fecial and ll personal j ft*14?? in AfJauta, or , tiis *?*? I Ipji? # # # . ^atrico J'P'ki'f, oi Poaoh 7J. yititing Mm Evelyn Oibso.i W ? * # & C. Ctr'M. Mihia Ward, I fifoc Quet'ii nw'o a business trip l atroif, list rffek. j ' # # # iot Uherr.vi j. ind Miss TilhV Boss, of Liu ' Jon l'1'"' th's week. I^D' ' ' # # # jlfO'Dell I'm.khcHd of Chester, [ g Will arriik, the last of the) jt'for u visit n th friends. # * ? T. C. Hrysoa, who has been _ ![f u|, was ,'n (own today, fo? f (i^t (ink1 i? i r?l mouths. # # ? ?! , iir. Lt'oimnni .Allen spoilt last Lkend in Mmpl.y with Mrs. All ' ,|.i is H tc.M hi i in the Murphy Ivoh. ! i ? ? J)(r. and -Mr>. Fred Honry anil Lj*w have rjlarnod from a visit ,1k llt'iirv'i -.stir, Mix Bind, .n Point. * # # Jl'K Irtliii" button an! ho, Lli.f, Mrs. Briiiii".", aro iioro. 'I'njtr. tlin, for a ?js'* to ivlutivos nn.l hwK # # * , IVr. :nd .V:II. S. Inrrv of rJ.'iMpIiW. P,y , a iv sp, ?idi t| [jHi'nynth Mix. Parry's mother !>. Dora Collik . * * * >i |l]r. I'fflliPiii W. (iriiwlstntr, o? ps?, Xew Hampshire, will arrivo, Kjnlay ?r Snn.hy, for a visit ;0 ij'ivfs nml iriojids horo. Hiat ft* Hifdon, who ^Mh? & the High. School ut Murphy, will Spend the week sunie capacity. M r*. Richardson and tlM*ir young son wiD .join him hero *? iorniCr incmb. r, vi the hoin- of hei parents, Mr. an Mi*s. Charles I \Mison, r.p Tn ? day evening5. A s?.hort hus.n-ss s s sion was preside! ever by the I'll b president, M'.ss l.? ah X'iehri.s #jii the program was presented by Mrs.] C. C. Buchanan ; brarian at We-;t eru Carolina Tcachcrs College. M*m. Buchanan talked o? "The Pulitzer Pr>e Winners ot the Ysar." At the mooting Tnodday evening, whicfo was the f>st for the cluM year, twelv0 merrb.Ts and six vis itors wer*> pijesen't. At the close ot the program iho hosiers fervod j <'elijjjhtpjl a-lul course. GIVES FAREWELL PARTY FOR MRS. CHARLES CANDLER As a forewx'll cowl esy to her s'.* ter in law, Miss Margaret Canvlljf entertained, with two tables ot bridge, at her home, on Main strei*.. Mrs. Candler left, Wodnesday, with her husband, Mv. Charles Candler,' Jr., for Atlanta, where Mr, Candler will continue his studies at South ern Dental Colk'ge. Mrs. WJ. T. Wise was awarded the prirv for high s-oro and Mrs. Ma:kj Martin received tin one for low. | The hosless serv^l a sweet eou.**1' to her guests, who were Mrs. W. '1.' Wise, Mrs. Phil Stovall, Mrs. Marti Martin Mis, Iiepnard Huff, Mr. Dick Wilaon, Mis. James Buck ner, Mrs. T. N. Massie J ?d Mrs. Candle: JACKSON Y0UK9 FOLKS GO TO COLLEGE i m i? W * J i'. J ' I A number of >V;r.? men and yonng women of Jack* u county have e> ronlfly 1,'t't or will leave soon, {or collegia and uniy'sitn's in this and ,jind <>lh< r .ita'es. j Anion;.; the number aiv: Misses Ma.', ilur Jones and Kitty Dean' MsCuir ,'i Mars Mill Collets Bobby Airii>\f Rcl>. r; Pe.trson and Harney Fleenia. ?. j C5.eins?n CoIle?*?\ Okiwsoii College, S. C? Misses XorawJla i?n*l Palsev MrOnire and Chariot Candler, Southern Uenjj'l Collage, Atlarvr.?' Mack Hooper EW.V Kuivers t ; ,:,i T. Cribble, Jr., Lewis Hooper. Georgia School of Technology, At lanta; James Cat i-on, Georgia Mil: tary Acadepiy, funta; E. L, Mc Kee, Jr., Harvarl University, Can bridge. Mass.; M?