g^pyAwaaanoonm ? sylva, woliToARoi^3ffiR9DAy, joly, ?. im. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTT f abor Situation Now Is American Problem] in|v 12.?Whilo th3 fCt tlv bill for Federal ' luoi hour, and wages ol ^ till uiucttU J. the coowuVra. ^llS ,-i tiov "i all Government Jl a"" lill. labor situation has fiT'(S 111 . u(j Congressmen to v: of the facts about the ?^^f^rworkcr and 1:13 Steady ?lC ?rai econoiiyc oonlition. v\ li"-'11' ' "V c il, ::J\, .uW, the wage-ear. ers of the hMv?r:a are iH'tVr off than they ^ i?0 war, a3>. There are many ** ;,ir; of then: than there were * heu fprictll^111"4* was the chief indus Buf a <iuve\'_ which ha* been considerable attention on ? 'j.'y Hil ,lu.w>- thai the orgaiuza ifj/inJm inal workers into litade :.i ami il'e of those ??r tor -holler homs and higher Ifisau 115 y.-ars ago. iu M2S. ,Jjj..rt.v;ii>in-r work day in that .-?vrs vv.dvo In nr , a iii! the wack Jiiull Ja". but 1*22 journey " millwiijriits a t'tl ii.aehini t.s of t?;lj?hia ?vt in a. tavern ami . j., ,v.obitio.1 to the c ffe?-t that ;ri,was l?"genough for a day's iilf* ;b?r. ???? Xi ii v:!s-tl,o st:irL of thc movement vr tli-. 60-hour -WeeK. and it took -tat ??\oars of union organization iklnc it about ii the major indm ????i oi Ainenva. Indeed;, it wa3 noi U\ inarly 100 years after 1822 Mir? tfnie ii.ilu-.tries abandoned the u'r-hour Br lb 'e. hu\ 'ever, enough business . ?va ifAatii'jj 011 th<i 60-honr r-k -che'lu'e to t-ncouiage thr .'.a; ri-'flu F. 'Il-rati?n of Lalior .t'"* ViHa a ilr:i:and tor Still shorter Ur -';'i' S-litiiir day and the 48-hotir j,!: It va- about thirty years aftei v ifii rou.m that tli? avor {r .i.lus: rial work r's wo ok canu inn to 30 hems; and another ten r.ar bj'f ro ai >: larg,. proportion o' ain. r; h id ?;ot th.'ir hours ?o .4 a uvt k. Meantime, . !-r.ii:o:! i'f lnJ>or had annouiu:. ui -JO-liour v.": <k ns its objective M-.kt!, 11)33. lik4. another '?. >r wa't. ;i T"ll> *'>0 dr t attempt, i'1 ;? -mirite l>o'?r; and wag'.' *:'i or ii,;nl<, in th,v Nar'iona' ????? i- Aft. The code,, .-.et up und^r v ; ;'i? d at'the-10-hour wtek. -? normal for all indus ir r\\l;i!o YPiA ttjli b. ii\g ^actel 't^ ration t.f |,;thor took a step '??id ' ? r. in^ jjdva" eed ground, r i' ?!:. The Senate did ac iiY'inw1- hi!I making the 30 '* ^ iiutndatory in ii'teffitat ?V*i ?um). NT?A mid its codes a?I bf ivt nsiilt of all of the aft-* j i''*. Mi-? the -'xp'ri ncc paiucl ''?! ?. 'f.V is tlwt the average work ' * ;? k ?? ill. major industries la " 1 *.}it:r>v won that ni about 14 > *Mt.'i- it \v;i < iir-t set np a? the i"'! iy 11l' iV l iiti' ii in 1919. 1 ?' i no maximum minibiT of; *%> |' T \vf. 1:, Mi.? no P.x.d iiitiui- j :'r pvvM (1 in th,? pending j anil li.v^r hi!! l?>forp Congress. ?v f">in:i'wir, of tlio-o points is to ' in a I't.l r;il TnuV Com mis ';'v ' 'ft'.rV.wi!! up rules for *w?i M'*": aa-i |..-?lity. WhP ? tic aw li.liii';; mul. 1 it will apply k;*y'??..ill rsta ?> I'ltim \ -re, the d> ll kf ihtiM -tnt. pomni *rc? have ii.iu: \ ? !y hioademd hy ro> (^itpr ni Court decisions :hai ^' Mlv i 'l in poiiant mamifa<* | '' u-iii!f ;is c?m> within [ ' ' f'-li'tAry s rjM- of thj. aw. I !ll-> !n ii<i -o iUfinit:ly lioward I >i< IV ?? li v. fun* /?4' ti?Ai'binn iv li w riti*? of working ;i ?l iiirivpjinj* wajces it i? '? tii he luiit'1 thai t-h" com '? "m M?.vi,l il \:v mul ?r the IK w 1 !. wj" follow tie trend ? 