g J0nmi4 VANCE IN THE COUNTY SYLVA, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24,1937. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY (ingress Expects To Have jicvisc Income fax Law Stop All- Loop Holes Kington, .>11110 21. It looks Tj jjj. tux iWiSio", which Con ! j(.uj0,-s h:, i'1' ? >??y l>o tl'fl (i 5M which this sassion of Con . ^jjj itsro to deal witlh The iw(i?l. 'Ji t ailing atten J i|i>tun?'os ul tax avoida* c? r rra,|) rich uit'ii ;r place which Boost" ('It 's Siipmuc Court ?*? Liittioi "l-"1 ha ?? occupied lor thn three monrlis as the uiafei interest on IIiUw fujo tl,, iYcsiis uiiii-i. ih,> morally de irM* l?m v.Jiicli iiro entirely :ie i;tw. lit* trouble is with "l'*--, him] the present effort ?'l i;> ij> i I> phole.s of ?.M. :;:v .i ;i 'u !,in 1'V o sip around ?i:io 1 he? A.lmhllstMli0'' ! '"I - li a y lo ijltow up ft Jnrge nai>ui';n-'iitvi r. ' scvmal mem ; v.rv wi ilthy family and li-ul-, ni aTu'cc iiiipo tniit cUfti' n 'liily now' p;itH*rs. ! Mnniu< iij j'ul how far Co-'? 1 VH1 ?*<) in that direction, but 9 ft sit.!Ii c c rijiinty thnti cor '?U | wtici which tin- present ts* lV; l""'init< will he m ule ilkgftl. 1 I'-tt lV pvi tur a eompleti V| ?,m il 0 tax laws will bct'Orur rl! Cer. Tni i!Yoi;1nn?'e alone would j" ?,,,'<'?ntl experts soy, for wort " I ho WiOO.oOO.OOO *?' i'' tliis vmr'n estimate*, if -i ri" mti'l. '? K '\V''t grows stronger f(>l ' ? li'tJi'.i lit ;:t this Itfssion of ' ' **??.-aiul.h'?ur? bill, which will S|' !'y ill ?\]>'.i<-ii tenihb ju*t how '''" 'hhus peivonr, engaged in any 1 1 ? fJ.?i m:ovh; ato eouUU.?rcc ' ? ami th" mii imum amount '? r l'"Ur which tbey must be paid. *-onM l'MiKiH- the main objec "Fil wYieh the N. R. A. Was Waved \\ eon titu'ional, that ot V ; l>'i: to , rrm'h lim'-nialung au ?.<* tjir I'vccitive. vl* IT. 'nt belief is that the !>a und hour;* will be fi*ed at ;r'Hor?y." That is, forty hours u J* M not hvfi than forty cents an ' a v.m U as the minimum hiAu.d to be ^a 9tiff m *V' 0,1 *V proposal to fix thnt l'| |V?V which would have to apply .Wo Uhoi- m the South veil tli ^'^>r ^North; oni lv>t "'i tromgly \? ^ rcr6nv,tire? ? Ooft" * . us..A TO OPEN RBXALIi SATURDAY Thl Rexall, Sylva'3 new soda shop, will open on Saturday of this week, the management lias announced. Located oppofeito the post office, Jio new shop has just installed a new .soda fountain, new fixtures, including private soda booth?s, aud thj1 inuerioi has been completely redecorated. The shop will carry a cotrplcV line uf druggists' sundries, tobaccoa, ci gar*, cigarettes, toilet articles, cos metics, Rexall preparations, candies, and the like, and will cater to the ice cream, soda Water, and coolic oions trade. , , ^ ^ a QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K. Terrell, Rev. MeRjio Crawford preached at the Xithodist church, Sunday after j noon. Hj remmed to Whittier, where lie is conducting revival services. Born to Mr and Mus. Emerson Catl^ ?y, oa June 14, a son, Charts lYoooas. Mr. and M* day. Mr. and Mr*. Thonxis, Mr. Fr d Thomas and Misses Mary and Doro thy Thomas, of Sylva raited Mrv. Kmerson Cath >1 in Qufi.lln, Sunday. Mrs. Ed Oxiior gave n picnic* party i'or her Sunday School clues on Sun day afternoon.