r^K ^^5 I tmxM ! jfooTvEAR IN ADVANCE IN TH * ___^ r^ti^SiSi^g V&- ;' ' ..;;^ Christmas Ilf Be Turne< (Pho Christmas Lghfc* will be tumrd on next Sati^day mgl t> Dtec(en^ lor ti, an J Sylva will again become a place to flight the eyes of people 9f afl ag?- ' -n : * Xhe i/iiattwbeir of Gom^aree and m .toiiioffi houses, of the town are, having the lights anfi decoctions i put up, aiul the Dillidyne and Sylva Elcctdc I fight Company wilt doinate ? i? nKvAiM-pTr lha ciroaf a the power lu cicvi,i?Vf e^ry nigriit until after Christmas. I The county offtcials and employees will again placo the hug? stair in the | dome of the couj t house and will ii.ally as lovely, if not ^ore so. : I Kveiybody ib invitcrl to com? to S;lva at n'ght to see the Christmas' I l-'ptits, I T. J1 FISHEB .CELEBRATES EIGHTY-SEVENTH BIRTHDAY I i On last Thursday, November 22, a I larfev4 circle of friends anH kindred I gatiered at the home of Mjt*. J. C. I Joik'S, 011 Fishier Creek, to celebrate I with Mr. T. J. Fisher, his 87th birth J N ine of h s ten ^children were I p.t-scnt, only MrU. Howard Fislrar, of Blackfoot, Idaho, being absent; ind sic was represent^ by her fAugnt *r, Mi^4 AfSe Fisher, who has taught in ihgh school in Honolulu, I sad is now teaching izi nimghaui, Alabama. .: Those ,of hufc c $&re% Aid thei11 1 usbanus and; wivA wt* were jireiK a*jjul W. J. Fisher ( and Mrs. j i- ?her). >Aphewa aqfl nieces: Mr. J Of^aud '' A lWi, ^ and Mrs. C, 0.1 Fisher, Mr. ahd Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, 1 'Mrs. Clifton Fisher, M^s. Charlie j En*, ley, Mrs. Carole o El^aJ hdth and Mary Klqthryn lf*si -r, anvjjj little Paula Ann Panfisi, and Jaci'c Da l vis, Friwyia and neighbors: Mr. Jeff seph Ent&y, Palltye MonteitbJ Rev. and Mrs. T- F. Deitx, Rev. and J: Mrs. Geo. . Snyjdor, Rev. H. M. HckJ eutt, Rev. R. F. Mavbefcry, E. B. I Wilkes, Mr; and Mrs. Roy Dills, and I iwo i^us* Mrs. J. W. EnGey, Mqij ^isllie TVeemau, and daughter, MrCf fften Crisp, Dixie Parris and Rutf I LarmeL f A The members of the family end J guilts garhoVdd, with the patriarch! in (th^ cetAjpfr, abont Atlarge table [ that had been buitt on the lawn, and? tnjttyfid a bountiful repast. i J PAST PORK CUTIZEN * \ PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY - f F^trutral services for Mark C. who died at Ms ;*>^ne on East Fttik of 3a vam labMop dj?y morning were conducted at Fork Rapt\)t chtxreh. Mr. Doitz, i :rie&b** an 0A1 p"?W'nent family of the \>*twfy, ' .viive of J.v-kson CjUiI' V. lie *va* * y* uTh of age. ' M: iVitz is anrvived by ids V i&fc* ?.n Bac|^ Pottk, 82,were heW at 0 G^lockd*** !! Patwfey afternoon at *Kp B*r4??t| at CuJiowlree. by^loy* Foster. Mr*. Potto ftad r*? <; for tl'c tecai rl vev* ttj&r 1 &h* is survived by on* a^ny D?y ' Pott*, of Oil'mvhee. oti& daugatorffe Add'c Davis. ar*1. ?3\^ral gr?>*d f "'Wren and gfpat grand iiildrom * | Mr*. ODell Bman-i .T or JttotW, Dr. Conrad NichoJ?,. "'sitent ?t week-end befee with t!?e:r par **, Dr. M* Al a Nichols. " sTcoewrr '! ' ' : " ' ' f . I II II 'rim; Ii'r I -II I, ii i K V ghts Will i On Saturday F"- - - ' -'-V w TODAY nod TOMORROW JEWS . ^outrageous XotRng lias alxju^d so much indignation throughout the Christian world as the outrageous treatment ol th:? Jews by the Kaxi government of Germany, Unlike previous antl-JewILsh niovetn ents, the excuse thht the -|Ow* are enemies of the chutob is _ _ \ A J - " ' aoi pan iqrwajd now. Ine HixUr government's attitude toward .Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, is aimost as outragtoos ?g iS3Jt;iloce toward Jews. What tli-Q dipta^f \.f l-erdSjjfe k\ nwid of fe any *09$ ^ligiia. j^e X?i vVtatait&p a? * survive ? ^ as religious jdeala a? 5 pfaaofc\ ag-?n teazling of pf AmjitiVe times* ah J t it up the mythology of anc'ent ' d.*i yi?, which was based on force and conquest, .as thai only religion which good German subject's should l>eli?v* ir * : Mussolini has not gone that tar i? \ fcrty, He still gives lip-service to ;%h# Cfeu'ch to which practically vl Italians adhere. But he, l k? Hitler. K? begun a campaign of pcffeeui n?.? against the JeW^., over the Pop .* " ttJwihimOH i . ' . mo. ej ?w5 nttnaiyftM vi years before the Emperor Coi^tahtine astabH*ho. Christianity the Roman reli*r on, m tba^ year *31-2. 'T(he motivte bound those early persecutions was the sarna as that Uebinri flititj/s now. -. Jews have alwaySM^oon the smartest traders and best moneymaker* in the wo. Id. A government in nee 1 of money cou^l d' outlaw the Jews and replenish its treasury by taking tflAi money away from them, Tharo flrdrte Jewish tracers in*What is now C^rz^any?ancient Gaul? iL the time of Julius Cae?saiL Th>aj|jjjad almost a monopoly in intern?||k&i trade for more than a thousanil-Jpufc - When the Roman church fo^arn ek?:i>f;onv fn take interest for loam VUj* VV ? ?. - . the Uews became the chief mofljaylcnders of Burppe. That ma^e tbam unpopular with the people, but vty useful to the rulers, who had a plajtf ant way of permitting* them to ljvt? An a country until they hajd aceu^xu lat-eM enough treasure to be.#oit' Stealing, then confiscate (their prop erty and banish The laws a^ni^^and-owning b f J rfwfc wero to . them to k& their wealth i#fkfl$|bl'8 form so tb it would easj^To^.the governments confiscate.. Thar "were compellekt; live in xc?4?$(?BI section^ and iM in iitself kept tliera from MM* I active in gnbtylc affairs a?(d Km J their social -contacts to their1 o 4 papolK They were thus set off a* 1 race apa l, and it was easy fo demagogic ruler to stir up popu' ! feeling against the Jews-on the ease that- they were enimias Christianity. , -C CBBlBTtAintT . . . hatThe Chrj itian church caT/ies 'heavy reipossibility, a^ I see it, r the 4srriiMte situation in wh'ch ' Jews of " Continental Euorpe fi themeelves today. We owe our refcgfc^ iftielf to t: Jews. Tha Christian Tftble,except i for the Kc-w Teefcamant, is the i. eiant Jewish Scripturtf' All of * Christian bft^ptb oft morality, ; i teachings em belied in the Tan Co r ?orn J,P7^ hrv JEavr*> a& w i The onlv important defies enec Ahm question ife whether Jesus Cln I WaSfr actually the Messiah whose c< the J>ws prophesied He was born^ Jew. His were Jews. The congregation^ *fx ftstenctf to His preachings were ra^ most important part of */ fetching of Jesi& was- that al1 \, pt. undtajr* the father} of Cbq. None can .call Warolff *.# /.& 0hrt^ian who dtofe not hold to that y'^i - 'irv i*?* V* . 5SV.-iS?. *. cfcSfc'Jf ' V.^Vr vV' S' V. >*? .-'-Fii. ' V " ' ' ' ; ' '' ' * ?V IIBHH . ' \ - v- . - , ,Trn , SYLVA, XORTH CASOLIN. m ' . Congress Soo internati ? Waehingtoa, Wbv 30?Intemation al afikt.3 are pddis'ng' upon the at tention of Washington from a doze, different directions, and raisng nun crone gueUtiooa wtjleh are Ikely t< 1 engage Congress in discussions whiel ^ay be prolonged and acrimoniousFi'Alt is thai situation in Germany cheated by the recall of th,^ Amerl can Ambassador, Hugh W Isou. }bf lowing the President's public declnr. ation that he was pained and horr flejfl a? the brutality of the Htlo: toward the J*ws>ihe h?