k^I'V-AN^ IN THE COUNTY U j ^ c* r ? - WW':' ' ? * ?? ^W ' ta SYLVA, NORTH OAROUKA* ' ??" ? 12.00 A JOBAB IN AIT^AKG? OUTBIDlWl OOOHTT Ointment Of Black Good Political Move W,H J-l ??>?*?-] n,m.. laiayHiu l Lc'M.. to >u.?-?h'?I (l,<> 1 ' l"v:i-'r is reply to ^'n ? ,>,0 N? v. m ,,,s ^ l st,u.n.r I'-flfk is .n i).a \?*iv . iiil?o?|munl Hir:,s i,,it,hU rn;^,i?,o,,u P f? I "> "T'" r aiitl 11 *' l)t |IUM"'a ,c r!Xl;?L has Ihhii anti ng 'li, lV-i.l''"1 ii) ,1 |.;|S not I'ei'll 11 ill 'Vt 'I, i? K ?"t "?l.v 111 l;u> r ?i'tin- |V:|1 1,1,1 w l!:* Kii|ct*:il ivtjuIati'V' \r, *.ih1 ??>-' i' ? , i P?,.rk ?'??? 1,1 ! :l^ lu' 'J .lh'' ' pi.|;iali> wind. rt:V \rJ ,|U' ?;i,Plw,'r iltieh the S'' lut now !>? ! in li ? lu'VttlKl hill tor s ,.i ialwiv I!*? I |>|ii ??l*. ?:1 I5' P,:'i u (ollrf. <>l ^'i' l I, i;u Mi'ikT.tlH* h ' i ,-.lltiiiinual. itiillioiil\ til ('on. u, "jajii'i" j'"! i' r> '?*' l^!,'tVp;|lt 1,0 I:ll!lle :i Senator ? tSn|ii''"l' ^ ''li11 \'??miu'.x, ;;:i! ?0:!l'i0'".\ ? JtiiliHI HI* ,,| J,;. ,.,iil:r.!i:iti. M. ?n 11" Ujfh ?,v :|ir .'c.i.'W did ll"l I??*l III ? ? I,.i .'?!?. a i! I" pr?a''t4 . .. i i , I'lU i! ?-.!l.l. l' i ll^l t lii' f 'i ? jrl 01 fill'' ''l I ll- it' WWII l|i:illl?. l I.Sii|iriiiit' (' U'!. 1 SrUllr <1*1. 11 il ? ',IV ||if*iilr!i' 11' |iitk up a Senator Court vacancy, when ,t "no::i Stuator IJnhinsoii iniiiic'?*i Ittiiir In-tu*? Van Pivnntrr's Ijli.l. Senator K-li.lrrtll died, lii'ii|i|ii;ili?iii was clear that h L; would In- accepted by tin' Jlton another id nu oi? typ<* ' Iik I'ii siil til desired to bavt lipi'l'IIU' Court would 1)0. b' .be nominal <m of Senator KfiiiirUm. ni this nppo'.nUlK'^ - |" ?j.vr:i,;r Senators ?ave Jurthei t oi s ~plit het wren tie l'r? si-1 iii.il a cmis'il.-i* 1,1,. M-fjiju-iit of Kfl party i> wide ami (Vi'P, 'IS Jiirrilh-rs oi ('onuiv-,-. >.tnrl lioni"| it out with their coustitui'llti'.. hi Mini' ami Mm tilings fbir iVntu tin- t:?'kf h ick ln?il<'I ? ^niiri- tli. Mtilmlo o I some ?>! 'U arc al -pn-srnt hoppiat* f-Thnv wl.o ar. most seriously 'ficil aiv oSl-tjn.. i)t moci'l.i6 j'iip South. 1) an- i n. ,'ci !ic(| hIhiiiI mini' i' M I'lln.r i - v hii-li t! rv licli vo \vli| p'.'a|i ilii |-i.ivi >?- (it llu- Souti- | Blri:-e upon I lie riyliis o| the F ?'r" ^t?'t<"> i. -lunie a I'ler proli j F?flij?-h |hey lis peculiarly f-01'. Tlii-v ar,, ni'iiiiil ot Full-nil i P"''!-, oi l,i,no .(ud witjj.'S, I>t 1 i t it wi|| |?;| |||(1 South nt a i iii iu .-ITorts to huilt' [J'* industries, JI< ?r many tlu>mf were en ?wal, u tl.e lust daw ( [^x'isii.n, ovt|1(> ant> - I ?"h.li. Tiny |,;,V(. |U(,n j, hin j i ^'"""Wruiii..,, up his y,,lP. l '0' their jii';rj|in(.(| 1iii(|itio:i ' ,n-V"|ty t i the 11 '-i(?.-Viltii !".",,;t that it is the Xc w ' s i.is'oy-'l io tl.emselve. ?u,'r Mu lor ,.?,?(i0; ,,|* ?? R-j S! "! ''' I" I'resident illl (?()'; w'N>l',I,l"'r "l'- Here Mie So'l' A "'Pl^'il l,\ t],. ;il.(?ntion, u' t m I [t'"'11'""1. "? Hie two-thir(",: hf?. a .1 0,1 v a imijoii* v v ,ti j, " l"esi(|( nKal (??n JT ,ll ' Uvo two-thi?-(l< rule ^rin u U;'* t, l,l0,'rat ie na! oiial convn * ,.v ^'Wi(.;nw , - i . , . ?111(0 . '!'' aMn.^ t!:eir plan; '!l h ' i a Coalition or <> .it, w '*i(kiv , ' ?>i hotL- pnr,ie |. W'M' little '(Vi Nnie#*,r 1'i"-1-'1 tms tl; - ?Upport ?f pithwr r>:i Ji;:Mi,"lV lla,m"a' organiza W( ' 'lisor^anized, T?,r rl nri)..'hl(l c<>,n' ntlQn <0 con' Wieio.' 'ln 1111,1 Ilcpuh l'r? Mr ,SiSt " "",s,lly ta^. Mr. H-h)u ' '^"(Iftii and Senator ^"iinui'i" S!1,,,)osh1 ';RVC <W?;i,lr,,,s ?? (h(: suhjec: ?lr'Ul,. 