'J Mum r w ? k in i* (lll?try 1 1) a realiiy sooner than ! now : orioti .ly dream o' ?' ^.r v :nUn?r W- timent on Cap I; !i >' ? - rero 1 ? *' . - ?. . ? -,i 'i ?' i r':pi?1 K "1 If. ? i. i f V itliiTi i ? Coring ifb'itli'J ?t?. PT'J > and *.Ui ,, . l- ' " tl, h*i , ' <% -rHv : \ iv... ' '' V i!"s, | fit , j < -'M't' i'i;. _, i :m '">A. ,? 1 " "'UX* A -r. I,; J -'.Uli }A i. l ;,yl W ?!il. v . % 4a I 1 ' he ? dlA' Vjl TODAY and tomorrow (By Frank Parkor Stockbridge) ENGINE ... . toda. 's need*. Any inventive young mail who thinks there aro no opportunities left might look into the piob^m ol uiaking an engine which will use l*ss fuel thafi the ones uow in use, to do the same amount of work. There is no idugine made, steam, gas or Diesel, which ?uses even a quarter of th>: possible power contained in the fuel itg Ufcee. An engine which would cut dowti the fuel load of &u airplane by a third, or run an automobili' twice as far,would n ak? its inwntoi d e of the world's richest men News comes frojm England that a young man has U-vented a mo; or car enigmo which does rot deposit carbon on cylinder "w'llls or ^spark plugs. A motorcycle ran 73 miles o.i a galtyi with this engine. That young juavu Ls on the righld track. The surest road to success is not n discovering something new,but in tinding ways to do old things cheaper, juicker or better. OIL ?... origin a mystery Nobody ksows where petroleum came from if.i the first place. .Scien tist^ ar.a divided as to whether it is still being manufactured by NaJ.ure deep 14 der ground. Some believe 'u comes from animal and vegetable deposits buried countess millions ol years ago About thj only thing that seems certain is that there 'r> oil to be found almost everywhere in the world, if A a goey after it hat? enough. Not long ago the discovery of oil in England was announced,. How much the supply may bo is not: yet 54 own. It would not be surpr sii g to .loar of oil discoveries at the North i'oIo or in equatorial Africa. , Geologists .aroLn,ojy; .cojiYillC^l thad iil underlies a great, part of Florida ' Two or three big oil companies liav*1 taken oil leases on millions of acres >f Florida land, and at lect-t one we', -s in process of drilling. With Fl<v da's near neighbors, Texas a??i Louisi.j a, producing oil, why not '?'loriilaf WINDMILLS . power producers The ch^ap.st natural power to harness is the wr:d. The on'y reason wind power is u>ot iv*ed more is that H call ot b* relied upon to blow iteadi y in most plaees.Evon Holland land of windmill, is replaci'-g them with Dio.sel ef prhiefi whore continuous pun:ping opera ti'i' is are nr?rSSOry Travelling lately along the At lan'.io .eabo&rd, where wind bows most of the time, I have be 0 struck bv tho .mmber of windmill* of a new type. Atop of a light steel t >wer is mounted a fan lik? air-plane propeller, attached to a Ktl'e ehctric U nerator also at the top of th?* tower. Whoii the wind blows, current is generated bo light a hou.se or ru* farm machinery, and the unused surplus U stored in batteries against the day the wind does not blow. It looks to iii<> like a very co mona cal way to get power qi a small cale though uqt as picturesque a3 the hot windmills with their canvas sail* which used to stand on the headlands of the New England Coast. 