00 A YEAR IN AI3VANCE IN TH3 ackson 4-H ( High Hon* iss Helen Higdon of Webster Miss Carmen Nicholson of Cow-, wop for Jackson county the i.jftion and the honor of taking nit of the possible eight highest i!s in Girls' 4-H Club work in .> Higdon, a daughter of Mr. lis. D. C. Higdon , of Webster, .student at Woman's College) 1'niversity of North Carolina, on first place in the State in g and food conservation, ,r,,ies witr it a $100 trip to II V.,'1 tvt v :ll ional 4-H Club Con volition i;., where he? exhibit and roev, udl compete tor Southern and j wbiner in that, for National lio:i- ( ,-s. \w\aer of Southern honors gets\ of ?200; and of National l:on' (?s The modal Mid? Higdon / r.;j w ^ uiiil the prizes were donated ;he Kerr Manu! acturing Com(.an u as her nandsome gold v.. . - J i. .Miss Higdon was also eho^C] j,v die Jane S. McKimmon Loan liiHii'ttw as one of seven girls in t,.e Spue to win the stadenr lorn. VLll-s Carmon Nicholson, dautrhtev j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nicholson of v.r'its, is the State Champion in She was awarded a gold me laI, a beautiful watch, and her exhibit and records will be sent io Chieai. . ?^ (Thereto o. Miss N choison's I i vi iuit and r^cor.l* must win SouthI 1*1. hcnois bci(re >la: is eligible lor I th. Chicago trip a vara. Jl.iwevor I State College Extension workers and I (X| rts who observed Misk Nichol fen in work jon exhibit at the Nor.h I Caiidiiia State Fair are hopel'ul that I she will walk away, not only with I Southern, but also with National 1 minors for girl*s handcraft. < The Jackson "County Exhibff in I Mutational work took Second Prizb I in the State. It was prepare*.'], under I su\)r: vision of Mrs. Mamie Sue EvI \e!.-, Mr. Garland Lackey, and Mr. I Howard Clapp, by Miss Carmen Nidi I ?isou; *he P.eta 4-H Ciuh and tin I ICeh. ior 4-H Club. It consisted of an I erh; t of crafts. The booth was ueI di^..e.I by H. P. Cat hey, and was the I jim trior of a Colonial living room. I I Lie .simulated weathered stone fire- J I place was painted by Johnny CunI niugham. Mrs. Evans, Mr. Lackey I aad Mr. Clapp assembled the exhibit (It attracted wide attention at tne F?ir.f . . Miss Lavenlra Rogers, of Webster w?rt second place in the State in the ' etoil ing exhibit, and a prize of $3n. j Miss Eva Higdon, also of Webster, ! look thiixI prize for rouiii improve- j pent, and won $-i8. BETA 4-H GIRL TO SPEaSl I ON NATION-WIDE HOOK-DP i i ' .1 ( ?f..ms Phyllis Dillard, daughter of J Xr. mi Mvs. W. G. Dillard of Beta % ha oeen chosen to speak on National 4-J! Hub Achievement I "n 5 * No icn-wide Radio Hook-up. Mis; ihllcd, representing" the 4-H Club: 01 Jackson county, will speak fror btat.yn WWXC at 1 o'clock, on No Vcmbor 5. 1 Misses Helen IF.gdon, of Webster find Thelma Ashe and 'Robbie Sr. Hooper of Sylva were chosen 'o rep lcseni the Jackson county 4-H Club at ?recent Wildlife Cm f:v< nc?', a He .Tnian, but as they (wcrc all in school, none of the young la^lies was *blc to go. . HET30DIST WOMEN TO HOLD WLIK OF PRAYER SERVICES The Woman's Missionary Society the Sylva Methodist church will oWsorve the week of prayer v?n vices at the church at 3:30 on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Dan Tompkins will lead the service, and | A. D. Parker will present ihe special, which is China. Mrs. Harry Hastings will lead the service, and the home mission spccl*l, the French Mission -u Louisiana, ^hll he preseitc by Mrs. Dan K. iMoore. The public inv ted fo the serm ^-ices. : Offerings "ivill 'he taken for the 0 I,ds8iox1 apo^iala % t 4 '* tjjpfpj!' ' ' ';t , Pl^ ( BCOUNTY iirls Bring )rsTo County TODAY add TOMORROW BICYCLES .... motorized X saw a report recently that more bieycles are being sold and