o IttllSQtl ? - 'A'''!-1 ? ?i..-'i "rU': 'i:t v att'wh0 W* ;-,.ir.uiioii iii Uk> j'! V<>'- 11: i-:t" Ar 'ini r"3 " i i'ii k ?:?i' tlif |VKtl;' 1,11 ? , U' U' I N. iWtflit " ? " .Mill >,:n iiif.t'ivycle, hat1 I ,,,i"i>: -'l ?U1 fa.;,, T', ,.t euat K'iUi vvith ,l" r, I,,u* sk UK I Mlt ,' Vu.k oi >?>?' ti: .t' i:u.-* ill. in '? 11 ;i i 1 . i.-,..,, i' '1 1 | .,i. , i , ,l ? *!* 4 :i ? i u 'i . ? :? ti, , ,. -j . '.. i' !'.:?! ( i.i '????''i-.-;; u ,s , :;ti ?? ?! i.i s'lv:'. " 'l' t!:> niphwaj If <: L: S fll|! IS, V. I 11 .'k< l>fll 11U i !.ti>!o!vyi'!c I . i . ?. ?; i' 'u*- T' ' l' 'V. c, ti. 2...k. i I?i V .Mark . . ... "\.l v.' M.'thoil i.i,V i l' *. t'r it roivstvr. i iii \\ ';oi' Haptisl ! Ii'?\*l (1 ill till' l ? !!ii t' r>. ? > 'ti in" il'o late Col. >. vi-lit oi* th ? ^(.'.n'o sc-ion of tine coun i, ,, s.r health for ? 'i,. 1!.- |?:v5 1 on, Sunday | , 'n:-s .v.-ri-, Ed. Bry .! :;?> ,!> r, i\. K liuiu |:. I X K Alii. . lliTiaail i I :u. :ti i(i r, John Clayton, ''l! i ! li' iM'S, : ) I .. ; ,i ?? i l, !?;?!!?!*$ wept-, Hub ImHI, Dr. C. /. .... II ..ijU ). K. liry V. ,.,'i-r Itiu'iic^c, M. ??", A. 1' A.ruiutun, I'M. Nor v. > ^ w fi!. M:n 11-?)!,, I'. 11. Brown, \. Watson, W. C. ?hu 1.. !!ntip:r, .John I'liil n. .John I'uimiT. 1-y.l (i: ;ii;. ?; s uH-ifilii-r oi4 the ?? li -I i ?? ' i; i-huirh, a lift 'Vi 1 . i?i , v. Mul one ? '-ii-K ?'..u rit.zi'iis. A ?'T -iiii in'- M. widow, Mrs. '???I1 ?' -? ii v: tliroc sons, I '^Hvy. Mi;rj?>v; Mack and ? ul!"v.lii',-; rhi'.'t- dan^h* ' ?? '-'IJ "i'ij.-n i i' i', (if Quulla. Il !? Il0? ir. and Miss KditJi ; vn'l'-V."!. , ; tV.O hpOtheiS, A i, \ ayncsvillc, flVs .l,l> v. !'i, k?.|is, S. (J.; ow ' ' 'l i'. I'ii l.|isin cr, tirini " -'11 ?'!'lien. and n '11''i r i'i ??!Sur H'laiivcs mul roucr, CHIEF I H AlTaT.N TTiOIiT OTTCER P-af'l Hulitr i, until recently u p shi'i'aT ?n W Sheriff C.I r'!l !|Nsm;t ,i tli,, du ics of ChU't \n ufv y;vn \V <1 ivsday, *u ? a. r>u\iiii. who vccntly X'i All ,i 1., ,'iiiro nij'lil ptttr?l P nan-.o tmv , su tvc ding W r^H wlio l,;isc, work at i-, (j,.vii. lownshipj , H"Kl( i wi'l u ov. his family H > f'A\vi|l i? S > 1 va, next week, ?*'?11 occupy ?]?. ^f,k0 Hfown |^0R('oU?w- Hill. '? Ml-! lhi'i'i . This is h:s - -S civiT nil offtt'CT, fop u mo. with tau*1''" 0 wliilo. in the Vt\ ' ^'"s Anny, in the Pilili 1 E\t.'o CMiLB PASSES \ l' &??,! y/'1 ^lP '? 'Untv, uf i>npuuwu>\ft -t.'uts wow conduct* t. 4 ? mfl \n*j,rircut was \n LV rW l :e. ,vn.,. A \,y Jj(T hrJ ^ild, ur.cl, otWr k>1lUv?9 Think Court Reform Issue Is Put To hist Washington, Juu, 2?Tlio Supnwc Court's ruling upholding t.ic Pi\c doiit 'a Soc.al Security Act in g-'Uorolly twgardal us tho final doujr blow to bis Court Roorganfeotion Wan. Fal lowing thy resignation of Mr. Juauut Va:i Dovaater, it is to Id hire to re move iiho lust ground lor complani that the Court is not ttbr put ipon iviaU'itr?nt members of both iousoh of Cnngivr.s, Mr. Uom.w-lt could force his Court plan J..rough, so bitter and well-organiwd is th" op position to if.. However, politics is full of surprises, and Mr. ltoo??