i JACKSON COT7IVi Y JOURNAL 1 l*obU*b?d Waet?y By TU f A ', b BON tOUNIt JOURNAL CO. f Kotered as wcond class matter * i'o*t Office ** Sylva? * """" ' DAK TOMPKINS, Editor This would be -A poor X ww ,0 !'n 1 f' east los in Spain; King 'tK' Starf tile Garter: <>ut 11''1,1"1" JSita. w^X."?v;-| nioiits. The Suprmc Court uiay b' -nm ir.une to public ..pin* a and pr..vaj from citlu-r of tlu- *her voordauu. brauohpa of tlu< IVder I t,0\;'lt/ but it seemetli to us that *e d Uc> a much more favoraW, aViUifr 10 ward the NVw 1**1 P"!uu'>lhl decisions ot the ??mat'?>!? ?*?' sineo the Prudent pw'l^"1 ?' form ot the judicial*.*. The Municipal swinimiir- pool, pioerly .;ondoct?<1. and u- brim, it wili be. will prov?' i' s"niv0 01 ' great deal ot healthful ami inaoe.ic pleasure to a grva many ol our poo pie. a drawing card lor tuuw-ifc. and a wal ass.-t to the camimmdy. But, it could al*? easily pro\e Uip ?< versa. It is important tluit it ue started off on the right track. I' will be easier to kisp if ' 4'The mills of the gods grind slow ]y; but thicy grind cxt- din- tine Darling of a prominent and well ??? Japanese honor had demanded slaughter of hapless Chinese, and ' the taking from China of her fair est province*. We trust that Nazi honor is suf-j ficiently vindicated. Of course the' women and children i;i the ]ittl? ' Spanish town had nothing t.o do | with the warship incident. They; probably knew nothing about it. Bui' Carman warships opened a boiiittard j mont upon them, without warning, j They were not even given the oppoi - j tunity to run. But their broTen bod ie6, and their blood, spilt in t!? streets ?E a little Spanish town, have paid the debt. Nazi honor is viadi-j cated. 106 IS ON THE WAY The early completion of Highway 106 from Sylva to the South Caro lina line s"* rritl ;n in the stars. Hi,, condition of 106, the road rcqustvd, by the county commissioners, two tdccades ago, as the first road of th ? State Highway System to ho built in Jackson, has retarded the develop _? ment of the county for years. Every way he turned, in contemplating for ward steps ho ran,up against th? need for this highway as a first cor. sicberation. With the ?stablishment of th; Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the construction of the W^xway acrose Newfound Gap, k ?Wtoent to anyon? that if Svlva and .Jackson cam:; is:.p their ^ "hRle 01 tti? b?S?fi.S of tho park, 106 must bo built. Ever since the present writer ??s sununl the editorial ehr:r ?' 1,1 j.umal. ;< ??i ;? r\mn aao this lKiiu ir *>?'?< sistently advoeated th,pudding of 100 111 season si ltd Hit, WC hav4 written and worked i:, the iut.res. oi' this road. All that is water that>,Iia? pa?sd ' uiul'T the bridge; and 10o :s uu til way to becouunjr a lvality?a dream como true?an idea vindicated.^ The next steps in this eni-ity's de velopment. so far as highways arv foiuonvd. are the iinpruvi ?vnt or ihe seeoudjuy' I'^ads to the po nt wlure they aro ti;aviable the >ear around; and the K\tri.miiVV. at the earli' st possible dale, Th:* edn? struction of ;i project on the I>lue Kidjre Parkway in th<- P>'lsam nil's*. WASHINGTON NEWS (Continued iVom |>iige ono) and put the'-auuinnst w. ion ?n re. liei's1= hy" ami tik- si site ^vermes t'ci ni"i< Federal relief money. No polifiea1 suh-li\ isi.iii could uot a cent more S.h.i^it .?'* "-v :,i5t' t.) put HO i I rv .? J if. Ill tl: ".TV t :T-';irth?l as ,i sound and workable plan. ??: prac tice, polities beinsr w lira it is. sve put up u?; money, or n vie t'? speak of tt\r irlii i', l-ui have ?Main ;><] hundreds of .u'']ii?ins i r >u I itele s?u?. ? CULLOvYHES HIGH FINALS ({*oiulii?-?i fitr i j'ajre one) Daves, as he-t i;"-! athhte: \ r[ij, Brvsoii as l? \s( ii?.y atiilety, jM'id-' Lo- P.r.vsoti, lor di-am'yiies; Oe] IlHle^-did?il-1 :,)1" Sid.?