10STS . . . . ) . sun power On the face of it, it seems as if ator-powcr, sul^power and wind ower UMi t be th? cheapest ways to en-rata poAer. In tho days when i bor was cheap and thoro were no axes to speak m on inv^it-d capita'., hat was tnie. Today it g*nera"ly i ot th? caso. The intiTcwt und tawa on most atcr-pow<?r developments, exempt a ' w .specially favo.^d by ' a turo, lik? .'iagara, usually com** to moro than lie upkeep and operation of a coal ir d powx'P p'&nt Dr. Abbott, famou eiontirt, who hca<ls the Sirithsmian i i'lirtS'ltil?*. ?>iv. nf?<l ,llld built liti i u.'lrah iip 11 m.: - po\\. r from ( ho t til tin rll U !>.?;- hill : ?? j !tir tb<r cost ol': ifuihl'mj. if ; i' ; probably uioiv vvr'i'.'In oj]i raf than a j*t<'-am > iiiriiv. i W<y rftay sonw: chy Icani how t > p'1' 3k *V\ atom, or l h,? rpsmii! H?<" t:I?x?l4 "ajt ^>1 hit'/'y vifhoot cx>t jx . ii, .v> tar. wado lomtftir I? a t'.v.' V<Mr ; upo, pr;ir-toal!y ; j,v of fho world'k upply of <vn.ph?T ?-'iUo from Japan, vamp W ? r?v a ,!| f '??* "u fh*1 thlapd of foroosa, v. ho > r.? h'I i-.v-Ji fir tin , .jow which he."* a tirn^oly ot\ (rluaa? Tmjj To 2) \ THE 6?fS?.0F SN?TH CAMS, S! in ? < ? Governor Clyd? R. Hc&y, pictured above ' ^dressing the people oi' North Carolina over a statr-'^de radio net~;crk on July 2. when ho ciricic.ily launched the $2-.0,000.0) Stare /.dvenising program which gets under way this month in newspapers rnd magazines throughout the country. Pointing out the goal of the campaign, he called attention to the "now responsibility" ot all North Carolinians to practice friendliness ani courtesy toward the hundreds ox thousands of vacationists and tourists who annually enjoy the famous recreatioual facilities of the State. Five Jackson Boys Are At NYA Camp Five Jackson County Boys, Oe:l Blanton, Sylva, Clyd^ Lewis, Whit tier, Harry Parker, Cowarts, Zeruj.?. Dills, C'uM-wh e, a'id Hubert Park er, Sylva who aro atc"ud>lig the NYA <^T?W*Bo3V aT HKVafJ Cottle,H will be given praclical, .shorMrsm. course;; in Affricultuiv, Health ami Hygiene English, Letter Writing, ana Shop Work lor Farm Xe.-ds, during I hp two mo' ilis they are in the canrp, according to Mm Louise Davi, NYA Diivctor for lhis county. During iLj ; n<-anipmenl, Mr*. Franklin H.Roos vts./iovernor CI yd R. Hoov, and, Senator Ifryr.ohL; will bo among thj di.tinefnished poople who will addiT-s til ? boys a< Brevard a) d the j?iiv, jit tlinji camp at Ruth erford -C'qII gc. Laying concrete, grading .-tracts forestry and fire pr vent-ion, erosion con'iVol, preparation of soil, selection of gred, choler of fertilisers, Iky culture ntld hortcultnre,, are among the subjects that will be taught dur ing the short course. Thf> Federal Government pays all (xpensoR nnd pay1? the boy3 $5.00 n mortli. Jackson Cheeses Sent To Raleigh Demonstration Ohetve f ront various parts of Jack 011 Coil my vvi 1 be i i Kai i?li lor vx l:i,bjtiop purposes i'J d to b.; used in a choce making d-nion.st rat*" ii, t?ta given by Mrs Harry H\'an., Jack son County Ilonie Accent, i>t Friday. August. G, (luring tlio annual Farm nntl Ifonio W'rpk. The cluvse.; ?r ? liov. in Raleigh, 011 cold &oragc .al- Sta'v Colleger Tl.'oy \vn<? mad.' by Mis. I'rifl.ill.v Ctirbin, Mr;. O-r-ar Meiiieiih 4 (1 Mrs. Lyman Strwart, of Ifam burg, Mr-. W. l'. Suilon, Mrs. B. K Harris, anil Mrs. FI\-rm^v'vn, end Mrs. James Battli;, Quallft Thf proc.