|Kr> Vl" 3P,!,t li'"8- # * * ff lV. stone ?? >;ii,i"s ?*'?? Li#*"?; ? ? tf Killi'"1 ,as lurC' fr0,K W- -.'i' ,u is ??L I ptvi.l K?'T.?iS ***** fei.ii'""*- 'i?ic,L Lot" * * * I Cook, of SMby, is r? [, ifiss l'i iiii U>nff Buchanan, I",' mill ' hos bi-cn visiliiiff |?|J" * * * \bbott, of Ktioxville, fe;h,:.'.:.?n.s Mr ,nu P,Bli? ?-iiK h? Mr-. I-ft. John A I'mR f ~ * * * . ? I L lu,l Mrs. Thv-ii fs It ves, of ( r' ,,vnt li'f iiul henv, rtj;.,.--??..?? "?ib Lnu Mr. r i * * L(bdf. X, C.iiuii t' i* her\ t?r Lairf varat >?? ,f""m Soll hi r" tl Colli'? '- Atla:-,t:?. where ??e is L,.. fou!1-' in ?l?'?ti>try. I * v ^ L jf. Buchanan. "ho has L in the Veterans' Hospital at u for -.saiiiinayon, has return Qis home hoiv v * L,(. L. Dillai'il and Miss Mag ferd hnv,?rcturii' '1 horn a v s L Mr. fiitl Mrs. Bni Cathey aad Lj.L Diilanl, ?lr > i'1 Canton. * * * kj Maynu* h-ave tli? L 0t th- v , k lor llarriiua" nri?th?'?-iu-la\v, Mr. L. ;;h .v >.r will ho the Sliest .1 1? Ui;<.*iKi-ai!. c * * Pr.;' J Mrs. To: '/anaen have nr tiir.iii, >cai ,!?. W. shiii'-ton, r.ncl L,. plat iv* nul friends Li'at otlur points in the com; * * * pibrlfs :r. ?J 'v Has nturned tavinit {?) ivi;it;vf.s at Mt. Holly ?J'lflMaborii. 1!. ni? <*??, lit Jc Miss ri iy K o\ aro. ir.p.-nied tic. ft for a visit. .? ?: * i':. w\ M -s. K. \Y. Barton ami t:e ^r.uuiiai!ul.t r. Sara Jc?n a. ot .Wlrnvs, spent the wwk i'iili Mr.: ii'l Mr*. ('ary Allison :'It. aii'.l liis. L'UU'h Allison. |&a hm T dli r, of Elleiit'oro, Hlast uiuht i^r u visit to M:s8 a.v,IMl, at the Imiu- <-1 Mr. and P.F. Frw/i, on Sylvan ll'-'ipfhts. psllill isati'.ii'lin'jr tl?c six weeks' til of suun.v i' si'h'K?l, at W(.-stMi ?V i . i r br >th r. Mr. ( x ? i int-r \Yeicl< ? Fll'l M^Ai:!il- li. I >:?nil 1, wili'-li j'- ftrur.on Thursday <>L" next w?k # * * '"?s-Wi- Lec, o t' Marhville, is rrM of h I- s'st< r. Miss Hu'.h >s att*-iitliiivr t!i?* ?*iai six Ps' t'Tii f,t -r s.'liooi. ;;1 (> CmjI-ik, Ti M.vers (\>ll?K-\ f;'- s'Jiy'vit; ;it tli.- litnnf of Mr. P>- U'. r I 'I I jU> IL'lt l-as !>. on vis'r.in?; M '?uil'-ii-j. .,|!:) H-'th Sfjii 1 - l.ovii,.' f }'nnd Mrs. -I 'thin v. | 1< M or rhu, ? \u -V j;t \Y ?<{ T > Coll, -.. l(.r *vX**Wnn,i. Uj^Mli,,*. is a stmlo'-it C'.lli-jjo, is t\\ ndinK piiin.'wiil, i,:st: for Mrs. II. J. "rrii in I'liil-'d liiiii.- hp lore iv rjtoffak, [??.?. -I (1U sum 1 r%iol, \l * * * i lr f 0 ir r-llj,. ": ns''->, vl:o is IriclmiK "I Wi'S?;tii |cy,.W Coll,,-,. \V,?S a 1 ' f V'l'!-vt 'l" i 1 ? tv< nin?.% nt the home of Mr. and Mra. J. p, Fwaeq. ? # ? > ( Miss Wilkjtbo Patten, wh'? hr.s been spending several months at ihc home of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. McLan, and studying at Western Carolina Teachers College, will loave, tbp laSi of the woek, for her home in Hayes ville. * ? * Mrs. Joe L. Sutton and little daughter, P>eggy have returned to their home here, aftev a wo-k's visit with relatives in Hickory, Qas tonia and Ashtville. Mr. and Nelson B. Shepherd accompanied tin on here and spent tlhp week end with Mrs Shepherd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cary Allison. * * * EAST FORK WOMAN PASSES V' > Funeral services for Mrs. Tom Deitz were held Sunday at Kast Fork Fork Baptist church. Mrs. Deitz i:< survived by her husband, two daugh ters, Mrs. Graco Iligdon and Mrs. Ruby Buchanan, one s->u Horace Deitz, and two sisters, Mrs. Sam Beck and Mrs. Nathan Buchanan all of tho Savannah section of tli.