^ fSfer report add pojwultauon' *4 the Of .diplomatic move which 'haadften in th^ jp?4t |>ree^ij4 war. Through Ambaaja 'or Kennedy iu London >rua Gover<|p?nt is i& ng litfcfetljve hand in the effort to initabhr tuew homes to which th> 3eyf& wohm H^lsr is driving; out of Gmnany and Mussolini is threat cuing to erpel #.*>!?. Italy can be iv moved by international action. teaching. Yet some Christian prelates and preacher^' have led their peopk into hatred of Jtews as a people,and v-any who have tfemainod silent while their ignoTant followers have tortured, rob bed an>mujrdcied Jew& merely bv anse they were Jews. It is not sifrpi&ing that 1 in the Countries; whero the church controllbd tthe S|tate for thousand yeifcfe a public psychology of Jew-hating has pe|rt|i&te|d among the ignorant and >r>efp.t/ tious ma^??p. REFUGE , ireeaom Today the civilized wortd is tiying o fin'd a permanent refuge for the oppressed Jews of Europe. Then? is not room enough for them in Pales^ vo ???*d not cnjough mrang of selfsupport. An international cotnmis8:o;i, in P., 1.9 co ts d.anug locations in South AiuerrteAySouth Africa uhd olsewherr spots where there is euffiicciit un.deveTpp^* [vfaM'&cy tc provide ;i pionlivelihood for h million or more Jfewith refugees from Germany, Italy and other Euro j van counties. The chanced art that no Jews will He to take any ?>? tlioi j wealth' out of those com?cries. It wil I be confiscated by the rulers, us rul?u> have been confiscating Jewish wealth [ two thousand years. Jews and Ch'riotians of the frt' nations anil their . govi^pmai^s* are expected to contribute ro ih&gmt ^ voting no this unhappy jwKmJn ' jgew land irlwfre they frorrr opprepsioa^ ? ' ^ It la mite potiible that on/ great grand* hfdren a Jewish Ration taking ltrplaee among the ? 4 V Ml A. DECEMBER 1,1936 | n To Face onal Problems {iPHtBKEN 8P0NS0E BASKETBALL T1AM 1 The ^|ij4 Fire Department has * dapidfrl to sponsor the All-Shir : Basket Bafi, Team, for the. season 1 that is sodlO^ open. Sraaoii jtickcLe, good fqj all games except the Golu ' Mfdal ToinfiStetot, wLl be plaeed on " ' Jtofe at all ejwy & ate, and all money above expeai* will go to the support ! of the f&? ^yaitfeent, ^ That tbeoa is gra vq apprehension 5 m Avlminiljlpt'ott circles of efforts j oy Itaitmanyf* find Italy to tstabish ' '. olonies of their nationals id &>nt!< 1 America, tbitfcby gfcn jtolitic.il nfluenee which #ould b o'a contia1 vention of tljf Anleric&n Monica Doc r-|iie, has bfcen indicated b^ many f?*#e in tm wifcl, lately. . Point waa jftren to it by tb" Pres ident V declaration that the whol* Wcateni Hemisphere, from Hudson B&y to CapefHofrn, had identical in "ereVta and that' all of the nations ?f Anirrlca, North an)d South mast dand togetb^;- "1 When be coupled this with a declaration that this country must give , firJt attcntlote; to our nat onal dot fensos, especially fa the matter ol fighting aircraft, it was taken in yany quarter^ as serving notice on the dictatorships that th.e United States will fight, if necessary to keep ihem out of aputii America. Po&ible fricton with Cuba seem in Viuvn K,ipn Amoved hv 'he offi'iai visit to this eotmtry of Colonel irul-| gencic Batista^ the actual dictator ofl Cuba. The importance of Cuba in the international situation that it'l would furfriah an ideal a'rplaue andJJ submarine base for a forolg 1 enemy if it were not tied closely to the United States, ' . ? Aje for the rest of the Latin A.