^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^C- * V $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IN Tfn FORTY-WII Albert Stewar Trial For Mi Bulletin S. licit or John M. Queen is making jjnonrations to place Albert Stewart ?? trial for his life, Monday mornJnir. on the charge of the murder of Abe Stewart; and that is the course that will prokarly be followed uuU-s , he ease takes another turn, ov? r the neck end. .beige Alley ordered a special vcni r, e. fifty men drawn to report on Mo;.-lay morning, and oflcers of the Ji.iJY's department are busp servii!:: 'lie sum mouses. Tv o murder trials still await action at thijs tenn of the! (court. Burl J/n-s stands indicted for the murder n! Fred Prue.tt; ai\M Albert Stewart is indicted for the murder of Abe Stewart. Both have been arraigned, kin*! both cases grew out of the same transaction, when blazing shot-guns roan-..I and broke the stillness of the Sunday night on July Id, last. When the shooting ceased, Abe Stewart and Ben Pruilt lay dead in the road. I t> 1 .lnui-ini<af"t?1 won'.1(1- I Mild nun vuhj-vmiv, v < ?1, wasi rushed toftlie hospital iu Syfvfr. Albert Stewart was not mentioned ? in eonneetion w,Uh the afia&r until j the ^rand juiy brought in a bill of indietmenr, this week, charging him with the murder of ^Abe Stewart. While bath deceased men were killol 011 the same occasion, Solicitor blin M. Queen stated that he will try them seperately. Tim young man indicted this week , & a son of Gova 11 Stewart, of Menu- j tuin township,' 1| , The Solisitor intierded that he will bee in ()lljP of the murde'r trials as Soon. as the case now peujd/ing is coin^htjCed1. ,)]ohn jCoward is 011 trial on ii charge of assault. He is alleged lu have shot Reuben Stephens in time ' forehead, with a pistol, last summer. Stephens was brought to the howrd al. where some bone and a small poi ???)ii of his br.ain were removed, in ;ui ell nt to save his life. Tiie uniisuii|? irf m was successful, and lm il'./.ltuvimrl n+'tur <TW'lulinP" SOItlt' -tl IKIIpl U, tl ? v. . 'ii'c in Hie hospital. He is now in : ' onrt ;)s a witness for the StatA j .REUBEN ROBE] \. . 'SSIBy EKUgg&jBm^ n^RSB S?E$SjHBE$cI? miUMTtW fjKMM^HKSyS^RBM^EHfl^VflElMPMk iWfw y.. .wnHny^MMBi^HE v^jwj m u - re" -T jB fj (J V Y and !OMORROW ERROIE .... dis\ .u l#:iricc.? ^ is ! aid tor mo. t Airer ??-.i?*-* to' h.nio <>rt what iifa back o! sh? lis M-uicr.; in Europe. The:-' ?s m? ji'l'lc, :-*i:.u* * answer, OCT -1 -,v:lt ot ij'.f.'lio:! between na>"? * -v'1 t'M ' out - crt trees hack /> ?nr or,'. v.:fn'| lu'/ o-1:.. We t !vni- that u' Isnve r lot ()'. rac'i'.l fr clio^ ?i -m;4*v t :;- !<n we rnnrag.: to t.ve'.n ;>' </? v' vli i other bccau-c we .!? .spra* t'c ' irrjra.fjc, wear :*?n:c ,'1 ; jul y\c the sriae cat's. Oo f- i ? v., fti| on pr. tt;nicl: v*!< sr. mo economic level; and v.< ^Iav?' U in IirO yerTa ot* 1 vin';' 11v. lo respect. each others' 11 <;; m! id ra'ie end' others' ra < ; '< 'mne'thv-. ' I'lir-'-t e there ;s a much great- ; ei iip.iuht'r of races, and each race to vloir.'-nflte the /country in puhl c affairs. The rofmority races in HI | HMr ipPfp p t ' \ ' ' * \ v N Adi, 5 COUNTY ' ITHHO ME t To Go On irder Monday Governor Clyde R.Hoey will speiik at the Hiffh school auditorium at Cullowhee, at 2:30 in the afternoon, on TuAsday, Octobejr 25. The Govern or will speak in behalf of the Democratic candidates, county, .'State, and national. Govenor Hoey is one of the most eloquent and popular Governors 'heState has had in recent years, and it is expected that a large, crowd vrUl 'b e at Cullo when, to hear him. The Govenor will .speak under the auspices of the Jackson County Dcra ocratic Executive Committee, and the Young Democratic Clubhand they u'rge everybody in the county to be at Cullowhee to hear him. ("DISTRICT P. T. A. MEETING AT SWANNANOA, OCT. 11 The tenth annual conference ot Parent-Tcachhers Associations of North Carolina District XWither 1 :11 be held at Swarmanoa school, on Eriday of next wec't.Oo* . < r 21. 