C- rr" ^ o^VANCK IN THE COUNTY BYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAyTsEPtSbeR 16 19?7 Ja^ ?=== $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNT? Kjfessmen Have Work IV When Not In Session li" Sept tf.--Kvwi wil 'n, If^ot i)i '1,Hliy W,** '* r busy ?' 1*>ik1 out. i t' th' V Lwher- tho.-- :14 ballots went. On r' report v.ili depend wftlher Mr. . trill ivain his Feat ;n res ,m v li< tluir Mr. Koy takes r fllf' '? [fVi the President agreed to a c'muiiP" of Fedora I loans on thi tvnrwp i" exchange tor a protr >,? Coii^ri's th.it it would gi"C f>isit{.ra;:on at the next ses i?!!i>a r.'-w i>ia'i for Federal crop pi., ho crave all of the nwmbers iwitv-s especially those from 'winiti'ly ai? wultural districts r: to do over the recess. Wh1ituents want or will .1 for. if any. \rboklv know-, exactly what the (I nt lias iw mind, hut well U' il Washington observers* say it hf no Ions' r sees eye to eve ft hi* Secretary of Agriculture on s subject. Mr. Wallace is said to ? yiip .:ffiiy fro<>\ any new plung* 9'ri:;id production control. The Mi it wants to start where the A. V Id't off \uth ev u moit* con ?I TIic ru'nor is that a serious rif b developed bet w en the President *1 Mr. Wallace, who has been awny *? Washington most of the su.nnvcr M> cali;net change is hinted at. "ailim,' the International InsU* I ot Aorieultnre, ini its an ? #:;<'tiii>> at its headquarters in [M;', ha- {.'one on vi-cord as oppos "snV a?"tji!cia| erop control, sue ' 1 practic al, it points out. in tbr *slit?r.an sta^-s of Russia, Ot'r \'J It'll.v, mill in the United Ktato* wjfare of 11:, world depends inenasrt tho tervices of one o . 1 I'liriroiiiy |N j,., f|l(, t.'onblv. ? '''It which the Labor Depart J H '?OiM'crn.d. i ? Mfi >!?;:,|y |,.1S "stabij '?? ':,nj rt,n 'i!t in the diffi 'kf'^ "l0 activity o! iivin?? l ''red i ted wit1 **11(1 r?""'lt s,>('r<'tary T'erkir. tiw ?'l "10r'' im partial point o. )t\\ (r|1. ' " S|f*ke taotic-i than sli. -j V? expressed th- opinio. Tho n'nl" slr''i,,s not illo^a'. ? ivt ? vt,''',n('iit Admiiiistration 't ? buck on tho land, b,;r ,,Xls'('n(,ft- In its place l,'inutt,.!r M,) !lll> Farni Security lleh u-iii'0"' lu"^'r the Secretary ?HriinU ,i tint resettlement piTct ?n tird"| I have ever seen; pure white, a crest of leathers tinged with p ile yellow. It was bigger than a Leghorn pullJt. The bird sc^anicd "Hello!" at lis again, emitting loud sereecfeei as he flew. Soon there was quite a gathering of neighbors on -our front lawn, gaping at the strange bird. One of them w.u its owner. It was a trained Austral ian sulphur-crested cockatoo, he siud vi l*ich he uses in a theatrical act, n.id had escaped when he. was ''leaning its cage. The bird stayed in our 'rees for two days and nights, refusing to u coaxed back to captivity. lie was beautiful to look at, but every tin).' ho screeched he reminded me ?L' .ir.JJiiy people I have jnet, who are attract iv-? until they open th.*?r mouths. BEAUTY ..... skin deep Coming up the path after a lo'jg rainy speH, jry wile saw two beauti ful objects 011 the lawn which l ad not Ikm'ii there the night bel'om They were globular irushioom^, one as bi?i as a baby's head. She picked the.'i' and brought them to the house, whe-f Wy all admired their beautiful skin!-, mottled like leopard s, pale brown and whit. .A couple of mornings later after they 'ai,d out 011 the front poruK? rail in the suu. I found the mush rooms had turned black ami their ip. sides wcro a slimy, striking mens. - They wete H |Wi ftrt exampletrf old adage, ."Beauty is only skin' deep." I sometime^ wonder at -he. effort, and expense to whiieb so it any girls j and women go to mnkt? tiiemselvos j boautBftil. r never see one whose l.u?? Mi.d hair haw obviously be;n fix.