*v lt is one of the most |\ soiuveful oi pol iticians, so it is not wife to call any filing tiend which he eurfn*tl\ wants to keep aiive. Moreover, Congress us u wljole is not inclined to rojopt tfo ? President's leadership, on any matter but ;he Supreme Court reorganization plan. Kvery m(iiub>r knows that the Presi dent is niove popular with th* mass, es thaai Congress is. But Cougress is discovering thnt.wiih the growth o^ ? eonomivj recovery it can get public support for acts to which the Presi dent has not given his assent. Therofpro, i tho current tendency, which' is gaining strength, of C- n :?ress to tuko the roina of legislation into its own hands and ?o reestab lish iur Constitutional statua of ?? equal and coordinate branch of the Federal Governuiant, not subse rvient to the Executive brnnch. Something of that sojuo revival of ( the spirit at' the independence of tho ( three departments of government lies behind the strongest opposition io any net -widen would'nupair tho independence of i'l^o third brnnch, the judiciary, "'i Ill tlllS new sjMfii 01 iiint'jji'iiu'-uvv Cougdcss, spe-ak.ng broadly, is Ijocoiii iug moru resentful of the activities of so-called " Presidential advisers 1 who have no lo-^nl status ?s such, and I who aaio often suspr?'t< d of exerc s*' ing undue influenco and of aJtempt-' ing to deprive Congress of its right ful powers. Thep> is grantor ins?s tence that the President should take (he lawmakers themselves into h?s .?onfldenco, and confer with theni ov?>r now legislative proprsa's. In short, tk> feeling in Congress i? (hat tho emergency which, justified the exaltation of the Pnsid<}itial oftlco into what amounted to oikt man government, hits pawd. And sinco the average Congressman is as ?' ?!!;?? lit' i r .. Vi '??'.1 ?!?l f lit* ba?-''i home will lot him be, the tendency on Capital Hill is to waft-pixlal on r< sw refenn progii'pns, and to trj to consolidate and make workable the roform act8 already adopted. The Prosid -nt, on t-h*1" other hand, is said by some who have talked wit'h him lately to feel fhpt the'emergency in th? broad sense, has not patesed He talks of vris s still ahead, giving the impression that he intends to urge upon Congress program oi social reforms bread enough to all"* \ into all poMorty forever. It is in the inoerost of that broad and not yet fully-disclosod program, shrewd i ! the prospect of continuance of Fed oral relief indefinitely and indiscrim : inately, Senator fioorge'a plan is to | handle relief the samp way that ?ld age pensions are handled under the Social Security Act. Tha* is,to match st?to and local relief funds dollar for dollar from the Fodrral Tp-Aaury (Please Turn To 2> Sylva Municipal Swimming Pool Opened Tuesday, June First Madison Again Heads County School Unit i > | M. B. Madison was olected to sue coed hinisif as County Suprinten doiit of Schools, bv t'lie Cjumy Hoard of Education, nt?uveting hold Sat urday uiorninp Mr. Madison receiv three votes, ^and Mr. Roy Bird, two. Whereupon. Mr. T. Bi, Cowan *% ? .'n i moved that the election lv made unanimous; hut to this there was i!hc dissenting vote of Mr. (hirland Dil l?rd. O' _ i} { Mr. M;ixlis. n 4>:is been County Su pomttndent for the past s x yrtirs. He is a u.itive of iht county, is a son of Prof, and Mrs I'ohcrt L. Madison, was wducated at Western Carolina Teachers College ami the University of North Carolina, taught) in th-' whools of this county and l:?t ?? was "elected County Commissi oner ot Welfare, before lie :iaaumed his pres ent office. Th? present board, at its first meeting, elccited