ridden in lliis country than ever before. Tt interested me because I have seen the bicycle develop from the old k:iio. two brothers named Wright had a bicycle vepaii shop. They dreamed of a flying machine, and the airplane came on' ( their bicycle shop. Another you!:; chap whom 1 knew, named Gleiij, Curtiss, had a bicycle shop in lia. moiidsport, N. Y. li>e built the lirst motorcycle. Then he hooked a mo torcycle engine to a baloon and made the lirst diifgible. Then he too, got the airplane bug and ma le the htet public flight in a machine < his own contriving. STAMPS profits If there is an old house anvvheiv in America in which the ;\tt?c h:AY not been thoroughly rummaged fur valuable old postage-stamp.*, 1 can't " n-Lnvn it IS | llllHg'.Ilt; n:i^vv7 *v ? Every little while I hoar from one of my stamp-collector friends of the discovery of a valuable stamp. NqU long ago one of them showed me n Hawaiian "Missionary" stamp, one of only throe or lour known -to collectors, for wthich he had been offered $5,000. He had got it from the granddaughter of a missionary, who found it among a package of old letters which had been packed in a farmhouse attic for 75 years. There arc two or three million people in Amefiea to whom stamp j collecting is u fascinating ai;d ptofjitable hobby. One of my friends, a country Methodist preacher, makes I more every year trading in stamps (than his congregation pays hira in saiarv. ?_ .. | Not long ago I read of the sale of a particular set of stamps for $30.1300. It made mo feel a bit sick, for I once owned' that identical set and sold them, nearly fifty years ago. for a few dollars. RUSSIA . . . . . autocracy i All the news I read from Kussi; and all the reports my friends bring back from that country, confirm me mi rlie belief that it will be hundreds ! of years, if ever, before Russia bc ones a democracy. it is quite ck ar that the Rus-van government of to..ay is in *Jie hard ?f a smau gnmp who are as ai'U. iljai7o as jdictato :a.. and as humm ah. Jin tlicir control cv:r the lives and I 'iboi'tios of ifto Hessian people as ev?r. fhe most tyrannical vz :h< j Czars ever w as. I Tliat i's why I am puzzled by ti.e j fi'Vndiiness for Russi:; and It us:u;iu j' '!am across the Co urn I b?a River was projected a great pro /est went up from the salmon canning' industry. The dam would keep the salmon from coming1 back to their old spawning beds, whe^re they are caught by the eanners. ~ " 1 A J Nothing of the kind happeneo. /i fish "stairway" was built alongside the dam, ankl more than half a million salmon climbed its 1J20O feet in j the first season. It as easier for the j fidh to take the short leaps of the j stairway than the 20-foot jumps they used to have to make in climb m m SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, OCT i Ratledge Returns To Sylva Charge ' *" t . 'V ?'AJl Methodist preachers in this cStinty were returned to their present charges, by the annual conference, meeting <411 Charlotte, except that Rev. McRae Crawford is succeeded at Whittier-Qualla by Rev . 1a. Fisher. Mr. Crawford goes to Linvilld Halfls. Rev. A. P. Rattedge returns to Sylva; Riev. G. A. Hovis, to Webster; Rev. C. G. Hefner, to Culiownee; and . Rev. W. F. Beadle to Highlands Cir- | c^it. Rev. Jf. D. Pyatt goes to Jonathan, whf:ch includes the Balsam Churdh. . Speedwell was taken froim. Cullowhee charge and put in the Webster Circuit. * ? Rev. W. L. Hutchins succeeds Rev. W. A. \R0lli11s as presiding elder of the uistr.et. IThc full lrst of appointments for the district is: Presiding Elder, VV. L. Hutchins; Andrews, ify N. Dulin ; Bethel, J. W. BAitch; Brevarti, E. P. ' Billops; Bryson City, A. L. Boyle, Canton, W,. R. Kelly; Clyde, E. C. Price;; Cullowhce, C. G. Hefner; CraUtreevJA. E. Phbbs; Dehvood, C. 