[ ( V, REPAINT JARRETT'S HOTEL Jarrett Spring Ho.ieJ, papular oupi t and commercial hotel, at Dill boro, has just h rn treated with t new coat of outside paint, greatly improving its iaJr?n.dy attractive ap ix'nranco. NEW mONT IN STORE Workmon aro busy this week, in stalling a now front In the Clous? Hid Warr In S.oro, which will a;ld j.n'e;itly to the nppoarancn of the *hop, r.nd will provide better show windows for di-phiy of merchandise. SCOUTS LEAVE SATURDAY POR CAPITAL CITY B. K. Harris, Assistant. Scout mns er, r.lcnn I'Vady, Kprie Sc ut, H"r 'koji Crowt'll of Sylvu and John Bu hnnun of Ouilowliec, aro among th 'wty-ilvo niemljers of Daniel Boone Vumcil, Boy Scouts of Amwien, win nil leave cn Saturday for Wabinsr Ml, to :itt lid ilio National Jamboree Tito Koouts will convp at. Potomac f>ark. On July 1, tbey will ho r 'c?ived '?y tho President, c/ibinct m?niborj nd members of Congr^s, and w*ll V welcomed to tb< White Hous-; '?rounds by President Roxscv It. Tho "iwidw" story of tho defeat of tho nttmpts i^:t Conffrcft to r*4 lii w tho appropnii tu<1'. for poli'l from tho billion nnd a half which < fyl Proflitkf ,t l-oquofitcd is that W. P. A. Adpiiiustnutor Hopkins u*nl out word to mif y #tut<\s and com munities tolling how various W. P. A. projects muall bo dropped if the nppropriutiolv wore cut. - Letters and t ^egrams of protest floods ?r Congiosa, and few moruburs waited to tako the respon sibility of stimdifff for ro.elf?tion in 10.18 with a ra-ord of having op ptjsod lito flow of Fo&oral fundi into th^r districts. The po'itical power wielded by t*? Admu'iiffctra tion ia one of tlie-atraf g**t injflo e* cos in Washington. TODAY and TOMORROW (By Frank Parker Stockbridg) CLIPPER . giant flyers I saw a miracle the other day. At least, it soemc/od miraculous to me to watch on? of the great Paa-Ameri can clippi lib come into port at Miami ufter a 7,000-mile flight from Bueno.: Aires. At first a 11 y speck in the southeast sky, Like u distant bird*! then gradually growing larger until j one could heajr the roar of its four grciat eugity k, f.s ?t circled over Ithe edgo of tho shoro to come down head-to-wind, on the wntro of bin. cayne Bay. 'in uiivi out of this, the world's largajt international air-port, 1:2 giajnt flying boats carry passeng^-; t< andi from flvory port of Latin Aiuie: iea. Three quartern of a million pa > f.c^geis have been flown over three hundred million miles without a t;i>gle mishap. Tho sam,? com:paQv operates the trans-Pacific fleet of dying clippers, and I saw the fin t of the new ships whivh will rmi rn the I cw transatlantic service. AU tU W) international flights are, over water, and they do to night flying. One can sret to Chile i:i five (Jays, where steamers tako a month I That 'a a miracle. SIKORSKY . . . . air travel Back if. 1913 a young Ilusaiin Igor Sikorsky, got the idpa of build :ng a bigger iandi better Airplane j than had over beers. m&dc. Nobody J had any planet then which could' carry important weight or bo re'i d j upon for moro than a few miles.! Sakorsky fotfilt a huge plane which! flew over Moscow with 72 passengers! The World War s buildirg speedy but dangerous tmili tary plants. Sikorsky kept his faith in big commercial plane? He came to America after the war and is J'ow | th< foremost designer of huge flying boats. All of the "Clippers" came, out of his Bridgeport workshop. The r newest ? ?s, now building. "wiT be-v 190 feet acroa* the wings, and wil' j carry sixty paa^ngiers, two or three fans of freight and a ton or more of > mail at 200 miles an hour, with ga =: enough to cover 2,">00 mihs or mot"" without refueling. JUNK war Thfi imwt active of sill 1lic world ivivkotsis the tRidrt in junk. Seraji iron and fet#;Vii is in greater detna, d th in ever hpt'-orp, and at higher prie. ps. J filo o our,o of the past lev, weeks I have had occasion to visit a dozen or so of tlie ini|K>rtant At!mn lie yenports, from Now York nil the way down to Mi?mi. At every port I liavo soon huge pile* of scrapped | automobiles, old bridge and building stfljfl *nd ?wry other imaginable form of junk,piled upon the wharves waiting for ships to take it to Eu ropo and Japan. I saw five slhips in { ono day loading scrap at Delaware River ports. Tho world ariam, llt race is re apaoriMt. Modem steel mnnuflactuiej require:} a high percentage of scrap to niako the 'mixturo right England, Germany, Italy, France and Jap.-m aro building warships and making guns ?0 fast they have to import scrap from An^Hca. "More stuff for Japan to make guns to shoot us with," ifl an exprcs b I haTe Heard in almost every port. I havo no special fear ot Japan >ut I aui(~afrnid th<> world is head ing for another groat war a' d tliat wo will have trouble kopili? out. SHARECROPPERS (. . b:g profits It is easy to generalize about tlie pitiful plight of the southern sh.iri cropper, hut any gen| tralization i* apt, to be shot fu'l of holrs by th. 'acts. Doubtless mf'y sharecroppers are ill dintress, but; I met one the ither day on tho ?:lion? of Lake Okeechobee who was not coniplni.! mg. This young farmer rented 40 incws of l* him & e'ho-k f? rj $1,600! Ho had sold h's crop from forty acros for $6,400. A other ton ant fnnrn^r, rotating from the ;?mo owner, made moro thua $5u,00^ this year on tulips and pIi d ^'iiN grown in the South for the northern market. MARRIAGE . Church blessing A groat d^al of fms Is beuvrwad'' J by somp ehufrh people beeause a minister of tha Church of D gland rounteered to iv*d the -marriage , tiorvice of his church ?t the wed Social Security Act To Go Into Effect Thursday, July 1st What j):any students of pub'.c ni j fain hi Hove will prove to bo the mast i benofiorai le^l-ation ever enacJed in North Carolina, tie $4,700,.')0 a yorr Social Security program, \vi I go iut > i Jloct cn July 1, mul iiicu-ands o>l in digent aged raid ? underprivileged cb ldren will b'o given a hfe'pirjj Itaid through its provisions. After o'"vera I months of arduous labor, lihe State Board of Chn,riti \. and Public Welfaro, which will aa miftiflter the two most important fea tures of the statute has perfect an gtvniza.; on knc.^. cs tb(1 Division of Pubic Assistance, under the direc tion of Natha^i H. Yelt'on. County or ganization also have Ircen compjefc d in compliance with ihe law whici was r provisions ot' the law. It is pointed out that: the act does not contem plate a blanket oi l rge pension, but only intend; to extend assistance to persons (!"> years of age and over who ritji ac.ua-lv in needy eircmnsta.'-Ces. The Stat- Welfare D?par.#rjent es timates that for the first time months die law is in o]>era^ian u maximum 15,>000 prisons fi5 your of a^t nnd older, a id s.pproximatelv 10.56*t i'rp.Mi lent rnd underprivileged ehi/dre i will Ice lielped. and that th ? average momh'y aid for the aged V$1 l)e $1250 and $fi.00 for under pcivUtged children. Estimates recent y compiled by tllC.J^^^C^ssistance Division Uldi catethataf?T?