'i" " lll?;o three the Mii-C "l' "t the party Hoe ^ ft,.,Ji' ? S("Vandcnbur *' #Vailibl(. "l t,l(! Scnatfi? w '^e "mu 'n sight now fc.? Brinkley To Speak At Tuckaseegee Dr. John R. Brinkley, of Del Rio, Texas and Kast LaPorte, will 8poak at tho Baptist church at Tuckacseigee next Sunday, August 29, at 10 30 Dr. Brinkley, who j8 a natjve Qf Jackson county, and who, laot year, bought extensively in Jackson county leal estate-, will speak on his ionrneys through the Holy Laud. > T) THOS. GIBSON DIES IN QUALLA (By Mrs. J. K. Terrell) ' J ? Mr. Thos (iil<son died. August 19, and was buried at the Ward COmUr ?>u Friday afternoon. Rev. Tlurt Wat son W conducted the funolal sc .r vicv. Mr. Ciiltison was on^ of the oP est citizens of Qualla. He was a mNn. her ol the Baptist church; tnd livo-J a quiet, industrious, home life. "CliJT Carlisle and his Kambliu; Cowboys", of Ashwiljj, highiy enter tained a large audience at Qualh >choo| building, oti Fr'day night. Tta 'ntert.-iiiunest was sponsored by the Young Prop!*'a Bible- Class of the Baptist church. The proceeds will b?' used for ti e Sunday School roonM that are being added to Shoal Cre?? Baptist Church. Mr. David J?> D.ssaner of Xev Orleans addressed the Methodist Sun day .School, Suud.iy morning. U. was accompanied by Mrs. Dessau?: and children and M'ss M. Gaa?no?. They aiv stopping ut "Green AcreV Mr. and Mrs. Harwell WJii muM Mrs. M. W. Whitmiift'"of M'd and Texas, are visiting Mr. C. P. Rholtoi*, Mrs. J. L. Hyatt anil other relative,. Mrs. YWtmiro was fovmn^ Mi'S Mattij Shdtoti of Qualla. Mrs. W. D. Wike, Miss Lois W ike of ?n!iowlw?H?fcrr*ind Mtl A.b. Parker of Syhr* and Mr. ajtd Mrs* S. P. Hyatt of Glenville visiter Qualla relatives, Sunday. Mrs. Norman Turpin and children of Philadelphia attended the funeral of hi r father, Mr. Thomas Gibson. Mr. Boyd Moody of San I ra noise,*? visited his aunt, Mrs. G. A. KinsJand, last week. I Mrs, Horace Howell, with Mr. an-' Mi's. J. M. Hug'ies of Cherokef, mad.? a trip to Knox vi Ile. ; Miss Mary Emma' Ferguson of Bethel school visited homo folks, Born, to Mr. apd Oscar Seay, on Ausrust 22, a son Robert Nelson. Mrs. J. C. Johnson v'sited relative in Hryson City, last W?t k " Mrs. J. H. Hughes visited re'atives at Cherokee. Missos Alice Tompson of Dc* Moines, Lttura Lorcnri, of Porto Ricu who have been stopping with Mr*. Belle Ward, l?ft, Saturday, Mr. H. V. Hipps, of Art-villa, **Y and Mrs. C, P. Sheliw, Mm W. M. Whitmiiu, Mrs. J. L. Hyatt, and Mr and Mrs. Harwell Whitmire visited at Mr. J. Iv. Terrell's. Tho Qualla Demonstration Clvb mot with Mrs, J. E. Battle, TiWdd#}. A picnic dinner was serc?d. tho Republican President'al nonuna? tiou is widjly held here. , i Uncle Sam is paying the expeu-.e* I jf the Senators and Representative back to tho-r home towns, at the rat? j jf 20 cents a mile. It cost this yeai I 15108,000 and will cost as much to get them back here in January. Most cf the members got chocks tor the roun? trip at tho beginning of the sessio11 Pho largest check was for Samuel Wilder King, Territorial Dajegnte Hawaii, who liVds more than 5,0M miles from Washington. The Treasurer is happy over the cssh returns from the beer <tax. Sinoo tlu sajo of beer was legal irel on April ? 