0. Newell; Fin^s Creek, G. L. Lov! ett; Franklin, I. L. Roberts; Frank(j lin circttft, H. S. Williams; Hayes[ ville, J. C- Gentry; Highlands, W. F. I Beadle; Jonathan, ?7. I). Pyatt; Juna luska, J. N. Carper; Macon, J. C. Gentry; Mur})hy, Van B. Harrison; Murphy circuit, J. A. Fry; IT. L. Lcfevers; Sylva, A. P. Rnvioiuy, Ws.vnesville, J. G. Huggins, Jr.; Webster, G. A. Hovis; Whittier, C. L. Fisher; missionary to Brazil, C. W. W. ( lay; professor, Bevard college, K. D. C. Brewer; 'district missionary secretary, W. R. Kelly. iV>.> vn?!(lo Tvi tliA cnnwuintr &:? !. I ripi uo. AII l mi ?i i . ?"/? | .som Watching the L.almon climb the stairs furnishes novel enertaiufiioni lor tourists. .Sturgeons, like salmon, Ato3Pfiri~ grating fish which go up fresh watei streams to spav 1. As a hov 1 r.sui to 'see .them in the upper Potomac above the rapi is. Indians used to say that sturgeons could jump up Niagara Falls.Thrc was iho'r way <;! accounting for their presen-e in ; he tipper .rVrcat Lakes Scientists bc-mvo, howtovr. thai ? the lak'? sturgeon s are - yy jp, Vlj ' * ABwIH nwol w mam ? -? , ? MSI 4 JK^m H|MS ^ - - - I EMMHHBHniBHIin i m??rflMf "WrT^lllhiilM?? r Washington ! Business Rei Election Of I Democrats Urged By Governor Hoey) Governor Clyde R. Hoey, speaking. at Cullowhee on Tuesday, lauded the records of the Democratic party in the Statq and 'the nation,", and urged the electWi of the national, "Stn'.e and county Democratic tiekelk on the. basis of that record. U? ~.J 4-V,? 'C+otn rtATTommnri ! ue prui 5UU Hit; UttlbL gV/TIMUmvivy for the establishment of the Statewide eight months school term, bring an 8 months school within Hhe reach of every child in North Carolina, and for the economical administra| tion of the State Government. lie stated that only 5 cents of every fol j lar going into the State' treasury is paid out for aUniiu'istration of government, a record not even approach ed by any other Slate. He praised the humanitarian ioea-| surcs of the Roosevelt \dministruticn; aijd referrirg to tljQ increased ^National Debt, and asserted that it costs less to carry the National Debt now than it did when Mr. Coolidge was President, because Mr. Roosevelt has secured marked reductions in interest rates. Tlhe IState, he) said, has reduced its debt by six.mffllion dollars a year for the past sixj years. Mr.. E. L. McKee, Democratic couu ty chairman, presented Dr. H. T. I Hunter, President of Western Carolina Teacher's College, who introduced the Governor; Stewart Aqeitted; Moss Goes To Pen Burl Moss was sentenced to serve p leii" of ?pct. leffj.fiaH nov move than 15 years in the State Prison, for jtfcfe slaying of Fred Pruitt, in a .. battle, on Pine Creek On I Sunday night, .July 10, iast. A plea of guilty of manslaughter was tendered by Moss and accepted by [tie State , immediately after a jury had acquitted Albert Stewart, a eon sin of Metes of the murder of Abe Stewart, their uncle, in the same battle. Moss had appeared as the chief witness for the State the { trial of his cotfein, Albert Stewart. He stated that he shot a man who he believed to be Bill Tcague, who had first ,f*refd upon him; and1 1 that Albert had shot Atte' Stewart. j! v.* ' ?; C ' 1 r 1 \ . N *.< : '. 'x " < . . \ t ' - ' r? v_f " - ? '. ;, r ' ' , - ' "y . ? . Bees Great JF . <' . ... ^., ' /JftjiJy rival Looming Washington, Oct. 36?Great hopes of peace between the Government and industry are being voiced here, ?, 4 I a m 'jg.1? ' ' not only by Administrates support* 'era but D-y impartial dfeervetrs. 