-lar*!'jp. Ruth Eleanm- F.!!lo.. pr-rdia^M^hip Maine Asln\ and jh line .vlik 'ls.,a> ht >t student's 'l! e?vi,s. !*.i'd r,('i--s f*!'s{ "isiij Ce? 1 iiirjit. - ?.v > ?! ? i a ward i d 1?> f' Mar ?jrainer. Vivien D.nvs. Ir-ne tlio n Lucilr IfiHi;, ;;-. < I'd! M d?!Ii:-t -ll. Rcva Pa,inter. Tli lnp l'l iPii s. ?' tina Prfssl.'y. IV-iy^L e IVi ?? Kdit! Seago; Carol \u S{ ill \ve!i. ( bd'? Tay lor Saunters. Ad.ah Wall, I- In ?'?>se phino V.'ike, AIr.l. 1 Ito z W ke. Wan-I Wike/:feet?lia ^ond, and-Kitby ??'. Wjodrinij: . j \ CARD OF THANKS i \ "? ; / We v.ish to thaiik all our trie'tK^ f'?r the kindu ss sliowu during tin* illness nlnl dial!i ll(?r;i! ofTerinvs. THE ALBERT DAVES FAMILY POTATO PLANTS ]V,|f SA1F, W. C'. Allison, Sylva, N. C'. PAIN 'f ,,. * ' it I 1 I AT LESS COST! I i ifwiTtc, ! a i ^GbihtWmI i 4 i . 5.V-, j ;1 | j feS*** WHITt ? ??'?'"* .t j & i 3 I! Ore coal of Pee Gee Mastic Psfcit is made to eo next to tF 2 v.'ood . .. tie other next to the vcather. 1 hat's why the.y protect your house Letter. Iteep it L-Igfiter. an<; f more beautiful t*:>a 3 coats ot c "dinary piint & It cosis Icr.s to paint your home >???' u .J'.r tliis sci-.^lilic sys'.sin . . . ar.J ii.e Pee GiC viuJett Man nak'.r ? ; r j j lvmmi: cc.uy ( t'.- p'oy'tl fi% liable Pair.Ur SySva Coal and Lbr. Co., inc. James Morris, Painter 'Phone 71 i ): 5 r>? Perto Rico. TTtitc Spanish Jnp-afce , i-kr.rlJo for Tfco Jooroal Rtid got Hi as, -lor ton Tan, leiaa Po- t) n !>a*ior.al, 3t*itc and Conn y news. rato Plants 20c p?unlv. 1000. J. O. Fisher, Shell Swicj* Stu ? r~[ ' ticii, Whiltier, N. C f.ook at voi!]* i.'i bel. 1'ia: your- subscription e>: GLENN FUNERAL , ... HOME l>.ml? If so. lot: us iiav?Ambulanoe Service - your renewal so that you, | Sylva,N. C. Phone 55 won t miss a copy. 11 Here's hoping you success, SMOKY MOUNTAIN GRILL Waynesviile Candy Company Waynes vii Je, N. C. N! At the Grill von can obtain: I J UN ALU SKA SANDWICHES, ROB INSON CRUSOE PEANUTS and " ality candies, ... Supplied by us. i ;> F-R-E-E F-R-E-E F-R-E-E At the Smoky Mountain Grill ? , Thursday, June 10 Opening Day?Your choice of R. C. Cola - Ccce-Ccla - Br. Pep per - Bireley's Orangeade - Bilt more Ice Cream- or Tom's Summer Ccnd'tes With each "Red Hot" RED HOTS - 10c < .}? A1V- i rW: , Balsam Bote BALSAM, NORTH CAROLINA Extends Greetings to Our, Neighbors and Friends in ? Sylva and Jackson County V . - ?? 1 y ? You are cordially invited to visit our summer hotel. i i We treasure your friend- j ship and good will. j J. C. Stiles, Yates Green, J Lessee ? Manager ' Paul T. Harber, < Ass't Manager and Publicity Director j Season opened June 1. l t * You will find a full line of Gulf C I ' " rt Products at the VI SMOKY MOUNTAIN Service Station, supplied by -'v ) Gulf Oil Corp. ' ' v ? ' ? C ' " " \ ? - 'l. S, W. Enl.oe, Distributor Drain and fill up with GULF PRIDE motor oil. GULFPRIDE leads the motor oil field. 0 Sylva Army Store The Home of Low Pri ices \ V*\ /N ?t* fUMMERi/ MONEY SAVINGS Starts Wednesday, June 2nd A store wide event planned months ago to save, you \ j money ? *1v . .; '* ? \ . i Buy your summer needs now at low prices f i 97c Sanforized Shrunk ! ' Wash Pants ?* * * { sizes 29 to 42 97c Fast Color Pro shrunk $1.25 Value Dress Shirts $1.94 White Brass Oxfords Genuine Goodyear Welts I,; p?*? ~v> fe. ; h ' ? \ . Isit? 97c AE Wool Bathing Suits Built In Supporer 97c 220 Weight Sanforized Shrunk Overalls A Typical Array Store Value 59c AU Cclors Button and T e Necks Polo Shirls $1.94 Star Brand Shoes G:nuin? P^c:> So!? BOYS' PLAY SHORTS EOY'S PLAY SUITS 69c SUMMER WASH GAPS 25c SHIRTS AND SBOBIS 25c WHITE LEATHER bELT 25c ^ COVERT WORK SB#19 49c