcitz and wife; Jesse Jones and wife; John Owen and wife; Troj Sams and wife, Walcer J. Krsen l7 (4" '* S C. A.. Sie lions 257, 258 and 2">;:-:i; that tin lands' proposed t<> l?e r: idemm-d and: appropriated by th?? plaintili' Ueredj Stale:, an* described : !ib*tantialij as. follows: Tract Xo. $21, appitrent au?i presumptive owners being Federal ' Land Bank of Columbi't, con!".'ttin ; ac cording to survey l/kn, S%~ van&ah Townciup, ou ,hc wtcr-rof fatl.nm Creek Brar.ch of Sayan nab Creek, a tributary of the Tuck'asei gee Jfivor, more particularly described bv metes and bounds in in Exhibit "A'' and upon map or plat. Exhibit ?IT" nff.cbed to the petition in this proceed i i if filed with the Clerk oJ the United States Distrkr Court at Ashc viUo, S., Tra^t So. 1096, apparent and pre.-umpl i vc owner being >V. S Bryson containing according to survey 83.00 acres, situated in Jackson County, N. C., oji the waters of Cullowhee Creek, tributary of Tuckaseeg. e ttiver, more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit " A-l" and upon if-ap or p'at Exhibit "B-l" attached !.o the ])etition in this proceeding filed with Die Clerk of the United States District Court at Ashcville, X. C., you r.nd each of you arc hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the do FALSE TEETH ROCK. SLIDE OR SLIP? FASTEETH, a new, greatly Im proved powder to be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds false teeth firm and comfortable. Can not .slide, slip, rock or pop-out. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel ing. Makes breath sweet and pleas ant. Get FASTEETH today at any good drug store. SEE THIS CROSS IT'S FOlt VOIR PROTECTION / > c?.\ re"11 DEMAND Lrif 1,B"??W AND OET CENUINl BAYER ASPIRIN Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District oi North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Ashevjlle, Bun combe County, N. C., not later than i>:n (10) days from and after the coni ! pletion of service of this summons by ' public*/ion for four ?4) succesive : weeks and answer or demur t? the }>e tition or complaint heivin filed by the above n'amed petitioner i.i the office of the said Clerk,and you :ire further 110 tiftcd that ;* y-- i v.i ts ^ .virex or deit-Cu to tu* ccroplt?at T7i*U^ tin Utt.q petitioner will ?ppl? to % r^-t UVie relief demanded in ^ Witness the llimwalik p.. \. \\^ JuJg?: ot" the District Conn V.> 1*)'.strict of North Carolina, ? 23 lav ot Fthrunrv, Wfi. ^ ^ year (??? <>v?r Indepei donee t\? J. V. .lordan CWk. IW; W. ,\. ^ I?e]?vty CU-rk. Wanted To Buy? Your vcsl Calves ?.. ? Best prices paid * ??? Alsoisom^ fat beef Cows. R. E. Dills Me for Camels when food ?arojndP CRANE OPERATOR (M*), Peter Gillcn, says: "'Fordi gestion's sake?smokt Cub els' struck home with mt." COSTLIER TOBACCOS % w ? :>ylaSii:.iiS Jl: mik* vm Kui'Kiig??i ,.~ ^^euw* iilU'-^-\L-6L.rr:^H.-ki? Jt ? ( s?wtV!iK?tA "iv.** esu:-???*. .-?? *>; ?xt^ :-?>.yf-wJK?iiiiii. mmwi /' The / Quality Car / in the i low-price field at the lowest price , in years! ! A hi ipifolst'?5 eM^T"8 ^"o?* S!LENCCD OPERATION Engine, 1MS- ex^uJs?te wood-grain transmission, axles, brakes. EASY-ACTION SAFETY BRAKES You ^ ,nStrUm'? , ADVANCED CONVENIENCES B,f push gently and .top quickly! The "<>? MILES PER GALLON Owners Jmd0r enJlne hoSd St art* safety of steel from pedal to wheels. ^y"to2J^h^eThrifty60,''most but{on on dash. Parking brake off CENTER-POISE RIDE Ulna biilllant new 85. floor, at driver's left. "V" wind "amidships," between the axles?? *LL"STEEL CONSTRUCTION Top, sh,eld? that open. Two door-pillar sides, floor, welded to steel frame- "g11** sedans. ARRESTING NEW DESIGN It's one work- Safety Glass throughout. ? * * Of America's most distinctive cars' NEW 4 "pillows" between bodvanH STEERING Sbockless y and frame, type. Smart new steering wheels. YOUR FORD DEALER FORD The Brilliant 85 The Thrifty W s Motor Sales Inc. Ford Sales and Service Sylva, North Carolina