21, t e innjm^ Ut 9:30 in the morn-; The theme of the meeting will *e u .Security for our CJ ?Mreiiry: mi ci Dr. Frank Howard Richardson, a nth or and lecturer, an 1 Ms. Doyle D. AjjLey, J^fate P. T.. A. President, will In* the principal speaker. Mrs. R. lT. Sutron, local P. T. A. P csident, and other officials are hop imr that a large deV^tion from Syl v.*. will ?'o the Swannnuia meet4n.LT. REGISTRATION TO BEGIN SATURDAY FOR ELECTION The registration books for the gen erd election, to Ve held m Rovenih? r S. will open on Sat.i"h?y, October i.r> It ill be unnecess;-*y for ;.n, pei"St>n who voted in thie last general llection two years ago, or in the Junc primary to reregister at this time, except in Canada. :That township has ben divided into two vot ing precincts, necessitating a cmh]>lete new registration. All persons who have moved Into the county, have moved from 01,0 tcwnslup, ward or voting precinct, to another, or who have reached their majority since the last electron must register, in order to be eligible ro vote in November. RTSO^.-B'ALL is where much trouble begins. There is 110 racial stock anywhere wl?ch is not represented among the European peoples, and the struggle 101 racial supremacy has beetf going on for thousands of years. It takes only a spark to start a conflagration when racial interests clash. MIXTURE . v P'1 17 I11 110 European country are the people all of one race except, perhaps, in the Scanr.navian countries > n tj _ ?c... ? . bordering oil the Haltie ?>ca. iiaiiwo vary fmm the pure, blond types of northern It." y to t ? a viz o en on*' and Neapolitans of -tL?3 Scuth, Africa, Asia an 1 the cold countries of the German north . have mingled lhe.ir blood with that'of the L inhards, VoiicVjnns. Tusems, Et urlauand other primitive racial stni'io; to procure the moden J:al air. Franca Ku> *?. n.irj-n ' ' '" ' r *v atari n-*t- ianperfcx'tly raided.. - iVoV1' the blond Noimr.nn to t'-e ''a:*h CJ'{. , com?. The peonlo of Sv , imore sharply different! l' ed> *:::dnding the myster'ous race o- i asciies on the shore of the ?Bav of-'11" "a.v, .. . , r (Please turn to back rjflfi STLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, OCfr GO MI NO A ' ^ Fred Cope l|i Term M Fred Cope, young Wftlets mdm, was seritenced to serve the rest & his natural life in the State. Prison, at hard labor, for the murder fcf Palmtcy Hance, oil State Highway No. 10,.near Willets, a few weels ago. Cope entered a plea of guilty. |s Accessory bcforee the fact of murder l in the firslt degrees Iln paal-ng sctitence, Judge Felix'E. Alley, stated that a plea such ajf> entered by Cope automatically carr.Vs with it a seiitenee to life imprisonment, from which there is little hope of pardon, reprieve, or reduction of sentence Cope was indicted by the gvuril jury, and brought into court ami arraigned. He had no attorney, and Judge Alley appointed W. Lb S'vrrfill and J)an K. Moore of the local bar to represent him. A venire of fifty men was ordered drawn ami summoned, from which to drow a jury to try him for his life. The trial as scheeduled to begin Thursday j morning; but on Wednesday Cope" came into court and tendered his plea. It was promptly accepted by tne So j Mcitor, and Judge Alley pronounced the sentence; and in doing so he took oeyro'on to compliment the solicitor ami the defense attorneys unon Jnv- j nig reached an agree.rem. which, per haps/ met the ends of justice., since | #Copo was giving tB.e State the bat- j ance of hlls life. " The defense attor- 1 neys,' by this action," he stated/ "Jhave satliocV'the man fhey were appointed to represent from the possibility of execution in the gas chamber at Raleigh; and the solicitor was* ? , -.r . For\"D S g ' ' ffc^k' r : >& ^ pggBK wjg HMMtW ^ I jSBSIEw^'l t--~' iy9fflKmi?W fa t'' ROPER T Li e AERIAL VIEW 0 r v48E* ^flfciK afiBBfe | JStW>Q ^ W ^ " -,' ' V TJ' W ^ "J jpY 1 r\ *%}: ' . &*!:. ..