^^rl1ite1y 24,587 indi gent jipnd end 21,837 d p 'inlent clii d rrti in the Stale will bo eligible for aiA iindfr ilu* Sooinl Security pro gifem BALSAM (By Ifr*. D. T. Knight) Dan Cupidi htv. I* ?en busy nround here ii?iin. Ali.ji il:iA I Ui d Mr. Homer Locust were married in Syhvi, Friday (lie 18th. Mrs. Man ual Asho and Mi?;. Marion Afjlir nc ! comply ied them. Monday, tie 21st, Miss Rubye Am ! inons a) <1 Mr. Oddl Ashe were mar | ried in Wnyn Ashe ac cofli^jaiiifd them. Mn. Julia Wbite Gf Asbeville was a gnost of her father, Mr. J. K. Ken ?d wif? >f Do]lwood attended Sunday school i i the M thodiflt church here Sun day aftcrnoof., Ho made a very j| fereting tnJk on "The Story of tffie Bible" He is on tlu superan 3 uate list of ministers, and l as road thin Bible through eighty times Mr icnd Mis. Johnny Jones and their twin babies went to Wayius villo, Saturday. - v Tho first dance of the season was held at Bals-un Hotel, Saturday ovening and wtyl well attend d Kveiy ont1 seemed to enjoy it Mr. and Mns. W. F. Rrmnld o I Daytona B^lch, Flu., aro among fne iv. ent giu.ts at Balsam Lodge. ing of the ox-King, tin? Duke o! Windsor, and Mn<. Wallis WarKd the American divorcee. What the Rov Mr. Joa-dine did was not to marry the couple, but to give th blessing of the church to a marriage which had already tak; *? place, whan tlie Mnjvor of -Monts performed the Ceremony according to French lav. The Fro ch take the sensible view that marrias^ is a civil contact. Any part the church takes in it is ?? uper!luo?::, .so far as the legality of the marriage concer.ed. Tl1 is the legal view of marriago in most, if not all, American states. A minister performing the ceremony is nctimg as an agent licensed by the civil authority, and has to report to the civil government every mar riage contract it which he partici pat u. It was ''early 100 veors aft?r the first colonist settled in America be. fmro tha church wm. pgwnitted to I have ^ ything to do with marriages. Valuable Property Here Changed Hands In Big Real Estate Transaction OPENS GIFT SHOP AT BETA T. C. Bryson, Jr., has just opened the Gre^mdaJe C?ifts Shop, on th? highway at Bv.b. 'i'lio shop, h.-.u-cd in a i' ew a :id attrsX'Uve bui dilXgT, oi rustic and Mission d/%n, will han dle mountain and Indi'4:i craft, wood work, basketry, pottery, hooked rugs, and amall article for the touri -t a lid local trade, it is stated The shop will be suppled with n: r ketijble merchandise from men and women craftsmen iji this and o the i mou,:-iain counties. hear miss wilkerson Workers of the Recr,Mis J'. C. Aljison, Mrs. J. D.T'owan, Mrs. D. M. Hall, Mrs. Walter Jones, Mr. Dau Tompkins,and Mr.C C.Buchanon The Swingtime Band xmtertained wiih a short program OPEN ICE PLANT HERE L. M. Killian of Wayne.-vii le one! M C. Sprink'e of Canton have just opened an ice storage plant in Svlvn. in thri L. P Allen Building on High ?ay 106, IMlder the name of the Syl va lee Company^ ... . Ok* iee, made in Cantion or Way nesville, will 1^1 stored here in the refrigeration plant, and delivered or ?old from there. Boyt Moody will be 111 charge of the plant and sales.' TOAWBYLVANIA COUNTY GETS PULL TIME HEALTH OFFICER Bftlogb, Juiifl 23.?Transylvania Couu.y lias join?c.l the ranks of the fBll-time) organized health counties, eflfectiv,' July 1, Dr. Oar! V. lieyno ds, StnHiujtli Officer, annou*. c?