^sotl Amrrwan irotiflf?? cli ( to b? 11-^d in tlir (|iHmm-:trc iion and exhibition, ivn^ made l>T Mr,;. A. J. Dills, Sylva. - DEMONSTRATION WEDNESDAY Mir Harding, representing th?? makers of .Ja ket, will give a '1 mon strntinn, 11 xt Wednesday afternoon, filly 21, at 2 o'clock, at thp Oom mimity Ilou-'e, in connexion with Mr.; Harry Evan3. oMenily IjOe Ityll cAlong ???by A. B. CHAPIN 60 Young Methodists , Held Meeting Tuesday VETERAN STATION AGENT RETIRES FROM SERVICE P. W. Kincaitl, lor forty-five yea^s Sta.ion agent for th, Southern Rail way Company. at Dilhboro, retired I'lOSil a?*tivn -KM-vicP, Ullfl.T thi' ])?!' vi iw. q{.' lho Rail Employees' Rt I'lem'n't'Apt. ?ur. Kincaid, during his -o' cr years of service, has bren offered many important agencie?, but has prefer red to remain at Dillsbor. DILLS ATTENDS CREDIT ASSOCIATION MEETING J ( SpL-iulid record* a>'e being made by la j credit production associations i>. J this sectioii.aceordirijr t.? A. J. Di]l,s, I who li;i- jii f returned 1'rom Blowing j!{(, *k, v. lic :i! i. ud-(I a group J sveting oL! a uiimbcr of th?*?e farni :r'- S"-,cj> raiiv2 credit o;ga izations. , 3lr. Dills, a djrecior of th-e Ashe ville. Production Cr.dit Association said that complete ivport4 wer. ? sill mitted on all n-sociat ioi;s represent ; od> showing volume <-,f bnsin^JS done by each, costs, methods of operation, etc., in order flint the directors might <leriv,? any possible benefits through! thi . exchange of & formation. i Tir. reports indicated that all ot tl^qi, a^ociations have iskown eacl vf-rir an inerc-a e in nun.bor of mem hers and volume of business done MY. Dills said, thus al testing the ap prccHstkm of thj; farmers fertile senile Ifcir g rendered by the. e co V.pYraliye credit organizations. Tlu report.} showed that ihe a-soeiai'ion m N'ortii Caro'ina have made loans llii; year-through'Juiw 1 tniallin,, $(5,000,000il Production credit associations make loans, to farnier.-s for gen.ral agricul tural purpose, Mr. Pills ,:aid, inelud ianr. repair^, ei,uit>ni( t, fencing, pur. clias;.' of livi.i.ock and othvr items requiring hort-tcrm financing, at ar. interest rTT'e of 5 por rent per annum and internat is charg d only for thf tiiiW) (he farmer actually ha; ti e mtf.<cy. Th . associations ai<? s.rictly cooperative. and irernbers g t |l|f benefit of any profits ma'ta GUIDANCE CONFERENCE HELD AT CULLOWHEE Derm E. f.. f'loyd, of.Siafe College, Superintendent H. S. Prop I or of Craven county held a col fer.jnee on Vocational and Educational Guid anee at Western (Carolina Te/ich >r.-> College on yest rday. beginning at IS o'clock and endilg at 3. Invito-1 lions to attend the conference were lastsed by President Hunter to school SUp>vriiitL?ndtsnt;, to representative, of coikgas, and to a number of citi re: s of ^et/torn Nort'i Carolina, whe ??Llo ?icBgai to b' e pe ially irt 'erest ad Is tlfe sskjeafc considered. Vt?itol3 WWe guests of th- college for luncheon. About 60 young people from Swa u and Jackson County werc pre* c t at the Syh'a Meihodist church, Tuesday night, for the installation ? ervice of 'the Jackson-Swain Ep worth Union. F1 tehcr Andrews, Bry.son City, was in-tal'i'd as president, Virginia Pat tt.ii, Wlu.fiLr, vice-prcsido-t, Fran Allison, Sylva, -ecretary-treasur. ? i', and Tdiss Louise Stein, Sylva, a-l .idult coiuisv'lor, by Rev. John Carper of Lake Junalu-ka, district secretary The Woman's Missionary Society !