* county. HONORED ON 88TH BIRTHDAY Jeremiah Gree.i, one of the oldest pioneers now living in Jackson ty, was honored at ;i ?lelightful gath ering, on Sunday, May 2 'i in cole bration of his eUrhty-eiffli.'li hii't Inlay anniversary. The alfair was held at tho home of his oldest daughter. Mrs. Eugenia Deitz, near Sylva, and was attended bv about one hundred friends and relatives, including tour children, nineteen grandchildren, twenty-three great grand children, and one gwat-Rreatrgi'ajiddhild, leaking four generations of the do scendants of Mr, Greene present. Pictures of these and other family groups were made, to be presented 10 the honoroe. During the day conversation and reminiseenses were enjoyed, Mr. J Greene adding niuoh to i lie en joy ment of the guests l?y tellng of h's early childhood days and stor es .,f his favorite sporty bunting. At nooa a most delicious picnic lunch was spread and enjoyed und r the shade trees on I lie spaeims lawn of the house. Among the. out of town tmeses were: Misses Mae, Viola and Fanny Deitz and Clyde Deitz, all of Bel mont ) Mr. and Mrs Jeny Deita and small daughter, Barbara Ann; Wavivo Deitz and Misses Mary Alice and Adrienne Stewart, all of Laurrns Swth Carolina. STEADY WORK?GOOD PAY. Re liable man wanted to *?-.:!I on farmers in Jackson County. No rxp?rienee or capital required. Make up to $12 a day. Writw M?NESS CO., Dept. Bt> Freeport, Illinois. c i - n HAD ANY HEADACHES LATELY? <. A nurse writes that she suffered from frequent hcadache3. Nothing stop ped them imtil a friend re commended DR. MILES NERVINE. She says Nerv ine stops headaches before they get a good start. Three generations have found DR. MILES NERV INE effective for Nervousness, Sleepless ness due to Nervous Ir ritability, Nervous In digestion, Headache, Travel Sickness. Get DR. MILES NERV INE at your drug store in liquid or effervescent tab let form. Small bottle or unclca/re 23 cents Large bottle r,r package Sl.00 P# 'A' IMA NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSANC /f ytf.Pursant'contains,in properly ^balanced proportions, such proven elements as organic copper an J Iron. | Quickly stimulates appetite and aid? natur# in building rich, red h'?0" even is cajes of simple anemia. When this happens, energy and strength usually return. You feel like new. y Get Punting from your drus^Ut^^Jg^ The Smoky Mountain Grill ? ?' ? N ' '' (.i" - " is wise. It keeps a full line of mixed drinks on hand. Trv a J\-nsi-CoIa, a delightful, refreshing drink; or Fruit Drinks, or Buffalo Kock Ginger Ale Orange Crush Bcttlirg Ccnptiy J Delightful dtmealtimes" says Champion Figure Skater-BETTY CHASE "I LOVE TO SMOKE Camels with meals and after wards," adds this graceful athlete. Camels speed up the flow of digestive fluids.increasing alkalinity, and bring ing you a sense of well-being. Camels set you right! POURS WHITE-HOT STEEL (Mow)."Chuck" Davis ?ays: "Boy! How I go for Camels at mealtime and after. They make my grub taste better?set better." ?" i' ??. | ?? ? W ''r -,-- t-.'l? . ' f. ?Pfellri ? ???? ?-???? ? ? ? Free Golfing! Sunday, June 6 There will be no green fees charged, at the Sylva Country Club Golf Course. ILverybody invited. : ?> % dl # if * -* ??????? l*?> i FREE! FREE! FREE! At the ^ SMOKY MOUNTAIN GRILL ) On opening day, Thursday, June 10 ' With each purchase of ten cents or over YOUR CHOICE of Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, R. C. Cola, Bireley's Orange Ade, Biltmore Ice Cream or Tora's Summer Candies ? < t HAS TIMED 150 MILLION LIVES Best of wishes to the SMOKY MOUNTAIN GRILL : * ? Dr. Pepper and R. C. Cola and : all Nehi Products : ? ? Supplied by: : Bryson City Nehi j Bottling Company R. C. Cola is twice as much and twice as good. We are happy to say that we supply The Smoky Mountain Grill with: , / ?. j Tom's Toasted Peanuts i and Tom's Toasted Products H. S. Forst Distributor 32 S. Lexington St. Asheville, N, C.