1 'Everybody wants to see business l^ck up in a big way. It/is the feel'] g here that the greatest obstacle to recovery 'has been the more or 'bVs open warfare between 'the Administration and the big power companies. There are more hopeful signs than ever of a reconciliation of the major differences, which would mean in the opinion of most economists, j t i r n t i ' ine ueg.nning 01 a real Dusine#e boom. It works out this way. The ptbiip utilities have been for years RteMhljr extending their services. A3 population increases, especially in the falter or cities and their suburbs, the demand fof electiic light, gas, and phone services increases. Every new home b-uilt anywhera in America today means a new cu*tower, and /involves laying new- . mains, setting up more poles, .-Jfljfrr. ning more wires, and adding to the capacity of the generating or providing additional swiUh^jiprdf fLciUties. " -./* .*? 1 ? > ? V* That means that in order service the utilities rnidVpft|iypr have to invest mor^ capital ^$9^ plants. That has always been so. it accounts for the increasing monetary size of the big utilities. Every new customer means so much more copper wire for transmission lines, so many morre poles, so much additional equipment. to be furnished by the electrical manufacturers, and, naturally, so much wore employment for labor. When eipWsi on of futility services l'agto a hundred kinds of industries slow down. The utilities have stated that they ere ready to spend literally bilCtfiis of dollars in extending iheir service's fnd enlarging their plants as soon as they arte satisfied iliar, the Go*. cm Mnt ia not going to render th?-ir in vestments worthless" by compear' with them at the taxpayer.**' expense Tlie Government's attitude I;as been that the po've:* companies were charging t'iie uuV.ia ' jo innep to?.heir services, in order to earn driiends on fictitious capitalization, fhe device of 4 holding r.ompnn.vs'' diminatc many of the holding eomies has been, it < oaichded, n scheme to get something for nothn::; jlit of the public's jK?cke{. * Hence the statutes designed t > diiminate many of the holding toio panies, the estabtwluiieni of the Somrities the .fx doing.) GomnutVcC '.o mpervise all future olferirjg* of bonds and stocks, and the setting-> ? ;>f a 4'yardstick'Un .the shape of t 1j?* (T. V. A. power development, by which to establish fair costs for cl.-c trie seirvice to consumers. Those, and the Government's furnishing of funds to municipalities lo jnable them to go into the light and jower business, have had the nature i sflxct of flightening capital away [rorn further investment in power ;urities. , Wliat President Roosevelt means irhen he denounces industry as nt>:? looperative as that the utility lead'*. .. [>articularly have beelr resentful ,*v government 's atteipts to regulate theri business, aifd instead of bein.; villing to talk the whole thing out rankly and freely, have {indulged in Solent attacks upon the whole Ad ninistration policy, and have sought, n the courts and otherwise, to present the government prog^m ^on; voking. Much bitterness has . thus been v. 'ft* Tenejrated on both s-des, but Vomp ? iow a more amiable dispbaJtUfiXtf. ';TQ jTiti *' ng shown. r The magnates of the power busiless are beginning to take a rfcalUr if viiow fha cifnoffnti Afftfrt* nil * "V ? -fy ?f VAi VMV w*.t hey are managers of other pebble's nvestments, and their stockholders ire beginning to impress oh them hat angry disputes snd fighting vith the government dp not ehrn div Sends. The ray of hope is eeen in (the aeion of the largest of the iiJtility hold ng companies in agreeing to subject its affairs to the SCSrtiny of the S. E. C. This action by the Electric Bond and Share Corpoftltion is fca'l id in Washington as a victory tor dr. Roosevelt, by his ardent ant hum LStS. ; t' . (Please turn to bade page)