*d here MThis completes th,? entire w stern ?iirtrfH within the TY.A wal??r.-:hcd, with th? ?exception of Hehdeison. .Madison and Mitchell," he said. "It is gratifving ?n this conneo tkn" Dr. Reynolds continued, to "note i.hat Jill the following counties in our gi>*?t mountain section aie now fully organized from a health standpoint: Cherokee, Gra hour, , Clay Macali, Jackson. Haywood, Swainv Transylvania,, Buncombe, Y:inccy, Waiailga, and Avery, givi g protec tion not only to the inhabitants -of thitec counties, but also to tbe thous ands of visitors who pro there cverj snmntor. "Adjacd 't to these arc also Bnrk , Caldwell, and Rutherford counties, all fully protected as the abov,". LIGHTENING DESTROYS An e\ etrieal siorm, last Friday f-ci fir? to and destroyed the .filuration pi nut at; Western Carolina Teachers: Collrgs Damage was estimated at $1 - 200 CELEBRATE 75TH ANNIVERSARY |Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan celebiv tod the 75.li anniversary of Mr. Bu birth, with a family reunion, at their home hf(re, last Sunday. P] tnff, of Ashe ville. The station, which luuidhB Stand ard Oil Ccinpa y products, will con tinue under ;3ie name of Buck's Place, willi Grayson Cope as manag v for the Messrs. Cogdill. Mr. Buchanan will retire, and Mr. Oscar Bnmgarucr, who lias b fcn with ilv. station for a long time, 'will go ?.villi the Sylvii branch of the Ashe, ville .Mica Company. SPEND TEN DAYS AT EIDGECEEST A group of young ladies from the Young Woman's Auxiliary of I lie Baptist church here, with Mrs. H. M. Hocutr, left Tiwl day for a ten day's stay at Ridgecrestj, where the en campment of i'hc Young Woman's Auxiliary of the South,an Baptist Convention is being held. Included in tihe group that went are Misses Mary Heuisew, 1* la Frady, Mildred Ensley, llattic Hilda Sutton Rachel Brown, Sara Jones and Miss Amelii Bradley, of Cullowhee. SAYS MEADOW IS HIS MOST FERTILE FIELD One "of the most productive fields on the farms of Joe Brown in Madi son County has not been plowtod in 63 years. It has been resided only once, and thai; was ju-t after a flood some years a^o had cov>fed the field with several inches of silt. This two-acre meadow along a croek running through his faim pro duces font* to five tons of high qua - ity hay t.vcr-v year, and occasionally it is used to pasture cattle over the wilder. Mrown 14 - *'! George W. Miller, farm : 1 of i!.( Shtr- College exiension service in Madison County t"hat tho '(>,'1 . f pev?* nial tn nss ?s and legunns is so tlu'rk tha. ? one of the poil has lK?,in lost i i! I lit- p.isj G3 years. But from limp, to tinv when tho cml rid< | osits of silt aro left. 0:1, the meadow, and to^av it |i !S a f, Mi'e tops-oil ?eyeral feet deep. The spongy. porous topsoi] will soak up hsrge quantities of raiu vu>rr and bold it loner after tho ram lias stopped falli g, Brown said Thus the meadow Is little affect importance of : o:l-cons Tving crops to check erosion, conserve moisture, and huiM r,p fer.ilitv Pa stu ran: i> tlie cheapest form of dairy and beef cuttle feed to H fould in the Slat*, lie continued. Y? 1 many farwrs fail 10 fake r?d vantaae of the possibilities they ' nv|- h'ivc f;ir making {rood, perm:' n-i t pa liir As n result, live sto- k production eo,-;ts are higher in Nt rfh Carolina that: in most of the other states. ^T5 SAFER T'LET TH' FEET SLIP THAN