>i the Sylva church served ice cream md e-ike, in the dining1 hall of tin i-hurch. i' I LEWIS ALLEN PASSED AWAY AT OREGON EOME, JUNE 30TH IYh da here will be grieved to Kuril ci' the dealh, at his home in Suiherlin, O iv gon, on June 30, of L?:\vis J. Allen, following a long per iod o t' ill lv. allli. Horn at Tip Top. on May lli, 18yJS. Mr. Allen was i .son of the l?it,j C. W. a ud Anne I). Allen, lie was r aiod and educated here, and went to Oregon some 20 yjnr., ago, where he married and be eanic a ^ucee-.>sful and respected bu^i ne?s 111:4j and civic leader, in Suth erlin. Mr. AIIa) leaves a widow and thra? children, Miss Helen, Misa Juanita and Lewis Allen, Jr., four sisters, Mrs C. F. Bhinehan, Canton, Mrs E. C. Moody, Waynesville, Mrs. Dennis Barnett, Murphy, and Mrs. H. Mo t Hi 11a rd, At'anta, and by two brother--, Claude D Allen, Cottage Grove, Ore., and Wolff L. Allen, Wendling, Ore. LITTLE GIRL PASSES Mary Frances DaUon, daughter of Mr. a1 d Mrs. Bcecht,r Dalton, died on Jun?-24. Besides her parent?, sha is survived by a younger brother ant1 sifter, Arthur and Edith Dalton. Tho little girl was-born on March 4,1927. Posses ing :i sunny disposition, gho was loved by a large circle of'' friends. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH liev. Lewis E. Ludlum, pastor of the B;>averdain Baptist church, of Asfruville, will fill the pulpit of Sylvi Baptists el.urch Sunday morning and cv<?. ing, in thc ab dice of the pastor. Visitor*. cordially welcomed to all services QUALLA ( By Mrsi. J. K Terrell) Rev. McRae Crawford has deliver ed a svrio i of interesting and practi cal sermons at th^ Methodist church for the past week, and has b.:en vi - iting in tie honxf; of the members o\ tile chruch. Some of the WhittL-t lolks and other visitors have been at tending the services. Mr.s. A. i). Habv of Etowah, Tenn.; i- visit ing among relatives. Misses Mildred and Annie L c Ki; ? by, of Concord, Tenn.. visited at Mr. II. G and Mr. P. If. Ferguson's, last v -ek. Mir, Mary Cjrou c, of Wiusl.on Salom, is ;i guest of Miss Annie Liz fcic T-rrell, thi;; Wsvk. Mrs. Luther lluyle L; visiting reli. lives n a.r Murphy. Mrs. IT. fj. Ferguson visited her ':"tcr, Mrs. Frank Owen. Rome Qualla fo'ks attended tlu; ] a^- ant at Cherokee, Sunday after noon Mr. P H. Ferguson made a trip 1o Gntlinburg, Ten. Miss T!dna Freeman, of Highland 1?- spita I, Asheville, and Miss Bo^ ni. Freeman of Candler visited kom< folks. I? v. 11. C. Freeman, of Farming ton, preached at the Methodist church Monday eynj g. He is visiting rela tives and will attend the Ministers Conference at Lake JunaliLska. BALSAM J (By Mr:. D. T Knight) Mr:. R. L Pearson has retur from Can:pobelIo, S. C., \vhcre ar.tojidod tji.'.i reunion held kn hono th. 80th b rthday of hor aunt, J Monk. : Mr. and Mr... Sara Crisp of D boro v: r:- at the home thfrir son, L. M. Cri. p, Monday J jL. M. Cri<p returned from I w. od county hospital, but w still * ill. Miss Tanie Edwards of Danville. Va., is vistinpr hor aunts, Mm W .B. Faru'o'l, ;md Mrs. D T. Knight. tniji to p#?

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