- ' f ' v .? . . w,v- A;. " ^ r * . ' t ? i. t ? ' " * ' ' ' S 1 - - ' i - . . , . QlfeiR 13, 1938 ' Tcullow I aws Life Hance Slaying evidently actuated by the promptings of mercy ,Since the plea carried 'with it the automatic life-time sentence, leaving no disrcrlion with the point,, no evidence was offered by either the Stale no|r the defense. Hance was shot to death with a shot-gun, ris he stood on tll(! highway near the woodhouse of the Copes. } , The young man who was sentenc 'd Ac a k'ild time in prison, is a son of I.. L. Cope of "V^lleftjsp- JBe is nnmaivied. f Fiance lived* 'in Scott's Creek town ship, and was alfso a single man. Philbert Brown and Rotha Masscu gale were convicted of an assault j I with deadly weapons, and were sen-! | tenced to serve six months on \ lie' i roads.} ' Charlie Extine, assault with a deadly ucapon, ttyt< b <monthis on the roads and an additional1 twelve months, suspended upon good beimv, ior after serving the three month's . st ntence. i 1 - Harvey Hoyle, larceny, 8 months. [ Odell Bn son, colored, prohibition \ I Ration, 4 months, j Lefdjid McDonald, laii'ceny, break-, ing and en|tering, 12 months. Sterling Elders, operating autoino bile, while 'intoxicated, 6 months. John Huskey, operating automobile while intoxicated, 4 months. Jess Arnold, prohibition violation. 1 31 Cutis C. AY. Parker, earring concealed weapons, $50 and costs. P. V. Mo>s, operating) 'artfjoirohdo wdlile. intoxicated. $50 and cdsts. V.+r .V - L ^ . .1,- J r,- - . ?. EH KgjJV ''jF KJ ALV>iM>.\ F WLSTEitX ( A KO: JXA TE&CJ1] ' ?33 WBmSK XflfmiH^IBvW^lHHaH^-.^ k' ^ELSE^^jHHEJ * t r x|U fcMW?4?itJB!i TlPtj jj S^ v?i2iB wS-'W'JE^JK Pip - y <v?- 5 y- v " . ; < * U W- ' a' X,*'v-',.>v ?M ' * - - .:\* ^ t. .< * M: > ' " i. v'-a-, v., ' . Mmm R.jifl H| ?ejcto _ I I " College Alum / Celebrate Buil QUALLA r (By Mrs. J. K Tern!'!) 1 _ Revival seiMCf,;' :it u.c ? j J \ church* conducted by Kev. Ben took J - - * closed Thursday evening. Eleven per I sons united with the church anjd were 1 baptised in Soco, Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. E. Fneieinan, Mr. J. 0. John Mjr, and | Mrs. T. W. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. .Martin, Jtfi't 1 P. H. Ferguson and family, Mrs. Jes 1 sie Cord ell, Miss Jennie fcathey, t Vlrfc. Annie Lizzie Terrell, and Mv r ind Mrs. J. K. Terrell alttended the Quarterly Meeting' at Whittled, Sun j %i?y- f t Miss Edna Freeman of As'ie villi; and Miss Bonnit Freeman of Cand ler are visiting tneir father, who ?3 ^ seriously ill. x ' g Ms. Sam Garrison and chifrfmi jf j Georgia and several other Relatives visited Mr. D. L. Oxner last week. , [To seems to he slowly in^nnving ijom a serious illndss. ., J 1 Vi^s. BaJiicy and Ro,r. HaF rv Ft.*? ( man, of Farmingtou. visr'e i their \ brother,Mi Will Freeman, last wink Mr. and Mrs. O. E.Monteifli called -\ on Miss Annie Terrell, Monday. i nnwcmt nvn^rm ^K- *v v if 5 VW B| '; ^ 1,1. T. HI WAI.7FJ--. E. A 5RS COLLECK '"q ]C . ; r ' c j (' i EB ' ! . i ^ ^Mi Hkk DEM MM ^ , - . At'? 'P r-*..-.::,^U fffffN? | mi Plans To ] ding Program .1 ' , ! i\,'i ' *'-M ' . . . Y . *"?i ? . vl The Forty-ninth' Homje-CoiTung Jay celebration at Western Carolina' Teachers College, wijH be held on Sat irday of next week, October 22; and t is anticipated that a large .crowd >f the alumni an>4 friends of?hte col ege will be present. The $681,000 building program joon to be launched at the college las greatly increased the inteiost in he institution. And friends and alum li are jubilant over the ^prospects. The program, which includes moro wilding and equipment is one year ban the college has had in all its >revious years of service, was m$d>* xtesible by President Roosevelts P. .. N. A. program, and the special ses:ion of the General Assembly, called n August, by Governor Hoey. The Alumni Luncheon will be held i| '12:30. At 3:00 o'clock the football game >etween W. C. T. C.? Coach James' Catamounts, and East Carolina will >e called, at Townhouse Pield. The alumni reception* and dance vil] be at 8:00 o'clock, in the even? n2- " . . , . i 3NT1M I k . - M I INTER -I i/: :; t/^ilii*'*: %i rorrw - -mvx )kZux.^u} *| I V U */ *-' * '' ;{- I Oil j? GAEAND JUABY HEAD ; J The prand juiy scrv^ti^ at \h. i orm of court is cor. posed of Thorn '' (i z, forcriaii, Howell free/i no. I[co]MT, W. J. Book, T. J. I'\>w! . W'lw it if ,i. y, 5 i-/?. Iv. .' ,, .. v, . ' i r. i :r.-, ' 'J * * r* I \ C 4 P . i. ' . . .* ^ .? [ '15 a;.?l costv

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