1033, tho Amor'can people have lrunk 200 million barrels of it, or almost a barre] a year par family', and have paid a Federal ta\ of $5 a barrel, which summed up early this month to a round billion dollars, which is more than the nurtv ardent advocates of .repeal predcttd The "hard liquor" and win? taxes have not yielded so pauch. Congress in its closing hours ga?o a now atimnfuslo the German Zeppe lin company by passing a la* antwwr* [Jzing the sal* of helium gP? ?n military quantities to foio'pl ?onagri The advocates of leavier-than-iu aircraft are hopeful of getting a i appropriation next session for an? J or experimental fdhip of the ZeppffW [ type for our Navy, Paperboard Presents Safety Awards To 14 At a safety meeting held at the Lyric Theatre, Sunday afternoon, fourteen employes of ti e Sylva Pa perboard Company were presented Five Year Safety Certificates, by H. P. Crowell, manager. The fourteen employees tl-.us hor, ored are: Oscar Watson, Robert Har ris, John C. Styles, David A. Normari Frank 11. Jornn. Houston" Blanton. Walter llovle, Glenn Blnnton, E. W. * ' ? ' i Ash?, Lane Wlittak r, Hoy K. Milh? Francis F. Jones, Mark Higdon, and John Henson. The meeting was presided over by E. O. CurryJ, ehainnan of the employ. <es council, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Mark Q. Tut tie, BALSAM ___ ' 1- \ (By Mrs. D..T. Kniglt) Mr and Mrs. -Roby Davis annouive the b rth or' n daughter on^aturdjW . the 21st. .O /I "i' *' Mrs. L. M. Oigp, wl.o l.as be<:? sick for Rome time, parsed away ;tt her homo hero, Sunday afternootr Funeral service and interment w ire ?.t the Crawford cen w tery, Monda.v. There were mnny beautiful flowd offerings. Sffr., H<nv s a h\i;b:ind and eight eliildivn, the yooiigett ?bOi,t three moml.s o!d. . ?_ A Id en Bb^ yoong son of Mr. aiu' Mrs. Hugh Knbb, died autfden!} Sunday. Funeral sorvie. > was. held at the home, and intermont WM ia th< Red Bank cemetery, Monday. Mrs. Emma Arnold and syn Mm eoim,,of Memphis, Teen., are visitin ?? Mrs. J. R. Rork and son, Robart. A great many people from hcr? went to Lake Junaluska, Sunday, to hear Bishikp IToyt M. Dobha, of Shreveport, La., prench. The Bishop was a dinner gnst.at Rn'sam lleiu tain Springs hotel. > T - jL Quite a larg, numbag <k pA?' frejft-'liei-c atteoAatnc^USH^t service of the now Methodist chtirr! at Oullowhae, Stmday. They also witnessed the decorat'io-i of the graves at the Baptist ehmrli there. l <9 JONES BUILDING HOJCE Walter L. Jones hps recently pu chased the lot on Kaenep fitro', formerly owned by JohnH. Wilson and is rasinj^he olA fram?l dwelling that Is on j^prppauiitory to the tion of a modern, brick bungalow. 8HXJLER REUNION SEPT. 5 The reunion of the Shuler fam i'y wll| be held ftt the Bob Shyler plac on tbe head of Cbae Creek on Sun day, September 5. All tmnibars of the family and friends are Invited to it. nty Teachers Meet Saturday. ^ 'M J ' - ? The second county-wj^e ^feacteis Meeeting of the schoflj^car will b{ | held at the elements ry-g^pol build 1 ing in Syiva on Saturday of this 28. AH teachers in tlo pjAL'e schools of the>county wiH be in attendance. Superintendent Madison Mill coir dnct the meeting. ' ''A meeting of Sylva and Dillaboro teachers was held this moining, with Prof. Robart L. Madison in cha gi'. in the absence! of Superintendent Madison, who is attending the met i* ing of oonnty superintendents of jiohools, aS Wrightsvilk Beach. SOCIAL SECURE B00ST3 JACKSON TAjjC KATE 15 0ENT8 .V. I ? ?>?? .i i ? The (Social Sfscurtjty program, en acted by tbc General Assembly 19S7, l as raised the tax rat" indack son county 15 cegts on the $100 valu ation of property to a total of #1.5?: for the gonerol obuuty levy. The rnie ,i? Sylva township will he $1.70 and that nn Cu^wh^ I1.8S. The l*t*v twp rat?a. :WBofct. *th'e general county 1 jjWy is doe to the interest aa#j&rgj?a p?I' payments on Cullewf^anT^ va road bonds,, which were 1 before either the county-or the Bfctt issuing bonds for ! ighvriv tjuctiou. But the inerewaf two townships & bnt 18 ,'ctl e.Hfl i/^the rest of tne count' entira*^?ise. itt? taxatiflo wal t ab&Qt by the Social 8ecttri?y includes Old Ago Dependent Chiid toM*Blmd the 1937 act, the security is financed jointly by Fed State and county govevpmcnt*; Un&tod Stato^pays on^haif fJie' *!