*-1 I i \lr>. I.:.v'rcnce:5}ixoh'?n?l '' !'l i't two ?weeks;"' ?t ire I avh.s wry cold weather . jn (H\ si'?n.ii muhv. Mercury 3 lr ?? Ti-?*1 !-v CARD OF THANKS Sc ;d''> kindness shown jr our irionds and neighbors dur theillncS j^fi/foath ?f our moth er*. D.J^-J|^in-con; THE ROBINSON FAMILY ,'TICE <"F S' LE UNDER DEED . OF TRUST ; . "nder r.rd by virtue of the power IOined h i' licoci of trust executed jr Boon Frown and wife, Hattie ??.im.tallannali Clones, Trustee, for .f Jomcs -Ii'Mr Sales, Incorporrted, .? i?itli ciay i't May. 1937, securing b indebtrfnfr's therein set out, ! which said deed of trust k M; orded Bjok 123, at page 23P, in the 'offlce of the Register of Deeds of Jack son C?unty, North Carolina, and de fault having been made in the pay j mont of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and as therein provided, and the power of sale having become j operative, and demand having been | made by the owner of holder of the note secured thereby; NOV/. THEREFORE, I, Hannah Jones, Trustee, will, on the 29th day of December, 1937, at 2:00 P. M-, at ihe front door of the court house in Sylva, Jackson Counxy, State of North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the T.ighest bidder for cash to satisfy said debt, interest and cost of sale the fol lowing described tracts, lots, or par cels of land, situate, lying and being Ig* WW NEW ROYAL PORTABLE vua*?-? ; -)o ^ v That's ell it costs for a New Royal Portable. With Royal's J ^ sensational Touch Control and,1 many o'bfrr exclusive features. New typing is ? ensier ffrcin I WiTff* ? writing by hand! Standard kuy- I Uc* CONTROL board and action. Finest port able so?d. Drop in ?try it. n 'x?} ,?/, >? "r \( ' , , . s') . Q i' . k " o? ? J l-,. V * ( Office Appliance Company Asheyille, N. C. 11 Caney Fork Township, Jackson County, State of North Carolina, on the waters of Johns Creek,; and ad joining the lands of R. A. Nicholson, J. L. Lovedahl, Hut Nicholson and other and bounded and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a hickory, Steve Queen's cornir, and runs thence N. !ij dep. W., 32 poles to a locust on lop of a ridge; thence down the ridge N. j 12 deg. W., 24 poles to a stake; thence S. 75 deg. W., 20 poles to a stake in N. 31 d&., W. ?9 pol^tgV^Ae'" J. L. Lovedahl's line;, thence S, 1$ deg.j in W. W., Bfo^n's line; th^ce S.,70 W., 54 poles to a biack oak, R. .A. I deg-. 8 Nicholson's corner on top of a ridge; j Nicholson's thence up said ridge with its meanders j 28 poles Jo ? down. 8jp?tyjrtl wuf,Jtv Hut Nichol#onfclihe;,th The Sylva Pharmacy \ ' ' ' / I. \ Invites you to do your shopping in Sylva. 11 Shop now?Shop in Sylva Follow Santa Claus to the one-stop shop. Make your list; bring it to our store. Shop easily and with less expense. Then your shopping is completed. Watches, Jewelry, Leather Goods, Rings, Hollingsworth's, Nunnally's and Whitman's Candies, in gift boxes, Perfumes, Cosmetics, Powders, Fiesta Ware hundreds of lovely gifts for. women andmen, boys and girls. Cigars, Cigarettes in holiday boxes; Pipes, Tobaccos. Truly, our, range of selections has never been larger, nor more reasonably priced. Make Our Store: Your Christmas Store