Odell S. Dillard County Superintendent, but Mr. Dil lard d"cilined to accept the office. U. D. O. MEETING POSTPONED \ TJyj meeting the, B. H. Cathty Chapter, United Paughteis of lh ? Confederacy, which was to h?v?i h-X'.i held today, lm? lxvii postponed un til next Thursday afternoon, vim it will meet: at the home of Mrs. J. F Freeze. ASSOOIATIONAL B. T. U. TO MEET AT ZION HJLL I^yle Ensloy, President of the Tuckas'igoe Associnitjonnl Biptist Training Union, announo ? that, dee to the monthly As.soeiai. onal Sun day School meetings, wfoieh u 'e to ' o hrld en th) th'i'd Sunday ?;f e-'i'h month, the Assocuitional Bapt's* Training Union officers i;nve voted to cfhange the date of th0 Trnin'ng Union from the third Sunday in Juno to the second Sunday in June. Th-? meeting will he luld at 7,ion Hill at 2:30 in the afternoon, Sunday, June in. The oflutrs ore urging all pasto.s to come and hrin? largo d-legations from each church. The tentative program is :?s fal lows: Song and prayer. Devotional. Rm\ Ernest Jamison, pastor Zio?i Hill church. Roll call, business, im nounoiiment8. Our extension plans tor the sum mer, Lylc Ensl>- y. What we want ih > B. T. U. Rf rival to do, Miss Mildred Cowan. Special music. Oul1ov\h;v Union. R. port of committee Insp'rational address, Rev. J'at-han C, Brooks, Jr, State B. T. U. Sccro taiy, Rolpigh. ?- * Ol The Mmv^ipal Swimning Sylva, th<-> only municipally oavd?? pool west oi" Asheville, opened on .'uno first, with Marshall 'W. Millar in charge, for the town Bocently completed ns n W PA pro and juat opened day bef?ve yes terday, the pool is already proving popular with both children an.! adults.. ' '? . Kllcin Fin dv, Eagle; Scout, who graduated from Sylva High. School, as president of tho senior class, Inst month, is life guard at llie pool. Young Frady received his certificate as ? life guard at Camp Ur.tgg, in 1 and has renewed ?t each y?n* sino'o that time. Jack Allison is ia charge of th< sliop at the enjrancfo ot the pod, where bathing suits are s .Ul ;:ii,l rented, and candies, ice rinated, and is kept fresh by :i e:r dilating system. Fresh towds an furnished each bather by th? pO >1, and all persons arc ivquirod to take a cleansing shower bath, and t ? use tho foot baths, containing ? clo rine solution, before ? liter in g th< pool. It is believod that the pool wili prove to be a popular feature of the town with local people and visitors. The pool will open caoh morning at 11 o'clock, and Mill close at ;:,bout the sam? hour each evening. In addition to the hathinsr pool, ihcie u s Inyo ',\?tl:ng pool for the sn ail children. ; ADULT STUDENTS MAKE TRI? TO CAPITAL AND COAST TOWN Seventh'!! adult, .students', and, teachers of Jackson county at.enl ' ?d the Stat privilrpfi- of hear ing leaders of the Adult Education ; Project, and distinguished jru'sts, in eluding Governor Clyde R. Iftvy.. After seeing tlie exhibit and all' the interesting points in and iniound , Raleigh, students and fnc'hers mo tored on to Carolina Beach and F. rt ? Fisher. Remaining there until Mon day, May 24, they H" turned to Sylva on Tuesday, the 25th. Thig being t3*> first v:sit of t group of people to these, points in thrt S'.itf, th?r considered it the i grepfcflet-.tapie of their ? i Board Estimates 238 Jackson Pensioners RrJeigh, JuneEs'iniat.r. com piled