*fce gtatpand county oi?' -' Mth. 'v, two - ? - woaid hav,? been acceptable to the federal government. Th, one adopted is that whieh^jjrovided for county psHie^pation. The other would have financed the security program by State and federal governments on a basis of each paying one half ltit> cost, and without property tax. f: would, how vver, have reduced the pay meats to henefleiarie* and would, at the samet'fne, l v.ve i du<;d *-h?. amount of federal money allotted to tli? State for the purpose. There Wia a b]oc if the General Assembly, head ed by Iw presentative D. L. lYard, of Craven, Secretary to the State Dem. ocratic Executive Committee, that favored the establishment of the pro cram on the pr$ic'pl.> of Stale and Federal government financing and administration, without levying a property tax for the purport, and Inter building upon that principle ? ^ ? I ^?a===r Sylya-Dillsboro Schools Open Monday, August 30 WAB . .J.,,. without declaratiou Therj has never been a time wl cj so many people, of alf nations, hart been so earnestly trying to prevent war. Yet as I write this there are two important Wars now in progres, and the threat of war is far more jnoenac iifc all over the world, than it wn> on tip very eve of the World Wnr whifph started 23 year? ago with fier nianjf's invasion of Belgium. In Spain the bloodiest, most bitte war of all time has been raging now for mom than a year. Within th limited AH* of a single nation, pnor" people have been killed,in prdportion to the population and the nnmber of troope lengaged, than in any war in all history. When the whole, trut gtocy df the Spanish war is toM i* n{8 shoek the world. " Japan and China aro at war. Then has. bejn no formal declaration .-rf *fiar, hit when one nation invade! another's ^territory and is imet will; aOibi WBstance, that looks like ? tha other nation Slt^ryitig to find ways to keep frorv being dragged into these wars. ?PAIN , democracy In Spnin, tlio underlying cause ??! the war is a conflict of ideas. It has 'Win b reeding1 for years, since the Spanish peop'e, led by part of tlii army, rose agaijnst the King and un dertook to set up a republic. The? began a struggle lor control pf th.> government, Between, t! e Comnrtiniut and the advoeates- of a less rad'cM tfrwpt of Shi Cbmmunists got control of the gPVwnment, and the rinti-communists pipit a rebellion. They got sympt. thy and material aid from other na tions which wanted, at any price, to Italy and the Hitler governnicait oi Gvimany which ?s "bont the saw ant of thing as Fasc'sm, have len! Soldiers and equipment to the rev lutionists, while Communist Russ1^ is giving similar aid to the Loyalists* Each side Ha in is to l)e fighting fo" the rights of man. J cannot see how any American can reconcile the cl.vi'i of cither to democracy as wo undei stand it, yet many eager, adventur?Us Americans arc fighting on the Com mnttist aide, and many l av, boo: kfflaL flOli ? outside ai.'