k ^ mod ill and J Personal I ^ I'hMip*, of Ashevillc, .^Ryr.i visiting' relatives here. >' * * # j. Robert .\i*iaiJ, Jr., spent tiw 1 "*ith liionds in Lenoir. 1? Wr- ?,,m' -^TS- 0. J. J^b^K. on Sutnnhy, July 16, a dauglj V * * # 1 has return?d JM(r. AI^'H -r ? ;< a ' Wends in Ctemson H^r, Sonffc Carolina. |' ^p. K. ltwliHixkon has refused sjfiita. xvhorv he has beefi tuli1.? aonis* r * * * I^jli.'ini Curtis it-turned ,SuuJu, to Hah'ign, after spending- his p(ion at his home here. * * * Ifr. L (' Hall, of Hattiesburr _^ >? .initio.! his family hwo to reJntives and friends. A- ir ? to. 10 Mr. find iAs. Howra tui.l. at the ('oniinuniry Hospital. * * # Vr fo.Vmiui Luck, of Aujfuata K h 4*?ng his vacation here' ritii relatives. ' Hi-s ^u'lr Sutton, who has been I ' l'?,a '"r wveraf months, he* ittnrnwl to hci- home in Dillsboro. btJ. to "!i.ml Mrs. Jnrnfs y? M M Bmday, ju,y 21> at (fcc-.. oro. a JO pound son * * I ]/r, smi Mrs. R. G. White, of Wil hii\c I eon spending u jV'v this week, with relatives. Ir * * I Hi. and Mrs. Bonnie Recee and wi, Fe.'inie, have been visiting reluPittsburg, Ra., and LynchI'.ir. Va. ? He I JJ:? >. L. Lawrence lias returned Chcriottesville, Va., where she Sbeen spending a month with rela * * * I IS. Bailey Caton lias returned to :>o:i:<- in Concord, after a visit Nininio Ceisler, at her home * * * ' * ?* r> - J I Mi. *\;u. '"r>. u !ix i"l K. im'ss :uui .Juh(? ami Barbara li.-v. relatives in Christ km I) iV;t. * M- # Mis. Hurcli Allison, who lias been fjNi.iliair Mime time with her parents, | Mr. :iiul .Mis. Barton, in Andrews,! Lis returned. * * * Miss M id red Gupton and Miss Dors Gupton returned, Monday, to Hope, after a visit to Mr. , 'i'!.Vrs. Jennings A. Bryson. * * Mrs. John Irwin, of Charlotte, t;Lo] Itas hen spending the weeK. heJ?J> i "'iti. her mother, Mrs. T. H. Hastings j *'ii! return Sunday to her home. * * * I Mrs. Tom Ke'ly lias returned from I Mvrr.il wcekC visit to relatives in | Hm'-dwiJo, 1 nd. Mr. Kelly went to j KnuwilV, yesterday, to meet her. * * * Mr. Merit Merrill, of Cashier's j 1 ul'oy, who was brought to the hosI'it'i lure several days apro, seiMHl^J l'" ill, has recovered and has ' J to 1 js home. *' j * * * R-v. mid Mr ;. W. C. Rood and family hove returned to Newto , athr sp-tiding a few days here, he -W -f the death of Mir. Reed's ?tl;or, Mr. J. p. Reed. # * * (-Mr. Burc-h Allison left, yesterday, htr ^tartown, Catawba county, where b* ivil ho a merilvn* of the faenlt|v !!!,, sehnrM the fall ....V,., 11 I|iv?? ^ H^-;on on next Monday * * * Miss llM-ks Wilson xnU retail, av.trdav, from Columbia and I Mir, S, Cs, where she 1^8 boon " Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bain and W -i'l Mrs. 0 'Dell Bankhead. ^ Mrs. Harry Basting and son, I Ibnry, have returned from , (r ?k. Ashe countv, where they have ^'iit srvne time, because of t ^ 1 f ** and death of Mrs. * Hasting* I ll '?tWr, Mfs. Duvall. I Mite Hewie Snyder has returned '? WMnweton, D. 0., after bavin1, slM"-d a few deys here with her pa r,,?K Kt v. and'Mrs. George C. Sny ^ M'ss Snyder was caVed home on I y; the dentil of her granl Mt'1',-. \jt p Reed. I *' Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mautiey, hiring Hope, who have been, spend ^iai some time with Mrs. Mauney s I parents, Rev. and Goorgo v -. mtrnm**?*** 1 . . II I. .. ,.'U II I \ * ' " '' NSW YORK CITY . . . The Roman-striped blazer worn by the gir in the folding ckair is made of silk and ray.pp jersey; her slacks are of a navy blu?>\nohair mixture. Her companion .wears the bra top and swimming?|horts of a four-piece suit in brightly printed linen weave; the tw^'*other pieces are a button-on bodice and skirt. < r . .*iy 0.'K 'Cl 1936 ^G. O. P. ^Candidates Meet Former Governor Alf. iff. Landon (center) of Kansas, the Republican Presidential candidate tn 1936, stops to chat with his running mate, Col. Frank Knox (right), Chicago newspaper publisher. Mr. Landon came to address a group' of members of tha bland Press Association. Mr. Landon's address championed "Mi tmd a free press." T Snyder, will leave, Saturday for 'stenographer in the local welfare < their home. ATr. Victor Pearson ac- ficcy and Mr. Marlowe has been c eompanied them, and will return to uected with the construction depa Spring Hope with them. V"'1'1 of the Works Progress Adm ' * -. * istration. , . ... , , , '' Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe will Mrs. r i West md daugiiteis, . , . _ ,, ??. ?