<1 :i* a "beauty parlor" without v.ondeni^ what theue behind *h.? {rtifi< i.-t' beauty. I 'ike to look at 0 beaut i ft' woimin. as every man does, but l ">< steadv companionship 1 fli'llk mo.-i "inien prefer the ones *'ho do ir-t make tlio pursuit of beauty tl.eU nuiin object in life. STANDARDS . . beauty meaiure Men's standards ef feminine beau jyvary * om country to country and from time to ti|me. a'most lrom man to man. It is a good thing for the gi>eat majority of young women that this is so, and that men seldom pic? their wives for the?r beauty a'on?\ One of the reasons why Shakea peare is the universal and eroriast ftig poet is that he does not describe his heroines except to tell us they were beautiful. Every man can apply his own standard of beauty to Juliet, of whom Shakespeare wrote only thai sho was young and beautiful. To the Scandinavian r.adc- that makes Ju liet a blond; to the Ita/lian she is brunette; to Turks, who admire fern .nine plumpness, Juliet was fat; It Chjneso Juliet would be slant-eycl. and if the beauty standards of the African jungle arc tli0|S0 of tho sav age bell ts we have seen in the circu and the movie travel pictures, with ' huge, distontod lips, or necks dlretcb od to incredible lengths by ^cyrelin^ brass rings, one can imagine how the African beaux would visualize Juhei if they ever read Shakespeare. "Beauty is In the < ye of tho behold er," an ancient philosopher wrote. No truer words were ever spoken. TALENT . . . , .without heaa'y Moftt of the gir'B who try to mak3 themaolves more beautiful than Na .ture made them attempt, conscious./ or unconsciously, to look likij iBonf popular star of the stag0 or scree.x usually tho screen. Many tlifok ac tresses are popular because they aro beautiful., while u^udly the contrary I is true. They become popular Stars becausot'hey have talent as actor* 1 and most of them have to be 'iallv beautified for their public ap ' pearances. Most of them mak* no of. fort to look beautiful wh?n not on tho job of entertaining. ? Almost without exception, however, th>a ones I have known h?ve been delightful companions. Their dba cam- from their wit. vvacity, th? voices ani their intelligence, ratta VERLON QUEEN MAKES EOND IN SMITH AUTO DEATH CASE Vorlon Queen, of Canton, is be nes, who suffered a 'fractured skull and int rnal injuri s,; is said to be re covering. Bond for PI ess was fixed at $1,000. and wlu-n it was posted he was ir leaavli. Funeral services for Mrs. Su it1! were held at f'ur.rn's Chapel, near Sunburst, Thursday afUruoon. Sh1 is survive! by three sons, Loginie, of Canton, and ilnrry and Jeff of Way n "sville, and two dar.srVe r, Mis.s<*J Martha ?md K< nitha Smith of Peiin s\ Ivan i a. SYLVA SENIORS SELECT HEADS The S:?nio^r Class off S\lva High lias elected Dillard Hovel I as presi dent; Miss Lucy Paik t, vice pres - dent; M;,ss Dixie }i?nry, secretary aiul treasurer; and Miss Edilji Bu chanan, sponsor. ilian from beiiig pleasing to look at. The great est professional btanty of ItiV time was Lillian Runnel 1. When I last Saw her she was in her siit'''S and still retained the classical loveliness which matle her famous* Put Lillian Russell was borii beauti-. ful.' ' VANITY . artificial beauty After aii. the desire to look prettier than the way one was created Lsr one of the fi'-Oit natural and ancient k .shops and hairdressers jn Anci Babylon. .Men :ts well as women *re vain about their personal appearand' (f that wire not true there would be 110 profit to t!i<; advertisers of cures lor baldness. Few men are as five from this ,ort of vanity as vas Oliver Cromw 11, who 'insisted that the paint er of liis portrait, should depict tin warts which d!sll*ured h:W lace. Recently an English ni wspap-. r criticized the current fashion of col ored fingernails saying that it orici ll^ed among American women try ing to conceal evidences oi Negro blood. A 'iiutorian contradict id th?.? pointing out that Cleopatra dyed not only her fingernails but. he toenaiis. A mom: th;1 eosnmouest ot relics of j early eivili/atibn dug up by nnti<|ii:.