l?y the Xoyf!t Carolina ftattrd | of Charities and Public Welfare in dicato that appiox^nruely 2">8 resi dents of Jackson County will bo be eligible for aid under tin* two pro visions ol" the S ta-te's Social Secur ity program, which becomes effective oil July 1. A tentative survey shows that in ! Jackson .county loG p rions cf the age of 65 years and beyond, and 122 ! dependent children mai r are en tiiled to recive ben1.fits enumerated ill the legislation adopi.d by ,lie 11937 (.Jeneral Asst-mMy. i Persons desiring visl.siaucc must apply to the Jackson County Board of Welfare, where ilv y will be grant-, cd interviews and alLyivd to fib written applications ii t!:eir ca^es aic ! considered worthy. ? Applicants for all phases i-i' ansis. ancc must show thai they do r.ot havo sufficient income or other re sources to pioviie a reasuii'ble s:;b sistenco incompatible with tkcer.cy and health.." Those applying, for Old Age -As sistances must show 1h it Jny ;tri more than 65 years oi' a.^o. iiv:t tl.e> are noi. financially able (<> cue tv.r themslves properly; tlmi lliey air citizens of the I'nited Stwios; that they have lived lin NVrih Carolina for fivi* of the last nnte years; thai they are not ini.i ales oil any public institution, and that they ]ia v? not made a transfer or assignment oi propert/for the purpc.v of making themselves eligible for assistance.'' Applicants for Aid i mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, or certain other relatives who have children in their ke-'pii'?. but v'fo se incomo io insuffieent t-i eaiy for them properly. Children receiving benefit must be bss titan 16 years of age, and must hav been bom or lived in >Torth Caroliu., for at has: 0110 year prior to the filing of tin application financial asiioal t'rc.k t?) ii'? (n?! oi' tin- piv.j'.Hi lunler ru?* ticn. jit i o ii i the lilia1 l*itlgt? ?> t!i- vllilVrniC' i;i tip ?'G.sl.of' i*. s'.' ?!(?..(.n ('l i!.?* j\v.; j??o i-s ? ' i: w. It ani; il 1 vr t? ? work i.< ?.s ::;]>!< ;??*! u;.- t '- ? *'?] <*i ili?* lujrY ;-y, tli , v yiujj i-*.:'\ \?i! !i? lt!o> (1 .;*> Ijlt o;Vi?l* i;?il ">!! f.iti i!:* -urv y.tijf k ?: - t\vitii tho itr-tion uf* Mis^w iys( 100 ;iii(t ,;is; l'|*, ;: | Sy|v,( Cafruliua* '?c ?n of'the first (?oinplislni-4'iilii "i tlio prc-s.lu c-.in Tl"' *?!" i ?(> ii." :- lit'eii;?t? r ;i l!i'. ?, i *1 < \ hi' ;*wuuty ioi* the >v-t' 'M y a'ht! ii j??, ks :;s it, l! la wJl"' ? :?:JI :S; rt'.oni.1o I)' :!??}l od, "lisi -'n- lo. -i; ouiiuly l.o tr.iv i*5?- ?l wit li a rpaJ liiysiway. C'i'un'ol'n; iK? SoinSiifuft :.n sun.mer season, Tuesday, .Tune 1. J. C. Sty! s lcssei ,'vras 1 ere ill*' h:st of tin.' \v ? kr making arrangements for inaugura ting tltfj U' "A" season. Vines Crf 2:. the manager, arrived Monday, an-1 th?* assi.st.'iijt I'Wiurr- r j-uMioi ' director, Paul T. llaiber, wJ o ! ?h been in charge of iheAtlantn bureau in the Henry Grady Hotel during tbc month of May, was expect d yes terday. A11 intensive advertising cc paign in the Georgia and Florida newspapei-s, inaugurated early i;? May, and to be continued wll mi o the summer season, is expected to attract many n-w patn.ns and vis itors to this widely known resort hotel in this county. ? A CULLOWHES HIGH FINALS Principal C. A. Iloyle handed d - plonias to 20 irradu-ttes, Monday, *r?inv ht-n foinnieti?.-