1% pvc-^cs Austria Without A SZiot IriT T Actir "on orders, Austrian troopsfell back before the forcV.-i who rum Died across the border in motorized units. 100 huge airplanes flew 3,000 heavily armed soldiers where they immediately took possession of all public Yrs newspapers and communication offices. Here a squad tp'ra e to the Ravag building which houses the radio broad' "i, ccf'punv while Vienna police stand by. yy 4 Chairman Asks Quiz By Congress L r- T\ra nfton thp tarpot. for outside attacks. I'VAEi.r ja. . . . . i .? 0? ? :? row t rentoned from within. Directors Harcourt Morgan (left) I E. Lilicnthol dcinand the resignation of Chairman Arthur " -v..:! (i'l.sct), charging "lark of cooperation" and a policy of | n\ v. iiEn." A V.'I. .c lienor conference failed to .tch up the I -u.-Ch.-:: n tsistcd on a full Congressional in>n. r . . ': >) . :s Seem loathe to face. I ff * (*>-n i neJ Ofurnai -?1 h IT S Hi p, 31 s 5 r. p The Jon I.'l' I ,~,4>r? p'rf ? -- ? i upon 21 J them a f? 1 $ $ f $ 5 I | This sf E i 8 I jl - .- * ..,> ...-- .; . . , . ? . ? -.; v^s' W- ' THE JACKEON COUNTY JOUHNAI Hitler's iN > < vt i , ; - x : v ^ ? -?i I '' ^ ' ?n.i III '1' ^'' n^wi I ' ?> ' ? VIENNA . . . Quickly following his appointment as Minister of the Interior by former \ustrian Chancellor Schussnigg, Dr. SeyssInquart (above) became leader of the pro-Nazi state, effecting the resignation of President Miklas, but with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler as the real power behind the thrcne. As expected, Hitler took over the Austrian government immediately, placing both countries under one rule and completing the "Anschluss." Mooncy Tells All j 'mmmm ^ a ^ SACRAMENTO, Calif. ... Invited to tell his story, Tom i Mooney again asserts his inno- 1 cence of the 1916 Preparedness Day Parade bombings: before the California State Assembly here which is considering two bills providing either legislative or executive pardon. ' The State Senate killed the legislative oardon bill, approved oy the lower body. The second bid will be < voted upon shortly. ] A Year k 1 i\innrr B UUIIgl rnal and its editor itulate Jackson Cot b years of progress, splendid future. bert R. >ace paid for by frie -ft if. t (l r ? ' |i ?, SYLVA, N. C, MARCH KIM /; ? -- - . - - - . ? : | I . }; I We also serve j Jackson County j l | With the best of moving picture j enienauiiiieiii z :: ; - ' :: <> , < > ' :: i < v - j Our theater would do credit to ?: j any city. il ? j; ; We invite you, home-folks and j: \ \ tourists, to enjoy good pictures i: j in a comfortable theater. } i ? : I ; i O I i I 4 ? j Lyric Theater j | SYLVA | }' I 4 || We are rewired and redecorated, for | I your further comfort and pleasure * I | \ ! * t 1 rJ < atulate s i on the silver anniversary g inty and its fine people E ; , and see for it and for gj i |i jj Reynolds f I nds of Senator Reynolds E J mmmwammmmmismmmimrismriniisainiinnniaimi , ' ? ; ' " " -v'-... , ' : ' \ : k ,