-. , T, " , side in Bryson City.'7 Missep 1 ranees and Peggy West, ^ who have been guests of relatives Under ^ North Caro)jna Depa and friends here, tor several weeks, ment Qf Agriculture.s feed regu left yesterday for their Jiome in Ala- ^ manufacturers are prohibil magorda, Acw Mexico. Salty ,n)m sejiing feeds containing peai Ann Neill, who has been visiting in ju1jiSi oat hulls, clipped-oat by-pi Brevard, joined them hero to make ducfSi rjcc hulls, sawdust, sand, d the trip to l\ew Metico with tuem :or any gubstance "injurious to l They were also accompanied as far t]th of animals or having little as Clinton, Tcnn., by Mrs. West s ^ feeding value." mother, Mrs. Mattie McKce, who UniQn County farmers usc(J goes for a visit to her daughter and combine to harvest crlmson clo, her sister, there. ^ seed ^is spring for the first time a report satisfactory results. MABLOWE EN3LEY , ?anadians claim they pay $300,. ,rl i. > i 11 a year to Southern farmers to te? The announcement wh.cli follows, .. . . . .. . , - . , ... m- ... them how to prime and cure th taken from the Ashevil'e Times, will ? . . , ... . . . ..... i , , flue-cured tobacco crop, says W. bo Ot interest to friend* here, ivhere N & ^paTtment of Ag )>" Har owe iormerly resided : culture tobacco marketing special 'Announcement has been made ot . North Carollna.s state Fair was c the marriage of Mrs Mary Wilson erated ^ year j? the name of , Knsley, daughter ot Her. and Mrs. state at a proflt for lhe fl?t time Joseph Wilson, of Bryson City, to hjstory> reports. Fair.Manager J. Harry Marlowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marlowe, bIso JRryaon Bulletins on "Analyses of Feec CRy. # and "Analyses of Commercial Ferti 4 4 The wedefmg took p|^>p,j Satur- zers" may be obtained free by writi day, July 16, at? Clayton, Ga* the Publications Division, N. C. I 44 Mrs. Marlowe is employed as partment of Agriculture, Raleigh. t 6 : /^t~\ /never a6wn FOR^-l^ V J l J /me, i'll never specuuw I J . IstA "* vsjrc cio /yqdicn a anymore. ft ftalfv / 7SO YOU BOUGHT THE STOCK ) 'ACC080IN610 AT 24 EH,DAD? HAVE j * a;- - SYSTEM OF IB \ SOME MORE , 5gU IttTEAtttWES; Q rt\TIA ^ IKtHCATES Rt ^ \ ? ?JRfl :*t* lossss-wq# V ?V. CUP PAD J/*" ) - * ' ' * -' * -V. ' - sL V, . .iir.. . u... . *i?'? jf.&il. VM*U RLVA, *. a. JOLT M, MM Kidnap Attempt Fall . K ' ^TW^SB Pill I HIM III LONDON . . . The daring attempt, to ki'dnap Viscount Nuffield, wealthy British manufacturer from hi* ?<*e. near Oxford by two men was frustrated by the quick action of a friend in a neair-by office who L notified the police, when he overheard the men order Lord Nuffield l to leave with them, poth of the would-be kidnapers were arrested. > _ , Leaving Discussion Jan Masaryk, the Czechoslovak Minister, shown leaving the Brit? ish Foreign Office where he had been discussing the Czechoslovak Minorities question with Sir Alexander Cadogan. The Czech Minister's call came on ..the heels of Konrad Henlein's Hying visit to London. J DUROC and ORG Pigs for ;on 1 J. T. Coward, Whittle*. * Ttin Thrown^Out Twice TP i- "I am the la^ is ihe^ aUeged ist. boast of Frank Hague, "Boss" of r>. Hew Jersey and of Jersey City. IB ^ On the moment mis wouia seem . the truth for Norman Thomas, in national Socialist leader and quads' rennial presidential candidate, was ejected from the* city twice for attempting to make a speech. Is'' Thomas (above) says he will conili test Hague's action in suppressing ng free speech and in hustling him . out of town against his will. )eKE TEA WELL ENOUGH. TMT lift ) MRK. FOR O'BRIEN TO_ MAKE-{ ALWKYS CONSIDERED 1 *? ?*M|f&d'BMCNS\/rHIS fSTHE I0T*CUP$0A LWG FORTUNESjj FAR... THAT GUY CTBRUEI4 Wft ONEp-flSMORE WTEIU6EMTTiAMCIAL. L \THAN I EVER f* LK A^QTHERy . i ; r - ; L V ? -.' *^*m^lfi'irftttl jh'i'ihi 1 rtriif'' ' 1 cross, on Main iM^ iMtejr sight Return to Jfeunsi ?llifl tad skidding ? RmMMM provides this three wayaafaty at NEW LOW HBC'FJI Now that it costs so Mi te raake your car TTRE8AFE car owners everywhere AnM replace dangerously Mas with NEW, SAFE g HMMM Oum-Dipped Tires, Mk ilk these patented and ndssks construction features: QlHg^ipping, the Firestone petMfed process by which every flbar sf every cord in every fly li saturated with ligetf rubber, counteracts dredflMjAeg Mtemal friction and heat e4Ach, ordinarily cause bloasea Nine extra pounds of rubber ate added to every a/ 100 pouadi af cord. Wl Taf Npft Layers of Gum- [/ Dipped Cards ander the tread, ij anatbar pataated Firestone fr cosmMsMhi flsature, protect I MMtlflcally Designed | NoD-HMTnmI made of tough V sloiMNdfeg rubber, assures I safer