. Japan ^ excuse for occupying CUaa ia tke danger of the spread ?f Onnaminn from Russia into China. Baek of that, however, is .Ta pani derive to And room for its sur plaa population, and its need of the leaomoea of GUneaa territory. ThiO war, too, has been breeding The schools in Sylvaand Dillahoro will open foir the fill term, Monday pnorning of nefltt week. x The repair work on the buildings at Syiva has progressel to the point that admits their use. There will be four new faces in the high school faculty this y*ai. Miss Sallie Mae Monteit)^ of Syivu succeeds Mrs. R. L. Patrick as teach er of history. Ml Merle Davi s, of Hayesville, succeeds Miss Johnson. Mr. J.D.Hnmphries takes the place ot; Marshal W. Millar, who l as b vu elected to teach in the Greensboro high school. And Mies Gladys Ham ilton has been elected teacher of mathematics. ;-X PARRIS CLAN GATHERED NEAR SYLVA, SUNDAY Tfce annua] reunion of Parris family was held last Sunday,the l5tb at tlje old Parrig place near Syly?? The day was pleasurably spent, all , bringing large baskets of exoeUc^l food, with plenty to spare. * After dinner, a business meeting was held, with John A. Parris, presi - dent, presiding. He was reelecte-1 pres dent, and Mrs. Maggie Parns Moore was elected secretary, for thoj next year, suecacding Mrs. O. C. CooP er. The afternoon was spent with re la > tives and friends in conversation ami general discussion. Members of tho family were present from Washing ton, Asheyille, Canton, Waynesville, Brjwn City, Franklin, Texas, An drews, Raleigh, and many loop. I points, in all about 100 people. STANDINGS IN SOFT BALL OL?B UOMKCUftSV JTTEVKO "TOMATOW SWCAL CASE BAKED MAM 9OILC0 ONttUl PlOOJED WAUWTS TCUKO CMICKBM col? slaw apple pil aur bjWBRcad applcsass jeft jmnis p?. ^ ?orr sow Worn lJowtY blackbmkv p?\ ? -MOMt MAfC BUTTEA. PICKL6.P BEETS JLLLY CAtCt gj MASNCfi BSIWOBS QOINCS JSLU MAR&LS CAKE. ' ^ MUX ?UWY PLUM*iTT??. COFFEB. 9*KT POlWTOa* PtQUjCD T>*ACHCS MILK. ^ MUMAtPSWMSM C?APC C0HXUM5 SALSHPY CUfcBAtrr JELL Mb* Bbams PWCALIUY Amp if we hmic 0**tTTEC AwrnJmff PlEase tsu. us ' Minors Lions 5,9 Credit Union 2 3 Rotarians 2 3 Barbers v 0 4 The Tannery defeated Paperboaul 9 to 1. Paperboard also lost to A. & P 2 to 1. The Lions wen from Cred fc Union 20 to 13, keeping their lo?\ column c]ear. Next Wsek Monday, Lions play Rotarians Tuesday, Cannon Bros.vs. PaperboarJ. Thursday, Credit Union vs Bar he is Friday, Paperboard vs A. and P. MOOSE MEETINGS CHANGED The meeting nights of the Loysl Order of Moose, Syiva Lodge, No. 370, have been changed from Tuesday to Friday nigikts, effective Sept. 3 OWENS BUILDS HOME Floyd Owens has almost complete.I his new, stucco home, on his lot, near the Webster post office. He and ''is family will occupy it, soon. for years. It is giving the rest of th? world more concern than the affair in Spain. The Chines.* outnumber the Japanese more than five <-o one, bin they ar,? badly organized and ha\ . not the fighting resources of the Jap? Som<. European nations and our ow.i country have been helping China re organize her finances and obtai.. tore:gn cr.'dits. Their fear fa th t. Russia may take ? hand against .J;: - pan, which would give Germany a chance to attack Russia from the, other side, and that would start another European war. Germany wants to crush Commuu ism, but she wants more to obta?a land and resources for her excefej population, and Russia has those. AMERICA . protector We are probably physically sufo from the present wars or any other which might develop from them. No enemy is lively to try to invade the United States. But we are under % pledge, first expressed in the Monro. Dortr'ne and reaffirmed as lately as 19oG, to protect the nations of Sout'a America against conquest by a for eign power. It has been proposed in Washing ton that we lend a few naval veawg ' to Brazil. Brazil wants th?;m to irai-i seamen for its new navy, which is being built in .American shipyards* for Brazil is afraid of Ger many. Germany has been planting settlers in Brazil for a long tone. W'th an area larger than the Untlerl (Please Tarn To Page S)

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