^ier iffuina^ons, I FVira, % expectcjd to reassure all-of nations to dhje south of usj of the goodll ntentionh of the United States toward'them. The ' Prime Minister of Canada/isit'ng the President, is understood to have renewed the as. urancc 1 hat Canada wiU -make ccmnion ecu J' wV lnto Your Dane .tii ? ^ ^ | V ?rnfe and hajd been renominated in the June Primary. When his death oautcp afvacancy, 011 the Democratic ticket, the county executive commit tee nominated Mr. Hplden. ' T. Walter Ashe will stieeoed J* D. Cowan as commissioner of fyuuice I (After serving 8 yeara, Mr. Cowaan did not run again. Mr. Ashe has been county auditor for eight years.) Glenn Hughes will succeed Mm Margaret SheriU Roane as regiafcfrr offde^ds. County Comjnis&ioners R. C. How ell and GleVe Fisher,., Coronor C. W. Dills and Surveyor* Lyi^n Stewart will1 again qualify for the offices they ^ow hold. v Clerk Dan adtohi&fcer the oath of office^-Mr. j^jowari; and' | the new clerk wilt then qualify the W.her officers. * W????I i * agrjpement negotiated vby BSfctetfary Hull with various nations. It f%S .effect .on January 1. Un e/ it Great Britain abolishes all tariff dates in American wheat, lard, canned grapefruit, cotton, com and other far* products, while we mate tariff! concessions on textiles, metals, and man ufaetured goods- of .several kinda^ .. Canada reduces duties ou. A.nerikinjefe of manufacture hoods, while the tJnibed States agrees to continue : on the free list all Oaniidhivr. pro- J ducf^ which! now enter duty fr v. This closef tying together \?f the , English-speaking democracies is payf part of a brtoad program itv a un!t*?fc I front against aggressions by the i authoritarian dictatorships of Bud \ rope. It is the hope, \d? no: the pqcitation of tha AdjTftn&?t{ ation thak the condtt^ons whicU point to intera national complications -will creat-sk^ , public sentiment strong enough dqce Congt to authorize nend:jtm>e of of millii^^ parhap^ billions, of fresh funds building up the Army, Xavy, and A V Force to what military men oomdklep J essential,^ * \ \ Tfya Mwident is not unsejndful of 4 the fact that 57 Bepubllcaip members ;e / LaUrtif ,r .:> v.;..-.. ",:. . ?:. \5gjgjj| FffiB DESTROYS ttUWPORtt . !? home of W? ^ Crawford, ' = havfe. Parted from a heater. The building waa ownej# by IB efwi?w .-'4 1 1 miii ??^?? ? of Congreae voted la&t ye^ ngMUl h^| btllion-doftja?' naval Mpm 8*I r iaanxhras .not to have national ^oicu&e become a party qoeetioo. That ih taken here as;the reaaea why he appointed the nominal fcajjl. of .toe Republican Party, Ex-Uyporn orAlfM. Innfton, as a member y T The President is backing the plan; to increase the number of fighting * a~^ f.anes from 2,230 to lucre than -.J, ; J i stage is being set to figjit if Vi e havte to. The real idjea back of it \ jal;., however, is to convince Europo that we aite ready t$> ^ fight if the integrity of the Americas- iMhreatrjwil ~~?' / . -;M Friends of Mr&. J. I). Moore, \QOjM r Western Union manager, who in 41 ^ wii hje gl^ toien^i thni her T**n Sloan went ie,r\ *,ees ?o,r Dr. J.* P. Jkkbel. ~:7 ' ^ v -?cSr - '? . J Bliss /Colons is showd ragk.eriiij radio tferror. < BEADING^ A I I jVT II"* M .Mm >\J 7 df/7UB!jvi^l ^ 'z J-}*. ') . ', ^ '^v^, . *?fe- - ~