$s Ann Enloe, A& nes Scott College, Pecatur, Ga.; Miss Maude Sutton, Business College, i? Jacksonville, Fla . Misses Mary Mc Lain, Elwyn Que.n, Jeanette DUlari, and Harriett Long, Asheville N > jnal College, Asht\:'le; Earl Gollin?, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest: Malcolm Brown, Carson?Newman Oolllege, Jefferson City, Tenn,; Her bert Bryson and David H. Brown. Jr., University of Cincinnati, Cir. cinnati, Ohio; Paul Green, State Col lege, Raleigh; M: ses Evelyn Pais, er, Edna Allen, Iucile Dills, Hattiej Hilda Sutton, Marjorie Grindstn'i I Edith Garrett, Rajbel Brown, Beam | ice Stein, Susie B 1: Tatham, Isabel j Dillard, Mary Monson, and Lloyd Biyson, R. F. ?.tayberry, Claudaj Honson, Weaver Allen, Miller Ld I wards, Ernest Wilson, Herbert Plem ! mons, and Glenn Frady, to Westernj Carolina Techaers College,Cnllowlvv EXECUTRIX NOTICE i Having qualified as executrix of ; the estate of O. B. Coward, late o' j the county of Jackson, this is to no- i tifiy all persons having claims I against said estate to exhibit them io thki undersigned at her home in Web ster, North Carolina, on or hefoiv ? September 10, 1988, or dli wijll be pleaded in bar of tUr re covery. All persons indebted to Mid *etat? will pk'ase make injmaliat* ?ettb nient. NORA Z. COWARD. Executrix of the estate of O.RCo ward,deceased nnsnnrraa To Get Rid of Acid and Poisonous Wast* Your kidneys help to keep yon,w?A by constantly filtering waste matter from the blood. If your kldaeya nl functionally disordered and fail t? ?emcve ucm impurities, there may to po;!?r.injc of the whole system and body-wide distress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may t?; a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging barkach^ persistent hcaOache, attacks of diuicsa^ getting* up nights, swelling, pufflnesa under the eyse loci weak, nervous,' aS played out. !n such cases it is better to rely urn t medicine that has won countiy-wid* acclaim than on something len favor ably known. Use Doan'i Ptfls. A m lati tude of grateful people tocobuub? Doan't. At!: tour neighborl BODY AND SENDEE WORK AUTOMOBnj! PAINTING ALLISON MOTOR COMPANY I'M A NEW WOMAN.] THANKS TO PURSANG y#i,Par8ang con tains, in properly > balanced proportions, such proven elements as organic copper and iron. j Quickly stimulates appetite and aids | nature in building rich, red blood [ even in cases of simple anemia. When this happens, energy and strength usually return. You feel like new. Get Pursang from your druggist * SCHULMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE \ ) STYLE CENTER OF SYLVA / ' ? r. ? . . \ %i ? ' 1' / Announces their (all display of better quality Dresses, Coats, Shoes c-/ ? ? ,3 \ ..f ... . ' * ?'' - 'i. and Accessories at prices to suit your purse Dress Dept. ? V We have added many new lines in our dress department See our line of French Room Frocks |12.95 and up Other Dresses |$1.98 - $10.95 Bonnie Bright Frocks well tailored fast colors guaranteed in wash silks ' V on sale $1.98 Lower Price Shoe Department hundreds of styles in women's novel ty, dress and sport shoes $1,98 and up Shoe Dept. Our shoe stocks are complete We are special izing in the hard to fit and please customers Every width car ried in stock sizes in women's shoes 1 to 10 WIDTHS AAAAA to EEE IN PUCH FAMOUS BRANDS AS Red Cross Natural Poise Modern Miss College Miss Peters Shoes and the famous Paris Fashion Shoes Schulman's D ept. Store t'"-. , ' . ' 'Phone 151 Sylva's Quality Department Store