- | riaus in t'lio nrna of ancient cities! (Please Turn To Page 2) J HOLD DILLSBOIIO MAN IN i 'TRUCK DEATH IN HAY WOO J , "Carl Mafhhurn. ol Uillsboro, is b * ing held for Haywood county Su perior Court, on a bond ol' $3 Oi-'t in eoHiv.ctioin with liio death Tu s day morning, of i)an Matliis. 4<> year old WPA worker, who was killed bv a truck, while walking on the high way, near Samiock. 14 ' The Wiaytiesvilie .Mountain 'er say-;; j' "Funeral service:, were conducted j j?t tho ho.iin of brother i>1 : law, Jolui Lanuing, nuar Saunook 01 Wednesday afternoon. iUtiial was in |he cemetery 11 ar by. j.-j "It is| said tliat Mathin was knock :d down and lb.' wheels ol' the t,r.:c LUjhcd his cheat. JIe died before a?!hiug the Haywood cornty liosp . ,td, wh re lie was bi'ing taken for r -atyneut. I "Hobart Huff, 25, who was a i !i1 ifathis, wa.? also hit by the truer* ; jjpnt whilo his i"jtli'ie.- were v r.v pai:s-, ll, they are not considered scrion-. j "... U'ceivel several cuts on t he scalp,, -'l md "will be forced to remain in tJi? ^ ^ospital for several 1 ays. "it is sai' mi the shock to lean ." f OSES ELECTED TO DISTRICI' OFFICE BY YOUNG DEMOCRATS " Adam C. Moses ol Sylva was . I ct' efl sccr.'tary of 11 ?? Young People ', Democratic Clubs of this district, at the State Conventso.i of Young Dem ocrats, held in Winston-Salem. la-t, w.i-k. Other officers elected for this: dis trict were: Jerry Rogers, Haywood, chairman; Misy .Sarah Jfuih I'os y, Cherokee, vice chairman; 1. (*. Crav. ford, Swain, irea>':pr; and Mi s inrietta Priee, Buncombe, chairirJin BRINKLEY MAKES GOOD OH JACKSON ADVERTISING When Dr. John R. Brinkley made :ii' address to thy 'ackson Conniv fliarrjber of Comm. rce, he stated th?! when he got back to Del R'o, he would give Sylva arid Jackson Coun ./ ! a mijliion dollars w.-rth c: free ad vertising owr his iad:o station; ani he hps started ,nak:iig good on thai promise. Every night Irs voice toll*: thworld about the wond rs of tlu? county and town. The ivsutta will be felt next summer. Tie took with him ^am&ntha Bum earner. dim Corbin. Seb , Cope, Al vin Nicholson, Wallace Wood, ou t other interpreters of mountain iii?sic and they are presenting nightjy pro grams, from Del Rio. HARLEY WILSON PASSES Funeral servici-s lor Harley Wil son, 38, who died I allowing an opera, j 1 ion, will he hv Id Friday ai Zioa Hill | church, in Savannah township, with j Rev. F,rnr:(t Jamison and lie v. Ktilns I Mayberry officiating. Interment wiili ho in the church t\ metery there. ' Mr. Wilson is survived by his w^ilow and o",e jght^r, May WiL i-on, by his lYuhei and mother, M.\ ;.nd Mrs. Anthony Wilson o t' Gay ' tw0 sisters, Mr ;, Isj;ac Solesb * , Eto wah, Tenn, and Mi-; Frank Hyatt, of t Gay j four bi-othns, Calvin md Cha-" ! lie Wilson, of Gay, Leander Wilson oi' Branard, Minn, and John Wilson i ' o!" Meota, Tenn. Active pall ?>< :M'< i s were J F. Cor 1 in, i). 1). i-lanioii, H. 11. Fox, H. H. | Harris?, John Grten, it. L. Hip,do?'; ! Jess? Parker, and Ed. Parr is. i BUMQAENER CLAN TO HOLD REUNION ON SEPTEMBER 2f? I The 37th annual rCUnion of the! Bum gamers will met at Love's | Chapel Saturday, Sept. 25. . : All mlatives are xxpected to b; present with wall filled baskets,' AGED DILLSBORO WOMAN DIES | Mrs. Margaret Shuler, relict of th late ftJeo. W. Shuler, died at her hon in Dillihoro, ou Tu? sday at the aK<' of 91 years. Mrs. Shuler, despi-c her advanced a^e, had he..? in go